Научная статья на тему 'Using interactive learning technologies in the formation of multilingual personality'

Using interactive learning technologies in the formation of multilingual personality Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Isabekova G.B.

The article provides an overview of interactive teaching methods and educational technologies. The possibilities and the practical value of using these methods in the system of higher education in the formation of the personality of future multilanguage pedagog psychologists. The centerpiece of the article devoted to the analysis of Internet communication resources in the educational process.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Using interactive learning technologies in the formation of multilingual personality»



Department of the Humanities International Kazakh-Turkish University named H.A. Yasawi Sattarhanova str., 29, Turkestan, Kazakhstan, 487010

The article provides an overview of interactive teaching methods and educational technologies. The possibilities and the practical value of using these methods in the system of higher education in the formation of the personality of future multilanguage pedagog — psychologists. The centerpiece of the article devoted to the analysis of Internet communication resources in the educational process.

Key words: interactive methods of teaching, Internet resources, project method, interactive technology

Currently widespread interactive learning, one that is based on the active interaction with the teacher. In fact, it is one of the options and communication technologies, since they are the same classification parameters. During interactive learning between subject and object ofstudy there is a well-organized relationship, two-way exchange ofinformation. Interactive learning technology is the organization of the learning process so that it participated in a student based on cooperation, complementary, collective process of learning knowledge. Interactive training — is a special form of cognitive activity. It was referring to very specific and predictable target. One of these objectives is to create a comfortable learning environment, those at which the student feels to be successful, it's intellectual consistency, making productive the process of learning and allows each individual to fully reveal themselves, their inclinations, develop creativity and self-actualization as a person.

Change the vector of the educational process with an approach based on the knowledge in practice-oriented approach to the results of the educational process, inevitably led to the problem of technology and teaching methods, that this practice-oriented will be achieved. A primary role in achieving goals to play an active and interactive forms and methods of teaching. With the active training of students to a greater extent is the subject of educational activity than in passive learning, enters into a dialogue with the teacher, actively participating in the cognitive process, fulfilling creative, search, problem tasks [1].

Active teaching methods to successfully generate:

— The ability to adapt in the group;

— Ability to establish personal contacts and exchange of information;

— Willingness to take responsibility for the activities of the group;

— The ability to put forward and to formulate ideas and projects;

— Willingness to take calculated risks and adopt innovative solutions;

— The ability to avoid the repetition of mistakes and errors;

— The ability to clearly and convincingly express his thoughts, to be laconic, but clear;

— The ability to foresee the consequences of the steps taken;

— The ability to effectively manage its activities and time;

— "Learning, built on student interaction with the learning environment, learning environment, hich serves as a mined area of experience";

— "Learning that is based on the psychology ofhuman relationships and interactions";

— "Education, understood as a collaborative process of knowledge, where knowledge is produced in a joint venture, through dialogue, a polyglot" [2].

Interactive teaching methods best meet the student-centered approach, as they involve the co-training (collective, cooperative learning), and both the student and the teacher are the subjects of the learning process. The teacher often acts only as an organizer of the learning process, the group leader, facilitator, creator of the conditions for the initiative of students. Interactive learning is based on the experience of students, their direct interaction with the area mined professional experience.

Education with interactive educational technology involves different from the usual logic of the educational process is not from theory to practice, and by the formation of a new experience to the theoretical understanding through the application [3] are the following general results and effects of interactive learning.

1. Interactive teaching methods allow to intensify the process of understanding, learning and creative application of knowledge in solving practical problems. Efficiency is achieved through more active involvement of students in the process not only produce, but also the direct ("here and now") ofknowledge. If the forms and methods of interactive teaching are applied on a regular basis, then students formed a productive approach to the mastery of information, fear disappears make a wrong guess (because the error does not entail a negative assessment) and establish a trust relationship with the teacher.

2. Interactive learning increases the motivation and involvement of the participants in the solution of discussed problems, which gives an emotional boost to the subsequent search activity of participants, encourages them to action, the learning process becomes more meaningful.

3. Online training creates the ability to think outside the box, in their own way to see the problem situation, leaving it; to justify their position, their values; developing such features as the ability to listen to another point of view, the ability to cooperate, to enter into a partnership dialogue, displaying tolerance and goodwill towards their opponents.

4. Interactive teaching methods allow a transfer of methods of organizing activities, gain new experience activities, its organization, communication experiences. Interactive activity provides not only the growth ofknowledge, skills, ways oflife and communication, and disclosure of new opportunities of students is a prerequisite for the establishment and improvement of competencies through the inclusion ofparticipants in the educational process in a meaningful experience of individual and collective action to gain experience, awareness and decision values.

