Научная статья на тему 'Virtualization of countercultural environment in information age'

Virtualization of countercultural environment in information age Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Novak Tatyana Vladimirovna

This article examines transformation of countercultural groups of Internet communities by interests.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Virtualization of countercultural environment in information age»

Section 11. Philosophy

By modern Ukrainian philosopher T. Turina Love is an indicator of spirituality, as neither knowledge nor skills or abilities or talents without love is not indicative of spirituality as they may be used for evil, to destroy and dispose. By meaning of most scientists Faith, Love, Goodness, Truth and its harmonious unity express the spirituality of human [1, 113]. In the Christian religion, the concept of spirituality is seen as a purely divine. Spiritual development possibilities of human is the degree of approximation to the Creator, that is the level of spirituality.

In the spiritual and esoteric philosophies see that spirituality is associated with the spiritual self-development, self-identity, which leads to the development and opening of human spirituality. Spirituality is a way of transcending the verge of this life and involvement in Eternity.

S. Krimsky believes that if analyze the determination of «spirituality» from integrated, synthetic positions, combining religious, spiritual and esoteric, scientific position that «spirituality» can be understood as the core of every individual, a center that integrates into a whole human being.

T. Turina takes several definitions of spirituality: Spirituality — is the essential character of a person which leads her to seek the highest sense of existence, helps to relate their lives with absolute values, and thus, to join God actualize intrinsic spiritual force of personality. Spirituality — the ability to understand by human’s place in life, to understand the need for continuous self-

development, the need to live in harmony with yourself and the world.

Summarizing the information already known about the definition of «spirituality» can integrate this information in few theses:

- with help of spiritual human overcomes alienation between themselves and the outside world, that it helps to live in harmony with each other, expresses the unity of human and the world.

- spirituality — it is a methods of self-creation, selfdevelopment ofpersonality. It is from the opening and development of spirituality in human begins the way from human to himself, to God.

- spirituality — controlled by the principles of self-awareness, self-development and personal fulfillment, focus on higher value, the maximum manifestation of creative power of the individual.

- true spirituality is manifested in the deep inner degeneration of human through meaningful spiritual earthly way of moral self-improvement.

Thus, the «spirituality» — is the core of every individual, the center that integrates into a whole human being, is the essential character of a person who leads her to seek the highest sense of existence, helps to relate their lives with absolute values, and thus, to join God actualize intrinsic spiritual force of personality, is the ability to understand human’s place in life, to understand the need for continuous self-improvement, self-development, the need to live in harmony with yourself and the world.


1. Кримський С. PaHKOBi роздуми/Зб.ст. - Худож.оформ. О. Бглецького. - К.: Майстерня Бглецьких, - 2009. - 120 с.

2. Зеньковский В. В. Проблемы воспитания в свете христианской антропологии. - М.: Изд-во Свято-Владимирского Братства, - 1993. - 225 с.

3. Бердяев Н. А. Экзистенциальная диалектика божественного и человеческого//Мир философии. - Ч. 2. -М., - 1991. - с. 158-161

4. Бердяев Н. О. О назначении человека.//Мир философии. - Ч. 2. - М., - 1991. - с. 256-262.

Novak Tatyana Vladimirovna, National Aviation University, postgraduate student, the Faculty of Philosophy E-mail: novaktv@ukr.net

Virtualization of countercultural environment in information age

Abstract: This article examines transformation of countercultural groups of Internet communities by interests. Keywords: Internet, counterculture, subculture, virtualization.

It is hard to overestimate an impact of Informa- human, on its psyche, on human society as a whole

tion and Communications Technology (ICT) on and its culture. At the peak of information technology


Секция 11. Философия

development, which is to use a fundamentally new technology of information transmission among which an important role is played by the Internet. Transparency of public relations have changed in the socio-cultural space and created a favorable ground for the development of a variety of subcultural groups in the Internet environment. Global information develops rapidly and unpredictably. Much ahead of theoretical understanding of its consequences, it confronts the international community many questions of a philosophical nature. The question is in significant role Internet and is in modern information technology in the transformation of the counterculture environment and the transition of the environment in virtual space. This problem was leaned by Herbert Marcuse, Jean-Paul Sartre, E. Rose, P. Suy-izi, N. Brown, L. Goldman, A. Ginsberg, P. Goodman,

K. Lorenz, T. Leary, M. McLuhan, A. Watson and others.

An important contribution to the study of youth of the second part of the XX centurywas made by a number of Russian researchers: A. Aksyutina, M. Baychorov,

L. Balashov, G. Bokov, A. Bondarenko, AV Bondarenko, A. Grigoriev, Y. Davydov, M. Degtyarev, A. Zapesots-kiy, A. Eremeeva, I. Kovshova, S. Levikova, V. Lyeon-tyev, L. Melnikov, A. Melville, M. Mindolina, A. Myas-nikov, I. Sukhin. Among the Ukrainian researchers are

M. Popovic, M. Slyusarevskoho, T. Schepanskoho, A. Yavornytsky etc. They focused on the features of counterculture movements in Ukraine.

