Durdona Maxmudjon qizi Narimanova
O'zbekiston Respublikasi Huquqni muhofaza qilish akademiyasi magistr tinglovchisi
E-mail: durdonamaxmudj onovna@gmail .com
This article explores Uzbekistan's journey towards World Trade Organization (WTO) membership, focusing on the nation's efforts to harmonize its legal framework with WTO norms and the implications for domestic legislation. The article discusses the challenges of aligning national laws with international trade standards and the potential disputes that could arise from this process. Additionally, it examines the strategies Uzbekistan is implementing to enhance investment security and economic development as part of its broader integration into the global trade system. Through a detailed analysis of Uzbekistan's approach, the article provides valuable insights into the complexities of WTO accession and the steps needed to ensure a smooth transition into the international trading community.
Keywords: Uzbekistan, World Trade Organization, WTO membership, international trade, national legislation, economic reform, legal harmonization, investment security, dispute resolution, global trade system, trade liberalization, economic development.
Ushbu maqola O'zbekistonning Jahon Savdo Tashkilotiga (JST) a'zo bo'lish yo'liga, mamlakatning huquqiy asoslarini JST normalari bilan uyg'unlashtirishga qaratilgan sa'y-harakatlari va uning ichki qonunchilikka ta'siriga e'tibor qaratadi. Maqolada milliy qonunlarni xalqaro savdo standartlariga moslashtirish muammolari va bu jarayondan kelib chiqishi mumkin bo'lgan nizolar muhokama qilinadi. Bundan tashqari, unda O'zbekistonning global savdo tizimiga kengroq integratsiyalashuvi doirasida investitsion xavfsizlik va iqtisodiy rivojlanishni oshirish bo'yicha amalga oshirilayotgan strategiyalar ko'rib chiqiladi. Maqolada O'zbekistonning yondashuvini batafsil tahlil qilish orqali JSTga a'zo bo'lishning murakkabliklari va xalqaro savdo hamjamiyatiga muammosiz o'tishni ta'minlash uchun zarur bo'lgan qadamlar haqida qimmatli tushunchalar berilgan.
Kalit so'zlar: O'zbekiston, Jahon savdo tashkiloti, JSTga a'zolik, xalqaro savdo, milliy qonunchilik, iqtisodiy islohot, huquqiy uyg'unlashtirish, sarmoya
April 24, 2024
xavfsizligi, nizolami hal qilish, global savdo tizimi, savdoni erkinlashtirish, iqtisodiy rivojlanish.
В данной статье рассматривается путь Узбекистана к членству во Всемирной торговой организации (ВТО), уделяя особое внимание усилиям страны по гармонизации своей правовой базы с нормами ВТО и последствиям для внутреннего законодательства. В статье обсуждаются проблемы приведения национального законодательства в соответствие со стандартами международной торговли и потенциальные споры, которые могут возникнуть в результате этого процесса. Кроме того, в нем рассматриваются стратегии, реализуемые Узбекистаном для повышения инвестиционной безопасности и экономического развития в рамках более широкой интеграции в мировую торговую систему. Благодаря подробному анализу подхода Узбекистана, статья дает ценную информацию о сложностях вступления в ВТО и шагах, необходимых для обеспечения плавного перехода в международное торговое сообщество.
Ключевые слова: Узбекистан, Всемирная торговая организация, членство в ВТО, международная торговля, национальное законодательство, экономическая реформа, правовая гармонизация, инвестиционная безопасность, разрешение споров, глобальная торговая система, либерализация торговли, экономическое развитие.
Uzbekistan's trajectory towards World Trade Organization (WTO) membership reflects a nuanced interplay between domestic economic imperatives and international trade obligations. Emerging from the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Uzbekistan embarked on a pioneering journey of economic reform, positioning itself as a regional leader in Central Asia. The initial steps towards WTO membership were taken in December 1994, marking the beginning of negotiations aimed at integrating into the global trade architecture. However, progress was impeded by domestic policy shifts, notably the imposition of currency controls on cotton export earnings in 1996, conflicting with the principles espoused by the WTO[1].
