USING COMMUNICATIVE APPROACH IN THE TEACHING OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
communicative method / foreign language teacher / maintain conversation / real-life situations / game / communication

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Niyazova M.

The article is about the importance of using a communicative approach in teaching foreign languages. By creating real situations in the classroom, the teacher increases pupils' interest in learning the language and motivates them to use it in their lives. By engaging pupils in conversation, the teacher helps them overcome the language barrier that greatly hinders communication.

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UDK 81-13

Niyazova M.

teacher school № 16 Amudarya Republic of Karakalpakstan



Annotation: The article is about the importance of using a communicative approach in teaching foreign languages. By creating real situations in the classroom, the teacher increases pupils' interest in learning the language and motivates them to use it in their lives. By engaging pupils in conversation, the teacher helps them overcome the language barrier that greatly hinders communication.

Key words: communicative method, foreign language teacher, maintain conversation, real-life situations, game, communication.

The main goal of teachers in teaching a foreign language is to teach pupils not only to understand foreign speech, but also to build speech utterances themselves, navigate in a foreign language environment, and respond adequately in various language situations. In modern conditions, any person who knows a foreign language should know how to use it for various purposes, in different situations, be able to read and understand texts of various types, compose dialogues, stories, reports. Even if a person has a limited lexical and grammatical base of a foreign language, they must learn to maintain a conversation in any situation.

Now the teacher is not required to give knowledge, he must show his pupils where to get it. It is necessary to work together with pupils, teach them to listen to their friends, conduct conversations and discussions in a group, work together on projects, and focus on their friends. If the teacher creates situations in which pupils communicate in pairs or groups, this makes the lesson more diverse.

Pupils have a need to show speech independence, help their friends, correct the statements of their interlocutors. Such active learning, according to A. Verbitsky, "involves the use of developing, problematic, research and search forms and methods of learning that provide the birth of cognitive motives and interests, conditions for creativity in learning".

Teachers who care about the future of pupils use a communicative method in their work aimed at developing pupils' communicative competence.

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According to the author, all of the above applies to this. After all, the main goal is to teach the pupil to speak a foreign language correctly and fluently. Therefore, it is necessary to move away from traditional methods of teaching, and use such types of exercises as projects, communication games, theatricals, discussions, i.e. to develop all language skills of oral and written speech.

Pupils, especially at the initial stage, need to remember words, expressions, and language formulas, and only then understand what they are in the grammatical sense. The rules and meanings of new words are explained by the teacher using familiar vocabulary, grammatical structures and expressions, using facial expressions and gestures, drawings and other visual AIDS. With the current equipment of classes, you can use the Internet, TV programs, Newspapers and magazines.

All this arouses pupils' interest in the history, culture, and traditions of the country of the language being studied. The task of the teacher is to use simulation of real-life situations to cause pupils to be as motivated as possible to speak. The communicative method mainly discusses topics that pupils are familiar with in their native language, which makes it possible to focus on the ability to use the language spontaneously, on the development of communication skills.

"Pupils are promoted to the rank of the subject of educational activity and the subject of intercultural communication, i.e. they become the Central element of language education as a system. This means that it is the pupil, the prospects of his personal and language development that become the starting point when designing and analyzing the content of foreign language learning processes". In the classroom, most of the time is spent speaking, although reading and writing are also given attention.

At the same time, the teacher speaks less than the pupils, directing their activities in the right direction. He sets the exercise, and then goes into the background, only observing and evaluating. This is the communicative method -namely, the process of learning is likened to the process of communication, more precisely, it is based on the fact that the learning process is a somewhat simplified model of the communication process. The use of a communicative teaching method removes the language barrier. To do this, the class creates situations that are close to reality, interesting to pupils, when discussing which they learn to communicate freely, feel a real need to interact with other participants in communication. But the communicative method requires a high level of training from the teacher himself. This requires a comprehensive approach, the teacher must think through every step and every action.

Also, much depends on the pupils themselves. They should know that if they do not make their own efforts, no one will be able to teach them a foreign language. Teachers of our Department are very active in using game activities, because it increases pupils ' interest in learning foreign languages. The textbooks

"Мировая наука" №5(38) 2020


we use give us this opportunity. The teacher sets a task for pupils, assigns roles, or pupils choose the roles they like. They carefully think over their role, repeating the material they have studied, vocabulary and grammar. Sometimes games or discussion topics are suggested that require a spontaneous response to a problem.

Along with other forms of work, games increase the effectiveness of teaching, make the learning process more interesting, contribute to the successful assimilation of educational material, and form teamwork skills. By replaying various situations, pupils learn the ethics of behavior in a particular area, learn sign language, learn new words and expressions that are inherent in conversation, whether in a formal or informal setting. It is very good in such cases to let them listen to or watch a live conversation of native speakers on a given topic, so that they can see and hear how to speak better, which words are better to use.

Thus, a communicative approach to teaching foreign languages allows teachers to build their classes using topics of conversation that are interesting to pupils, about which they have an idea from their real life, to motivate pupils to learn a live language, to communicate in any situation, regardless of the level of language proficiency. After all, in the end, pupils must overcome the language barrier, which very often prevents them from entering into a conversation even with a good knowledge of the language.

Sources used:

1. Verbitsky A. A. Active training in higher education. - Moscow: Higher school, 1991. 207 p.

2. Galskova N. D. Theory of teaching foreign languages. Linguodidactics and methodology. - Moscow: Akademiya, 2004, 320 p.

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