Tempo of spreading and using different cultural values has increased rapidly with the help of Worldwide Computer Network named Internet. And now it is possible to visit virtual museums, libraries, galleries, concert halls, as well as to meet brilliant masterpieces of artists, architects, sculptors and other worldwide known artists. As a consequence of that, the results of creativity in terms of information and universal access are no longer the property of a nation, culture, and become the property of all mankind. This in turn affects the counterculture transformation, changing its basic parameters and creates new cultural ties that influence change and transformation counterculture environment in the formation of subcultural interests. If the counter-culture is the culture inherent to the way of thinking and action among young people — a system of values and knowledge of young people associated with a particular status-position in the socio-cultural reproduction that oppose the dominant values and norms of society, a subculture of the information age-social community, groups ofyoung people who have certain interests that are not inherent in most of the traditional culture. The entry of a young man in a

particular youth subculture education means its acceptance of its norms, values, worldview, style, lifestyle and trappings belonging to this formation.

As it was already mentioned, the latest means of mass communication and computer technologies have created the preconditions for the emergence of subcultural communities in the Internet space, creating a virtual reality subculture medium. In the virtual reality is understood as artificial agents in computer environment, which can penetrate, changing it from the inside, observing and experiencing transformation with real feeling. An important feature of virtual reality is the participation of the person. Unlike computer reality that may exist, for example in the form of knowledge, virtual reality, as rightly noted V. M. Rozin — a sensual reality, life, environmental, Reality Event «here and now». Moreover, developments in virtual reality unfolding just inside the minds of the user. They are not for other people or in physical time. The virtual space created preconditions for the existence of subcultures of interest and facilitate conditions for admission to a particular community. With the transition of subcultures in the acquisition process of virtual communities of identity and becoming part of a subculture much relieved. To join the subculture of internet space, enough to convince the online community that you own, that you share their views and put some pictures of typical images, marks on his profile on the social network.

Nowadays virtuality is being developed actively by young people who call themselves gamers (English “game" — a game), hackers, Cyberpunks. Modern computer games mimic reality perfectly. Although the events occurring in the game, certainly less «real» than those that can be seen on television, but the fact that the player takes part in these events, creating much more powerful effect of immersion in the virtual world. In addition, studies have shown that, without being completely present and leaving room for imagination, a world often becomes more attractive than when it is a photographic copy of reality.

Nowadays young generation, dissolved in a virtual space, created an image of your own world, a world of unlimited possibilities. It is closely monitored only his own consciousness of the young man. The only question is what this consciousness is. For young people lost and need a youth subculture of the old type. After all, there is no need to go somewhere and think what to do when you can not leave home, sitting at a computer screen, communicate with a mass of people and get even more than it can give the traditional «get-together» [1].


Section 11. Philosophy

So there was a new subculture of the «cyber-sub-culture.» Young people in this subculture will not see as being «hang out» in the street; their subculture dissolved in virtual reality. It is like a virus: invisible to others, but the «striking» of more young people.

In terms of virtual being particularly clear tendency for the practical abolition of subject -to-subject paradigm of communication. It in fact there is only a symbolic entity whose main function in most cases is not even communication, but personalization information. In the online space, users «meet « with a special software for various content sites that make it possible to share any information in real time. Many of these sites have formed and relatively stable contingent of visitors, virtual friends together.

Upon closer examination virtual subcultural environment acts primarily as a means of self-expression non-vector person, where the relationship with the world under the influence of virtual communication are built today is difficult and controversial. On the one hand, they contribute to personal development, expand the cultural field of life, creating new meaning-making centers; on the other hand, make deforming effect, changing the way of thinking and mentality scale cultural norms and values. Establishing of modern subcultures is made within a few tendencies:

- tendencies of individualization, which is to expand the range of scenarios lifestyles, forms of «involvement» in the society with the help of the media and by connecting to enclaves of global information over a computer network;

- tendencies of strengthening psychological dependence when there is a long walk in a virtual maze of information that is characterized by a strong dependence of the activity and the loss of control over their actions;

- tendencies in expansion manipulative practices when using new information technologies is enhanced manipulation of public and individual consciousness;

- tendencies growth simulation of presentation of social competence in which the deficiency space and time leads to the fact that the only rational form of scientific discussion becomes illogical, unstructured, but at the same time, effective presentation of the image or idea of the theory;

- tendencies of social technologies enrichment range and building partnerships mechanisms [1].

