VARIABLE AND INVARIABLE INNER FORM OF THE WORD Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Djafarova D.I.

This article is devoted to the analyses of variable and invariable inner form of the word in French and Uzbek languages. All illustrations in this article are based on birds and plants items.

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ка, новггш технологи створення i поширення медiйного контенту, зокрема за допомогою вiртуальноi реальностi, будуть активно розвиватися ставати бшьш доступними для широкого загалу користувачiв.

Список лиератури:

1. Потятиник Б.В. Медiа: клкта до розумiння. Серiя: Медiа критика. - Львiв: ПА1С, 2004. - 312 с.

2. The Oxford English Reference Dictionary, 1996.

3. Webster's New Universal Unabridged Dictionary,


4. Павлюк Р. Структурш елементи вiртуального на-вчального шшомовного середовища педагогiчного вишу / Р. Павлюк // Молодь i ринок. - 2012. - № 3. - С. 77-81

5. Brian X. Chen (2009-08-25). If You're Not Seeing Data, You're Not Seeing. August 2011.

6. R. Azuma, A Survey of Augmented Reality Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, p. p. 355-385, August


7. P. Milgram and A. F. Kishino, Taxonomy of Mixed Reality Visual Displays IEICE Transactions on Information

and Systems, E77-D(12), pp. 1321-1329, 1994.

8. Потятиник Б.В. Медiа: клкга до розумшня. Серiя: Медiа критика. - Львiв: ПА1С, 2004. - 312 с.

9. Radio Beat: Oct. 30, 1938 - The broadcast that scared a nation.

10. http://gazeta.ua/articles/opinions-journal/_pyat-zhurnalistskih-vigadok-u-yaki-povirili/332847

11. Павлюк Р. Структурш елементи вiртуального на-вчального шшомовного середовища педагопчного вишу / Р. Павлюк // Молодь i ринок. - 2012. - № 3. - С. 77-81

12. А. Мамалига. Комушкацшно-синтаксична спец-ифжа медiа текстав: мовна економiя (за матерiалами сучас-них видань). // Мова. Сустльство. Журнал^тика: Збiрник матерiалiв ХХ11 мiжнародноi науково-практично! конфе-ренцii з проблем функщонування i розвитку украшсько! мови «Мова. Суспiльство. Журналiстика» (Ки!в, 8 квiтня 2016). - К.: Видавець Паливода А. В., 2016. - 152 с.


Djafarova D.I

Scientific researcher, Uzbek State University of World Languages


This article is devoted to the analyses of variable and invariable inner form of the word in French and Uzbek languages. All illustrations in this article are based on birds and plants items.

Key words: motivation, motivational mark, inner form of the word, motivology, variable and invariable of inner form, motivational meaning, polymotivation.

Variability problem of the inner form of the word is reflected in several works like [Blinova 1974, 1980; Kosyanova 1994; Mihalyova 1994;], where the notion of variability is explained as "changing of the inner form as a result of polymotivation at the expense of motivational form and meaning of a word." [Blinova 1984, 184].

The variability of inner form of the word is viewed as a result of morpho-semantic structure of motivational unit, language collective conceptual difference and exposed by the linguists on the basis of unit factors of language perception. The distinguishing features of the inner form of the word (IFW) may be homogeny, and may be reflected in motivational paradigm that has heterogeneous structure.

There are two types of notions of aviculture and horticulture in analyzed languages. They are the followings:

1. Variability of inner form of the word (VIW).

2. Invariability of inner form of the word (VIW).

Inner form of the word is considered to be invariable if

one variant of motivational meaning (MM) and one variable of motivated form is marked (MF). As an illustration of invariability of inner form we will give examples of birds and plants items in Uzbek language.

Кокилдор читтак (Kokildor chittak) - motivational meaning (MM): a bird that has a topknot on its head;

Кизил буйинли булбул (Qizil boyinli bulbul) - motivational meaning: a bird with red colour under its neck;

HaM6ypyH (Nayburun) - motivational meaning: a bird that has small canals in its nose;

KopaBoM (Qoravoy) - motivational meaning: a bird that has black feather;

MnoHxyp 6ypryT (Ilonhur burgut) - motivational meaning: an eagle that feeds with poisonous snakes (adders);

BMrM3 TyMmyK (Bigiz tumshuq) - motivational meaning: a sharp headed bird;

OTKynoK (Otquloq) - motivational meaning: the figure of the leaf is similar to horse's ears;

