USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE LESSONS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
Foreign language / game / innovative technology / technological tools / methods / methods.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Feruza Odilovna Djabbarova

This article highlights the great importance given to foreign languages in the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the innovative technologies necessary for learning them.

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This article highlights the great importance given to foreign languages in the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the innovative technologies necessary for learning them.

Keywords: Foreign language, game, innovative technology, technological tools, methods, methods.

In today's rapidly developing age, science and technology are growing rapidly. Progress is being made in every field. In particular, great changes and significant achievements are being made in science. Delivering each subject to students using new innovative technologies is one of the main requirements of today's education. In the process of globalization, it is difficult to imagine our life without the Internet. It is one of the most effective ways to use it effectively in the process of learning and teaching a foreign language. You will have the opportunity to communicate with people who speak a foreign language through the Internet. It is possible to improve the writing exercise by writing a letter via e-mail. Bringing modern communication technologies into the educational process, using them purposefully and correctly, and using them to increase the student's interest in a foreign language, teaching increasing efficiency is the most important issue. Through this, the opportunity to use innovative technologies of education will be created and the demand will increase.

Today, there are several different methods of innovative educational technologies. If they use wide and different methods to cover the topic in classes, the effectiveness of the lesson will be high and the increase of students' interest in the lesson will be ensured. It is intended to increase the effectiveness of education by introducing innovations into the educational process and implementing them. The use of various role-playing and action games in the teaching of foreign language classes increases the interest in the lesson and language learning. It helps students to communicate with others by working in pairs or small groups.

The research process used methods of historical, logical,

Feruza Odilovna Djabbarova

Chirchik State Pedagogical University


analysis and synthesis of practical knowledge. In the process of

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this research, today's importance of using information technology in foreign language lessons was objectively revealed. Today, the stages of teaching Boom's taxonomy are taught in a logical sequence using innovative technologies.

The use of graphic organizers in the educational process is one of the most important tools for explaining the topic and delivering it to students. It is also possible to use several different graphic organizers to cover the same topic. When teaching a foreign language, it is appropriate to use graphic organizers to explain new words and grammatical rules related to the topic. If these are given through graphic organizers, it will be easier to remember them. The effectiveness of using different tables in the process of teaching a foreign language is also high. Using tables in the educational process, students can learn a certain grammatical rule, for example, making sentences using tenses, placing new words.

At a time when the need to learn a foreign language is high, effective use of modern information technologies and innovative educational technologies in the educational process will make this process effective. The effectiveness of innovative educational technologies lies in their correct and effective use in the educational process.

After our country gained independence, interest in teaching foreign languages increased and many opportunities were created for young people. As our first president Islam Karimov said, "Currently, teaching foreign languages is given great importance in our country. This is certainly not for nothing.

Today, there is no need to overestimate the importance of perfect knowledge of foreign languages for our countries, which are striving to take their rightful place in the world community, for our people, who are building their great future in solidarity and cooperation with our foreign partners. As a logical continuation of these thoughts, the Presidential Decree "On measures to further improve the system of teaching foreign languages" adopted on December 10, 2012 expanded the opportunities for learning foreign languages. New methods and requirements have been developed in accordance with the recommendations of the European framework for the assessment of teachers' knowledge and skills (CEFR). According to it, textbooks were created for students of general education schools and vocational colleges. In accordance with these requirements, classrooms were equipped with stands and new information and communication techniques. The demand for learning a foreign language is increasing day by day. Foreign language science is divided into four aspects (reading, speaking, listening comprehension and speaking), and separate concepts and skills

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are given for each of them. Educational technologies are effective use of modern information technologies in the educational process. It is also intended to increase the quality and efficiency of education by introducing modern innovative technologies into the educational process. In particular, there are several advantages of using such information and communication technologies in learning a foreign language. The role of modern technology in language learning and teaching is incomparable. The use of technological tools is useful in every aspect of learning a foreign language (reading, writing, listening and speaking). For example, in order to listen and understand, of course, this process cannot be carried out without a computer, player, CD discs. Listening comprehension is one of the most important parts of language learning. At the same time, the reader is required to pay attention to the speaker's pronunciation, adherence to grammatical rules, vocabulary and its meanings. An important factor in the use of modern technologies in the educational process is that students know information and communication technologies well and are able to use them. Teaching and learning a foreign language using modern technologies is one of the most fruitful ways. In this process, including:

- when using computers, the student can watch and listen to foreign language videos, demonstrations, dialogues, movies or cartoons;

- it is possible to listen and watch foreign language radio broadcasts and television programs; - use of tape recorders and cassettes, which are considered a more traditional method;

- CD players can be used. The use of these technical tools makes the process of learning a foreign language more interesting and effective for students.

Today, teaching through interactive games is becoming a tradition in schools. It is known that the lesson is conducted on the basis of various games, which ensures that students demonstrate their capabilities, concentrate, improve their knowledge and skills, and become stronger. The basis of the use of game technology is the activity that activates and accelerates the student. According to psychologists, the psychological mechanisms of playful activity rely on the fundamental needs of a person to express himself, find a stable place in life, self-control, and realize his potential. Any game should be based on generally accepted educational principles and tactics. Educational games should be based on educational subjects. In the process of games, the student is more interested in this activity than in a regular lesson and works freely.

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