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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Ryabchikova Vera G., Rubleva Olga S., Sergeeva Natalya A., Yakovleva Natalya A.

The problem and the aim of the study. The “flipped class” technology is designed to enhance the cognitive activity of students; however, along with the undeniable advantages of this technology, there are a number of difficulties in its implementation when teaching foreign languages. The authors study the didactic potential of interactive worksheets to increase the effectiveness of the "Flipped class" technology using the example of studying the foreign language. Research methods: To obtain theoretical generalizations the analysis of scientific papers and interactive educational services and generalization of the results of processing empirical data and materials of interactive worksheets were used. The study was conducted at the faculties of foreign languages of Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (Moscow). The experiment involved 81 students and was carried out during 2019-2020. Interactive worksheets were created in the Wizer.me service (https://app.wizer.me/editor/preview/1qjhycSmjJol). Statistical verification of the reliability of the obtained results was made using the Pearson's χ2 (chi-square) criterion. Results. The essence of the concept “interactive worksheet” and the features of implementation of the “Flipped class” technology when studying the foreign language are investigated. The potential of interactive worksheets regarding the formation of foreign language competence, the acquisition of practice in translating, the support of cognitive activities in the framework of the “flipped class” learning technology has been identified. The possibilities of interactive worksheets to increase the effectiveness of using the “Flipped class” technology are revealed by the authors on the example of the discipline “Foreign Language” for students of the training program “Tourism” when studying the module “Professional Communication Sphere”. At the control stage of the experiment, statistically significant differences were found between the experimental and control groups in terms of the level of formation of foreign language competence χ2obser. 2 > χ2кcrit 0.05 (8,58 > 7,82). Conclusion. Peculiarities of organizing classes in the foreign language using interactive worksheets in the framework of the “flipped class” technology were identified, which affect the perception of information, its qualitative analysis and critical analysis; the ability to apply theoretical knowledge of vocabulary, grammar in practice. The studied opportunities can improve the effectiveness of innovative educational technologies by increasing motivation, involving students in the educational process, implementing collaborative educational activities and the formation of elements of the personalized digital educational environment.

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Perspectives of Science & Education

International Scientific Electronic Journal ISSN 2307-2334 (Online)

Available: psejournal.wordpress.com/archive20/20-03/ Accepted: 25 March 2020 Published: 30 June 2020

V. G. Ryabchikova, O. S. Rubleva, N. A. Sergeeva, N. A. Yakovleva

Using interactive worksheets when teaching foreign languages by the "Flipped class" technology

The problem and the aim of the study. The "flipped class" technology is designed to enhance the cognitive activity of students; however, along with the undeniable advantages of this technology, there are a number of difficulties in its implementation when teaching foreign languages. The authors study the didactic potential of interactive worksheets to increase the effectiveness of the "Flipped class" technology using the example of studying the foreign language.

Research methods: To obtain theoretical generalizations the analysis of scientific papers and interactive educational services and generalization of the results of processing empirical data and materials of interactive worksheets were used. The study was conducted at the faculties of foreign languages of Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (Moscow). The experiment involved 81 students and was carried out during 20192020. Interactive worksheets were created in the Wizer.me service (https://app.wizer.me/editor/preview/1qjhycSmjJol). Statistical verification of the reliability of the obtained results was made using the Pearson's x2 (chi-square) criterion.

Results. The essence of the concept "interactive worksheet" and the features of implementation of the "Flipped class" technology when studying the foreign language are investigated. The potential of interactive worksheets regarding the formation of foreign language competence, the acquisition of practice in translating, the support of cognitive activities in the framework of the "flipped class" learning technology has been identified. The possibilities of interactive worksheets to increase the effectiveness of using the "Flipped class" technology are revealed by the authors on the example of the discipline "Foreign Language" for students of the training program "Tourism" when studying the module "Professional Communication Sphere". At the control stage of the experiment, statistically significant differences were found between the experimental and control groups in terms of the level of formation of foreign language competence x2obser. 2>

X2Kcrit 0.05 ^,58 > 7,82y.

