Научная статья на тему 'USE OF THE "SKINORMIL" LINE FOR ACNE'

USE OF THE "SKINORMIL" LINE FOR ACNE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Shakirova A.T., Zakirov T.J., Torobekova S.A., Kurmanalieva A.U., Buranchieva A.J.

The use of Skinormil line A cosmetics in the treatment of acne vulgaris and problem skin care. The results of testing on patients with mild forms of acne are described.

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Текст научной работы на тему «USE OF THE "SKINORMIL" LINE FOR ACNE»


Национальная ассоциация ученых (НАУ) # 87, 2023

распространенность субклинически выраженной тревоги среди студентов 4 и 5 курса (16,4% и 18,6%). У студентов 4 курса статистически значимо чаще встречалась субклиническая и клинически выраженная депрессия (14,8% и 11,5%) в сравнении со студентами 5 курса (5,1% ).

Использование дистанционного обучения не может полностью охватить учебный процесс и должно быть внедрено в формах, не вызывающих психологический дискомфорт студентов. Для профилактики тревожно-депрессивных

расстройств среди студентов медицинских вузов необходимо использование комплекса

мероприятий, включая обязательный мониторинг психологического состояния, доступность психолога для консультаций в учебном заведении.


Колокольцева, О. В. Организация образовательного процесса в условиях распространения новой короновирусной инфекции COVID-19 / О. В. Колокольцева // Базис. - 2020. -№ 2(8). - С. 71-74.

Шведова, С. В. Цифровизация образовательного процесса: риски и перспективы в условиях пандемии COVID-19 / С. В. Шведова, И. М. Маевская // Primo Aspectu. - 2020. - № 3(43). -С. 85-92. - DOI 10.35211/2500-2635-2020-3-43-8592.

Леванов В.М., Перевезенцев Е.А., Гаврилова А.Н. Дистанционное образование в медицинском вузе в период пандемии COVID-19: первый опыт глазами студентов. Журнал телемедицины и электронного здравоохранения 2020;(2):3-9

Шутеева, Т. В. Особенности образовательного процесса в условиях пандемии соу1^19 / Т. В. Шутеева // Коллекция гуманитарных исследований. - 2020. - № 3(24). - С. 40-44. - Б01 10.21626/>сЬг/2020-3(24)/6.

Шутеева, Т. В. Особенности образовательного процесса в условиях пандемии соу1^19 / Т. В. Шутеева // Коллекция гуманитарных исследований. - 2020. - № 3(24). - С. 40-44. - Б01 10.21626/>сЬг/2020-3(24)/6.

Авилов, О. В. Студенты и стресс: влияние направления подготовки / О. В. Авилов, К. Ю. Галиулина // Вестник психофизиологии. - 2021. -№ 2. - С. 26-38. - Б01 10.34985ЯБ409-9536-4012-Ш.

Дарменов, Е. Н. Дистанционное обучение студентов медицинского вуза в период пандемии С0УГО-19 / Е. Н. Дарменов, Ж. С. Шакенова // Актуальные научные исследования в современном мире. - 2021. - № 3-6(71). - С. 88-91

Вершинина, Т. С. Изучение уровня стрессовой нагрузки студентов медицинского вуза в период дистанционного обучения / Т. С. Вершинина, А. В. Юркевич, И. Д. Ушницкий // Актуальные проблемы и перспективы развития стоматологии в условиях Севера : Сборник статей межрегиональной научно-практической конференции, посвященной 25-летию стоматологического отделения

Медицинского института ФГАОУ ВО «СевероВосточный федеральный университет имени М.К. Аммосова», Якутск, 15 ноября 2021 года. - Якутск: Северо-Восточный федеральный университет имени М.К. Аммосова, 2021. - С. 70-74.


Shakirova A. T., Zakirov T.J., Torobekova S.A., Kurmanalieva A. U., Buranchieva A.J.


department of infectious diseases and dermatovenerology,

I.K. Akhunbaev KSMA, department of dermatovenerology Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic DOI: 10.31618/nas.2413-5291.2023.2.87.715


The use of Skinormil line A cosmetics in the treatment of acne vulgaris and problem skin care. The results of testing on patients with mild forms of acne are described.

Keywords: seborrhea, acne vulgaris, comedones, dermatocosmetics

Seborrhea is a violation of the secretory function of the sebaceous glands, characterized by a change in the quantitative and qualitative composition of sebum, especially in the sebaceous hair follicles.

There are dry, oily, thick, liquid and mixed forms. The dense form of seborrhea serves as a background for the development of acne vulgaris.

Acne is a chronic polymorphic, multifactorial disease of hair follicles and sebaceous glands, accompanied by a change

qualitative composition of sebum, hyperkeratinization of the mouths of hair follicles, which determines the increased reproduction of the

local flora (Propionbacterium acnes) with the subsequent development of inflammation [1-5].

The inflammatory process in acne is limited by the "hair follicle-sebaceous gland" complex and includes a number of main links, among which the leading role is played by the hyperproduction of the sebaceous glands associated with impaired androgen metabolism, which is expressed in relative or absolute hyperandrogenism [3,6,7]. In addition to hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands, a change in the qualitative composition of sebum is observed: a decrease in the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, ceramides, sphingosine, etc.

