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Ключевые слова
foreign language teacher / methodical thinking / new formation teachers / pedagogical situation / methodical solution / personal qualities of a new formation teacher / учитель иностранного языка / методическое мышление / учителя новой формации / педагогическая ситуация / методическое решение / личностные качества учителя новой формации

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mirkenova G.K., Janserkeyeva E.N., Saurukova G.I.

The article deals with the basic concept of innovative approach to professional and methodological training of a future foreign language teacher of a new formation. The authors of the scientific work highlight the formation of methodical activism as the main goal of the innovative approach. The article also considers pedagogical conditions and means of formation of methodical credo of a new formation foreign language teacher: development of methodical thinking of a future teacher; development of ability of a teacher to adequately assess a specific pedagogical situation; development of ability to make professional methodical decisions; development of personal qualities of a new formation teacher: sociability, charisma, empathy, emotionality. The formation of the individual methodological credo of a creative teacher is provided by the integration of competence and reflexive approaches to the implementation of the course of linguodidactics in the universities of the pedagogical profile.

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В данной статье рассматривается основная концепция инновационного подхода к профессионально-методической подготовке будущего учителя иностранного языка новой формации. Авторы научного труда выделяют формирование методической активности как основную цель инновационного подхода. В статье также рассмотрены педагогические условия и средства формирования методического кредо учителя иностранного языка новой формации: развитие методического мышления будущего учителя, способности педагога адекватно оценивать конкретную педагогическую ситуацию; формирование умения принимать профессиональные методические решения; воспитание личностных качеств учителя новой формации: коммуникабельность, харизматичность, эмпатичность, эмоциональность. Воспитание индивидуального методического кредо креативного учителя обеспечивается интеграцией компетентностного и рефлексивного подходов к реализации курса лингводидактики в вузах педагогического профиля.


У любой платформы или программы есть свои недостатки, и MS Teams не исключение. Уровень заинтересованности и концентрации внимания студентов в онлайн-формате объективно ниже, чем в формате офлайн, которые проходят в аудиториях. Студенты отключают камеры и звук, аргументируя это тем, что не хотят показывать домашние условия всем присутствующим на собрании участникам. А если собрание ранним утром, то выключенный звук и камера способствуют желанию студента лечь спать и не принимать активного участия в учебном процессе [7]. Теоретическая значимость исследования заключается в том, что для организации дистанционной формы обучения современные средства постоянно совершенствуются и тем самым для преподавателя важным становится правильно оформить и построить виртуальный класс. Практическая значимость заключается в том, что используемая платформа MS Teams помогает взаимодействию между преподавателем и студентом в усвоении полученных знаний в режиме реального времени.

Библиографический список

Технологии не стоят на месте, а помогают учебный процесс сделать гибким и удобным для всех обучающихся. На протяжении всего процесса обучения в вузе студенты должны чувствовать поддержку со стороны тьютора, который способствует установлению в группе благоприятного климата [8].

На основании всего сказанного нами делаются следующие выводы.

1. «Виртуальный класс» на платформе MS Teams позволяет преподавателю продемонстрировать, что нужно сделать каждому студенту для выполнения задания при открытии доступа к своему экрану.

2. Студент погружается в предоставленный материал, развивая свои профессиональные компетенции.

Перспективы исследования вопроса представляются в разработке собственных инновационных технологий для дистанционного образования, чтобы привести их в соответствие с психологическими особенностями нашего студенчества в условиях непрерывного российского образования.

1. Нагаева И.А. Моделирование процесса преподавания в виртуальном образовательном пространстве вуза. Перспективы Науки и образования. 2013; № 4: 79 - 92.

2. Петрищева Л.П., Зацепина Д.В., Мелехина В.В. Формирование готовности будущего педагога к использованию технологии педагогического моделирования. Актуальные проблемы образования и воспитания интеграция теории и практики. Мичуринск: Мичуринский государственный аграрный университет, 2019: 38 - 42.

3. Трапезникова Т.В., Каргаполова С.А. Создание информационно-коммуникационной инфраструктуры образовательной организации как условие достижения образовательных результатов. Проблемы и перспективы развития систем оценки качества образования. Интегрирующая роль информационной политики в обеспечении результативности региональной системы оценки качества образования. Челябинск, 2019: 334 - 341.