CyTKOH (Sutqon) - motivational meaning: a plant which has poisoned sap alike milk;

Tymanaryn (Tugmachagul) - motivational meaning: a plant with white flowers alike small buttons;

Coa6oHryn (Soyabongul) -motivational meaning: a plant which has a form alike canopy;

Cannaryn (Sallagul) - motivational meaning: a plant which has flowers that spinned like turban;

ffiaKapaK (Shakarak) - a sweet type of melon;

In French language the items of invariable inner form of the word are more than in Uzbek language:

Ortie - motivational meaning: a plant with a touch of which body starts to scratch;

Belle - de -nuit - motivational meaning: a plant which blossoms in the evening;

Courvite - motivational meaning: fast running bird;

Filassier - motivational meaning: a bird which as a drill sticks into grain (fiber);

Fauvette - motivational meaning: a bird which's feathers are light yellow coloured;

Chasseton - motivational meaning: a bird that chases well;

Durbec - motivational meaning: a bird with hard beak;

Paquerette - motivational meaning: a plant which blossoms in Easter holiday;

Bleuet - motivational meaning: a plant with blue flowers;

Paturin - motivational meaning: a plant which blooms on pasture lands;

Bardanette - motivational meaning: a plant alike old woman;

Jeaunette - motivational meaning: a plant with yellow flowers;

Invariable inner form of the word is appeared in the followings:

1. Motivational names of the birds based on their pronounced voices (diver, wood sandpiper and others).

2. Compound marked motivational ornithonyms;

3. Semantic motivational ornithonyms (frigate, cricket) (Adilova, 1996, 76). But in our opinion, some of the birds' names that are indicated with pronounced voices can be an example to the invariable type of inner form. For example: как-ку, шак-шак, биз -биз (kakku, shaq-shaq, bzz-bzz) birds can be examples to invariable inner form of the word.

Биз - биз (bzz-bzz) motivational meaning: while flying pronounces sound bzz-bzz;

Какку - motivational meaning: a bird that pronounces sound ku-ku;

In French language there are also the names of the birds that are named due to the pronounced sound and they can be examples to the invariable inner form of the word: Coucou, Pit - pit, dudu.

Relativity of variability of the inner form is featured despite of the type of motivated item inner form. We can give the following examples:

Кункирокгул (Qongiroqgul) - motivational meaning: 1. A plant which form is alike bluebell; motivational meaning: 2. A plant which produces sound of a bluebell;

Калампир ут (Qalampir ot)- motivational meaning: 1. A plant which bitters as pepper; motivational meaning: 2. in a form of pepper; motivational meaning: 3. its colour is as pepper's colour.

Император пингвин (Imperator pingvin) - motivational meaning: 1. Impressive as an imperior; motivational meaning: 2.has an ability of governing; motivational meaning: 3. high

Сув бургути (Suv burguti) - motivational meaning: 1. inhabits in a place of reservoirs; motivational meaning: 2. gets own prey from water; motivational meaning: 3. swims on the surface of a water.

Variation of the inner word depends neither to nominational principle nor to complexity of motivational sign, or may be connected to a motivational type or motivational signs of items that features with its informative opportunities; as more will be informativity of motivational meaning, so much will be an opportunity of changeability of inner form of a word.

As a result of polymotivation variability of inner form of the word can occur the followings:

a) changing of the form of motivational sense; bechot (beche

- spade, becher -garden fork, to dig ), plant. niveole (nival-snowy));

b) different segmentation of motivational form;

c) changing of motivational form and motivational meaning at one time; oeillet (ear) Ba oeill/et (oeil/eye).

Changing by inner form polymotivation can be divided into two forms:

1. The word that has an invariable inner form (i.e. has not changeable motivational form and changeable motivational meaning). In this case, variable inner form of the word is relevant to the words with homogeneous motivated paradigm:

TapMKxyp (Tariqhur) - motivational meaning: 1. A bird that feeds up with grain of millet; motivational meaning: 2. A bird that lives near crops of miller; motivational meaning: 3. A bird that comes during sowing time of a millet; motivational meaning: 4. A bird with a colour of a millet.

HaMryn (Naygul) - motivational meaning: 1. A plant hollow top of which is in a form of pipe; motivational meaning: 2. A plant from which pipe is made.

Ta3aHga (Gazanda)- motivational meaning: 1. A plant which infects other plants; motivational meaning: 2 a plant which lives on account of other plants affecting their roots.