Conclusion. Peculiarities of organizing classes in the foreign language using interactive worksheets in the framework of the "flipped class" technology were identified, which affect the perception of information, its qualitative analysis and critical analysis; the ability to apply theoretical knowledge of vocabulary, grammar in practice. The studied opportunities can improve the effectiveness of innovative educational technologies by increasing motivation, involving students in the educational process, implementing collaborative educational activities and the formation of elements of the personalized digital educational environment.

Key words: digital technologies, interactive applications, foreign language competence, didactic potential, increased interaction, cognition, educational environment

For Reference:

Ryabchikova, V. G., Rubleva, O. S., Sergeeva, N. A., & Yakovleva, N. A. (2020). Using interactive worksheets when teaching foreign languages by the "Flipped class" technology. Perspektivy nauki i obrazovania - Perspectives of Science and Education, 45 (3), 195-206. doi: 10.32744/pse.2020.3.15


he transformations taking place in modern education entail changes in the design process of the learning path in various subjects [1]. The "flipped class" model is one of the options for modernization of the educational process [2]. The needs of development of society require forming skills of qualitatively new foreign language communication, information interaction, data analysis, materials for vocational guidance in students.

The implementation of the Digital School project significantly changes the system of Russian education: it updates the content of curricula, provides teachers with additional resources and parents with the opportunity to control the educational process [3]. The role of the teacher is changing, because he/she must oversee the educational process, develop the individual route of knowledge, and help students navigate the modern world in accordance with their chosen priorities. "Digital School" considers "student-centered education" to be one of its priorities that is why today, when organizing classes (including in a foreign language), the unique informational educational environment is formed. According to scientists such as L. S. Nabokova, F. R. Zagidullina [4], with appropriate support this environment will change the nature and content of educational activities when studying foreign languages in the direction of enhancing communication, research, creativity, while reducing the proportion of reproductive activity. The manipulation of information objects and the virtual nature of work support the formation of foreign language competence, contain significant potential for development of thinking, communicativeness and creativity

[5]. In this regard, there are studies that are aimed at introducing augmented reality technologies, text mazes, gamification, etc. in organization of classes in foreign languages

[6]. These technologies support the principles of visibility, accessibility, completeness and interactivity for formation of thinking, imagination, memory [7].

Today, as C. Dziuban, C. R. Graham, P D. Moskal, A. Norberg, N. Sicilia [8] note, "a combination of traditional forms of transmitting information to the audience with elements of online learning that complements and supports the educational space" is becoming relevant. The pedagogical technology, the technology of blended learning, is effectively used when organizing the continuous didactic process. There are three options for blending learning environments: format change; flipped class; autonomous group. In the context of the massive spread of distance and online learning, the flipped class format is the most promising in terms of supporting quality education, since within the framework of this model, the traditional transfer of knowledge is passing from the group educational space in a classroom to individual, and the information space itself is becoming the dynamic interactive environment where the teacher is a tutor [9].

As it is noted by Y. Hao, KS Lee [10] to implement innovative technologies teachers when training foreign languages use not only social networks, video resources, interactive features of Web 2.0 services, http://learningapps.org [11], but also mobile technologies [12]. Moreover, it is proposed to implement quests and gaming platforms. E. V. Karmanova, A. N. Starkov, V. V. Vikulina investigate the didactic potential of gamification in terms of increasing the effectiveness of learning and cognition using the example of electronic technology [13]. E. V. Soboleva, N. L. Karavaev, M. S. Perevozchikova do not only describe the possibilities of digital gamification resources, but also formulate ideas of the methodological approach for their application in any discipline [15]. The inclusion of game and interactive elements in

the "flipped class" may be an effective option for solving the urgent problem of the learning process - reducing the level of cognitive activity of students, the ability to work independently.

• E. A. Plakhova, E. N. Kharapudko, R. R. Nurmieva [15], starting from the position that the realities of the modern world order stimulate interest in learning foreign languages, justify the search for ways and means of intensifying the educational process. As important results of the study, we note the following points:

• the goal of teaching foreign languages at the present stage should not be the language system, but the speech activity in the foreign language as a means of intercultural interaction [16];

• the use of innovative pedagogical technologies allows to creatively apply the language material, to turn classes in the foreign language in the process of communication, discussion, research [17].

