Научная статья на тему 'Use of building information modelling (BIM) in constuction: the state expert inspection of construction projects in Russia'

Use of building information modelling (BIM) in constuction: the state expert inspection of construction projects in Russia Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Lyapina A.R., Borodin S.I.

AIM. This research investigates the possibility of using Building Information Modelling (BIM) in construction by expert review bodies in Russia. METHODS. The key research method consists in the analysis of existing approaches to the state expert inspection of construction projects in Russia, as well as the experience of using BIM for these purposes in foreign countries. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. Building Information Modelling has been used in many countries around the globe for a long time. It has proven useful in the construction of large or non-standard facilities, such as stadiums, high-rise buildings and industrial structures. It should be noted that the RF Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities Sector sets the priority of applying information models in the construction industry at all stages of construction project realization. At present, there are a number of issues associated with the process of the expert inspection of construction project documentation in Russia. Clients frequently provide poor-quality project documentation or input data, which results in the loss of time on requesting additional data or clarification of the submitted information. According to rough estimates, unintended communication with clients (designers, developers, customers) and subsequent presentation of respective technical solutions can lead to significant time losses of up to 30%. BIM provides a unique opportunity for experts to view, analyse and evaluate the projected facility from different viewpoints, thus significantly reducing the inspection time. CONCLUSIONS. It is found that the creation and implementation of a software for carrying out the state expert evaluation of construction projects in an electronic form based on BIM is relevant and necessary.

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ЦЕЛЬ. Исследуется возможность использования информационных технологий моделирования в строительстве (BIM) в органах государственной экспертизы в России. МЕТОДЫ. Основным методом, используемым в работе, является анализ существующего подхода к государственной экспертизе в РФ, а также опыта других стран по внедрению BIM. РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ И ИХ ОБСУЖДЕНИЕ. Моделирование информации о зданиях уже давно применяется во многих странах мира. Используя BIM, строятся как большие, так и нестандартные уникальные объекты (стадионы, отдельные высотные здания, промышленные объекты и сооружения). Следует отметить, что на сегодняшний день одной из ключевых областей, рассматриваемых Министерством строительства и жилищно-коммунального хозяйства Российской Федерации, является использование информационных моделей в строительстве на всех этапах жизненного цикла проекта. На сегодняшний день существует ряд проблем при экспертизе проектной документации в России. Предоставление клиентом проекта низкого уровня или требуемых исходных данных приводит к потере времени, которое необходимо на запросы дополнительной информации и пояснений по существующей. По оценкам специалистов, потери времени составляют до 30% для обратной связи от инициатора экспертизы (проектировщика, застройщика, заказчика) и последующего описания технических решений. Информационное моделирование (BIM) предоставляет экспертам уникальные возможности для просмотра, анализа и оценки проектируемого объекта под разными углами, что значительно сокращает время изучения такого проекта. ВЫВОДЫ. В результате исследования установлено, что создание программного проекта для проведения государственной экспертизы проектов строительства в электронном виде на основе информационной модели здания (BIM) является актуальным и необходимым.

Текст научной работы на тему «Use of building information modelling (BIM) in constuction: the state expert inspection of construction projects in Russia»

Оригинальная статья / Original article УДК 69.003

DOI: http://dx.d0i.0rg/l 0.21285/2227-2917-2018-2-11 -17


© A.R. Lyapinaa, S.I. Borodinb

South Ural State University (National Research University), 76, Lenin prospekt, Chelyabinsk, 454080, Russian Federation

ABSTRACT. AIM. This research investigates the possibility of using Building Information Modelling (BIM) in construction by expert review bodies in Russia. METHODS. The key research method consists in the analysis of existing approaches to the state expert inspection of construction projects in Russia, as well as the experience of using BIM for these purposes in foreign countries. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. Building Information Modelling has been used in many countries around the globe for a long time. It has proven useful in the construction of large or non-standard facilities, such as stadiums, high-rise buildings and industrial structures. It should be noted that the RF Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities Sector sets the priority of applying information models in the construction industry at all stages of construction project realization. At present, there are a number of issues associated with the process of the expert inspection of construction project documentation in Russia. Clients frequently provide poor-quality project documentation or input data, which results in the loss of time on requesting additional data or clarification of the submitted information. According to rough estimates, unintended communication with clients (designers, developers, customers) and subsequent presentation of respective technical solutions can lead to significant time losses of up to 30%. BIM provides a unique opportunity for experts to view, analyse and evaluate the projected facility from different viewpoints, thus significantly reducing the inspection time. CONCLUSIONS. It is found that the creation and implementation of a software for carrying out the state expert evaluation of construction projects in an electronic form based on BIM is relevant and necessary.