4. Масютина Н.М. Опыт проведения видеосеминаров при дистанционном проведении занятий по иностранному языку в вузе. Современный учёный. 2021; № 1: 8 - 10.

5. Шевченко ГИ., Рыбакова А.А., Кочкин Д.А. Особенности организации образовательного процесса в вузе с использованием средств виртуальной реальности Проблемы современного педагогического образования. 2018; № 60-1: 398 - 402.

6. Миронова Ю.Н. Использование дистанционных технологий при проведении занятий: LMS MOODLE, Google КЛАСС, Microsoft Teams. Азимут научных исследований: Педагогика и психология. 2020; № 4: 177 - 182.

7. Иващенко Е.А., Козлова А.С., Гиринский А.В. Организация образовательной и корпоративной деятельности в условиях пандемии при помощи платформы Microsoft Teams. Цифровизация экономики и образования: новые технологии в условиях пандемии. Орёл: Орловский государственный университет имени И.С. Тургенева, 2021: 59 - 66.

8. Мальнукова Н.Н. Воспитание как основной вид деятельности куратора. Вестник государственного аграрного университета Северного Зауралья. 2014; № 1 (24): 92 - 93.


1. Nagaeva I.A. Modelirovanie processa prepodavaniya v virtual'nom obrazovatel'nom prostranstve vuza. Perspektivy Naukiiobrazovaniya. 2013; № 4: 79 - 92.

2. Petrischeva L.P., Zacepina D.V., Melehina V.V. Formirovanie gotovnosti buduschego pedagoga k ispol'zovaniyu tehnologii pedagogicheskogo modelirovaniya. Aktual'nyeproblemy obrazovaniya i vospitaniya integraciya teorii i praktiki. Michurinsk: Michurinskij gosudarstvennyj agrarnyj universitet, 2019: 38 - 42.

3. Trapeznikova T.V., Kargapolova S.A. Sozdanie informacionno-kommunikacionnoj infrastruktury obrazovatel'noj organizacii kak uslovie dostizheniya obrazovatel'nyh rezul'tatov. Problemy i perspektivy razvitiya sistem ocenki kachestva obrazovaniya. Integriruyuschaya rol' informacionnoj politiki v obespechenii rezul'tativnosti regional'noj sistemy ocenki kachestva obrazovaniya. Chelyabinsk, 2019: 334 - 341.

4. Masyutina N.M. Opyt provedeniya videoseminarov pri distancionnom provedenii zanyatij po inostrannomu yazyku v vuze. Sovremennyj uchenyj. 2021; № 1: 8 - 10.

5. Shevchenko G.I., Rybakova A.A., Kochkin D.A. Osobennosti organizacii obrazovatel'nogo processa v vuze s ispol'zovaniem sredstv virtual'noj real'nosti Problemysovremennogo pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya. 2018; № 60-1: 398 - 402.

6. Mironova Yu.N. Ispol'zovanie distancionnyh tehnologij pri provedenii zanyatij: LMS MOODLE, Google KLASS, Microsoft Teams. Azimut nauchnyh issledovanij: Pedagogika i psihologiya. 2020; № 4: 177 - 182.

7. Ivaschenko E.A., Kozlova A.S., Girinskij A.V. Organizaciya obrazovatel'noj i korporativnoj deyatel'nosti v usloviyah pandemii pri pomoschi platformy Microsoft Teams. Cifrovizaciya 'ekonomiki i obrazovaniya: novye tehnologii v usloviyah pandemii. Orel: Orlovskij gosudarstvennyj universitet imeni I.S. Turgeneva, 2021: 59 - 66.

8. Mal'chukova N.N. Vospitanie kak osnovnoj vid deyatel'nosti kuratora. Vestnikgosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta Severnogo Zaural'ya. 2014; № 1 (24): 92 - 93.