An illustration to constituent list of the names of birds can be the following: MemKo6Kym (Meshkobqush), BonTaTyMmyK (Boltatumshuq), TacKapa (Tasqara), M6nuc (Iblis), Mmhkmhm (Yilqichi). There are a big amount number of the plants' names that can be included to this group: TyHKM3TapoK (Tongiztaroq), TyanaMnoK (Tuyapaypoq), KOHroTap (Qonyutar), KaMMK-naryn (Qayiqchagul), YpoKTyMmyK (Uroqtumshuq), Wn-gy3yT(Yulduzot) and others.

In French language:

Veuve - motivational meaning: 1.a bird that pronounces sound of crying widow; motivational meaning: 2. A bird with long feathers that are alike black clothes of widow;

grande+-eclaire - motivational meaning: 1. A plant flowers of which are light yellow colour that are alike lightning; grandebig, eclair-lightning; motivational meaning: 2. A plant that grows up in a form of lightning;

Ficaire - motivational meaning: 1. A plant that is alike wart; motivational meaning: 2. A plant from the sap of which warts can occur.

The following examples can be illustrated to this group: motteux, huitrier, bare, souchet, spatule; plants: Pulicair, lamme-de-Job, nid-d'oiseau, viperine, alliaire, sabline.

These types of words which have heterogeneous motivational paradigm are occurs very frequently:

Bechot - motivational meaning: 1. A bird whose beak reminds shovel, beche-shovel; motivational meaning: 2. A bird that digs the ground, becher-(ground) to dig.

2. A word that has variable inner form (has variable motivational form and variable motivational meaning). This type of word usually has heterogeneous motivational form.

BanMKHM (Baliqchi) - motivational form: 1: Fisher; motivational meaning: a bird that feeds with water fishes; motivational meaning: 2: Fisher; Motivational meaning: a bird that looks like fish;

BaKacanna (Baqasalla) - motivational meaning: Motivational form: 1: frog/turban; motivational meaning: poisonous cep; motivational form: 2: Turban of a croaker: motivational

meaning: type of a cep that reminds the form of turban;

HoH^MMga (Nonjiyda)- motivational form: 1 bread: /jiyda; motivational meaning: meat type of big jiyda; motivational form: 2: Breadjiyda; motivational meaning: type of jiyda that is hearty as a bread;

CoByHaK (Sovunak) - motivational form: 1: Soap; motivational meaning: a plant roots of which produce foam alike soapsuds (lather); motivational form: 2: Soapier; motivational meaning: frothing plant

The variability of inner form of the word of the names of birds and plants in French language is considered to be one of its distinctive features.

Combattant - motivational form: 1. COMBATT/ANT. motivational meaning: 1. A fighting bird; motivational form: 2. COMBATTANT; motivational meaning: 2. A bird that behaves itself as a warrior, combatant-soldier;

Oeillet - motivational form: 1. OEILL/ET; motivational meaning: 1. A plant form of which reminds an eye, oeil-eye; motivational form: 2. OEILLET: motivational meaning: motm-

Motivational comparative analysis of variable and invariable inner form of the word (IFW) of semantical group micronism in Uzbek and French languages shows that a big amount of variable inner form is dedicated to birds items: in Uzbek language their number consist of 39%.

Semantical group of variable IFW of plant items consist of 36%. Variable inner form of the word of lexical items in French language are substantially less than in Uzbek language, i.e. items of birds consist of 25% and items of plants are 20%.

Motivational paradigm degree of lexical units of comparative analysis gave the following results. Firstly, pertaining lexical units' minor inner form with main inner form has the same variability and well-matches each other from the semantic side.

Adequate lexical units:

uzb.: Фрегат (Fregat) - motivational meaning: 1. A bird, form of the body of which is like fregat;

fr.: fregate - motivational meaning: 2. A bird which swims like fregat.

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uzb.: Кардинал(Cardinal) - motivational meaning: 1. Red-feathered bird whose feathers are alike the clothes of cardinal;

fr.: Cardinal - motivational meaning: 2: Red-feathered bird on the head of which there is a hat like cardinal's.