L. S. Nabokova, F.R. Zagidullina prove that the learning space, built taking into account these principles, allows students to reveal their creative potential, express themselves individually or in a group, try their hands, apply their knowledge, and publicly demonstrate the achieved result [18].

According to Q. Wang, C. Huang, when learning the foreign language using the "flipped class" technology, the digital resource should complement and expand the range of educational and cognitive influences, enrich the communicative practice, contribute to the mastery of the culture of thinking, speaking and writing skills [2]. However, in reality, it turns out that the interest in learning is increasing most often due to the attractiveness of digital media. The issues of implementation of the "flipped class" technology, development of the content of digital resources, difficulties in selecting and evaluating applications, determining their optimal number for achieving didactic goals determine professional activities of many modern teachers [19].

In these conditions the digital tools appear that allow, firstly, to take into account the features of the technology of the "flipped class"; and, secondly, in the interactive game form to teach the foreign language [20]. As E.K. Gerasimova notes, these tools are "interactive worksheets" [21]. At the moment there is a sufficient number of scientific papers and guidelines on the use of interactive services (from online tests and Docs documents to quizzes in mobile applications) to help in teaching the foreign language. However, the use of interactive worksheets when forming professional skills of the foreign language communicative activity using the "flipped class" technology in the realities of the online lessons requires additional research.

Thus, the purpose of this work is to apply interactive worksheets when organizing teaching the foreign language using the "flipped class" technology. The hypothesis of the study is that the corresponding practice-oriented activity will also contribute to increasing the effectiveness of the educational process as a whole. Achieving this goal becomes possible due to the existence of many computer services, online resources, using which interactive worksheets can be created (Wizer.me, Liveworksheets, Core, Blendspace, Lassflow, etc.).

Materials and methods

To determine the practicability of using interactive worksheets in order to increase the effectiveness of training using the "flipped class" technology, the conclusions of Q. Wang, C. Huang [2] were taken into account. In developing the content and design of interactive

worksheets the principles formulated by M. Hamada, M. Hassan [22] and the defining features of the use of interactive applications in training were used: development occurs only in the activity where the student receives positive emotions; a constant increase in the complexity of the core activity is necessary; activity should be of significant value.

At the stage of the theoretical research of the essence of the "flipped class" technology, features and implementation problems the achievements of C. Dziuban, C. R. Graham, P D. Moskal, A. Norberg, N. Sicilia were analyzed [8]. When identifying the didactic possibilities of interactive worksheets the recommendations of E.K. Gerasimova were used [21]. To describe the features of the methodology for including the "flipped class" in teaching the foreign language the conclusions of O. Putistina were taken into account [23].

Then, using the forecasting method, the didactic potential of the effectiveness of using interactive worksheets when implementing the "flipped class" technology was determined, the hypothesis was formulated regarding qualitative changes in learning outcomes. Using the method of the thought experiment, the ideas of the methodology, practical methods and techniques of teaching the foreign language were tested. At the stage of the pedagogical experiment, empirical methods were used: included observation, testing, analysis of the results of the practice-transforming students' activity. These methods made it possible to obtain information about real changes in the motivation of students, involvement in the educational task, the activation of students in cognition, and the formation of independent work skills.

When organizing the study, the provisions of the system-activity approach were also taken into account:

1) the motivational stage: work with interactive sheets involves the free use of any source of information (both paper and Internet sources);

2) the indicative stage: the design of tasks for the search, selection, transformation, interpretation of information from the Internet;

3) the stage of formation of skills and development of skills: using the elements of a web quest - problem tasks, combined by a common theme or idea with elements of a role-playing game and with a step-by-step description of the procedures is implemented;

4) the control-correcting stage: control of the formation of foreign language competence, translation skills, reflection of educational activities, assessment of effectiveness of the tools used, if necessary - correcting at certain stages (inclusion of test elements combining open and closed questions; development of a system of tasks for functional reading literacy when work with texts; using a system of exercises aimed at developing the skills of structuring and classifying information, the ability to select the main and secondary, schematize, etc.).

To process the results of the pedagogical experiment we used the analysis of arbitrary contingency tables using the Pearson x2 (chi-square) criterion.

