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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Ivanko E. O., Midova V. O., Danko O. A.

Modern society requires specialists who are ready to act in a rapidly changing environment. The use of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies is a key area of professional development in the near future. The purpose of the research is to analyze the existing experience of introducing innovations, identify the main advantages and disadvantages of switching to new technologies. This research discusses areas of AR/VR application in the educational process. The analysis of innovation implementation in educational institutions and commercial companies is carried out. The difficulties associated with the political and economic situation, as well as possible ways of further development are presented.

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Виртуальная и дополненная реальность. Применение инновационных технологий в процессе обучения

Иванько Екатерина Олеговна,

старший преподаватель, Российский экономический университет имени Г.В. Плеханова E-mail: Ivanko.EO@gmail.com

Мидова Венера Олеговна,

кандидат психологических наук, доцент, Кафедра иностранных языков № 1, Российский экономический университет имени Г.В. Плеханова E-mail: Midova.VO@rea.ru

Данько Ольга Александровна,

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, Кафедра иностранных языков № 1, Российский экономический университет имени Г.В. Плеханова E-mail: Danko.OA@rea.ru

Современному обществу требуются специалисты, готовые действовать в условиях высокотехнологичной быстроменяющейся среды. Использование технологий дополненной (Augmented Reality, AR) и виртуальной (Virtual Reality, VR) реальностей является ключевым направлением развития профессиональной сферы в ближайшем будущем. Цель статьи - анализ существующего опыта использования инноваций, выявление основных преимуществ и недостатков перехода на новые технологии. В данной работе рассматриваются способы применения AR/VR технологий в учебном процессе. Проведен анализ внедрения инноваций в образовательных учреждениях и коммерческих компаниях. Представлены трудности, связанные с политической и экономической ситуацией, а также возможные пути дальнейшего развития.

Несмотря на все сложности, эксперты считают возможным создание полностью российских AR/VR-систем, не зависящих от импорта. В этой ситуации может помочь безвозмездная поддержка со стороны государства. Без помощи государства этот рынок может просесть на 30-40% из-за трудностей с импортом оборудования. В зависимости от предпринятых государством мер будет понятно, как сложится дальнейшая судьба индустрии AR/VR в России.

Ключевые слова: виртуальная и дополненная реальность, российский рынок AR/VR, цифровые технологии, современные методы обучения, инновации в сфере образования, санкции.

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Augmented and Virtual reality technologies (AR/ VR) are the key to a fundamentally new level of human interaction with the digital world, which plays an increasingly important role in the global economy, politics, and social relations. The most promising in terms of economic effect are products based on AR/VR technologies in the field of industrial production, education, healthcare, and consumer services. In a general sense, VR is a complex technology that provides a complete immersion in the computer environment that surrounds the user and reacts to his actions in a natural way. VR constructs a new artificial world transmitted to a person through their senses: sight, hearing, touch, and others. A person can interact with a three-dimensional, computerized environment, as well as manipulate objects. In its simplest form, Virtual reality involves 360-degree images or videos. Achieving the effect of complete immersion to a level where the user cannot distinguish the visualization from the real environment is the task of technology development. In contrast, AR is a technology that allows integration of information with real-world objects in the form of text, computer graphics, audio, and other forms in real time. Information is provided to the user through heads-up display, augmented reality glasses or helmets, or another form of human graphics projection (for example, a smartphone or projection video mapping). Augmented reality technology allows to expand user interaction with the environment.