Статья поступила в редакцию 31.03.22

УДК 37.016:811

Mirkenova G.K., MA (Pedagogy), Department of Methods of Teaching of Foreign Language, Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University (Almaty, Kazakhstan), E-mail: mirkenova@inbox.ru

Janserkeyeva E.N., MA (Pedagogy), senior teacher, Department of Methods of Teaching of Foreign Language, Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University (Almaty, Kazakhstan), E-mail: Eldana-ereke@mail.ru

Saurukova G.I., MA (Pedagogy), senior teacher, Department of Methods of Teaching of Foreign Language, Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University (Almaty, Kazakhstan), E-mail: Gsaurukovаa@gmail.com


article deals with the basic concept of innovative approach to professional and methodological training of a future foreign language teacher of a new formation. The authors of the scientific work highlight the formation of methodical activism as the main goal of the innovative approach. The article also considers pedagogical conditions and means of formation of methodical credo of a new formation foreign language teacher: development of methodical thinking of a future teacher; development of ability of a teacher to adequately assess a specific pedagogical situation; development of ability to make professional methodical decisions; development of personal qualities of a new formation teacher: sociability, charisma, empathy, emotionality. The formation of the individual methodological credo of a creative teacher is provided by the integration of competence and reflexive approaches to the implementation of the course of linguodidactics in the universities of the pedagogical profile.

Key words: foreign language teacher, methodical thinking, new formation teachers, pedagogical situation, methodical solution, personal qualities of a new formation teacher.

Г.К. Миркенова, магистр, Казахский национальный женский педагогический университет, г. Алматы, E-mail: mirkenova@inbox.ru

Э.Н. Джансеркеева, магистр, ст. преп., Казахский национальный женский педагогический университет, г. Алматы, E-mail: Eldana-ereke@mail.ru

Г.И. Саурукова, магистр, ст. преп., Казахский национальный женский педагогический университет, г. Алматы, E-mail: Gsaurukovаa@gmail.com


В данной статье рассматривается основная концепция инновационного подхода к профессионально-методической подготовке будущего учителя иностранного языка новой формации. Авторы научного труда выделяют формирование методической активности как основную цель инновационного подхода. В статье также рассмотрены педагогические условия и средства формирования методического кредо учителя иностранного языка новой формации: развитие методического мышления будущего учителя, способности педагога адекватно оценивать конкретную педагогическую ситуацию; формирование умения принимать профессиональные методические решения; воспитание личностных качеств учителя новой формации: коммуникабельность, харизматичность, эмпатичность, эмоциональность. Воспитание индивидуального методического кредо креативного учителя обеспечивается интеграцией компетентностного и рефлексивного подходов к реализации курса лингводидактики в вузах педагогического профиля.

Ключевые слова: учитель иностранного языка, методическое мышление, учителя новой формации, педагогическая ситуация, методическое решение, личностные качества учителя новой формации.

Introduction. The era of globalization calls for new innovative approaches in education. For vocational education in the current digital stage of society development, the task of using computer capabilities in modelling research and professional activities is of paramount importance. However, despite the accumulated practical experience in the field of information as well as innovative technologies application in the process of foreign speech teaching, such studies aren't unified by the common methodological conceptual approach. Until presently there is number unified system for these purposes of strategy, the issues of using innovative approaches are poorly connected with curricula and programs, psycho-pedagogical aspects of their introduction into the educational process are insufficiently studied and worked out [1-13].

Relevance. Based on the study of experience in developing foreign speech professional competence of students, analysis of new forms, approaches, methods and technologies of teaching, state educational standards, modern labour market and requirements imposed by this market to specialists, it's possible to identify the main contradictions: between the requirements of modern society to the level of professional competence of a specialist and mainly conservative didactic models of foreign speech teaching that don't get into account these issues. The above-mentioned systemic aspects of education highlight the relevance of this problem in the training system for future foreign language teachers. We should also note that the above approaches do not fully reveal the overall system of innovative methods and concepts, which shows the relevance of the given scientific paper.

Aims and objectives.

Thus, for decades a system of professional and methodological training of a foreign speech instructor has been formed, which has number analogues in the world practice of instructor training.

