UDC 330.15:338.583:631.147
Kuzmicheva Yu.V.*, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Lecturer Parakhin N.V., Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Orel State Agrarian University, Orel City, Russia E-mail: juliemons@yandex.ru
The article takes a brief look at the problem of increasing the stability of crop production through the use of biological agents. The possibility to reduce resource consumption, enhance economic efficiency and competitive ability of domestic agricultural production due to biologization of intensification processes is shown. Particular attention is focused on the use of environment forming potential of legume crops in solving strategic problem of innovative development of Russia Agro Industrial Complex.
Biological agriculture; Resource conservation; Crop production stability; Production efficiency; Product quality.
The increase of Russian crop production competitive ability in domestic and foreign markets in the framework of accession of Russia to the WTO is among primary intents emphasized in the State program of agriculture development and u market regulations of agricultural products, raw materials and foodstuffs for 2013-2020. In new economic conditions it is has become obvious that for strengthening our positions in the world market we must produce products of high quality with low costs, because just these indicators determine its competitive ability [1 - 3].
In this connection the vital strategic problem of innovative development of Russia Agro Industrial Complex is resource conservation. As practice shows traditional technologies are not only highly expensive (for the last 6 years prices for plant protection agents have increased by 60%, for mineral fertilizers - by 150%, prices for fuels and lubricants have increased considerably), but also they result in pollution and destruction of biosphere, reduction of soil fertility. Irrational use of this main national wealth and main agricultural production tools endangers the country food independency and a person's health [4 - 5].
In the Orel region the usage of crop production intensive systems allows obtaining high agricultural crop harvests. This year the Orel region agrarians harvested record grain crop -3,2 mln. tons. But grain quality indicators in comparison with other years are at low level. Thus, at the advanced farm units wheat grain gluten corresponds to the third class and is 2324%, but at the traditional farm units it does not exceed 18-19%. This grain quality reduces its compete ability not only in the world market but also in Russia food market.
One of the basic reasons of this disbalance is deficient nitrogenous nutrition of plants in the definite phases of crop development, reduction of number of nitrogen fertilizers extra nutrition because of their rising cost. If we pay the necessary attention to legume crops using their environment forming potential we can compensate for a deficiency of nitrogen fertilizers saving considerable amount of finances. In fact at the account of biological nitrogen fixation it is possible to provide several nitrogen hundreds per hectare income into the soil, avoiding additional purchases of mineral fertilizers [6]. According to the calculations in the Orel region economic effect from application of symbiotic nitrogen fixation can be more than 300 mln. rub. per year [7]. In this connection the role of biologization, maximum usage of plant potential and natural resources grows immensely.
Today in modern Russia many agricultural enterprises including holdings started to master the methods of biologization of agriculture intensification processes and obtained definite successes in this direction. For example, CJSC «Luganskoye» of the Dolzhansky
region at crop production manufacturing principally uses intercompany biological factors. Application of organics, green manures and unmarketed crop part as the main fertilizer allows this enterprise effective cultivation of grain, saving considerable finances (more than 6 mln. rub.) at applying and purchasing solid mineral fertilizers.
LLC «Dubovitskoye» of the Maloarkhangelsky region is one of the most successful and advanced considering innovations of agricultural enterprises of the Orel region, where complex approach to agriculture biologization gives the enterprise the opportunity to obtain grain productivity at more than 60 centner from hectare with gluten of 26-30%. Thanks to competent organization of production for recent years this enterprise productivity has increased in ten times, and cultivated lands areas have been extended more than twice.
The highest level of efficient agriculture is demonstrated by the Belgorod region, where the program on land biologization is developed and successfully being realized. CJSC «Krasnoyaruzhskaya Grain Company» takes an active part in the regional program. It occupies stable positions in agrarian sector of Russia for 5 years of work on saving and restoring soil fertility. Special attention is paid to organic fertilizers application (500 thous. tons per year) and liming.
At this in spite of different approaches and systems of land management, used in any farm unit each of them has something in common - it is a transition to resource saving technologies, that provide high quality product manufacturing which became one of the most important elements of life quality. At the same time high economic production efficiency allows these enterprises increasing the finance stability and conducting extended reproduction, and also creating new working places and worthy conditions for working people.
The essential condition of increasing the crop production stability and providing the food safety of Russia is the development of domestic livestock husbandry. According to the experience of the developed countries and domestic producers, efficient livestock husbandry covers the production expenditures for crop products manufacturing more than by 50%, in a whole providing efficient development of Agro Industrial Complex. Today livestock husbandry low indicators in our country are determined by weak fodder base, fodder low quality. Protein overall deficit in fodder is more than 1,8 mln. tons. The most vital problem is the problem to increase protein content in the produced concentrates. Today combined fodders contain not more than 14% of protein raw material, whereas 18% is a standard. For balancing grain fodder used in holdings, protein content rate is 6% only. Researches and calculations show that complete supply of Russia livestock husbandry with full-rate complete feeds is equal to annualized savings 12-15 mln. tons of fodder grain. In this connection it is necessary to extend legume crops production which is the main component of high quality feeds. The demand for fodder grain is about 6,0 mln. tons. Today only 1,6 mln. tons are produced. Deficient protein raw material is bought abroad. It results in cost increase of combined fodders and does not give the opportunity to develop domestic production [8 - 10].
