Научная статья на тему 'Using TikTok as a tool for learning the English language'

Using TikTok as a tool for learning the English language Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
micro­learning / nano­learning / short­form con­ tent / olympiad preparation / en­ gagement / personally­oriented components / микро­зерттеу / нано­зерттеу / қысқа мерзімді мазмұн / олимпиа­даға дайындық / қатысу / тұл­ғаға бағытталған компоненттер / микро­ изучение / нано­изучение / короткосрочный контент / под готовка к олимпиаде / вовлеченность / личностно­-ориентированные компоненты.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Bukhmetov A.A., Kolycheva I.A.

The article focuses on the use of short-form content in the classroom as well as personallyoriented components for students to research the material further. This technique might seem neither useful nor appreciated by teachers, but it shows the connection between the students and their mobile phones, and how they could use this bond as a learning tool, especially focused in the microand nano-learning fields. The article has multiple examples and also suggestions for teachers to look at and take into consideration the implementation of this technique into the curriculum process for the English language lessons. The article also explains the main process for the creation of this technique, as well as an in-depth explanation to why we chose it over anything else.

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Статья ставит в фокус использование короткосрочного контента в классе и на личностноориентированном компоненте для учеников с целью изучения материала темы глубже. Эта методика может казаться не так уж и полезной или поддерживаемой учителями, но методика своим образом показывает связь между учениками и их смартфонами, и как они могут использовать эту связь как инструмент для изучения английского языка, особенно стоит отметить сферы микрои нано-изучения. Статья имеет несколько примеров использования на практике и рекомендации для учителей для изучения и восприятия этой темы как имплементацию этой методики в ученический процесс на уроках английского языка. Статья также описывает процесс, за которым стоит создание этой методики, и подробное объяснение выбора темы.

Текст научной работы на тему «Using TikTok as a tool for learning the English language»


Педагогическая наука и практика


ГРНТИ 14.25.09





Мақала тақырыптың материалын тереңірек зерттеу мақсатында сыныпта қысқа мерзімді мазмұнды

және оқушыларға арналған тұлғаға бағытталған

компоненттерді қолдануға баса назар аударады. Бұл

әдіс мұғалімдерге пайдалы немесе қолдау көрсет­

пеуі мүмкін, бірақ әдіс студенттер мен олардың

смартфондары арасындағы байланысты көрсетеді

және олар бұл байланысты ағылшын тілін үйрену

құралы ретінде қалай қолдана алады, әсіресе Микро

және Нано - зерттеу салаларын байқаған жөн. Мақалада практикада қолданудың бірнеше мысалдары

бар, сонымен қатар мұғалімдерге осы тақырыпты

үйренуге және қабылдауға арналған ұсыныстар,

сондай-ақ ағылшын тілі сабақтарында осы әдісті

студенттік процеске енгізу. Мақала сонымен қатар

осы әдісті жасау процесін сипаттайды, сонымен қатар біз осы тақырыпты не үшін таңдағанымызды егжей-тегжейлі түсіндіреміз.


Статья ставит в фокус использование короткосрочного контента в классе и на личностно-­

ориентированном компоненте для учеников с целью

изучения материала темы глубже. Эта методика может казаться не так уж и полезной или поддерживаемой учителями, но методика своим образом показывает связь между учениками и их смартфонами, и

как они могут использовать эту связь как инструмент

для изучения английского языка, особенно стоит отметить сферы микро- и нано-изучения. Статья имеет несколько примеров использования на практике и

рекомендации для учителей для изучения и восприятия этой темы как имплементацию этой методики в

ученический процесс на уроках английского языка.

Статья также описывает процесс, за которым стоит

создание этой методики, и подробное объяснение

выбора темы.

Bukhmetov A.A.,

student of the 10th grade,

“Ozat” Specialized IT

Boarding School,

Kostanay, Kazakhstan,

Scientific Work Supervisor:

Kolycheva I.A.,

English teacher,

“Ozat” Specialized IT

Boarding School,

Kostanay, Kazakhstan.

Негізгі сөздер: микро-зерттеу, нано-зерттеу, қысқа

мерзімді мазмұн, олимпиа­

даға дайындық, қатысу, тұл­

ғаға бағытталған компоненттер.

Ключевые слова: микроизу­чение, нано-изучение, короткосрочный


под­­готовка к олимпиаде, вовлеченность, личностно-ориентированные компоненты.

Keywords: micro-learning,

nano-learning, short-form con­

tent, olympiad preparation, en­

gagement, personally-oriented



Педагогическая наука и практика


As new advancements are made in the

way of changing the learning process

for students, more and more methods

of teaching begin to arise. Not only the

teaching side has new methods of teaching

and hence progress, but also the students

themselves. With how mobile phones are

used today not such as a tool for making

phone calls but as a communication device,

more screentime is spent on a daily, instead

of productive activities[1].That’s why it

is important to reduce the screentime and

incorporate the mobile phones and content

related to them in the curriculum. With

how English lessons are taught in today’s

schools, the need for student engagement

during the lesson is increasing rapidly.

Our main goal is to achieve the use of

short-form content during the teaching

process inside the classroom, mainly the

English lessons to increase the overall

engagement of students into the material.

TikTok being the main subject of our

scientific work(tbe), it is widely used by

students across the country, and the main

target of this platform is catching viewer’s

attention, it is by far the best choice of

incorporating short-form content into the

teaching process. Teachers can also use

TikTok to create short videos on specific

subjects that students can watch. This is

great for explaining lesson concepts х[2]

or expanding onto the topic as the curiosity


of students might get into hold and ask

questions slightly unrelated to the main

aspect of the topic.

We think that the future progress related

to this work will get an ever-impactful

result as it would get approved by the

curriculum committee.