The development of such innovations allows creating services for socially important areas, for example, work with the disabled (navigation with augmented reality), the development of the cultural component (museum tours). As a result, it will help improve the image of Russia as an attractive tourist country, increase the attendance of cultural sites with the involvement of youth audience. According to analysts' forecasts, introduction of these technologies in the educational segment will provide accessible tools for users and supplement traditional programs with interactive visual content in the amount of up to 30% of all educational materials [8]. This can lead to the following effects: increasing the effectiveness of online learning, ensuring continuous professional education, ensuring the availability of quality education in regions. However, the consequences of using these technologies have not been studied yet. What seems at first glance highly effective and to some extent necessary may turn out to be only a beautiful visual that does not bring expected results in practice. This topic requires special attention and comprehensive analysis, which is the purpose of this study. The scientific research is based on data from specialists, market analytics, scientific ex-

periments, and experience of local companies. During the research, generally accepted methods of scientific search and analysis were used.

According to experts in the field of economics, with the development of a marketplace for educational projects, it is possible for Russian companies to obtain 15% of the global VR education market. Currently, there are more than 100 agencies in Russia specializing in the development of projects in the field of Augmented and Virtual reality [8]. Leaders in the implementation of Virtual reality remain the United States and European countries. But in this regard, Russia also strives to move with the times. Since 2020, a number of large educational VR projects have been launched:

• «Education-2024"

• "Digital School"

• "Modern digital educational environment"

• "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation"

The "Digital School" project is one of the most ambitious. According to the initiators, by 2024 it is planned to introduce it in 25% of all "pilot" educational institutions [3]. As noted, a person receives 80% of information from the outside world with the help of vision, while people remember 20% of what they see, 40% of what they see and hear, and 70% of what they see, hear, and do. Virtual reality technologies make it possible to fully use these features of perception to increase the effectiveness of the educational process. Thus, this technology can be a very effective method of teaching in schools and universities. Modern approaches to education have been used in many regions of our country. For example, ALTAIR company specializes in providing services at universities, schools, development centers, etc. It works in 86 cities of Russia, and already more than 1 million students have been able to enjoy watching the best scientific and educational programs in the Virtual reality format. ALTAIR VR is the first VR platform for exploring the world, built on a technology called blockchain - a continuous sequential chain of blocks containing information built according to certain rules [9]. It allows participants to explore the world in both playful and academic forms. The content is created by users and sponsored by the platform foundation, as well as by the community through crowdfunding, and the platform itself is accessible via browser on any VR device. Obviously, in order to use all the features of this platform, user will need a virtual reality helmet. This technology allows people to study chemistry, physics, biology, astronomy, history, mathematics, and other sciences in a new, fascinating format. Managers use only certified equipment of international companies, which allows them to maintain high session quality and safety. Watching a movie does not cause fatigue, since the eyes are not focused at the same distance from the screen, but constantly look at different objects. According to students' feedback, this program increased motivation to study by 30% and reduced fatigue during training by 11.5%. After analyzing the test results, it is concluded that students perceived and remembered the information presented in a modern format better than in a traditional

one. Moreover, European universities use innovations to help students determine the direction of professional growth. Students can get to know different professions better and choose what suits them. At the Norwegian University of Natural and Technical Sciences, there is an Immersive Job Taste program that allows participants to "live" a working day with typical tasks of one of several professions: fisherman, wind turbine electrician, road worker, auto mechanic, welder [7]. Also, the university has developed a VR application that allows students to pass a trial job interview.

The learning process does not end after university, it continues throughout life. Thus, personnel training is the main case for Virtual reality in industry. It is especially important to teach a new employee how to work in a dangerous environment. For example, safety rules and work in difficult and adverse conditions (underground mines, industries with harmful chemicals, etc.) are easier to teach a beginner in a virtual environment, applying courses. The decisive challenge today is played out in the field of experience: the company's ability to involve personnel, collect all the data and information necessary to perform work in the best possible way. Creating adequate conditions for development by giving people the opportunity to achieve growth goals requires the ability to combine standard and individual programs to achieve independence and mastery in work. In particular, production tasks need to balance efficiency and safety and, consequently, training of workers within the organization should also reflect this important aspect. In the case of Virtual Reality and the solution that is called VR Training, staff learns by practicing virtually rather than watching videos or static images. Unlike traditional training tools, VR allows trainees to "touch" the practical implications of their work [5]. This implies a deeper and more repetitive commitment over time, given how virtual reality is able to attract attention through continuous stimuli and interactions that can be experienced in a simulated environment. There are several advantages of Virtual reality technologies over ordinary presentations on an interactive whiteboard, and educational films:

• A sense of presence. When a student sees information in the first person, he remembers it better and is more involved in the process.