Ha^OHa^bHaa ассоцнацнa yneHbix (HAy) # 87, 2023


Against the background of these changes, follicular hyperkeratosis gradually develops compensatory, the accumulation of secretion in the sebaceous glands associated with it leads, in turn, to their hyperplasia, which is clinically expressed in the formation of comedones. An equally important component in the development of acne is the colonization of the mouths of P. acnes hair follicles, which are involved in the synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines, proteolytic enzymes, free radicals, hydroxyl groups, hydrogen peroxide superoxides, which trigger inflammation in the superficial and deep layers of the dermis [7].

Comprehensive treatment of acne vulgaris includes adequate care and therapeutic measures aimed at regulating all links in the pathogenesis of acne. The choice of the method of therapy is based on the data of the clinical picture, the characteristics of the nature of the course of the inflammatory process. In moderate and severe skin processes, systemic therapy is indicated, which may include retinoids, antibiotics, hormonal drugs that give an antiandrogenic effect. For mild acne, only external therapy is used, along with local treatment, special medical and cosmetic products designed for acne-prone skin are used. Gels, lotions, etc. are used as daily therapeutic care [1,7]. Features of the pathogenesis of acne are decisive both in the choice of treatment tactics and in the appointment of individual home care during and after therapy. An urgent problem is the selection of cosmetic products that could be used as the basis for problem skin care and accompany treatment [1].

As a home care, it is advisable to use special medical cosmetics, which give a therapeutic and preventive effect. One of the most promising lines for skin care during exacerbation and remission is the therapeutic and cosmetic line A of the Skinormil trademark:

- fluid "global care",

- cleansing mask,

- cleansing gel

- revitalizing cream

- cream - exfoliant.

The key ingredient of the line is the patented Cytobiol IRIS complex, which, together with vitamin A and zinc sulfate, has the following effects:

- sebum-regulating;

- anti-inflammatory;

- antibacterial;

- keratolytic;

- soothing.

To test these products, 2 groups of 30 people were created:

1) patients with manifestations of acne vulgaris (mild forms);

2) control - persons with increased greasiness of the skin.

Group 1 included 22 patients, including:

- with superficial pustules and comedones - 14 (64%).

- comedones - 8 (36%).

In group 2 - healthy faces - 8, of them with skin:

- fatty - 6 people (75%);

- dry - 2 people (25%)

After testing for 7-8 weeks, only 2 patients from the group (9%) showed a negative effect of Fluid in the form of erythema and new pustules. Most likely, it was a hyperergic reaction to one of the components of the product. The drugs were canceled, but it was not possible to trace which of them had worsened inflammation, since they were used in combination.

In 20 patients (91%) of those tested, there was a positive trend in the use of various Skinormil line A agents, namely:

- cleansing of pores, elimination of oily sheen (15 people - 75%);

- regression of inflammatory (papules, pustules) and non-inflammatory (comedones) elements (13 people - 65%);

- removal of pollution (20 people - 100%);

- decrease in sebum production (17 people - 85%);

- intensive skin renewal (4 people - 20%).

In the control group, the following was observed:

- restoration and hydration of the skin (8 people -100%);

- elimination of dryness and peeling (2 people -


- decrease in sebum production (6 people - 75%);

- elimination of irritation (4 people - 50%);

- improvement of skin color and texture (5 people - 63%)

Products of the line A TM "Skinormil" are products containing zinc preparations, vitamins A and E, salicylic acid, extracts of iris, jojoba, squalane, etc., which have a wide range of actions.

Products in this series improve the condition of the skin and can be used during the main treatment of acne. What's more, they keep the skin looking healthy, smooth, matte and radiant, ensuring gentle care even after treatment. The use of drugs of the cosmeceutical line A "Skinormil" for acne is expedient and pathogenetically justified, it allows to reduce the duration of therapy, increase the duration of remission, achieve stable positive aesthetic results in treatment and can be recommended as the main home medical and cosmetic skin care.

Thus, the products of the A TM Skinormil line are dermatoaesthetic products with high efficiency and safety when used in solving problems with problem skin and acne-prone skin. It is presented in the form of a series of products that have a beneficial effect not only on problem skin, but also used to improve the condition of healthy skin.


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3. Ganceviciene R., Bohm M., Fimmel S., Zouboulis Ch. C. The role of neuropeptides in the multifactorial pathogenesis of acne vulgaris. Dermato-Endocrinology. 2009; 1 (3): 170-176.


Ha^OHa^bHaa ассоцнацнн yneHbix (HAy) # 87, 2023

4. Uhlenhake E., Yentzer B. A., Feldman S. R. Acne vulgaris and depression: a retrospective examination. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2010; 9: 59-63.

5. Stokes J., Pillsbury D. The effect on the skin of emotional and nervous states: theoretical and practical

consideration of a gastrointestinal mechanism. Arch Dermatol Syphilol. 1930; 22: 962-993.

6. Juhlin L., Michaelsson G. Fibrin microclot formation in patients with acne. Acta Derm Venereol. 1983; 63: 538-540.

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