The process at which we made the

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

project was divided into three parts, each

with its hardships and methods.

The first part was the collection of

information regarding the student needs

about the English language and their

lacks in specific language akills through

a questionnaire hosted at the school. After

that comes the analysis of information

that we’ve got from the questionnaire,

the classification of specific problems that

students had and their recommendations

about the choice of the platform we would

host content at.

The second part was the creation of

short-term videos, associated with microand nano-Learning. The program that we

used for creating ahort-form videos was

CapCut due to its ease of use and the

integration with TikTok.

The videos are cut into three parts,





vocabulary units or one singular grammar

unit, diving deeper into its definition and

later examples(example image here with




The article focuses on the use of short-form content in the classroom as well as personallyoriented components for students to research the material further. This technique might

seem neither useful nor appreciated by teachers, but it shows the connection between the

students and their mobile phones, and how they could use this bond as a learning tool,

especially focused in the micro- and nano-learning fields. The article has multiple examples

and also suggestions for teachers to look at and take into consideration the implementation

of this technique into the curriculum process for the English language lessons. The article

also explains the main process for the creation of this technique, as well as an in-depth

explanation to why we chose it over anything else.



Педагогическая наука и практика

The third and the last part was the

analysis of information the videos have

received on our account. With it come

the recommendations and/or specific

requests coming from the students and

their teachers.

With all the steps completed comes

the point at which we start to integrate

the short-form content into the teaching

process. At first the videos were used

as an additional support for students

to prepare for olympiad questions, to

clear up misconceptions and learn new

vocabulary, as well as a practice for

speaking skills. Students would copy the

link via the QR code and watch the video

they have received. After that comes the

questioning part, where teachers would

question the students regarding the

material and how well they had learned

the topic. The videos specifically chosen

for the olympiad preparation consisted

mostly of advanced vocabulary and

grammar practice, as well as speaking


The method was also used with

just students as well. The videos were

presented in a manner of memorization

and were later questioned on the topic.

After that comes the part at which they

research the topic further by manually

using the student’s book for the material.

It has seemed to be very effective at

helping students correct their previous

mistakes or remember things they might

have forgotten. With the progress going

further on this project, it is recommended

to use this tool not only as a memorization

practice, but as a quick rundown of a new

topic as well[3].

The students received the new ap­

proach to studying very well, especially

the ones that were preparing for olympiad

questions and had to quickly remember

topics they might have forgotten or


With how we presented the point of

this method of learning for students,

it might seem as it was only used for

olympiad preparation. It was not only

for that, but also for personally-oriented

components, such as master English.

With the personally-oriented component,

students would get additional information

for students that might prepare for a

scientific work presentation, as it can be

hard for students themselves to write the

scientific work all alone. With the help

of a teacher, students can get additional

source information through short-form

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

content videos, so that they can get an

inspiration to improve their scientific

work. The personally-oriented component

regarding the English language is divided

into preparation for scientific work

and olympiad questions. The material

inside the short-form content is made

specifically for teachers that have students

with the scientific work in their portfolio,

as it gives an in-depth look at some of

the topics for the English material that is

usually not present in the student’s book.

It not only gives them the information

they might encounter on the olympiad

questions, but also acts as a researching

tool for students that might have the idea

of writing a scientific work flying around

their mind. It boosts the morale of students

and teachers too, since they have a more

hard-working class of people interested in

the material.

With how we have been talking about

the uses of our method, we should present

the example of how we used this method

in the learning process.

As the lesson started, the teacher turned

on the interactive whiteboard in order to

show the students the new topic they have


Педагогическая наука и практика


rundown about the specifics of the topic.

It is recommended to catch the attention

of all students before watching the video,

as sometimes it is just not enough for

students to be interested into. The effect

will show itself very quickly though, as

children’s curiosity will play its role in

developing huge engagement profits and

potentially better grades as well.

Not only is it effective as a teacher’s

tool, but also as a student’s one, as it

can be used by students in preparation

for exams or presentations for specific

school events, etc.


1.Alqahtani (2015). The Importance

of Vocabulary in Language Learning and

How to Be Taught. International Journal

of Teaching and Education, 3, P. 21-34.

2.Lin, C.H., Warschauer, M., & Blake,

R. (2016). Language learning through

social networks: Perceptions and reality.

Language Learning & Technology.

3.Risma Galuh, P. F. (2021). Student’s

Perception toward the Use of Tik Tok in

Learning English Vocabulary. Khazanah:

Jurnal Mahasiswa, 12.


received. As the video is being played,

the teacher prepares the questions for

students to answer, themed around the

material of the short-form content. Also

while students watch the video, their

receptive skills begin to improve on a

scale similar to the student’s book. After

the video has ended, the teacher presents

students the questions they have prepared

for them to fully memorize the topic they

have just watched. While students answer

the questions, they practice productive

skills without even realizing it, which is

good for the teacher, since they do not

need to manually run down the topics for


Now after the end of a video, students

now write the date and the topic of the

material for today: a very quick dive into

the topic for students to engage into, and

be later interested for an in-depth look.

It seems to be very effective for students

that might seem apathetic about the topic

or not fully engaged into the material,

since they usually do not want to research

the material themselves with this attitude.

The results for this practice were

very sufficient and, in some cases, even

impressive, almost all of the students

were engaged into the topic and the

percentage ratio of completed tasks has

been significantly higher than the lessons

before it, even if measuring with the

naked eye. This method is very effective

in these types of situations where students

might not be really motivated to learn

new material or revise the topic.

This method seems to be quite useful

with taking easy approaches to kids

and students that might have trouble

researching the topic they have been

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given with a student’s book or by

themselves. It quickly gives them the

main gist of information and later the full


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