The Wizer.me service was used to develop interactive worksheets. It is a set of various digital educational tasks that the teacher can present to students.

Literature review

The analysis of scientific and methodological literature allowed us to distinguish the following directions in domestic and foreign studies:

1. Clarification of the essence of the implementation of the "flipped class" model in the modern educational space and the identification of the features of its implementation when teaching the foreign language.

C. Dziuban, C.R. Graham, P. D. Moskal, A. Norberg, N. Sicilia [8], E. Cabi [19] are working to determine the advantages and disadvantages of this model and its practical application for specific academic disciplines (language training, computer science and etc.). Many scientists believe that this model should become one of the main techniques of modern education [2]. It affects the rate of assimilation of material by students [24]. With the traditional approach to learning, they have no way to stop, listen to the material again, ask a clarifying question; the use of pre-prepared digital resources allows solving this problem. The material is available at any time and from any device, and it can be viewed more than once. In addition, this approach allows students to increase self-discipline, since the quality of their home independent training affects their success in the classroom. Students are more active in the classroom, involved in cognitive, collaborative and interactive actions to solve practice-oriented tasks [2].

L. Cuesta Medina [24] shows that the main problems in introducing this model into training are the need for a lot of preliminary work and time spent during the first stages of work, the need for students to prepare individually at home, the need to learn new software tools, the deep knowledge of digital technologies, good knowledge of the foreign language. Some scholars criticize the expected positive effects, for example, E. Cabi does not find a noticeable improvement in the quality of educational results [19].

Foreign language lessons according to the "flipped class" technology should include at least four components: 1) reorientation of the space and time of training, taking into account individual and intragroup needs of students; 2) preliminary selection and preparation of content and tasks, relevant digital resources and exercise systems; 3) regular monitoring of the results achieved by students when solving problems; 4) constant feedback and monitoring of achievements and failures of students. The advantages of the "flipped class" technology are stated by M. Limniou, I. Schermbrucker, M. Lyons; they write about the emotional side of practice-transforming activity, the factor of additional motivation, and the formation of interdisciplinary and intercultural interaction. The importance of blended learning for the development of scientific thinking was especially noted [9].

2. Exploring the possibilities of digital tools (online services, interactive resources) to support blended learning, to enhance educational and cognitive activities, including the study of foreign languages.

Taking into account the fact that digital media is firmly embedded in the everyday reality, it's quite natural, according to Q. Wang, C. Huang [2], that these resources are included in the "flipped class" technology. However, students and teachers, as noted by O. V. Rubtsova [25], in most cases are ordinary users of content and do not use its didactic capabilities. Today, very few schools use this technology, as they are not ready for the blended learning model. When switching to the "flipped class" technology, teachers use the following digital resources: scheduler (Google notepad, Padlet); information visualization tools (Bubbl.us, Cacoo); interactive whiteboards (Stickr, Primary Paint); interactive means of informative assessment (organization of QuizSnack questions); services for creating and editing presentations (Empress, Emaze, Edcanvas), programs for organizing webinars, recording and posting video lectures (Buzzumi, AnyMeeting, Capzles and Taggstar).

By interactive means we mean a combination of hardware (computer and its peripheral devices, interactive equipment) and software that allow for the interactive dialogue between the user and the information system in real time. Interactive and multimedia technologies make the process of teaching a foreign language more diverse and accessible, as information is perceived through various channels [27]. The use of interactive resources

in the educational space for the formation of foreign language competence allows providing the following didactic opportunities: individualizing the educational process, adapting it to the personal characteristics and needs of students; organizing learning material taking into account the specifics of the subject; compactly presenting a large amount of educational information, clearly structured and consistently organized; strengthening visual perception and facilitating the assimilation of educational material; intensifying the cognitive activity of students [28].

It should be noted that interactive resources (for example, test knowledge control tools built into media courses) when teaching a foreign language create the effective feedback needed so that students can be sure of their progress on the path from ignorance to knowledge. Moreover, game components included in communicative situations activate students' cognitive activity when studying lexical units, while forming the foundations of the term system, grammar system, and rules of speech etiquette [20]. Interactive forms of organization of classes help more accessibly, interestingly study the main regional geographic information, get practice in dialoging, monological statements [22]. In an interactive virtual situation, it is easier to evaluate actions and reason the decision, create texts of different genres. Doing quizzes, quests in an interactive format support the study of grammar, vocabulary and phonetics [4]. Thus, the possibilities of interactive services contribute to the effective assimilation of the material.