Virtual reality of subcultures copies objective world around us. Subcultural representatives build their own

space, using in its creation crafted and tested true laws, traditions, values and norms. Copying a reality on certain grounds, virtual subculture becomes more attractive for its creators and participants. An attractive possibility is itself independent modeling of virtual space on his own script and realizing this scenario in their work. Representatives virtual subcultures opens the possibility of rapid changes and global objects in the individual effort of one entit. In contrast becomes reality in which global revolutionary changes are achieved, usually at the expense of social change. The virtual world of subcultures is more flexible, it adjusts to a person as opposed to the real world, using specific features of virtual culture, which are compensations of absentee in absolute reality. In the virtual world there is the open nature of mobility is not an important social status, financial status, family history, while the objective reality are the main factors of success. In addition, a virtual world is a positive emotional environment with simplified communicative function [3].

Creating a fictional world into the virtual world of subcultures, allows the user to counter commonplace and boring interesting fictional virtual world. Presented subcultural practice embodies the different sides of the virtual culture, presenting its versatility. In this subculture phenomenon is only open dynamic companies that appear as a result of rapid technological development.

To sum up, it can be concluded that counterculture virtualization environment is a transformation of the counterculture in the subculture of interest that exist in the Internet space. Subculture information society transformed in the plane of the Internet, becoming a social group, representatives of which have in common is that each of them enrolls herself to it. Representative or carrier subculture takes norms, values, view of the world, lifestyle, etc. as a model of its existence. This transformation counterculture influenced by information and communication technologies. In addition, ICT using mass media, the Internet gives an opportunity to the representative to access other subcultures, to discuss and create their own culture, to establish relationships with others and put itself to an entirely new space. Subcultural virtual environment is an environment of the informational society, which is constructed by media industry, mass media and the Internet. When we understand virtualization modification subculture counterculture society under the influence of information and communication technologies. The presence of subcultures — witness the internal diversity of the counterculture of the society and its ability to develop, adapt to new conditions.


Секция 11. Философия

The relationship with the world subculture influenced by virtual communications are built today complex and contradictory. On the one hand, they contribute to personal development, expand the cultural field of life, creating new centers; on the other hand — carry deforming effect, changing the way of thinking and mentality

scale cultural norms and values. Counterculture of the information society is constructed media industry, mass media and the Internet, modifying it internally, making counterculture to subculture — in the interests of the group.


1. Барматова С. Изменение места и роли коммуникации в современном мире//С. Барматова//Вестник Московского Университета. Серия 9. Философия - 2009. - № 3. - с. 158-169.

2. Левикова С. И. Молодежное движение США//С. И. Левкова//Вестник Московского Университета. Серия 10. Философия. - 1991. - № 1. - с. 12-20.

3. Мантов Р. Е. Эскапизм как основная функция искусства в современном обществе//Полигнозис. - 2003. - № 1.

4. Сухша I. Г. Молодiжна контркультура (фглософський i соцюлопчний аспекти)/1. Г. Сухша//Вюник До-нецького ушверситету. Серш Б: Гумаштарш науки. - 2001. - № 1. - с. 283-288.

5. Щепанська Т. С. Символжа молодiжноi субкультури: досв^д етногр. досл^ження системи//Щепансь-ка Т. С.//П: Питер. - 1993. - 123-156 с.

6. Лур’е С. В. Культурная антропологы в Росп i на Заходи Концептуальш вддмшносп/С. В. Лур е//Сощальш науки i сучасшсть. - 1997. - № 2. - с. 112-123.

Poltavtsev Oleksandr Gennadievich, Kyiv Regional In — Service Teacher Training Institute, Head of department of education management, Ph. D. in Philosophy

E-mail: alpoltavtsev@gmail.com

Structuralism today

Abstract: The author defends the view that in order to determine the structuralism, we must consider the structure of the formation of philosophy where structuralism expresses the position of objectivity and rationality. Keywords: structuralism, structure, philosophy.

Полтавцев Александр Геннадиевич, Киевский областной институт последипломного образования педагогических кадров, заведующий кафедрой управления образованием, кандидат философских наук

E-mail: alpoltavtsev@gmail.com

Структурализм сегодня

Аннотация: В статье отстаивается точка зрения, что для определения структурализма недостаточно принимать во внимание особенности культурно-исторического контекста и идеи конкретных персоналий. Необходимо также учитывать общую структуру формирования философской мысли, где структурализм выражает позицию объективности и рациональности.

Ключевые слова: структурализм, структура, философия.

Было время, когда структурализм уверенно занимал умы общественности Европы. Но как стремителен был рост его популярности, так же стремительно он потерял свое былое очарование. Что же такое структурализм сегодня? Сейчас даже этот вопрос, возможно, частично утратил свою актуальность, ведь

он уже был поставлен в далеком 1983 году французским мыслителем Ж. Пуйоном [8].

Однако, спустя почти 20 лет, эта же статья Ж. Пуй-она была переиздана. Примечательно также, что на рубеже тысячелетий появляются новые исследования, которые, так или иначе, актуализируют тематику


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