Large-scale cultivation of such crops as pea, soya, lupine, vetch, etc. creates conditions for development domestic production of fodder on the ground of high-energy additives, which in its turn, provides obtaining of animal products of high quality and low costs [11]. It is a real chance not only to reduce the country dependence from import but also to refuse completely from international deliveries of agricultural products in favor of national high-quality raw material.
Along with legume crops are valuable component in the system of sustainable agriculture, their reserves of productivity and realization of environment forming potential. Our experience proves that it is possible to get maximum high results on the biological factors ground.
The carried out researches demonstrate high resource saving role of soil micro flora. Thus, for example, stimulation of plant-microbe interactions (PMI) in seeding of legume crops gives real chances to increase the amount of biological nitrogen, taking part in plant production process. According to our calculations, at the account of atmospheric nitrogen assimilation it is possible to save up to 3 thous. rub / ha at pea and soya cultivation, which is
an equivalent to cost of grain production (depending on type variety) (Tables 1, 2), and energy conservation at the account of nitrogen fixation is 3 to 11 GJ/ha [12 - 13].
Table 1 - Economic efficiency of pea cultivation using biological factors, average 2008-2010
Economic indicators K Bisolby San Symbiotic fungi Strain 250a Strain 2606 Strain 2636
Productivity, t/ha 3,20 4,40 4,14 3,50 2,98 4,56
Costs of 1 t of production, thous. rub. 3,53 2,63 3,30 3,31 3,87 2,58
Saving of nitrogen fertilizers , rub./ha - 1645,2 1288,7 401,3 - 1864,5
Productivity, t/ha 3,08 3,11 2,91 2,90 3,60 3,31
Costs of 1 t of production, thous. rub. 3,66 3,66 4,64 3,97 3,23 3,50
Saving of nitrogen fertilizers , rub./ha - - - - 884,0 391,0
Productivity, t/ha 2,56 2,86 2,73 3,09 2,51 3,85
Costs of 1 t of production, thous. rub.. 4,37 3,97 4,93 3,72 4,56 3,03
Saving of nitrogen fertilizers , rub./ha - - - 901,0 - 2193,0
Thus, taking into account optimal structure of cultivated areas, legume crops cultivation with usage of biologization factors will allow the region to obtain 0,5 bln rub. per year additionally. At the same time it is possible to produce up to 20 thous. tones / year of mineral nitrogen fertilizers at the account of saved energy. This will give the regional agricultural organizations the opportunity to conduct extended reproduction, to increase field productivity, to provide the population with own high quality production and to increase life quality.
Legume crops productivity at formation of effective plant-microbe systems (PMS) on the average increases by 26 - 50%, obtaining 2,9 and 4,5 t/ha, of soya and pea correspondingly. At the same time biological nitrogen rate in the harvest is from 40 to 70%, depending on crop, which is determined by the activation of nitrogen fixing function of agrocoenoses. As the result, using unique abilities of legumes and microorganisms with little efforts it is possible to obtain from 1 to 1,5 t/ha of cheap environmentally friendly plant protein at the account of renewable natural resources at decrease of costs of production of 1 tone of rain by 18 - 44% [14]. In its turn it is one of the powerful levers to increase competitive ability of grain in the Russian domestic market and the world market.
Table 2 - Economic efficiency of soya cultivation using biological factors, average 2007, 2008, 2010
Economic indicators K Bisolby San Symbiotic fungi Strain 6456 Strain 626a Strain 634a
Productivity, t/ha 2,61 2,61 2,87 2,44 2,61 2,81
Saving of nitrogen fertilizers , rub./ha 2,55 2,60 3,12 2,83 2,66 2,47
Saving of nitrogen fertilizers , rub./ha - - 1487,2 - 575,6 745,6
Productivity, t/ha 2,43 2,77 2,95 2,61 2,84 2,88
Costs of 1 t of production, thous. rub. 2,73 2,46 3,04 2,66 2,45 2,42
Saving of nitrogen fertilizers , rub./ha - 1899,8 2969,1 969,9 2273,2 2556,6
The most common and comprehensive method of regulation of plant-microbe interactions is microbial drugs application. At that, in comparison with application of mineral fertilizers and lime this method is in 1,7 - 2,0 times cheaper.
Our researches show that in terms of productivity increase and selectivity to microbial drugs variety is a determining factor. Thus, for example, the most effective for pea of variety Faraon is microbial drug based on the nodule bacterium strain, but variety Spartak is highly responsive to different biologizations techniques, which provides its maximum ability to sustainable agriculture [12].
Paying great attention to microbial drugs role we consider that their usage must be examined in the system of biologization of intensification processes, where technogeneous and biological factors effectively complement each other.
Thus, resource conservation system gives the opportunity of maximum use of all factors and at the expense of this to increase economic efficiency of branches, providing extended reproduction, to produce competitive products at decrease of resource consumption and to increase the stability of crop production.
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