Научная статья на тему 'Влияние различных сроков сева клевера красного на урожай сена и засоренность'

Влияние различных сроков сева клевера красного на урожай сена и засоренность Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Шимич А., Вучкович С., Проданович С., Васильевич С., Макленович В.

В течение 3 лет (2007-2010 гг.) было организовано изучение воздействия двух сортов (K-17 и UNA) клевера красного с целью установления оптимального срока сева для устойчивого управления конкурентоспособностью по борьбе с сорняками. Современные тенденции в Европе содействуют продвижению клевера, уменьшению использования минеральных удобрений для производства кормовых белков. Опыт заложен рандомизированным методом, площадь делянок 3 х 4 м, в трехкратной повторности. Посев проведен осенью 2007 г. и весной 2008 г. в Белградском институте животноводства. Сорт клевера K-17 более эффективен в сравнении с UNA. Урожай сена был выше на 16% по двум укосам, хотя во вторых укосах сбор сухого вещества практически был равным. При осеннем севе сорт К-17 более продуктивен, при весеннем – оба сорта близки по урожайности. Выявлено, что К-17 наиболее интенсивно борется с сорняками. В ботаническом составе травостоя клевера этого сорта содержалось в среднем около 99% сорных растений, а в травостое клевера UNA – 93%.

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Похожие темы научных работ по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству , автор научной работы — Шимич А., Вучкович С., Проданович С., Васильевич С., Макленович В.

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Effect of different sowing time on red clover dry matter yield and weed content

A three-years study (2007-2010) was organized to examine the effect of two red clover (RC) varieties (K-17 and UNA) with the aim to find optimal time of establishment for high production and sustainable management with competitiveness against weeds. Modern trends in Europe promote clover crops to produce more farm grown proteins and to decrease the use of mineral fertilizers. The trial was established by the method of randomized complete block design of plots (3 х 4 m) with 3 replications, sown in the autumn of 2007 and spring of 2008 at Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade. The highest total dry matter yield was obtained by autumn sowing of variety K-17 (15,7 t/ha). The low development rhythm of RC with spring sowing in the first year of vegetation (dry spring) permitted the installation of weeds, the crops were harvested twice without the assessment of production. Weeds content decreased in the botanical composition at the first cut by the production years, while at the second cut their ratios decreased by less than 5% in the both varieties. Red clover varieties gave the highest forage yield in the second production year and they had good regrowth and reached high yield in the second cuts during seasons 2008-2009. It could be concluded that high forage yield could be obtained without N fertilization, using suitable legume species.

Текст научной работы на тему «Влияние различных сроков сева клевера красного на урожай сена и засоренность»


УДК 630*232.323.3:633.321:631.165:632.51


1А. Шимич, 1С. Вучкович, 1С. Проданович, 2С. Васильевич, 1В. Макленович, 1Б. Васильев

1 Университет Белграда, Республика Сербия, e-mail: savovuck@agrif.bg.ac.rs Институт растениеводства в Нови Саде, Республика Сербия

В течение 3 лет (2007-2010 гг.) было организовано изучение воздействия двух сортов (K-17 и UNA) клевера красного с целью установления оптимального срока сева для устойчивого управления конкурентоспособностью по борьбе с сорняками. Современные тенденции в Европе содействуют продвижению клевера, уменьшению использования минеральных удобрений для производства кормовых белков. Опыт заложен рандомизированным методом, площадь делянок 3 х 4 м, в трехкратной повторности. Посев проведен осенью 2007 г. и весной 2008 г. в Белградском институте животноводства. Сорт клевера K-17 более эффективен в сравнении с UNA. Урожай сена был выше на 16% по двум укосам, хотя во вторых укосах сбор сухого вещества практически был равным. При осеннем севе сорт К-17 более продуктивен, при весеннем - оба сорта близки по урожайности. Выявлено, что К-17 наиболее интенсивно борется с сорняками. В ботаническом составе травостоя клевера этого сорта содержалось в среднем около 99% сорных растений, а в травостое клевера UNA - 93%.

Ключевые слова: сроки сева, клевер красный, урожай, засоренность.