The aim of this research paper is to reveal the meaningful aspects of an innovative approach to teaching, namely in the training of future foreign language teachers. The very process of preparing future teachers requires special approaches and techniques that correspond to the new interpretation of teaching. The aim of this paper is to reveal significant techniques and methods of this approach in the preparation of future foreign language teachers. The main aims of innovative learning are: the development of creative thinking, intellectual, communicative, linguistic and creative abilities of students; formation of students' personal qualities; development of skills that influence learning and cognitive activities and their transition to level of productive creativity; the formation of students' key competences.

Adhering to the above ideas, we highlight the following objectives: optimisation of the teaching and learning process;

Creating a collaborative environment between the student and the teacher;

Developing a long-term positive motivation to learn a long-term positive motivation for learning;

Scientific novelty: All the given aims offers concreate selection of material and ways of presenting the novelty of this article. The uniqueness of the domestic system of professional training of a foreign speech instructor lies in its methodological foundations, providing at first three aspects of professional quality of a foreign language teacher, with the development of multimedia technologies - four, including:

1) the linguistic aspect - the future teacher's proficiency in a foreign speech at the professional level;

2) psycho-pedagogical aspect - common pedagogical, psychological, methodical training of a future teacher;

3) common humanitarian (worldview) preparation of a future teacher;

4) computer literacy of a modern teacher [2, c. 91]. The uniqueness of the professional and methodological system also lies in the fact that foreign languages in educational organizations of any type in our country are taught by professionally trained specialists, and not by native speakers, as is customary in many countries. In the post-Soviet period, education in common and linguistic education in specific has undergone changes, both positive and negative.

The most significant positive changes can rightly be regarded as;

1) the transition an imperative to an attentive pedagogy;

2) democratization in education;

3) Creation of conditions for teachers' pedagogical creativity;

4) the opportunity of a teacher's choice of textbook or teaching materials;

5) the definition of a new goal of foreign speech teaching - the formation of foreign speech communicative competence with all its components [3, c. 47].

Theoretical and practical significant: as the theoretical significance of this article we refer to the following points: Professional and methodological training of foreign speech teachers has always been relevant and occupied the minds of the brightest representatives of the domestic methodology of teaching foreign languages, for which the XX cent was a period of a true renaissance, as it's marked by scientific work of outstanding specialists, including I.L. Bim, P.B. Gurvich, N.I. Gez, R.K. Minyar-Be-loruchev, A.A. Mirolyubov, O.E. Mikhailova, E.I. Passov, V.S. Tsetlin, S.F. Shatilov. S. S. Kunanbaeva is widely acknowledged as the boss of the national methodology. Academician Kunanbaeva, her colleagues and pupils were well alert of the fact, that number matter how perfect methods of teaching foreign languages were d, they'd not give the expected results, if they fell into the hands of an instructor with number professional skills. The problem of professional training of foreign speech teachers was therefore seen as a priority by the methodologists. A high level of professionalism was set in the Professionogram of a foreign speech instructor developed by S.F. Shatilov, K.I. Salamatov, E.S. Rabunsky [1, c. 23]. It's required to specify the changes of a negative nature, primarily the reduction of the period of training of a foreign speech instructor to four years, changing its academic status - Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Linguistics, reducing the no of teaching hours to master foreign languages, reducing the period of pedagogical practice, simplifying its content. It's obvious that the new conditions of foreign speech instructor training require new scientific approaches and concepts. In accordance with the modern level of development of methodological science, the approach to professional and methodological training of a foreign speech instructor of a new formation should be innovative in nature. The innovative approach to professional and methodological training of a foreign speech instructor of a new formation is developed by the author of this article taking into account the achievements of domestic methodology of foreign speech teaching, fruitful ideas of Kunanbaeva S.S. and several other authors on the subject, the basic provisions of plural linguodidactics, the results of scientific research of the dept of intercultural communication, linguodi-dactics, pedagogical technologies of teaching and the results of the research of the Department of Intercultural Communication, Linguodidactics and Pedagogical linguistic University [1, c. 158].

In the process of developing an innovative concept of professional and methodological training of a foreign speech instructor a critical analysis of the theory and practice of different time periods was required. In particular, it was confirmed that in the Soviet pedagogy of higher education the lecture was treated as the main form of teaching, accordingly the lecture course in foreign speech teaching methodology had priority. Today, attitudes to the lecture have changed in view of the fact that human science has established proof that most individuals hear only twenty-five percent of what they perceive by ear [4].