Keywords: informational technologies in the development, BIM, government expertise, electrical form, innovations in the development

Article info. Received March 05, 2017; accepted for publication March 26, 2018; available online June 26, 2018.

For citation. Lyapina A.R., Borodin S.I. Use of building information modelling (BIM) in constuction: the state expert inspection of construction projects in Russia. Izvestiya vuzov. Investisii. Stroitel'stvo. Nedviz-himost' = Proceedings of Universities. Investment. Construction. Real estate. 2018, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 11-17. (In Russian). DOI: 10.21285/2227-2917-2018-2-11-17.


А.Р. Ляпина, С.И. Бородин

Южно-Уральский государственный университет (национальный исследовательский университет), 454080, Российская Федерация, г. Челябинск, пр. Ленина, 76.

РЕЗЮМЕ. ЦЕЛЬ. Исследуется возможность использования информационных технологий моделирования в строительстве (BIM) в органах государственной экспертизы в России. МЕТОДЫ. Основ-

эЛяпина Альсина Рашитовна, магистрант Высшей школы экономики и управления, e-mail: [email protected]

Alsina R. Lyapina, Master's Degree Student of Higher School of Economics and Management, e-mail: [email protected]

Бородин Сергей Игоревич, кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры «Прикладная экономика» Высшей школы экономики и управления, e-mail: [email protected] Sergey I. Borodin, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department "Applied Economy" of Higher School of Economics and Management, e-mail: [email protected]

ным методом, используемым в работе, является анализ существующего подхода к государственной экспертизе в РФ, а также опыта других стран по внедрению BIM. РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ И ИХ ОБСУЖДЕНИЕ. Моделирование информации о зданиях уже давно применяется во многих странах мира. Используя BIM, строятся как большие, так и нестандартные уникальные объекты (стадионы, отдельные высотные здания, промышленные объекты и сооружения). Следует отметить, что на сегодняшний день одной из ключевых областей, рассматриваемых Министерством строительства и жилищно-коммунального хозяйства Российской Федерации, является использование информационных моделей в строительстве на всех этапах жизненного цикла проекта. На сегодняшний день существует ряд проблем при экспертизе проектной документации в России. Предоставление клиентом проекта низкого уровня или требуемых исходных данных приводит к потере времени, которое необходимо на запросы дополнительной информации и пояснений по существующей. По оценкам специалистов, потери времени составляют до 30% для обратной связи от инициатора экспертизы (проектировщика, застройщика, заказчика) и последующего описания технических решений. Информационное моделирование (BIM) предоставляет экспертам уникальные возможности для просмотра, анализа и оценки проектируемого объекта под разными углами, что значительно сокращает время изучения такого проекта. ВЫВОДЫ. В результате исследования установлено, что создание программного проекта для проведения государственной экспертизы проектов строительства в электронном виде на основе информационной модели здания (BIM) является актуальным и необходимым.

Ключевые слова: информационные технологии в строительстве, BIM, государственная экспертиза, электронная форма, инновации в строительстве.

Информация о статье. Дата поступления 05 марта 2018 г.; дата принятия к печати 26 марта 2018 г.; дата онлайн-размещения 26 июня 2018 г.

Формат цитирования. Ляпина А.Р., Бородин С.И. Вопросы внедрения информационных технологий моделирования в строительстве: государственная экспертиза проектов в России // Известия вузов. Инвестиции. Строительство. Недвижимость. 2018. Т. 8, № 2. С. 11-17. DOI: 10.21285/22272917-2018-2-11-17


State expert review of building projects is one of the mandatory stages in federally funded building [1-19]. The list of projects which requires the mandatory state expert review is stipulated in art. 49 of the Town-Planning Code of the Russian Federation [7].

Nowadays project documentation for state expert review is accepted in a hard copy. But according to the Russian government resolution of March 05, 2007 № 145 "About the arrangement and conducting procedures of state expert review of project documentation and engineering survey results" [1], since January 01, 2017 project documentation and engineering survey results, as well as other documents, required to conduct state expert review, have had to be submitted in electronic form to the authorized institutions which conduct state expert review in federal subjects of Russia.

In April of 2014 the presidential edict of Russia enacted the law "Amendments to the articles 2 and 6 of

the Town Planning Code of Russia", aimed to hold building area development. According to them administrative barriers must be lowered, building periods must be shortened, and it finally should lead to a growing number of erected buildings and constructions.

It should be noted that nowadays one of the key directions, reviewed by the Ministry of Construction of Russia, is applying building information model (BIM) at all stages of the project life cycle [2]. In the beginning of 2016, twenty experimental projects were selected, and the results of their implementation will be taken as a basis for the BIMstandard which should be realized in Russia. Moreover, the legal framework for BIM application by project and building organizations is being developed, as well as the classifier of building units and materials is being created.