Despite the obvious potential for using interactive services in the "flipped class" technology, certain difficulties can arise in practice: the need to justify the inclusion of interactive resources in professional foreign language communication; the need to improve methods, organizational forms; the need to change the training of teachers to form appropriate technical competencies [2].

In order for the teacher to use interactive resources when giving classes by the "flipped class" technology, but at the same time minimize the difficulties described above, we suggest using interactive worksheets. When developing an algorithm for including an interactive worksheet in the "flipped class" technology, it was taken into account that, in fact, it is a digital tool for the teacher to organize students' independent learning activities using cloud services and web tools [21].

_Research program

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of "interactive worksheets" in the organization of teaching the foreign language by the technology of "flipped class" was carried out during the pedagogical experiment. The experimental work was carried out at the faculties of foreign languages of Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (Moscow) while studying the module "Professional Communication Sphere" of the discipline "Foreign Language" by students of the training program "Tourism". The main goal of the experiment was to test the effectiveness of using interactive worksheets when implementing the "flipped class" technology. The experiment involved 81 students, of which the experimental (41 people) and control (40 people) groups were formed. All students were first-year students whose average age was 19 years. The sample was not random. The experimental group includes 60% of girls and 40% of boys.

The Wizer.me service was used to develop interactive worksheets; it is a free resource that supports feedback and the ability to record work results in an electronic gradebook.

_Research results

The "flipped class" technology changes the classical idea of the sequence of cognitive activities in didactics (introducing theoretical material and organization of homework). It is assumed that the student independently studies the theoretical material before the lessons, and the teacher gives an opportunity to use the knowledge and skills in the classroom (interactive tests, projects, completing a system of tasks, discussions, etc.).

To describe the organizational and methodological component of the use of interactive worksheets in the educational process using the "flipped class" technology, we give an example of work on the grammar topic "Means of expressing quantity in English". The following material was given to students as a homework for preliminary familiarization: the text file containing a summary of the topic; the same material presented as a presentation; the Internet link to the video (https://youtu.be/n6CsRky-mVQ) and the list of questions on its contents; the link to the interactive worksheets in the Wizer.me service on the topic "Quantifiers (means of expressing quantity)".

The authors' position regarding the use of interactive worksheets in the "flipped class" model is:

1. the teacher creates and publishes an interactive worksheet (using a link);

2. the teacher also creates a copy of this sheet for cloning the sample by each student;

1. the student renames the cloned sheet and can modify it, edit it (complete the task);

2. after completing the task, the student publishes his/her worksheet using the URL. Sheets created by different learners can be discussed, commented on, evaluated when they are entered into the shared table.

The lesson began with checking homework: students were offered a quiz in the Wizer. me service. This task helped achieve several goals at once: the organizational moment, checking homework, as well as refreshing knowledge on the topic being studied. The main part of the lesson included the following exercises: to complete the chart (consisting of five columns and two lines) with the expressions underlined in the sentences; to tick the correct sentences; to complete the sentences with quantifiers. The types of tasks that were in exercises in interactive worksheets: open question, multiple choice, blanks, fill on an image, matching, table, sorting, draw, text (https://app.wizer.me/editor/preview/1qjhycSmjJol) An example of the exercise in the Wizer.me service is presented in Fig. 1.

The indicated possibilities of the interactive worksheets were used to verify if students completed their homework: it included questions that were in the homework material given for preliminary familiarization. The next step was the study of new material - the topic "Quantifiers (means of expressing quantity)." Students together with the teacher analyzed the basic concepts, consolidated the acquired skills. The final stage of the lesson was devoted to the control of knowledge, for which an online test on the studied topic was done, developed in the Wizer.me service.

The organized lesson by the "flipped class" technology with the support of interactive worksheets allowed not only forming the necessary professional foreign language competences in students, but also contributed to the inclusion of each student in the active cognitive, research activity.

