Section 3. Technical sciences
Shabarova U. N., Amonov M. R., Tolibova Zh. Street, Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics Bukhara state university E-mail:
Abstract. Studied changes in the rheological properties of the developed composition depending on the concentration of PVA, AE and OP-IO. The dependences of the viscosity of gel-like thickeners on the concentration of components of thickening ingredients and the aging time were established. Defined parameters p Results of silk acetate fabric dyeing with dispersed violet 2 s.
Keywords: Fiber, composition, concentration, dye, binders, color intensity, fabric, polymer, PVA, acrylic emulsion.
Currently, mixed fabrics made from chemical and natural fiberso have acquired special significance, and an important place among them is occupied by fabrics made from a mixture of silk and acetate fibers. Fabrics of this group are very promising, since they have high resistance to crumple smearing, strength, and shape stability [1-3].
Considering the specificity of mixed fibers essential value in coloring, the choice of dyes or their mixtures, binding-thickening substances and coloring technologies is ofprimary importance when coloring such materials substances and technologies of coloring. More oftendyeing of silk and acetate composing products, dispersed dyes are used for dyeing silk and acetate components, and when dyeing, the conditions for compatibility of dyes in binding-thickening mixtures in terms of chemical activity and temperature modes of coloring must be observed.
For this the most promising and most reason, dispersed dyes are the most promising and environmentally relevant coloring agents for mixed textile materials dispersed dyes. They are ideally compatible for dyeing fibrous substrates of any composition. Particles of dispersed dyes are "glued" to the surface of substrates using a polymer binder. Sorption and diffusion processes are excluded with this dyeing technology. At the same time, the factors that determine the incompatibility of the components of the dye composition are excluded, which makes it possible to evenly from mixtures of silk and chemical fibers [4-5].
The development of a technology for dyeing fabrics of various fibrous compositions based on polymer binding and thickening preparations of domestic production, which can replace expensive textile compositions, becomes an urgent task for re-searchimported compositions [6].
To solve this problem, at the first stage of the work, a comparison was made in terms of the viscosity properties of binding-thickening compositions used in dyeing silk-acetate fabrics with dispersed dyes when using polymer preparationsof foreign and domestic production.
In the presented composition, weAHeused a water-soluble polymer of polyvinyl acetate, an acrylic emulsiono-, andsurfactants OP-10 at different ratios.
Based on the selected components, the compositions of the binder-thickening composition are prepared.
From the obtained data (Table 1) it can be seen that the viscosity of the resulting composition with the same concentrationThe PVA is relatively high. If at 298 K the viscosity of a 1.0% solution is PVA reaches 17.24 Pa. s, then the viscosity of the same solution with additives AE and OP-10 with concentrations of 1.0 and 0.5%, respectively, relative to the weight.
The PVA will be 23.64 Pa.with. The viscosity of the solution is 22.51 Pa.c if the concentration oflncrease PVA to 2.0%. The viscosity of the system increases to31.27 Pa.c with the introduction of AE and OP-10 (the concentration is 1.0 and 0.5, respectively% of weightPVA), in this case, the viscosity of the system will be 1.5 times greater than the initial one. Based on this, we can say that the functional groups of the initial components interact due to Ban der Waals forces. It should also be emphasized that adding. The introduction of air into the system not only increases its viscosity, but also leads to an increase in the degree ofthixo-tropic reduction, which subsequently reduces the yield strength of the thickener. If the concentration is PVA reaches1.5%, thixotropic reduction - 87.4% and yield strength - 42.10 g/cm2, at the same concentration PVA, with the addition ofAE in the range of 1.0% and 0P-10 0.5%, then the values will change as follows: 96.6% and 38.57 g/cm2, respectively.
Table 1.- Changes in the rheological properties of the developed composition depending on the concentration PVA, AE and QP-10
Concentration, PVA concentration in binders,% Concentration of modifiers^ by weightPVA n, Pa.s (T=298K) Degree of thixo-tropicrecovery,% Yield strength, Rm, g/cm2
AE OP-10
1 2 3 4 5 6
1.0 - - 17.24 83.2 44.36
1.5 - - of 21.43 87.4 42.10
2.0 - - 24.51 95.6 28.37
1.0 0.5 - of 19.63 85.3 43.11
1.0 - 24.42 87.8 40.70
1.5 - 33.87 90.1 36.20
— 0.4 loss of 16.85 82.2 42.25 mln
— 0.5 15.72 85.3 45.13
— 0.6 14.17 89.2 46.78
1.0 0.5 23.64 94.2 of 44.16
1.5 0.5 - of 21.48 89.6 42.83
1.0 - 27.35 93.2 of 39.75
1.5 - 35.08 95.4 36.84
- 0.4 of 18.43 84.6 41.17
- 0.5 16.45 88.7 43.28
- 0.6 15.61 91.3 45.04
1.0 0.5 of 26.72 96.6 38.57
1 2 3 4 5 6
0.5 — was 26.70 92.4 44.15
1.0 — 32.45 96.7 41.23
1.5 — 41.07 98.6 of 38.64
2.0 - 0.4 of 20.66 of 86.2 44.72
- 0.5 20.18 90.4 of 47.17
— 0.6 of 19.92 93.3 49.54
1.0 0.5 's 31.27 98.2 40.24
Important factors that determine technological properties binding and its qualities are the chemical nature, structure, complex chemical properties of the ingredients ofbinding-thickening systems. In addition, the binder must have high elasticity, have sufficient viscosity at a low concentration ofbinding components and a high wetting capacity of the fibrous material, be stable during storage and use, and have ease ofwashing.