At the end of 2014, the first organization in Russia to accept project documentation in an information model form was "Mosgosekspertiza". Creation of the action program for conducting

state expert review with the application of BIM has a practical value for a lot of local executive bodies conducting state review of project documentation in construction.


The concept of BIM appeared not long ago among specialists, although the system of electronic modeling of an object with account of all information about it started to develop a long time ago in the period of CAD-system evolution.

During several years specialists used different terms, which finally led to their integration and creation of a common meaning of the notions used. In 1992 the term "Building Information Model" appeared in its present sense.

The Code of practice "Building information model. Rules of information model formation of building projects at different stages of their life-cycle" contains the following definition of the concept of "BIM-project": "building or construction project, implemented with the application of information modeling technologies" [3]. These technologies contain all the information about a building of construction and works carried out at all stages of their life-cycle. Technical and economic indexes coupled with this information and other characteristics make an information model. The peculiarity of an information model is that all its parameters are automatically changed in case of a single parameter change. Besides, specialists of different fields and specializations can work with an information model concurrently.

The first modeling programs were created in 1960's, later they were divided into two groups. Constructive solid geometry programs included elemental forms (including voids), which overlapped. Borders representation programs drew a certain line between voids and "solid bodies". This way originated CAD technology application.

Nowadays there are several programs for BIM-projects, and different specialists use different programs, e.g.

Renga, Revit, ArchiCAD and Allplan. Each software product has its pros and cons: ArchiCAD can be used in a design bureau to carry out any works, it is labor-consuming; Revit although shows a complete model, lacks a handy 2D-editor; Allplan is handy for design engineers, but it is not popular among architects; Renga - isquite anew Russian program (it has been developed since 2014), which has been gradually improved and soon it will be able to compete with the world famous software packages.

Universal activity in BIM software development is connected with its introduction into construction area, and in many countries it is supported by the government. High rates of BIM application are observed in North America and South-East Asia. Since 2016 in Great Britain, Finland, the Netherlands and other European countries it has been mandatory to use BIM for state orders. Russia and the former republics of the USSR, Belarus and Kazakhstan, have become interested in information modeling technologies. Mainly, it is characteristic of big businesses and businesses with state participation [4].

BIM helps to implement big projects, as well as non-standard and unique ones. The stadium "Water Cube" was built for the 2008 Olympic Games in China. Its structure contains 22 thousand beams of a complex shape. The greatest BIM-projects in Russia are the Olympic venues in Sochi, football stadiums for the 2018 World Championships, Vostochny Cosmodrom, etc.

The fact that building information model has become relevant calls for state expert review of such projects.

Until now, state expert review of construction projects in electronic form, based on information technologies application, has been conducted in Moscow and St. Petersburg. However, it is indispensable in other million-strong cities, where construction has broad-scale rates.

A lot of organizations, authorized to conduct state expert review, are reluctant to work with BIM. Basically, it is connected with the lack of legal framework for BIM review, high cost of the software, staff retraining and time required to introduce it all. And the main thing is the lack of clear work regulations (instructions for executors) [5]. However, sets of rules, which are already appearing, explain how to work with information models, that is why in the nearest future there will be an active process of the legal framework development.

Despite the apprehensions of organizations conducting state expert review, application of BIM-models in projection and architecture can have the following advantages [6]:

• data precision;

• technical and economic indexes simplification;

• possibility of computation accuracy check-up;

• high speed of interaction with project participants;

• possibility to search by designs or model;

• encouragement of designers' responsibility.

Since Russian Government has set the goal of gradual transition to BIM application, more executive bodies authorized to conduct state expert review will have to reorganize their work to conform to application of information models for construction projects and to retrain the staff.

According to the data "Glavgo-sekspertiza", by December 1, 2016, 71 regional expert panels in Russia were ready to accept documents for state expert review in electronic form, that almost 3 times exceeds the data received by the same date in the previous month. The leader is Ural Federal District, where the degree of readiness is equal to 95.8%, the next is Volga Federal District, where the readiness is equal to 94.6% [7]. But for all that, only Moscow and St. Petersburg work with BIM.

The results and the discussions

One of the striking examples of positive BIM application is the city-state of Singapore, situated on the islands of South-East Asia. The concept of BIM appeared in this country earlier than in others, and they were quick to realize the possibility to apply information models of buildings and constructions, that was the reason of Singapore's impressive success. Moreover, the state itself conducts the smart policy of introducing information modeling technologies and supports it financially [11, 13].