Thus, depending on the educational task and the teacher's ability to construct the educational space, work with interactive sheets can include a full cycle of educational

activities using the "flipped class" technology - from immersion into the topic and setting the problem to evaluating the results of the work. The main advantages of the worksheets are: the possibility to copy the sheets, to comment on the work, to edit the content or answers, to create sheets at home; quick replacing information on the already created sheet.

Complete the sentences to express quantities.

1. The car stopped because there was petrol in the tank.

2.1 think you spend time on yourcomputer: it's bad for your eyes.

3. There were shopassistantsandwehad to wait ages to be served.

4. Don't worry - you have time to finish the exam - more than an hour.

5. You're driving fast Please slowdown.

6. There weren't people in class yesterday - only five turned up.

7.Wedon'thave time. Hurry up! S.Wework .At least ten hours a day.

9. The town only has cinemas.

10. How_money dotou have?-_.

None no a few a lot any too much not any many too a lot of much

Figure 1 An example of the exercise in the interactive worksheet

The pedagogical experiment was conducted to test the effectiveness of using interactive worksheets when teaching the foreign language by the "flipped class" technology. Qualitative changes in the ability and willingness of students to communicate in the socio-academic sphere and to get scientific foundations of the terminology of the discipline were evaluated. The essence of the experiment was to conduct practical classes in the discipline "Foreign Language" using various approaches to the organization of independent activities of students using the technology "flipped class". Practical classes on the topic "Quantifiers (means of expressing quantity)" were held in the control and experimental groups. Both groups were provided with appropriate material for preliminary familiarization, but for the control group this material had a traditional look (text files, links to Internet sources, non-interactive presentations), and for the experimental group, the material was similar in content but was studied using interactive sheets by the "flipped class" model.

At the preparatory stage of the experiment, a general assessment of the existing level of knowledge regarding the necessary linguistic means, that are characteristic of oral and written speech of everyday and general cultural significance, was made. After the first check, it was possible to collect initial data about 81 students, of which the experimental (41 people) and control (40 people) groups were formed. The same check was also after the completion of the study of the topic. The test was chosen as an assessment tool, it contained reproductive tasks, tasks requiring the transfer of knowledge and research tasks. Examples of tasks:

1. Reproductive tasks: large/small/zero quantities? - complete the chart with quantifiers underlined in the sentences; right or wrong?; correct the wrong sentences.

2. Tasks requiring the transfer of knowledge: complete each pair sentences so that they have the same meaning.

3. Research tasks: answer the question "Are you happy with you studies-life balance?" using as many quantifiers as possible.

The work was graded "excellent" if the student coped with all the tasks fully and without mistakes. The grade "good" was given if the student correctly and fully did only two of the indicated parts of the test, or if he/she completed all the tasks, but made some non-critical mistakes that did not distort the essence of the questions studied. If the student completed only one task out of the three proposed, or made a significant number of non-critical mistakes in each task, he/she was given a satisfactory grade. Finally, the students who made a large number of critical mistakes, or failed to complete any of the proposed tasks, were ungraded.

The results of the test work before and after the experiment are given in table 1.

Table 1

The results of the experiment

Grade The number of tested (people)

Experimental group (41 students) Control group (40 students)

Before After Before After

5 2 9 2 3

4 9 16 7 9

3 19 12 19 19

2 11 4 12 9

Statistical differences in the levels of development of the ability and willingness of students to communicate in the socio-academic sphere, knowledge of the fundamentals of the terminology of the course in the control and experimental groups were evaluated using the Pirsen x2 (chi-square) criterion.

We accept the following hypotheses: Ho: the level of foreign language communication and the skills of the research activity of the students in the experimental group are statistically equal to the level of skills of students in the control group; the hypothesis H1: the level of foreign communication and the skills of the research activity of the students in the experimental group is higher than the level of students in the control group.

We calculate the value of the statistic of the criterion before (x2 . J and after (x2 u J

obser.1' obser.2'

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the experiment using the online resource http://medstatistic.ru/calculators/calchit.html. We choose the significance level a = 0,05. In this case, c = 4, which means that the number of degrees of freedom is v = c - 1 = 3. According to the distribution tables x2 for v = 3 and a = 0,05 , the critical value of the statistic is 7,82. Thus, we get: x2ob1 < x2crit (0,33 < 7,82), and x2obser. 2 > x2crit (8,58 > 7,82). According to the decision-making rule, this means that the hypothesis Ho, is valid before the experiment, and the hypothesis H1. is true after the experiment.