EFFECT OF DIFFERENT SOWING TIME ON RED CLOVER DRY MATTER YIELD AND WEED CONTENT A. Simic1, S. Vuckovic1, S. Prodanovic1, S. Vasiljevic2, V. Maklenovic1, B. Vasiljev1

University of Belgrade, Republic of Serbia 2Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia

A three-years study (2007-2010) was organized to examine the effect of two red clover (RC) varieties (K-17 and UNA) with the aim to find optimal time of establishment for high production and sustainable management with competitiveness against weeds. Modern trends in Europe promote clover crops to produce more farm grown proteins and to decrease the use of mineral fertilizers. The trial was established by the method of randomized complete block design ofplots (3 х 4 m) with 3 replications, sown in the autumn of2007 and spring of2008 at Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade. The highest total dry matter yield was obtained by autumn sowing of variety K-17 (15,7 t/ha). The low development rhythm of RC with spring sowing in the first year of vegetation (dry spring) permitted the installation of weeds, the crops were harvested twice without the assessment of production. Weeds content decreased in the botanical composition at the first cut by the production years, while at the second cut their ratios decreased by less than 5% in the both varieties. Red clover varieties gave the highest forage yield in the second production year and they had good regrowth and reached high yield in the second cuts during seasons 2008-2009. It could be concluded that high forage yield could be obtained without Nfertilization, using suitable legume species.

Keywords: botanical composition, dry matter, red clover, time of establishment.

Herbage legumes are central to most herbage livestock systems, including those of the cool and humid regions of the world, and they are a predominant source of protein for ruminants. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) are by far the two main legume species.

In northern and eastern Europe, USA and Canada, red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is an important temperate forage legume that is used for hay, silage and pasture. Red clover was introduced in the European agriculture approximately 1000 years ago in Andalusia, Spain, and from there it spread to other countries [1]. The red clover is a deep-taproot perennial that has shown greater herbage production than high-quality species - ryegrass and white clover -under dryland conditions [2]. Additionally, this species is summer active and produces high-quality forage that is capable of supporting high animal growth rates. Red clover is planted on area of about 120.000 ha in Republic of Serbia, owing to its adaptation to more acid and shallower

soils, especially in mountainous regions [3]. According to Tomic et al. [4] red clover is the most important clover crop on moist, less fertile and temperate acidic soils while alfalfa predominates in drier regions on deep soils with neutral reaction. Red clover tolerates acid soils (pH 5,26,0) better than alfalfa [5]. In temporary and permanent grasslands, red clover distinctly increases herbage quality and production at low fertilization requirements [6]. Red clover is currently grown in Serbia especially in pure stands on arable land, in mixtures with grasses and at a limited extent also in permanent swards [7].

Although the forage of alfalfa contains more crude protein as compared with red clover, the advantage of red clover is the presence of enzyme polyphenol oxidase (PPO), which improves protein efficiency during digestion of ruminants [8] and suppresses proteolysis during forage ensiling [9].

Red clover is an ideal companion as the upright, open growth of Italian ryegrass permits the right amount of

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space and light for the red clover plants to establish, produce good leaf growth and develop a deep root structure [10]. This in turn means the red clover can very efficiently fix atmospheric nitrogen via its root nodules and N contribution from biological N2 fixation can reduce the need for industrial N fertilizers [11].

According to the EURISCO, GRIN and Vavilov databases the number of accessions stored in Europe and North America of red clover is 8061 [12]. There are a vast number of possible seed sources to be used in breeding programs for special purposes, weather conditions or forage usage. The aim of this investigation was to estimate the effects of various planting seasons (autumn and spring) on production and competitiveness against weeds in two red clover genotypes (varieties K-17 and UNA).

Materials and methods. For comparative testing of the red clover (Trifolium pratense) productivity a trial was set up with varieties UNA and K-17, sown in October 2007 (autumn sowing) and March 2008 (spring sowing) at experimental fields of Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade. The experiment was established by the method of RCB design of plots (3 x 4 m) with 4 replications and sowing rates of 15 kg/ha. The plots were harvested two times in the production years. The low development rhythm of red clover in the first year of vegetation (spring sowing) permitted the installation of weeds, the crop was harvested twice without the assessment of production. No nitrogen fertilizer was applied. In the assessment of dry forage production and botanical composition each plot was harvested twice per year, a composite sample was taken at each harvest from all the treatments. Botanical composition of the plots was determined and classified as red clover and others based on dry weights. Data were analyzed by parametric

tests (ANOVA and LSD test) at the 0,05 probability levels, using statistical package Statistica 8.

The results of soil analysis revealed a pH-value of 7,297,23, which indicates a neutral reaction (table 1). The total nitrogen content of the soil indicated a good supply in all experimental plots, as well as P and K.