Building and Construction Authority (BCA) is in charge of construction management and formation of new concepts and introduction methods [10]. BCA created the road map of BIM introduction in Singapore, it had two editions: the first was valid in 2010-2012, since 2013 the second has been used - in its present edition.

The main goals of the second edition have been to achieve that by 2015 the construction participants will have applied BIM in 80% of cases (that was fulfilled), and that by 2020 the construction efficiency will have increased by 25%, low skilled staff on site decreases, and the country reaches leading positions in the speed of conducting state expert review of construction projects and giving licenses to carry it out [11].

Apart from the road map BCA created BIM application guidance materials for different specialists (architects, equipment engineers, etc.), available to the public on open access [12].

Nowadays, in order to get a building license in Russia it is necessary to undergo the procedure of project documentation review. This project review can be conducted both in a state and non-state forms.

Liable to the mandatory state expert review are construction projects which are constructed partially or completely out of public funds. Otherwise,

the choice of a review form is made by the builder or technical client.

Review estimates the degree of project documentation conformity to the technical regulations and town planning documentation:

• sanitary and epidemiological;

• state guard of the cultural heritage;

• fire safety;

• ecological;

• industrial, etc.

Project documentation passes two stages of projection:

• stage "Project" - development of graphic and text documentation without specification;

• stage "Detailed design documentation" - specification of the project, cost estimations [8].

In 1990's CORENET, the first electronic system for conducting state expert review of construction projects was developed in Singapore. But at that time there were no optimal conditions yet for the software application: there was not a high level of projecting and building, there were not tried-and-true BIM methodology, efficient computer programs, clear project or model requirements subject to review. That is why it was not till 2015 that the development of the CORENET system was finally completed [13].

Since 2015 it has been legally fixed to obligatorily submit the BIM model of the project for over 5 thousand square meters to get the building license. The procedure is carried out on the corresponding web page, where it is possible to find all the reference information.

The program allows sending documents in all formats of the main BIM programs for review, which is the distinctive feature of CORENET, because usually an information model is submitted for review in the common format IFC [14].

According to the Russian government resolution of March 05, 2007 № 145 "About the arrangement and con-

ducting procedures of state expert review of project documentation and engineering survey results" [1], since January 01, 2017 project documentation and engineering survey results, as well as other documents, required to conduct state expert review, have had to be submitted in electronic form to the authorized institutions conducting state expert review in federal subjects of Russia. So far it is possible to submit the documents both in paper and electronic forms through portal "Gosuslugi".

All the stages of state expert review have to be held in the period of time not exceeding 60 days. In some cases this period can be reduced to 45 days.

After completing the review, a positive or a negative decision about the estimation of conformity to the technical regulations is issued [9].


Singapore has become the world leader in BIM introduction, including conducting review of construction projects in electronic form, based on information model application. The fact can be explained by the long-term state policy in BIM application, as well as the financial support of construction participants also from the special fund, Construction Productivity and Capability Fund (CPCF), which allocates funds for software acquiring, staff training and consultant services.

To achieve high positions in construction development the country needs the state's support and willingness, as well as readiness of all the construction participants for a change. It has been proved by Singapore's experience. Russia is also coming out on this way by creating the legal framework for BIM introduction. Expert boards have to be ready for BIM application, too. A gradual transition has started: the process of documents submission in electronic form has become possible; in some cities BIM projects are being estimated. However, it is not enough for Russia. It is necessary to introduce the program

for state expert review of BIM construction projects into all the authorized bodies. To conclude, the creation of the program project for conducting state expert review of construction projects in electronic form, based on building information model (BIM) has been topical and necessary.

Despite the fact that passing of executive expert bodies to apply the software for BIM projects review is costly, it provides greater benefits: documentation processing timelines are reduced, and resolution of disputes does not involve additional experts.


1. Russian government resolution of March 05, 2007 № 145 "About the arrangement and conducting procedures of state review of project documentation and engineering survey results" [edited 12.11.2016].

2. Ministry of Construction Industry, Housing and Utilities Sector order of December, 29 2014 № 926/pr "On approval of the plan of gradual introducing information modeling technologies into the field of industrial and civil construction" [edited 04.03.2015].

3. Code of practice "Information modeling in construction. The rules of information model formation of building projects at different stages of their life-cycle" contains the following definition of the concept "BIM-project". Available at: http://nopriz.ru/upload/iblock/f70/sp9447.pdf (accessed 25.01.2018).

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Ляпина А.Р., Бородин С.И. имеют равные авторские права. Ляпина А.Р. несет ответственность за плагиат.

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Lyapina A.R., Borodin S.I. have equal authors' rights. Lyapina A.R. bears the responsibility for plagiarism.

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