45 -40 35 - 30 .1? 25 § 20 > 15 ! 0 5 0
It can be seen from the graphs that the most preferred method is to use viscous systems based on PVA, AE and OP-10 preparation (Fig. Curve 3), wherein the compositions of PVA, AE, and OP-10 have the required dynamic viscosity (48 Pa*c) at the concentration of PVA - 2.0%, AE-1.0% and OP-10 0.5%, and after holding the
The porous structures of "alkaline" viscous compositions containing PVA, AE, and OP-10 as binding agents are characterized by good stability. The stability of such compositions prepared from polymer solutions of various concentrations was evaluated by the viscosity of the system immediately after preparation and after holding for a day. The corresponding dependencies are shown in (Fig. a, b).
composition for a day, it decreases to 33 Pa x s. The possibility of preparing binding-thickening three-component compositions from PVA, AE, and OP-10 are not excluded, and the most effective are low-concentration systems based on PVA, AE, and OP-10 and at concentrations of 1.5, 1.0, and 0.5%, respectively.
Concentration of binding
Figurel. Dependence of the viscosity of gel-like thickeners on the concentration
of components of thickening ingredients and the holding time Binding based on: 1. PVA and OP-10; 2. PVA-AE-OP-10; 3. PVA-AE. a) - freshly prepared binder; b) - a viscous system after 24 hours of exposure
In order to develop the technology ofthe process of dyeing with dispersed dyesпроведенаоптимизация, the binding-thickening compositions were optimized. The optimization criteria are selected indicators of paint intensity, fabric softness and paint resistance to friction, presented in (Table 2).
The problem of obtaining high resistance of paints to friction when use-dispersed дисперсные dyes is an actual problem. And when coloring mixed fabrics based on silk and acetate fibers, which are characterized by a 2C violet color С andhigh chemical inertia, this problem is aggravated.
It is possible to increase the stability of paints when dyeing with dispersed dyes us ingso-called fillers as additives to polymers, which, due to the presence of functional groups capable of chemical interaction, contribute to the formation of spatial mesh structures in the film-forming polymer and increase its resistance to abrasion. As a filler, we have proposed AE.
Fillers have a positive effect on particle distribution the effect of dispersed dyes in the painted material on the structure and rheological properties of paints increases the hardness and durability of coatings.
Component ratio, g/l Color intensity, K/S Weaver's softness, deg Endurance Ok -raskystrength
PVA AE OP-10 to the dry friction to wash
0.5 - - 2.3 64 3 2.0
1.0 - - 2.7 61 3 2.0
1.5 - - a 3.1 60 3 2.5
2.0 - - 3.3 57 4 2.5
0.5 0.5 - 2.5 60 3.5 2.5
1.0 1.0 - 3.0 56 3.5 3.0
1.5 1.5 - 3.5 52 4.0 3.0
2.0 2.0 - 3.7 47 4.0 3.0
0.5 — 0.3 2.4 62 3.5 3.0
1.0 - 0.4 2.8 56 3.5 3.0
1.5 - 0.5 3.1 53 4.0 4.5
2.0 - 0.6 3.5 48 4.0 4.5
1.5 0.5 - 3.2 58 3.5 4.0
1.0 - 3.4 55 4.0 4.0
1.5 - 3.5 52 4.0 4.5
1.5 — 0.4 2.9 55 3.5 3.5
- 0.5 3.1 53 4.0 4.0
- 0.6 3.3 46 4.0 4.0
1.5 0.5 0.4 3.5 51 3.5 4.5
1.0 0.5 3.8 44 4.0 4.5
1.5 0.6 4.1 38 4.0 4.5
2.0 0.5 0.4 3.8 43 4.0 4.5
1.0 0.5 4.3 34 4.5 4.5
1.5 0.6 4.6 27 4.5 4.5
Table 2.- Results we-nKoa^TaTHofiof silk acetate fabric dyeing with dispersed dye, purplefor 2 seconds C
The use of the developed composition for dyeing the system composition of the binding composition
mixed fabrics as a binding component when dyeing not only leadsb to an increase in the intensity of col-
fabrics with dispersed dyes is most effective when oring, but also increases its strength to dry friction
the content of PVA, AE and 0P-10 is 1.5, 1.0 and and to washing. The most effective effect of color
0.5.g/l, respectively. hardening is observed with the combined content Thus, analyzing the data obtained, we cancon- of components included in the bindinge-thickening
clude, that the introduction of e AE and 0P-10 in compositions.
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