Equivalent lexical units:

uzb.: Сарик тож (Sariq toj) - motivational meaning: 1. A bird which has a yellow line on its head that is alike the crown;

fr.: Roitlet - motivational meaning: 2. A bird whose cirrus is alike the crown of a king, roi-king;

вaцмoн MatHO 2: a plant with flowers that are alike ears; oeillet-ear;

Compagnon - motivational form: 1. COMPAGN/ ON; motivational meaning: 1. A plant sprouts with its seeds, accompagner- be together. Motivational form: 2. COMPAGNON; motivational meaning: 2. A plant constant companion of which is sowing wheat;

Globulaire - motivational form: 1. globul-aire, motivational meaning: 1. A plant that is like ball; motivational form: 2. Globulaire; 2. motivational meaning: a plant in a form of a ball;

Dentaire - motivational form: 1. dent/aire; motivational meaning: 1. A plant leaves of which are in a form of teeth, den-tooth. motivational form: 2. Dentaire; 2. motivational meaning: a plant whose edges of leaves are in a form of teeth, dentaire-toothed.

The results of motivational comparative analysis of variable and invariable inner form of the word of aviculture and horticulture of both languages are given in the following 6th table.

Table # 6

uzb.: OMryn (Oygul) - motivational meaning: 1. A plant that grown up in a moon light;

fr.: Lunaire - motivational meaning: 2. Fertile plant which fetals' flowers are alike round moon, lune-moon.

uzb.: Mmcbok (Misvoq) - motivational meaning: 1. A plant which is used to clean teeth;

fr.: Dentaire - motivational meaning: 2. A plant whose leaves are alike teeth, dent-tooth.

Secondly, in the group of lexical units of relevant inner form the items may differ:

a) In a case where by the number of inner variability matches one of the motivational meaning:

uzb.: EHKOKxyp (Yongoqhor) - motivational meaning: 1. A bird that feeds with nuts; motivational meaning: 2. A bird that catches nuts; motivational meaning: 3. A bird that inhabits in hazel-rough.

fr.: Casse-noix . motivational meaning: A bird that grinds the nuts, noix-hazel.

uzb.: ^aMnaKTyMmyK (Laylaaktumshuq) - motivational meaning: A plant which form is alike the heron's tail.

fr.: Bec de - grue - motivational meaning: Fertile plant which is alike the beak of the crane, bec-beak, grue-crane.

b) Moreover, inner form variants that have propositional structure are at the same amount due to the motivational meaning components of semantics:

uzb.: TapMKxyp (Tariqhor) - motivational meaning: 1. A bird that lives in crops of miller; motivational meaning: 2. A bird

Type of the IFW(Inner form of the word) Itemsof the aviculture Itemsof the horticulture

Uzbek lan-ge French lan-ge Uzbek lan-ge French lan-ge

Total LEXICAL UNITS 126 100% 109 100% 127 100% 128 100%

Variable 49 39% 27 25% 46 36% 26 20%

Invariable 77 61% 82 75% 81 64% 102 80%

*Total number of motivational lexical units

that feeds with the crops of miller;

fr.: Linotte - motivational meaning: 1. A bird that inhabits on the area under crops of flax; motivational meaning: 2. A bird that feeds with the crops of flax, lin-flax.

uzb.: HMmpTKa (Chigirtka) - motivational meaning: 1. A bird that pronounces sounds which reminds the sound of black cricket; motivational meaning: 2. A bird that feeds with crickets;

fr.: Locustelle - motivational meaning: A bird which voice is alike crickets'.

c) Lexical units that have the same motivational meaning component of semantics but differs with propositional structure:

uzb.: KyHra6oKap (Kungaboqar) - motivational meaning: 1. A plant which colour and form is alike the sun; motivational meaning: 2. A plant that growns up towards the sun;

fr.: Tournesol - motivational meaning: A plant which turns its flowers toward the sun, tourner-turn, sol(eil)-the sun.

Common component of lexical units' semantics of French and Uzbek languages is considered to be "the sun".

uzb.: KyeH^yH (Quyonjun) - motivational meaning: 1. A plan which colour reminds the colour of a hare; motivational meaning: 2. A plant which form reminds hare;

fr.: Queue - de - lievre - motivational meaning: 1. A plant which form reminds the tail of a hare; motivational meaning: 2. A plant which colour is similar to the colour of hare's tail;

d) When one semantical component of motivational meaning well-matches with a number of variants of inner form and propositional structure:

uzb.: KomuKTyMmyK (Qoshiqtumshuq) - motivational meaning: 1. A bird beak's form of which reminds a spoon; motivational meaning: 2. A bird with thick beak;

fr.: Bec - en - cuiller - motivational meaning: bec- beak, cuiller - spoon, a bird with a beak like a spoon; motivational meaning: 2. A bird which colour reminds the colour of a spoon;

