Ruzmetova M.A.
Abstract: communication is the way individual can show the feelings, tell the thoughts, ask questions, ask for help, argue, persuade, explain, and give order each other. In learning speaking skill, the student often found some problems. The problem frequently found is that their native language causes them difficult to use the foreign language.
Keywords: communication, conversation, training, student, teacher, fluent, method, vocabulary, form of training, speaking.
We generally use speaking as a means of communication in daily interaction. The presence of speaker and listener is a must to build up a mutual communication in speaking activity. Thus, speaking is considered to be inseparable to something we call communication.
Richard provides characteristics of communicative competence including: a) knowledge of grammar and vocabulary of the language, b) knowledge of rule of speaking e.g., knowing how to begin and end conversation, knowing what topics that can be talked about in different types of speech events, knowing which address forms should be used with different persons one speak to and in different situations, c) knowledge of how to use and respond to different types of speech acts such as request, apologies, thanks, and invitation, and d) knowledge of how to use language appropriately [1, c. 49].
Mastering the spoken language is not merely mastering its articulation and forms. The ultimate aim of mastery of spoken language is to communicate. This means that mastery of rule of speaking and conversational skill is necessary. In other words, the students must be able to use English for either interactional or transactional purposes. Therefore, the students must be taught about the acceptable expression of language functions and formulaic expressions when opening, responding, and terminating a conversation. For this reason, the teachers of English need to use teaching techniques by which the students can be involved in the communication actively.The authors of a classic study of successful language learning came to the conclusion that the most successful learners are not necessarily those to whom a language comes very easily; they are those who display certain typical characteristics, most of them clearly associated with motivation. Now many linguistics and ESL teachers agree on that students learn to speak in the second language by "interacting" [2, c. 47].
Communicative language teaching and collaborative learning serve best for this aim. Communicative language teaching is based on real-life situations that require communication. By using this method in ESP classes, students will have the opportunity of communicating with each other in the target language. In brief, ESP teachers should create a classroom environment where students have reallife communication, authentic activities, and meaningful tasks that promote oral language. This can occur when students collaborate in groups to achieve a goal or to complete a task. They are also too shy and afraid to take part in the conversation. Many techniques can be applied including role play because many research finding say that this technique is effective to use in teaching speaking. In learning speaking skill, the student often found some problems.
The problem frequently found is that their native language causes them difficult to use the foreign language. They are also too shy and afraid to take part in the conversation. Many techniques can be applied including role play because many research finding say that these techniques are effective to use in teaching speaking. The abstract term 'motivation' on its own is rather difficult to define.
It is easier and more useful to think in terms of the 'motivated' learner: one who is willing or even eager to invest effort in learning activities and to progress. Learner motivation makes teaching and learning immeasurably easier and more pleasant, as well as more productive: hence the importance of the topic for teachers. And as to the question whether motivation is more or less important than language aptitude: motivation is not measurable and even language aptitude is apparently much more difficult to assess than was once thought, so that the question is probably unanswerable. In any case, perhaps it was not a very helpful one in the first place: our job is to do all we can to encourage the development of ability and enhance motivation, on the understanding that each will contribute to the other.Spoken language is the most familiar form of language that is used by members of society in order to build relation.
As a means of communication, spoken language fundamentally occurs within a context. In some social contexts, spoken language is used as the dominant form of communication. In addition, Burns and Joyce state
that even in other contexts where written language is given 'more status', such as in educational context, spoken language is still needed. Interactive activities provide opportunities for learners to use the target language in a communicative way for meaningful activities rather than form.
It will lead students to acquire what they need and what they want actually to be used in real life situations. The two types of interactive activities employed in the classroom and focused on in this paper are: Group Discussion and Presentation; Role playing. Both are interactive activities because they require learners' participation and involvement and provide opportunities to produce the target language to become effective communicators.
1. Purpura, J.E. (2004). Assessing grammar. Cambridge: CUP.
2. Rivers, W.M. (2001). Teaching Foreign-Language Skills. Chicago: The Universityof Chicago Press.
Abstract: communication is a process in which we send and receive information among people. People communicate with others not only face-to-face, but also by sharing information via the Internet and their mobile phones. Many of people confirm that the significance of communication is like the importance of breathing.
Keywords: knowledge, modern, activity, communication, student, teacher, method, motivation, vocabulary, achievement.
Certainly, communication facilitates the spread of knowledge and connects relationships between people. To achieve the goal teachers should try as much as they can to break the silence in the classroom and make students speak no matter how many mistakes they make or how long it takes them to produce sentences. In order to decrease shyness while speaking in front of the whole class, students may be offered the opportunity to work in groups or pairs, which is a suitable approach for enhancing the active language use. It declares that "motivation is very strongly related to achievement in language learning".
This statement results from teaching practice showing that eager learners willing to invest effort in speaking activities are likely to make greater progress. On the contrary, those sitting silently at the desk without desire to be involved in any kind of speaking activity, may find themselves stuck to be able to improve their speaking skill. Having noticed this, teachers should encourage low-motivated students to develop the interest in communicative activities. Ur describes some strategies to enhance students' motivation to speak in a lesson. The principal one is selecting the topic carefully to make it as interesting for students as possible. If the teacher's choice fails in the class, there should be no panic or embarrassment. The possible solution to this situation may be asking the students to vote for a topic they would be interested in talking about.
Varied tasks are also suggested for a successful and efficient speaking lesson as well as using visuals to enhance students' motivation to speak. Average pictures copied from different sorts of textbooks and workbooks do not encourage adult learners to speak anymore. Adult learners prefer to be set into real situations, dealing with real and current news items concerning today's world and society. Communication is a process in which we send and receive information among people. People communicate with others not only face-to-face, but also by sharing information via the Internet and their mobile phones. Many of people confirm that the significance of communication is like the importance of breathing. According to Thornburry [1, c. 48], speaking is a speech production that becomes a part of daily activities which involves interaction. It means that if one is able to communicate well she or he will be able to interact with the society, can visit many places without having any barriers, work in any fields of life because speaking is a key to pass the interview test. Nolasco mentions that being able to speak reasonably correct and even fluent English is one thing, but being able to engage in on-going, interactive, mentally satisfying conversation is another. Conversation is such a natural part of our life that many people are not aware of what happens within it.