A transformative shift occurred following the 2016 presidential elections, heralding a renewed commitment to economic liberalization. The subsequent legislation in 2017, aimed at liberalizing currency exchange, signaled Uzbekistan's resolve to realign its economic policies with international standards. This resurgence in commitment was enshrined in the Action Strategy for the Development of Uzbekistan (2017-2021), which identified the activation of WTO negotiations as a
April 24, 2024
National University of Uzbekistan Current Issues and Modern Trends of Social and Humanitarian Sciences
Национальный университет Узбекистана Современные тенденции и актуальные вопросы социально-гуманитарных наук
key priority. Leveraging diplomatic ties, Uzbekistan engaged in bilateral negotiations with various countries, culminating in successful negotiations with Georgia, Turkey, and Mongolia, among others. With a working group comprising 47 member states, Uzbekistan navigates the intricate terrain of WTO accession, cognizant of the need to balance domestic imperatives with international obligations.
The integration of WTO norms into national legislation constitutes a pivotal phase in Uzbekistan's journey towards WTO membership. The recent constitutional revisions underscore Uzbekistan's commitment to international legal norms, positioning international treaties as a component of the national legal framework. However, the precise implications of this provision necessitate further elucidation, particularly concerning potential conflicts between domestic legislation and WTO agreements. A model clause serves as a mechanism to reconcile such disparities, ensuring the primacy of WTO obligations in the event of a conflict.
The harmonization process entails a meticulous examination of domestic laws vis-à-vis WTO norms, necessitating amendments to existing legislation to ensure compliance. This entails a delicate balancing act, wherein Uzbekistan seeks to preserve national sovereignty while adhering to international trade standards [2]. The integration of WTO norms heralds a new era of transparency and predictability in Uzbekistan's legal landscape, fostering an environment conducive to foreign investment and economic growth.
Anticipating potential disputes within the WTO framework is imperative as Uzbekistan navigates the complexities of international trade. Analysis of historical dispute trends underscores the significance of areas such as anti-dumping measures, subsidies, and intellectual property rights [3]. Uzbekistan's participation in investment disputes sheds light on recurring themes of transparency and investment security, highlighting the need for robust legal frameworks to mitigate potential conflicts.
A proactive approach involves leveraging insights gleaned from historical disputes to inform policy formulation and legal reforms. By bolstering institutional capacity and enhancing transparency measures, Uzbekistan seeks to preemptively address potential sources of conflict, safeguarding its interests within the WTO framework.
Investment security constitutes a linchpin of Uzbekistan's economic development strategy, underpinning efforts to attract foreign capital and foster sustainable growth. Enhancing the domestic investment climate entails a multifaceted approach, encompassing tax reforms, streamlined regulatory processes, and targeted sectoral incentives[4]. The creation of an investment database facilitates strategic
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decision-making, enabling Uzbekistan to identify priority sectors and attract targeted investments.
Furthermore, promoting export-oriented industries and fostering collaboration between large enterprises and small businesses are essential for bolstering economic resilience and diversifying revenue streams[5]. Uzbekistan's commitment to localizing production and fostering innovation underscores its proactive stance towards economic development and integration into the global economy.
Uzbekistan's odyssey towards WTO membership epitomizes a delicate balancing act between domestic imperatives and international obligations. By aligning national legislation with WTO norms, preemptively addressing potential disputes, and enhancing investment security, Uzbekistan charts a course towards sustainable economic growth and integration into the global trading system. Embracing the principles of transparency, inclusivity, and adherence to international norms, Uzbekistan embarks on a transformative journey, poised to realize its full potential on the world stage.
1. Pomfret, R. (2020). Uzbekistan and the world trade organization. Silk Road: A Journal of Eurasian Development, 2(1), 54-61.
2. Ashurov, S. (2023). The role of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in the economy of Uzbekistan: opportunities and challenges. Прикладные науки в современном мире: проблемы и решения, 2(5), 12-13.
3. Muradova, K., & Abdurazakov, A. (2004). Foreign Trade Regime of Uzbekistan and Its Compliance to Norms of Agreements of WTO.
4. Kholbazarov, T. (2023). Protectionism and WTO. View from Uzbekistan. View from Uzbekistan (December 17, 2023).
5. Шепенко, Р.А. ВТО и урегулирование антидемпинговых споров: общая характеристика/Р.А.Шепенко// Вестник Пермского университета.-2014 г.-выпуск №1( 23)Б.
April 24, 2024