5. The use of interactive learning technologies allows you to control the multilingual individual assimilation of knowledge and the ability to apply their knowledge and skills in different situations more flexible and humane.

6. The results for the future of teacher — psychologist expert:

— Experience of active development of educational content in cooperation with the educational environment;

— Development of personal reflection;

— The development of new experiences of educational interaction, experiences;

— The development of tolerance.

7. The result of the training micro-groups:

— The development of communication skills and interaction in a small group;

— The formation of value-orientation unity of the group;

— Encouraging a flexible change of social roles depending on the situation;

— The adoption of ethical standards and rules ofjoint activities;

— Developing skills of analysis and introspection in the process of group reflection;

— Develop the ability to resolve conflicts, the ability to compromise.

8. The result for the system "teacher — artist":

— Non-standard related to the organization of educational process;

— quick development of educational material;

— Formation of motivational readiness for interpersonal interaction, not only in training but also in extracurricular situations.

The online form can be carried out as a practical (seminar) classes and lectures [4]. As another technology in a methodical system of formation of the person we select multilanguage interactive learning technology, which is, above all, the situation is constantly in demand interrelationship in the communications environment of the Internet. At the same time, we emphasize the duality of values that we put into the definition of the technology: the first — the interaction with representatives of different linguocultures in the Internet environment, the second — mutual learning of students in the classroom, helping the best way to understand the specific features polycultural world.

The basis for interactive learning technology is, in our mind the theory of interactive communication, the essence of which is considered the following skills: 1) actively participate in all aspects of the learning process; 2) to be as open and free; 3) participate in and organize it; 4) to deal with emerging problems; 5) communicate in a civil society [5].

Interactivity, focus on participation in the communicative activity in multilanguage environment, as well as training in collaboration with representatives of different countries, languages and cultures — these are the tasks that most can be successfully resolved with training based on Internet communication.

Consider the features of the technology of interactive learning how facilities of solving multicultural character. Education via the Internet allows, for example, to provide students with opportunities to interact with people whose experience will help them to understand the cultural peculiarities of one or another linguistic culture, for example, to communicate directly with Italian, Spanish, British students in order to explore their understanding of a other problems, etc. Most of the creators of web-sites provide them with interactive resources of different nature: your email address or online, so students can ask questions, express opinions and critical comments. For example, a site like Multicultural Pavilion Discussion Forum is designed specifically to promote the establishment of dialogue and exchange of ideas between teachers and students of different languages and cultures.

The interpretation of the concept of "technology of interactive learning" in this case is different from that which many see only as interaction with a computer and interactive computer programs, and it involves an interaction with people. Promoting such interaction,

its implementation among people of different countries, languages and cultures — that's an advantage that has Internet access, compared with other means of learning. Speaking of interactivity to the Internet — a medium, usually mean ability of user to actively interact with the data carrier, at its discretion, to exercise its selection, change the tempo of the material. Electronic information delivery media or telecommunications technology of internet have the highest level of interactivity.

Interactivity — is, first of all, a person's ability to actively influence the content, appearance and thematic focus of electronic resources, secondly, the ability to communicate, expressing their views and getting to know the opinion ofthe communication partner.

Virtual reality more than any other technology, brings separation of the interaction of the physical co-presence of the interlocutor to logical maximum and thus calls into question the very notion of identity. The isolation of the interaction of the physical co-presence interlocutor taken for granted in the structural appeal dematerialized interactive objects — virtual reality — and is characterized by more and more growing level simulation, and this growth reveals important structural features of the interaction, which to date. They were hidden categorical necessity of co-presence of subjects. In the Internet environment rather co-presence of statements, not a physical co-presence of interlocutors determines construction and execution of cognitive functions. In this context, "co-presence statements" typical communication exchange in which two interlocutor can influence each other's actions and determine the nature of its communication through a certain kind of feedback [6].

Almost all of the resources of the Internet in varying degrees saturated interactively. Firstly, users gave resources almost always able to contact the creators through e-mail, indicate that could practically mandatory. On feedback from users directed and accompanying nearly every site "guest books", where each willing can leave the impression of the site. If a resource uses it, guest book turns into a forum. On the most popular chat rooms are resources. Thus, we can say that even resources, not directly related to communication, are evolving toward increasingly communicative and interactivity.

Accordingly, interactivity is defined as the ability install user feedback communication programs, ability actively influence the content of these programs and the actions of the communication partners. Thus, the process of formation of multilanguage identity is important to understand how interactivity interactive communication, which is the interaction and mutual influence of subjects, which is based on the communicative activity, achieving understanding. Online training is aimed at creating a culture of communication, ability and willingness to engage in a process subject interpersonal and intergroup communication, the ability to interact with our partners in dialogue through adequate and rapid assessment of the situation communication. Important in this situation is the ability to choose a way to communication, which is not at odds with the moral, ethical and cultural norms that are best suited to the prevailing communicative situations [7].