Thus, the differences in the levels of formation of foreign language communicative competence between students in the control and experimental groups after the experiment are caused not by random factors, but they are natural. The reason for this is the use of the

"flipped class" technology in the experimental group and the organization of practice with interactive worksheets.

Carrying out the quantitative analysis of the results, we can conclude that after the experiment, 61% of the students of the experimental group had a high level of knowledge of the foreign language (marks 4 and 5), while initially this percentage was 27%. This suggests a qualitative improvement in the learning outcomes of the students of the experimental group. At the same time, the level of knowledge in the control group also increased, but not so significantly: after the experiment, only 30% of students in the control group showed high results (compared with 23% before the experiment), the rest remained at the average and low level.

After generalizing the experience of the participants of the pedagogical experiment, we formulate a number of guidelines:

1. Implementation of cyclic training: working with a digital resource, face-to-face work in the classroom using interactive worksheets, monitoring, feedback, evaluation.

2. Taking into account psychological and individual-age characteristics of students when preparing resources.

3. Preparation for each class should include the choice of content, the development of video lessons, interactive worksheets.

4. Qualified selection of software tools to inform students about new tasks, as well as the implementation of the assessment procedure.

5. Determination of the planned results of foreign language competence for the implementation of the relevant assessment procedure.

6. Tracking the typical mistakes of students when solving tasks and development of methodological techniques and feedback methods.

Thus, the proposed approach promotes development of the linguistic-cultural personality, formation of foreign language communication and support of students' practical creative activity, implementation of the principles of the system-activity approach in teaching, and individualization of the educational process. However, the teacher will need to improve the skills of using digital technologies, in particular interactive worksheets.


The article specifies the peculiarities of organizing classes by the "flipped class" technology using interactive worksheets and taking into account the specifics of teaching the foreign language. In particular, it was emphasized that the following possibilities of interactive worksheets had the most significant impact on development of the linguistic-cultural personality and formation of foreign language communication: activation of interaction; supporting the independence of cognitive activity; individualization of the educational process; ensuring the practical orientation of classes; creation of conditions for the development of oral and written speech. The influence of these factors was manifested in the following components of the activity: meaningful perception of information, its qualitative and critical analysis; the ability to apply theoretical knowledge of vocabulary and grammar in practice; the ability to evaluate the correctness of solving a problem; mastery of the basics of self-control and decision making.

The revealed possibilities of using interactive worksheets in the educational process make it possible to increase the effectiveness of innovative educational technologies, in

particular, such as the "flipped class", by increasing motivation, involving students in the educational process, implementing collaborative educational activities and creating elements of the personalized digital educational environment (in the course of interaction with which the individual approach to students was used and their personal characteristics were taken into account).

The didactic potential of using interactive worksheets in the implementation of the "flipped class" technology for formation of personality qualities and skills that form the basis of foreign language competence is revealed by the authors on the example of studying the module "Professional Communication Sphere" of the discipline "Foreign Language" by students of the training program "Tourism". The results of the experimental study confirmed the quality of training: the students of the experimental group significantly improved their knowledge of the lexical units, the grammar system, the structure of the main genres of written and oral texts, the rules of speech etiquette, and information about the countries of the language being studied.


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Information about the authors

Vera G. Ryabchikova

(Russia, Moscow) Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign and Russian Languages

Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University E-mail: smirnovaverochka@mail.ru ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7235-0761

Natalya A. Sergeeva

(Russia, Moscow) Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign and Russian Languages

Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University E-mail: kukulenok72@mail.ru ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7116-3526

Olga S. Rubleva

(Russia, Kirov)

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages in non-linguistic areas Vyatka State University E-mail: olgarue@mail.ru ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7346-025X

Natalya A. Yakovleva

(Russia, Moscow) Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign and Russian Languages

Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University E-mail: yakovlevan@bk.ru ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0208-1487

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