• Interactivity. In Virtual reality, there is an opportunity to interact with surrounding objects, which allows students to understand the information quickly.

• Visibility. Now the technology of virtual reality is quite well developed, and the graphics look almost photorealistic, so people can reduce the cost of simulating real events.

In the field of neuroscience, it has been proven that the brain receives Virtual Reality experiences exactly as it would receive experiences in the workplace; we are in the field of behavioral learning [4]. It is possible to carry out a careful functional analysis of the behaviour, acquiring detailed descriptions of the behaviours, stimuli and operations that occurred during the simulation. The virtual interactions exactly emulate the real world to activate the same brain areas ensuring higher efficacy than ordinary classroom training practices. Users




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make decisions and they directly affect the experience without any kind of danger or direct consequences deriving from any procedural errors. In fact, safety is a key aspect that every HR leader should take into consideration when evaluating the most suitable tools for training a new workforce. The impact that technology can have in this area, both in terms of engagement and retention, and in terms of acquiring and maintaining skills over time, demonstrates how VR experiences can consistently help employees acquire better awareness of one's duties and one's role within the organization to be prepared to safely manage each procedure even in the workplace.

Any working situation can be simulated on the computer and tested faithfully to reality: from complex scenarios such as the assembly or maintenance of machinery, to the safety procedures relating to taking charge of reports of system faults, to cash or helpdesk. These environments are designed down to the last detail to help train the workforce in production, service, maintenance and customer care procedures. Once the viewer is on, the user can observe around him and interact at 360° with the surrounding environment as if he were living the experience in the real context; what the user experiences is complete immersion, which makes Virtual Reality an effective learning method. Technology allows workers to exercise on demand anywhere and at any time on a planetary scale, effectively making the current reference models obsolete.

Immersive learning through Virtual Reality demonstrates that there is a new way to manage the complexity of the challenge: an innovative model that does not force HR leaders to choose between scalable learning and effective learning. In fact, VR Training provides a method to align the skills of the workforce globally without having to engage trainers or experienced workers and avoiding downtimes with consequent planned production drops and delays in delivery times. The potentially endless, on-demand repetition of job scenarios allows new staff to learn faster, more experienced individuals to consolidate already acquired skills, and the company to standardize training around the world. These end benefits of VR Training solutions pave the way towards the "new normal" in training [1]. Numerous companies are investing in VR as a supplemental tool for corporate training. The arguments in favor of the adoption of Virtual Reality are quite evident: it makes possible to maintain a high level of involvement by aligning performance with the strategic objectives of the company and by training personnel on a global scale in a safe and effective way. Although the initial investment in the purchase of equipment may become an obstacle to entry for various companies, the democratization of technology in the coming years will take more and more definite forms, and Virtual reality training will become commonplace in every company.

In the corporate sphere, the use of AR/VR techs' nologies can ensure the creation of an effective cor-§ porate training system. For example, the introduction S3 of tactical simulators with VR technologies to develop ° skills in working with equipment (including the main-I tenance and management of complex devices). X5

