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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Власова Ирина Владимировна

Рассматривается эвристический подход к развитию и формированию профессиональных компетенций будущих инженеров-химиков с помощью иностранного языка с учетом тенденций развития современного общества. Отмечены несомненные преимущества использования активных методов обучения иностранному языку студентов химических специальностей, реализующих все важнейшие принципы творческого обучения. Охарактеризован эвристический подход к формированию профессиональных компетенций будущих инженеров-химиков на уроках иностранных языков в Самарском государственном техническом университете.The article considers a heuristic approach to the development and formation of professional competencies of future chemical engineers by means of a foreign language, taking into account the development trends of modern society. The undoubted advantages of using active methods of teaching a foreign language to students of chemical specialties, realizing all the most important principles of creative learning are noted. In this article, we examined how the heuristic approach to the formation of professional competencies of future chemical engineers at the foreign language classes of Samara State Technical University is implemented.

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DOI: 10.25586/RNU.HET.20.02.P.43 УДК 378

I.V. Vlasova,

Samara State Technical University

Use of Active Methods of Teaching Foreign Language to Students of Chemical Specialties in Technical University

Undoubtedly, the strategic guidelines for the transformation of higher education today should be associated with the comprehensive development of students' creative potential. In turn, creativity is associated with the concept of creativity. Creativity involves creative thinking, the ability to expand the vision of problems and the search for solutions [5, p. 64].

The development of creativity of students of a technical university is a matter of paramount importance, the relevance of which is explained by the fact that in the professional technical field a person is needed who can think outside the box, make informed decisions in nonstandard situations and organize their implementation, which has its own competent opinion.

In turn, the development of professional creativity in the process of practical activity involves mastering the system-special knowledge, skills and integrated skills necessary to solve professional practical problems.

Creativity in the field of science is the discovery of new truths, facts, laws. It is fair to assume that memory and thinking allow us to expand our knowledge. Since thinking is a reflection in the human mind of the essential properties, connections and relationships of objects and the phenomena of the world, it can be confidently stated that it is the highest form of creative activity of a person. According to M. Wertheimer, thinking

© Vlasova I.V., 2020

Самарский государственный технический университет

is "not a random search, not following learned skills, but a transition from one state to another, from a less perfect structure to a more perfect one" [3, p. 245].

Indeed, a person can express the same thought in different ways, without being strictly dependent on what he once perceived and learned. Distinguish between reproductive and productive (creative) thinking. The latter assumes the emergence of a new product: knowledge, material object, work of art. The process of obtaining the result may also be new (in this case, they speak of a new method, a new technique, a method of action).

Productive is thinking on the basis of creative imagination, which allows us to solve non-standard problems

that allow various solutions. One of the first to determine creative thinking tried J. Guildford. By his definition, the "creativity" of thinking is associated with the dominance of four features in it: the originality of ideas, semantic flexibility, figurative adaptive flexibility, semantic spontaneous flexibility [11, p. 113].

P. Torrens defined creative thinking as a process consisting of several stages: the emergence of sensitivity to problems, deficits or disharmonies of existing knowledge, the identification of these problems, the search for solutions to them, hypotheses, verification, modification and retesting of hypotheses, the formulation and communication of the results of solutions.


преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков Самарского государственного технического университета. Сфера научных интересов: применение активных методов обучения на занятиях по иностранному языку для формирования общекультурных и профессиональных компетенций у студентов технических специальностей в неязыковом вузе. Автор 20 опубликованных научных работ. Электронная почта: viv0708@mail.ru

Рассматривается эвристический подход к развитию и формированию профессиональных компетенций будущих инженеров-химиков с помощью иностранного языка с учетом тенденций развития современного общества. Отмечены несомненные преимущества использования активных методов обучения иностранному языку студентов химических специальностей, реализующих все важнейшие принципы творческого обучения. Охарактеризован эвристический подход к формированию профессиональных компетенций будущих инженеров-химиков на уроках иностранных языков в Самарском государственном техническом университете.

Ключевые слова: эвристический подход, профессиональные компетенции, творческие способности, активные методы обучения, деятельностный подход.

The article considers a heuristic approach to the development and formation of professional competencies of future chemical engineers by means of a foreign language, taking into account the development trends of modern society. The undoubted advantages of using active methods of teaching a foreign language to students of chemical specialties, realizing all the most important principles of creative learning are noted. In this article, we examined how the heuristic approach to the formation of professional competencies of future chemical engineers at the foreign language classes of Samara State Technical University is implemented.

Key words: heuristic approach, professional competencies, creative abilities, active teaching methods, activity approach.

The characteristics of a person's creative thinking include: the presence of intuition, because, as D. Poia rightly asserts, "an attempt to formally prove what is seen intuitively and to see intuitively what is proved formally is a great exercise for developing intelligence"; the ability to independently see and formulate a problem taken from real life; the presence of a pronounced emotional experience, preceding the moment of finding a solution to the problem; the presence of a stable and powerful motivation [13].