Common semantic component of French and Uzbek items is "spoon beak".

uzb.: Mexpurue (Mehrigiyo) - motivational meaning: 1. A plant which considers to be medicinal and wound healing from all illnesses; motivational meaning: 2. Healing herb that is used in medicine; motivational meaning: 3. Reviving plant arising beneficence;

Among people there is such legend that to a person who carries the seed of this plant with him/herself others will be very kind.

fr.: Vulneraire - motivational meaning: 1. A plant that has healing properties; motivational meaning: 2. wound healing herb; motivational meaning: 3. wound reviving plant, vulneraire-to cure, to heal, to revive.

Common semantic component of motivational meanings of French and Uzbek items is "wound healing".

Here we will illustrate one of the descriptions of comparative inner form of the word (IFW): If inner form of lexical units will match due to the semantical motivational meaning, whether the inner form is one varianted and whether only one semantical component matches it is considered to be as comparative.

Thirdly, in a group of lexical units that has non - alternative inner form despite of the number of inner variants of birds and

plants items that matches, they differ in any case by semantic motivational names.

uzb.: By3goK (Buzdoq) - motivational meaning: 1. A bird that unfits for chasing; motivational meaning: 2. A bird inhabits in a place where are loads of mice;

fr.: Crecerelle - motivational meaning: A bird which sound is alike rattle, crecelle-rattle.

Due to the variability and invariability of inner form of the word during the motivational comparative analysis of French and Uzbek motivational aviculture and horticulture items comparative lexical units can be distinguished to the following types:

Variable inner form of the word-variable inner form of the word

uzb.: ^aBgap Kym (Javdar qush) - motivational meaning: 1. A bird that inhabits on an area cropped by rye corn; motivational meaning: 2. A bird which colour is like yellow rye; motivational meaning: 3. A bird that feeds with rye; motivational meaning: 4. A bird that comes while sowing rye crops;

fr.: Pluvier - motivational meaning: 1. A bird that flies during rain; motivational meaning: 2: A bird singing during rain; motivational meaning: 3: A bird that with its singing calls rain, pluie-rain.

uzb.: KapHaMHM (Karnaychi) - motivational meaning: 1. A bird which beak is in a form of trumpet; motivational meaning: 2. A bird which singing is like the sound of a horn;

fr.: Oiseau - trompette - motivational meaning: 1. A bird which pronounces a sound of pipe, oiseau-bird, trompette-pipe; motivational meaning: 2. A bird beak of which is alike pipe;

Variable inner form of the word-Invariable inner form of the word

uzb.: ByKOKHM KanTap (Buqoqli kaptar) - motivational meaning: 1. A bird pronounces sounds from the gullet; motivational meaning: 2. A bird with white strict on its neck; motivational meaning: 3. A bird that has lips under throat;

fr.: Tourterelle - motivational meaning: 1. Noisy bird that pronounces loud sounds; motivational meaning: 2. A bird that has white stripe on its throat;

uzb.: TaxTaKaHa (Tahtakana) - motivational meaning: 1: a plant that attracts insects; motivational meaning: 2. A plant that repels insects; motivational meaning: 3. A plant which smell attracts insects;

fr.: Passerage - motivational meaning: flower of anger, passer-passer, rage-anger.

uzb.: TemaHO3MK (Tegmanozik)- motivational meaning: 1. Sharp picking fragile plant; motivational meaning: 2. Touch-me-not plant which throws its fetus if touched.

Variable inner form of the word of motivational units of morpho-semantical structure is viewed as a result of conceptual differences of language collectivity. It may happen as a result of half motivation changing, inner form of the word changes, motivational forms changing and also may happen due to the motivational meaning changing. The feature of changeability of inner form of the word may have homogeneous as well as heterogeneous structure that occurs in motivational paradigm of the words.

Comparative analysis of variable and invariable inner form of the words showed that a huge number of words that have

variable inner form refer to Uzbek language that is considered to be a special feature of motivational structure in Uzbek language. (avicult-39%, horticult-36%). In French language their number is less. (avicult-25% and horticult- 20%).

Used literature:

1. Блинова О.И. Проблемы диалектной лексикологии: Автореф. дис. ... д-ра филол. наук. Томск: 1974.