Group summed up the results of the development of the VR-learning project in the Perekrestok retail chain [2]. In 2021, the chain trained more than 38,000 supermarket employees using virtual reality technology in all regions of its presence. Employees of 990 operating Perekrestok supermarkets have completed educational courses 87,700 times. Sales growth in certain categories where VR training was used reached 7%. The growth of RTO (Recovery Time Objective) due to the new training system exceeded the target of 3%. Staff turnover has decreased, and learning has become a pleasure: the survey showed that 91% of employees positively evaluate this format of obtaining skills. Thanks to the high speed of assimilation of the material and emotional involvement in the learning process in virtual reality by supermarket employees, the company managed to save about 230,000 hours on offline courses with trainers over the year, which is almost 30,000 full-time working days. Virtual reality training increases the confidence of employees and improves test scores by 10 to 15 percent. The company uses virtual reality to train employees in three main areas: working with new technologies, developing soft skills in customer service, and safety compliance. Virtual reality technologies have also found their way into sales trainings. In 2018, specialists developed the first unique simulator in Russia for the education and training of sales managers, commissioned by the Shkola Prodash company. If new knowledge "reaches" through VR glasses or in a "smart" chat, then the involvement will be higher - simply due to the curiosity and desire built into us to try a fashionable gadget. Since childhood, most of us love to play and do not like to study hard, although one does not necessarily exclude the other. If you break a boring course into short pieces that contain a simple task and offer a small reward at the end, learning can quietly become your team's favorite pastime. Getting involved in the pursuit of points and places in the ranking, a person forgets that he is learning and at the same time working out a skill in practice.


Fig. 1. AR/VR market segmantation in Russia Source: based on Huawei research: AR/VR market in Russia 2022

In the study of the Russian AR/VR market by Hua-wei and TMT-Consulting, it was noted that in 2022 the main demand for solutions in this area was formed by commercial organizations [10]. It accounts for 70% of the market (Fig.1).

The AR/VR market in Russia will grow by an average of 37% per year. By 2025, analysts predict a fivefold increase in revenue in the market - up to 7 billion rubles (Fig.2) [10].

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2022 2025 Fig. 2. AR/VR market in Russia Source: based on Huawei research: AR/VR market in Russia 2022

As for the equipment for these technologies, Russia is the wearable market leader in CEE, so the political impact on the market is huge. Russia has a 38% market share in CEE, and more than 70% of devices are from Apple and Samsung. Due to inflation, sanctions and companies leaving, Russia will be hit hard and the wearable market is expected to lose 1.2 billion by the end of 2022 [10]. VR industry has faced difficulties with the acquisition of virtual reality helmets. The most affordable are Oculus Quest and Oculus Rift. Russian companies cannot purchase these helmets because of sanctions. Of course, there are other options - for example, from HTC and Valve, but such solutions are expensive. The second important component of VR equipment is a computer with a powerful video card. If we talk about components for AR/VR, their import to the Russian Federation has not stopped. Companies that produce Nvidia video cards continue deliveries to Russia. However, it has become much more difficult because it lies in how Nvidia will behave further: if the company prohibits video card manufacturers from working with Russia, then there will be problems with the purchase of equipment. The main thing in VR helmets, in addition to processors and video cards, is displays, but now there are already many companies that can produce them in the Russian Federation. In terms of software, we also have Russian independent technologies and developers, such as Moscow State University VR center, Deus company [6]. According to a study conducted by TAEU [7], the estimated cost of a pilot project for the introduction of a VR simulator is 10 million rubles. Approximate project implementation period is 5-6 months. To implement the project, managers will need to assemble a team of 7-8 people.

Despite all the difficulties, experts believe that it is possible to create completely Russian AR/VR systems that will not depend on imports. In this situation grant support from the state can help. Companies that are engaged in technologies of augmented and virtual reality can count on state support. The developers of such solutions have the right to apply for grants allocated as part of the IT industry support. Without government assistance, this market could sink by 30-40% due to difficulties in importing equipment. Depending on the measures taken by the state, it will be clear how the further fate of the AR/VR industry in Russia will develop. With the right support, the industry will be able to develop even faster than previously predicted. This is especially true in the field of education, where the demand for innovations is increasing tenfold every year. The use of Augmented and Virtual reality technologies in the educational sphere shows high efficiency in the framework of higher education in the global space. They are aimed at creating additional stimulation of visual perception, understanding of educational material and activating students' cognitive activity by expanding the potential of interaction between a person and a mobile device.


1. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: New Trends in Immersive Technology / M. Claudia Dieck, Timothy H. Jung, Sandra Loureiro. 2021. Vol. 146. P. 101-115.

2. How innovation works: and why it flourishes in freedom. / Matt Ridley. 2021. Vol. 87. P. 40-60.

3. Past, present, and future of Virtual Reality: Analysis of its technological variables and definitions / Adriana Paino Ambrosio. June 2021. Vol. 120. P. 91-110.

4. La Valle S.M. Virtual Reality/University of Illinois. / Cambridge University Press. 2020. 418 p.

5. Budiman R.D.A. Developing learning media based on augmented reality (AR) to improve learning motivation // Journal of Education. 2019. vol. 1. № 2. P. 89-94.

6. Roadmap for the development of digital technology "Virtual and augmented reality technologies" [Electronic resource] // The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation. - URL: https://digital.gov. ru/ru/documents/6654

7. Bobrov, A.E. Virtual reality in education / A.E. Bo-brov, O.A. Petrova // Actual problems of aviation and cosmonautics: collection of materials of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference, 2019. - pp. 632-635.

8. Global Virtual Reality Market Report 2022-2027: Analysis of VR Ecosystem and Role of Value Chain Partners, and Analysis of VR Devices, Apps, and Content - ResearchAndMarkets.com / John Browne. 2022

9. Digital solution of Altair company / 2020. URL: https://altair360.com/ru/franchise/cis




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10. Huawei research: AR/VR market in Russia / 2022 URL: https://www.huawei.ru/news/issledovanie-huawei-rynok-ar-vr-v-rossii/


Ivanko E.O., Midova V.O., Danko O.A.

Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov

Modern society requires specialists who are ready to act in a rapidly changing environment. The use of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies is a key area of professional development in the near future. The purpose of the research is to analyze the existing experience of introducing innovations, identify the main advantages and disadvantages of switching to new technologies. This research discusses areas of AR/VR application in the educational process. The analysis of innovation implementation in educational institutions and commercial companies is carried out. The difficulties associated with the political and economic situation, as well as possible ways of further development are presented.

Keywords: virtual and augmented reality, Russian AR/VR market, digital technologies, modern teaching methods, innovations in education, sanctions.


1. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: New Trends in Immersive Technology / M. Claudia Dieck, Timothy H. Jung, Sandra Loureiro. 2021. Vol. 146. P. 101-115.

2. How innovation works: and why it flourishes in freedom. / Matt Ridley. 2021. Vol. 87. P. 40-60.

3. Past, present, and future of Virtual Reality: Analysis of its technological variables and definitions / Adriana Paino Ambrosio. June 2021. Vol. 120. P. 91-110.

4. La Valle S.M. Virtual Reality/University of Illinois. / Cambridge University Press. 2020. 418 p.

5. Budiman R.D.A. Developing learning media based on augmented reality (AR) to improve learning motivation // Journal of Education. 2019. vol. 1. № 2. P. 89-94.

6. Roadmap for the development of digital technology "Virtual and augmented reality technologies" [Electronic resource] // The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation. - URL: https://digital.gov.ru/ ru/documents/6654

7. Bobrov, A. E. Virtual reality in education / A. E. Bobrov, O.A. Pet-rova // Actual problems of aviation and cosmonautics: collection of materials of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference, 2019. - pp. 632-635.

8. Global Virtual Reality Market Report 2022-2027: Analysis of VR Ecosystem and Role of Value Chain Partners, and Analysis of VR Devices, Apps, and Content - ResearchAndMarkets.com / John Browne. 2022

9. Digital solution of Altair company / 2020. URL: https://altair360. com/ru/franchise/cis

10. Huawei research: AR/VR market in Russia / 2022 URL: https:// www.huawei.ru/news/issledovanie-huawei-rynok-ar-vr-v-rossii/

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