The thinking of a future specialist of any technical specialty should be characterized by the following qualities: the problematic nature of the approach to the phenomena being studied, responsiveness, dynamism, breadth and depth of thinking, courage, originality, the validity of hypotheses for resolving a problem situation, logicality, criticality and objectivity of thinking.

Today, in the professional technical field, a person is needed who is able to think outside the box, to search for new, simpler effective ideas.

The concept of "unconventional thinking" is used by Edward de Bono in his book "The Birth of a New Idea", where he considers some important features of a person's creative activity and concludes that truly creative thinking is a "special form of unconventional thinking" [1, p. 64]. According to the author, the concept of "unconventional thinking" and creative thinking are close in essence, only creative thinking for its manifestation needs talent, while unconventional thinking is available to anyone who is interested in getting new ideas. "With template thinking, logic controls reason, while with nonstandard thinking it serves it." It is interesting that, according to E. Bono, a template-minded person differs from a person who thinks unconventionally that the former always classifies things, is busy searching for facts on the basis of which things can be separated, while the latter is more interested in facts that allow things to be combined together.

Today, psychologists are convinced that creative thinking can be taught. After analyzing and summarizing the recommendations for creating a special educational environment (S. Parnes, S. D. Smirnov, etc.) that encourages creativity, we can distinguish the following psychological conditions for the development of creative thinking: lack of external suppression of the student's intuition, reliance on the work of his subconscious, abstention from evaluative judgments that block creative search, the formation of self-confidence in students, maximum reliance on positive emotions, promotion of a tendency to risky behavior, development of imagination, constant expansion of the knowledge fund, training in special heuristic techniques, introduction to the learning process of heuristic technology.

What is creativity and can it be identified with creativity? Creativity is interpreted as the ability to creative acts that lead to a new unusual vision of a problem or situation. This is a complex phenomenon of the psyche, affecting almost all personality traits. Creativity or ingenuity is peculiar from birth to all people, but over time its level decreases under the influence of the environment, since it is often not in demand in everyday life.

However, as the authors of the concepts of the psychology of creativity note, the concepts of "creativity" and "creativity" cannot be equated. According to Todd Lubart [6], the concept of "creativity" is a characteristic of a person's abilities, while the concept of "creativity" characterizes a person's activity and its result.

Considering the concept of creativity, we can distinguish the following areas of its research:

• intellectual potential of personality;

• ability to think creatively;

• methods of thinking outside the box;

• ways of personal self-actualization.

In some foreign universities,

research in these areas is given

special attention directly in practice with the aim of training specialists already with basic skills in research and information modeling as the main method of acquiring knowledge.

In this regard, the studies of the English teacher Patrick Dillon are interesting. In his article "Creativity, Integrativism and Pedagogy of Communication", the scientist leads us to the conclusion that the formation of a creative personality is based on an integrative approach, the components of which are three factors: the formation of motivation, the development of intellectual abilities and the stimulation of research and creative activity of the individual. All these factors are a condition for the formation of productive thinking. To work integratively means to work creatively [12]. According to P. Dillon, integrativism creates the basis and means for working with any combination of disciplines. He based his research on the topic "feelings of place", which he taught in modular undergraduate courses at the universities of Reading and Exeter in the UK and the University of Joensuu in Finland. The purpose of the sense of place in his opinion is that it is a means for the emergence of new inside and interdisciplinary ideas and perspectives. In particular, he studied the relationship between creativity, the environment and music, and came to the conclusion that both creativity and the environment, being large in themselves, have connections with a number of disciplines. For example, with disciplines related to the environment, this includes art and the history of art through landscape painting; ecology, geology and geomorphology through the study of topography and their biological communities.

The study of P. Dillon was carried out in the form of a simulated experiment. The intellectual basis of the concept of "sense of place" was the surrounding space, and music

was one of the most direct forms of creative interaction with the place, involving students in contact with themselves. Here is the interaction of the environment, creativity and music. Students get acquainted with the conceptual and analytical foundations of integrativism and sociocultural theory. Students complete assignments that explore the environment itself and their own behavioral values. They are offered design work on the topic of either the "natural history of sound" or "music, ritual and sound" and the integration of these themes with respect to the sense of place. This work is carried out through a virtual learning environment that provides access to structures, tools, bibliographies and the Internet, and also allows you to collectively discuss emerging ideas. Finally, the design work develops into a multimedia presentation, which forms a task module. This module is presented, then it is placed in a virtual learning environment. Subsequently, a lengthy group discussion about integrativism arises.

Analyzing the teaching of courses in Russia and abroad, aimed at developing the specialist's ability to creatively solve problems, it is necessary to understand what kind of specialists a higher educational institution should prepare. It should be noted that, not only in the UK, but also in the USA they have already abandoned the idea of narrow specialization. In view of this, the teaching of heuristic and creative learning courses there is becoming more and more common in higher education practice, and integrative curricula are of particular interest. In Russia, the teaching of creative thinking occurs more often during the teaching of individual courses and is much less often taught as a special curriculum.