If we consider another objective fact that learners as a rule don't have the skill to listen, then it's legitimate to conclude that lecture as a form of learning is of low efficiency. These considerations are particularly relevant to the lectures on foreign speech teaching methodology. As a result of mastering foreign speech teaching methodology a future teacher shouldn't only know how to teach, but also be able to do it practically, that's to master the professional competence perfectly, which is possible only in seminars, practical and laboratory classes. At the same time, it's known that for many decades the main methodological technique in seminars and practical classes in foreign speech teaching methodology has been imitation. A methodology instructor in a seminar or a practical class demonstrated how to introduce a new lexical unit to a pupil, how to warm up a speech, how to work on a foreign speech text (i.e. authentic materials) in three stages. Thus, the imitative way of acquiring methodological skills and abilities hindered the development of creativity in the professional action of the future teacher [5, c. 9].

Pedagogical initiative of the instructor is constrained, according to the author of this article, by blind adherence to the recommendations of the teacher's book, which is known to be an integral component of virtually all lines of teaching-methodical complexes (TMC). There are cases when acquaintance with the content of the teacher's book in practical classes substitutes genuine professional and methodological training of a future foreign speech teacher, who since the learner gets d to controlled professional activity, to the of the recommended techniques, methods and forms of or-

ganizing the process of mastering learning foreign speech competences. Majority of scholars believe that the teacher's book as a component of the teaching materials provides invaluable assistance to the teacher, improves his/her methodological skills and ensures the required level of the educational process. It should be said that it's not all so unambiguous. Guided recommendations of the book for a instructor objectively turns him into an adherent of prescriptive methodology, the of which doesn't require creativity, as a result trans-forms into a teacher-statist, prepared to conduct lessons according to others' recipes, craftsman, content with the routine process of learning, which isn't distinguished by high performance [6, с. 198]. All of the above-mentioned allows us to conclude that a creative innovative foreign speech instructor of a new generation is required, whose training requires an innovative approach, correction of the goal-setting of professional training, development of effective means of its implementation. The purpose of professional and methodological training of a creative, namely interactive creative foreign speech instructor is the formation of his/her methodological credo understood as the methodological views on the process of formation of foreign speech competences acquired in the course of studying linguodidactics as theoretically meaningful and certified in educational practice rational teaching actions, adequate to the relevant learning conditions, a specific pedagogical situation [7, с. 12].

The methodological credo of a future foreign speech instructor is formed in the process of mastering the course of linguodidactics of linguodidactic knowledge, acquisition of professional skills, abilities, competences in a pedagogical university. The formed methodical credo of the future instructor of a foreign speech provides his skill to define the optimal variant of the organization and realization of educational process on mastering by students of foreign speech competences, to render them assistance in construction of an individual educational route taking into account all circumstances. The methodological basis for forming the methodological credo of a future creative foreign speech instructor is the philosophy of pluralism [8, с. 16], according to which there isn't a single provision of science that couldn't be refuted in the future, there isn't a single more or less fascinating theory that agrees with all the known facts. Therefore, according to V.V. Lazarev, "one should stand on the firm ground of pluralism". Scientific cognition", the author sums up, "isn't a fixed approximation to the truth, but rather an increasing ocean of mutually incompatible lingo frame alternatives" [9, с. 178]. In the light of the philosophy of pluralism the methodological credo of a foreign speech instructor makes him/her an adherent of pluralistic didactics of languages and cultures which implies free combination of teaching styles of methods, techniques, methods, technologies belonging to different areas of scientific knowledge. In contrast to methodological monism, which suppresses creativity in professional action of a teacher, leads to a template fashion of interaction with students, methodological pluralism ensures the implementation of educational goals and objectives of the optimal algorithm of teaching actions [10, с. 72].