2. Блинова О.И. Явление мотивации слов: Лексикологической аспект: Учеб. пособие. Томск: 1984; изд. 2. М.: Книжный дом «Либроком» \ URSS, 2010.

3. Блинова О.И. Мотивационный словарь и его ин-

формативные возможности // Междунар. симпозиум по проблемам этимологии, исторической лексикологии и лексикографии. М.:1984.

4. Косьянова Ж.А. Варьирование внутренней формы слова в диалектной речи// Явление вариативности в языке. Кемерово: 1994. -С187-188.

5. Михалёва Е.В. Явление лексикализации внутренней формы слова: Дисс. ...канд. филол. наук. Томск: 1994.



Калтта-Шамрай В.Р.

кандидат фыологЫних наук, асистент кафедри Французьког фыологгг Кигвського нацюнального утверситету iu. Тараса Шевченка (Украгна)


Kalinina-Shamrai V.R.candidate of linguistics, lecturer of the department of French philology Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine)


Стаття присвячена до^дженню вербальног та невербальног складовог сучасного французького комжсу. Результати аналiзу свiдчать про гармонйне поеднання та взаемовплив цих компонентiв. Виявлено варiативнiсть способiв вiдобра-ження вербальног та невербальног складовог та визначено гх вплив на рецитента. З'ясовано доцыьшсть використання комкав як дидактичного матерiалу для вивчення французьког мови.


The article deals with verbal and nonverbal elements of a comic strip. The harmonic combination and interaction of these elements is shown. The results of analysis evidence the wide range of verbal and paralinguistic components representation methods and its effects on the recipient. It is determined the utility of comics use as teaching tools in foreign language teaching and learning.

Ключовi слова: комтси, креолiзований текст, вербальт елементи, невербальт елементи, мовш бульки, ономатопег.

Key words: comic strips, creolized text, verbal elements, nonverbal elements, speech balloon, onomatopoeia.

Комжси, яю у Францп та Бельгп одержали назву la bande dessinée, в 1талш - fumetti, в англо-американських крашах - comics або comic strip, в Японп - mangas, мають чималий ycnix серед читачiв та користуються великою популяршстю. Цей дев'ятий вид мистецтва став справж-hím феноменом сустльства та культури i поав гвдне м^це серед наочних матерiалiв, яю застосовуються для набуття комунжативних навичок в процеа вивчення мови.

Актуальшсть дослщження зумовлено можлив^тю прикладного застосування французьких комжав для вивчення вербальних та невербальних (паралшгастичних) засобiв комунжацп та 1х подальшого використання як дидактичного матерiалy для вивчення французько! мови.

Метою статт е дослщження взаемовпливу вербально! та невербально!' складово! сучасного французького комж-су, а також з'ясування доцшьносл використання комжав тд час викладання французько! мови.

Об'ектом дослщження стали вербальш та жошчш компонента комжав.

У сучаснш науковш лiтератyрi ^нуе чимало визначень комжав. У цш статт ми будемо спиратись на визначення, запропоноване росшським вченим, дослщником дев'ятого

мистецтва О.Г. Соншим. Отже, науковець вважае комжси «особливим способом оповщання, текст якого становить последовшсть кадрiв, що м^тять не лише малюнок, а й вербальний твiр, який вщображае головним чином дiалог персонажiв та оточений специфiчною рамкою. При цьому малюнок та вербальний текст, який вш метить, утворю-ють оргашчну зм^тову едшсть» [1, с. 12]. Завдяки взае-моди в комжа вербально! та невербально! складово!, цей вид мистецтва поеднуе в собi високий обсяг шформацп, яка розрахована на максимальну простоту сприйняття. Вербальною складовою вважаеться лиерний текст. Так само як у творах художньо! лггератури, в комжа видшя-ють два види тексту: мова персонажiв й мова автора (до яко! належать титри, заголовки, авторске резюме, комен-тарии як до всього комжсу, так i до його окремих епiзодiв [2]. Невербальна складова метить графiку комжса (посль довнiсть малюнкiв, кожен iз яких обрамований рамкою i утворюе кадр) i параграфiку, яка транслюе здебiльшого фонову, додаткову iнформацiю i вiдiграе роль субститута лiтерного текста та бере участь у створенш експресив-ностi та емотивностi комжсу, а також утворюе ашмащю графiчно! частини [2].

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