Recently, Russian teachers have increasingly begun to touch on the topic of meta-subjectivity, which contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world in the human mind and understanding of

its place and role in it. In essence, the basis of meta-subject matter is the same integrative approach that allows you to discover the interconnection of various things and phenomena, and the information received by students becomes personally significant for them. Integration allows students to formulate an approach to the subject studied as a system of knowledge about the world.

For a long time, Russian secondary and vocational schools were in the position of the gnostic approach. The main educational task was the formation of strong systematic knowledge among students [10, p. 27].

Now the emphasis is changing from the gnostic approach to the activity one. The main goal of education is now considered as the formation of the ability to creative professional work, readiness to apply technologies for the formation of creative abilities in the face of constantly increasing requirements for student professional training [4, p. 24].

Thus, knowledge from the main and only purpose of education is transformed only into a means of developing the personality of students. The Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education of the Third Generation focuses on the need for bachelors to develop professional competencies, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge, use modern educational and information technologies, mastery of a culture of thinking, the ability to generalize, analyze, perceive information, setting goals and choosing ways to achieve it [2, p. 60].

In this article, we examined how the application of active methods of teaching a foreign language to students of chemical specialties is carried out to form the professional competencies of future chemical engineers in foreign language classes at Samara State Technical University.

When using active teaching methods, the acquired knowledge is

personal in nature, since the student initially creates it in the studied field of reality. It is supposed to change the generally accepted meaning of education, a specific goal is set: disclosure of individual capabilities of training participants - students and teachers - through activities to create educational products.

The heuristic personal qualities of the student include: creative, providing conditions for the student to create a creative product of activity; cognitive, providing the process of cognition; methodological, allowing to organize the educational activity of the student in its two previous manifestations - creativity and cognition. The level of development of these qualities among students characterizes the effectiveness of heuristic learning, which can be judged by the results of activities: created images, invented schemes, drawn pictures of the course of events. To evaluate the results of education, each student has the opportunity to compare with himself: what changes have occurred in him over a certain period of time, what knowledge he has gained and developed skills.

Based on fundamental publications [8, p. 432], in order to put into practice a new approach, it is proposed to consider the widespread use of various forms of manifestation of students' creativity in classes in a foreign language: a business game, interactive training programs, tasks for creative development, etc.

A business game brings training closer to real, scientific, or production conditions. Business games can be organized in the form of development and protection by students of projects, in the form of a group solution of problems with economic, industrial or other content, in the form of a "round table", etc. The "round table" is one of the popular and favorite forms of conducting classes by students, in which students in a calm, creative and relaxed atmosphere freely exchange their opinions on various issues and problems. Discussion of the topic

often takes place based on multimedia presentations. It should be noted that when choosing topics for the "round table", teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages at SSTU are guided not only by the principle of holistic and comprehensive formation of students' personalities, but also by their personal interest.

Among modern trends in the development of computer educational technologies, there is a transition from informational orientation to interactive. In computer games and in multimedia educational programs, the student is offered an increasingly active role, offering him freedom of choice of actions and obtaining individual results. Unfortunately, there are very few computer programs that allow students to act heuristically, to create their own rather than a predefined educational product. However, the study of a foreign language involves the use of an interactive form of conducting classes. Its application is especially advisable when studying topics of a regional geographic character ("British Culture and Traditions", "The USA", "The UK", "European Culture"), because sociocultural knowledge is an essential component of the content of professionally oriented teaching of a foreign language at a technical university.

Remote forms of introducing students to creativity include inter-university educational projects implemented using e-mail, Prometei programs and the global Internet. Heuristic olympiads, joint studies of students of different scientific schools and countries on the same problems, the development of creative projects on regional geography can be conducted in remote form.

Students' creative work may vary in type, volume and time of completion. Some works are performed by students directly in the classroom and represent an element of creativity within the framework of the topic being studied. Part of the work is creative, performed by students at home within 2-3 days. Such works do

not require special design and official protection, reports are made directly in practical classes.

Students prepare and defend other creative works (essays) by the time of the control point or at the end of the semester. The best works can be published or presented for listening to students of a parallel group, their further use in the educational process is provided.

As creative works, students of the Faculty of Chemical Technology are invited to:

• essay;

• pedagogical work (a lesson held as a teacher, an invented business game, a quiz);

• artwork (slide film, collage, exhibition);

• technical work (model, diagram);

• methodological work (educational program, lesson plan on a selected topic, test) [7].

Thus, the activity approach that we apply implements all the most important principles of creative learning [9, p. 145]: freedom of choice by the student of the main elements of his education; intersubject communications education; correspondence of educational activities to the studied subject; primary educational products in relation to universally recognized analogues; principles of accompanying training, productive education and reflective self-awareness. The essence of the activity is that the assimilation of any material occurs in the process of solving a practical or research task, a cognitive problem situation. Moreover, the more difficult the situation, the higher will be the personal developmental potential of the lesson. After all, as B. Pascal argued, "the arguments that a person thinks of themselves usually convince him more than those that came to the head of others." The formation of professional competencies by means of a foreign language in the conditions of a heuristic approach leads to the formation of a competent technical specialist.


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