Weather conditions during experiment were very variable, total precipitation was 693 mm, 585 mm and 790 mm, respectively, with significant dry periods in the second production year.

Results and discussion. In 2008, the weather was humid in March (figure 1) and the spring growth of plants occurred early. Red clover gives the highest yields most frequently right in the first year after stand establishment [6]. In our experiment, however, both varieties reached the highest yield in the second production year (table 2). Forage yield (dry matter yield) of red clover was higher in the second year compared with the first year of establishment of trial, probably related to the better persistence and cumulative effect of red clover. In the second year the spring stand was more productive than autumn sowing, but in fact, it was first harvest of spring sown clover. Installed weeds disabled assessment of yield, the crop was harvested twice without the estimation of production. Autumn stand was more stable during years, and initial production differences between varieties decreased from first to third production year. Red clover sown in spring was more productive in average, in comparison with total DM of same varieties per year, but total DM for three years was higher with autumn sowing (26,4 in comparison to 20,6 t/ha). The loss of yield in first production could not be recovered by high yields in consecutive years. Spring sowing stand gave more uniform range of herbage yields between varieties in second and third production year.

1. The average values of some agrochemical soil parameters (0-40 cm depth)

Depth, cm pHH2O pHxci CaCOs, g/kg Total N, mg/kg P, mg/kg K, mg/kg

0-20 7,29 7,08 3,3 1975 909 162

20-40 7,23 7,09 4,7 1938 918 165

2. Dry matter yie d of red clover varieties per cut, with t ifferent time of establishment (t/ha)

Variety Autumn sowing Spring sowing

1st cutting 2nd cutting Total DM 1st cutting 2nd cutting Total DM


UNA 1,36 1,24 2,60 0 0 0

K-17 4,72 1,24 5,96 0 0 0


UNA 2,99 1,38 4,37 4,15 1,40 5,55

K-17 3,47 1,66 5,13 4,40 1,52 5,92


UNA 3,30 0,44 3,74 4,23 0,76 4,99

K-17 4,09 0,52 4,61 3,59 0,57 4,16

Total DM 19,93 6,48 26,41 16,37 4,25 20,62

Means for variety

UNA 2,55 1,02 3,57 2,79 0,72 3,51

K-17 4,09 1,14 5,23 2,66 0,70 3,36

Means for sowing date 6,74 2,01 8,75 5,75 1,41 7,16

LSD0 05 variety = 1,89 LSD0 05 sowing time = 2,99

LSD005 - least significant difference at P < 0,05

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3. Botanical composition of red clover crops per cut, with different time of establishment (%)

Variety Autumn sowing Spring sowing

1stcut clover: other species 2ndcut clover: other species 1stcut clover: other species 2ndcut clover: other species


UNA 35.5:64.5 96.4:3.6 - -

K-17 49.7:50.3 98.1:1.9 - -


UNA 90.8:9.2 98.3:1.7 89.7:10.3 94.9:5.1

K-17 98.8:1.2 99.5:0.5 98.4:1.6 99.3:0.7

Red clover variety K-17 reached higher forage yield in average, while low forage yield achieved by variety UNA (2,60 t DM/ha), could be related to their slow establishment character after autumn sowing (late date of sowing and high percent of hard seeds).

First cut of autumn sowing and spring stand in first production year had high share of other species (table 3). Weed content was markedly reduced in 2009, also second cuts were generally dominant with red clover in comparison with first cut. The data of botanical composition from third production year are not shown, because both stands (autumn and spring) were pure clover, with minimal share of other species.

Conclusions. Red clover dry matter yield and botanical composition were influenced by different sowing times in the first production year. Cumulative dry matter yield was less influenced by sowing time than first production year. Autumn seeded red clover was more persistent and cumulatively yielded compared to spring stand, and K-17 variety achieved higher yield. The trial demonstrates the potential of two red clover varieties grown three years to achieve and maintain a high output of herbage of good quality, with different time of stand establishment.

Acknowledgment. The research was supported by the project TR-9 31016 of the Ministry of Education and Science, Republic of Serbia. «Research, education and knowledge transfer promoting entrepreneurship in sustainable use of pas-tureland/grazing» Project Reference number: 09/1548 (332160UA), as a part of the Norwegian «Program in Higher Education, Research and Development (HERD) in the Western Balkans: HERD/Agriculture».

«Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change - Networking, Education, Research and Extension in the West Balkans», as a part of the Norwegian «Program in Higher Education, Research and Development (HERD) in the Western Balkans: HERD/Agriculture».


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