Directing students for finding information on the Internet environment and offering them a number of successive assignments involving their interaction with native linguocultures, we thus use technology interactive training. It should be emphasized that the interactive learning technology expects not only the involvement of students in a situation ofjoint activities in the Internet — a medium, but also in the classroom.

As mentioned above, this technology involves engaging in mutual learning students. Each student will first examine their own communicative resources of the Internet, and then communicates this information to the other students. This work can be built as follows:

— Students work in pairs, tell each other found information, introduced at the same time your partner with a new lexical material, answer to the questions Partner explain all the necessary details; while member of pairs is constantly changing;

— In the next phase, each student according to the group that new information, which he received from his partner, what conclusions reached by the partners in the joint venture.

Or another option:

— Students work in small groups in the same way, telling that they were able to find yourself in the Internet environment within the study problems jointly discussing and examining emerging issues;

— In the next step the teacher asked the representatives of small groups to inform all the most interesting and important information from that discussed in the group, as well as the conclusions that were obtained during the joint discussion.

Thus, students are constantly in a situation of interaction and mutual learning, which activates their cognitive activity. Permanent change communication partners contributes to the formation ability interact with different people, it is also useful for formation of multilanguage personality. Considered in this article interactive teaching methods and educational technologies are aimed primarily at improving the intrinsic activity of the students and their motivation for teaching and professional activities. They allow you to go from the passive acquisition of knowledge by students for their active use in modeling or real situations of professional work, which certainly improves the quality of training of future specialists.


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[3] Панина Т.С., Вавилова Л.Н. Современные способы активизации обучения: учеб. пособие. М.: Академия, 2008. 176 с.

[4] Зимняя И.А. Ключевые компетенции — новая парадигма результата образования // Высшее образование сегодня. 2003. № 5. С. 34-42.

[5] Панфилова А.П. Инновационные педагогические технологии: Активное обучение: учебное пособие. М.: Академия, 2009. 192 с.

[6] Двуличанская Н.Н. Интерактивные методы обучения как средство формирования ключевых компетенций // Наука и образование: электронное научно-техническое издание, 2011. URL: http://technomag.edu.ru/doc/172651

[7] Ступина С.Б. Технологии интерактивного обучения в высшей школе: учебно-методическое пособие. Саратов: Издательский центр «Наука», 2009. 52 с.


Г.Б. Исабекова

Кафедра гуманитарных наук Международный казахско-турецкий университет им. Х.А. Ясави ул. Саттарханова, 29, Туркестан, Казахстан, 487010

В статье представлен обзор интерактивных методов обучения и образовательных технологий. Рассматриваются возможности и практическое значение использования данных методов в системе высшего профессионального образования при формирования многоязычной личности у будущих педагогов-психологов. Центральное место в статье отведено коммуникативным ресурсам Интернета, анализу в образовательном процессе.

Ключевые слова: интерактивные методы обучения, ресурсы Интернет, метод проектов, интерактивная технология


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[2] Bazarov T.Ju. Social'no-psihologicheskie metody i tehnologii upravlenija personalom organizacii [Modern ways of activization of training]: diss. ... d-ra psihol. nauk. M., 1999. 678 p.

[3] Panina T.S., VavilovaL.N. Sovremennye sposoby aktivizacii obuchenija [Modern ways ofactivization of training]: ucheb. posobie. M.: Akademija, 2008. 176 p.

[4] Zimnjaja I.A. Kljuchevye kompetencii — novaja paradigma rezul'tata obrazovanija [Key competences — a new paradigm of result of education]. Vysshee obrazovanie segodnja [the Higher education today]. 2003. no 5. pp. 34—42.

[5] Panfilova A.P. Innovacionnye pedagogicheskie tehnologii: Aktivnoe obuchenie: uchebnoe posobie [Innovative pedagogical technologies: Active training]. M.: Akademija, 2009. 192 p.

[6] Dvulichanskaja N.N. Interaktivnye metody obuchenija kak sredstvo formirovanija kljuchevyh kompetencij [Interactive methods of training as means of formation of key competences]. Nauka i obrazovanie: jelektronnoe nauchno-tehnicheskoe izdanie [Science and education: electronic scientific and technical edition], 2011. URL: http://technomag.edu.ru/doc/172651

[7] Stupina S.B. Tehnologii interaktivnogo obuchenija v vysshej shkole: uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie [Technologies of interactive training at the higher school]. Saratov : Izdatel'skij centr «Nauka», 2009. 52 p.

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