Communicability of a foreign language instructor is a socio-linguistic-psychologi-cal quality of an individual, which is understood as sociability, the skill to communicate easily in the mother tongue and the foreign speech being taught. Communicability implies the skill to overcome communicative barriers, it ensures south communication. For a foreign speech teacher, communicativeness is a professional quality which needs to be developed and improved in the process of professional and methodological training. Charisma means exceptional giftedness. All future foreign speech teachers obviously cannot be exceptionally gifted, but it's a realistic task to expand the personal qualities of a charismatic personality. For a foreign speech teacher it's necessary to be a boss in communication, to be an fascinating conversationalist, and to be able to create his or her partners perceive skills. A charismatic foreign language instructor is a charming person, who attracts learners with her/his communicative magnetism. Empathy is a concept that means "empathy", a personal quality that's not only relevant to the profession of a foreign speech teacher. Empathy is understood as a deep and unmistakable perception of another person's inner world, hidden emotions and meanings. For a foreign speech instructor empathy as a personal quality has a particularly necessary value, which allows him to perceive the inner world of students, to define their emotional state [3, с. 23]. Emotionality is a personal quality of a foreign speech instructor which provides an uninhibited dialogue with learners. Emotions, as it's known, are interconnected with activities. In this regard, on the one hand, the professional action of a foreign speech instructor evokes positive emotions, and on the other hand, the emotional state has a positive impact on his/her professional activity. It's also necessary for a foreign speech instructor to be able to control his or her emotions. Insufficient attention to the development of personal qualities of a future instructor leads to the fact

Библиографический список / References

that some graduates, due to the "fusion" of acquired basics of professionalism and high results of self-education of personal qualities, become thinking, methodologically competent teachers with a formed methodological credo, while others, not providing the "unity" of professional competencies with the required personal qualities, show up to be just a formal practical training [7, c. 46].

Conclusion: Based on the above-mentioned goals and objectives such as: development of creative thinking, intellectual, communicative, linguistic and creative abilities of students; formation of personal qualities of students; development of skills affecting learning and cognitive activities and their transition to productive creativity; formation of key competences of students; optimisation of teaching and learning process; Creation of a collaborative environment between the pupil and the teacher;

Development of long-term positive motivation to learn Long-term positive motivation to learn and so on we have come to the general conclusion that the innovative method in learning requires a new formation from the education system as a whole. It seems that for professional and methodological training of a creative foreign speech teacher, the aim of which is to form his/her methodological credo, the implementation of competence approach alone may be insufficient. We suggest that the innovation of the professional training system for a creative foreign speech instructor lies in integrating the competence and reflexive approaches to the process of shaping the methodical credo of a future foreign speech teacher. The competence approach to education is defined as organizing and implementing an educational process that provides shaping students' competence and competencies, which ensures a high level of students' professional activity. As applied to professional and methodological training of a new formation foreign speech teacher, the competency-based approach means developing the skill to implement the process of students' acquisition of foreign speech competences in the most productive, optimal way relying on a set of professional, key, proper methodological, etc. competences. The reflexive approach is a new concept in linguo-didactics; its introduction into the scientific and methodological environment is cad by the new goal-setting of professional and methodological training, the formation of the methodological credo of a future instructor of a foreign speech of a new formation. Reflexive approach in its semantic meaning is related to the concept of reflexion (Latin reflexio - turning back, reflection), which allows to most accurately convey the essence of the reflexive approach, which consists in providing the future instructor with the skill to reflect, observe himself/herself and learners, to realize the nature and adequacy of their teaching actions and learning actions of students in order to create an adequate methodological decision. The skill to reflect is one of the most necessary qualities of a creative teacher, it means the skill to allow self-control of teaching actions, critical attitude to them, using feedback, at the same time to hold confidence in oneself and one's teaching actions[thirteen]. We believe that the integration of competence and reflexive approaches to the implementation of this goal is the best option for forming individual methodological credo of a creative teacher who's able to learn foreign speech competences not by directions and prescriptions, but exclusively on the basis of comprehension of educational, social and pedagogical situations and making the only exact methodological decision. Thus, the innovative approach to professional training of a creative foreign speech instructor consists in forming his/her individual methodological credo, which is defined by the skill to organize the process of mastering teaching foreign speech competences in the optimal methodological way. Pedagogical conditions of individual methodical credo formation are the following:

- Development of methodological thinking of a future foreign speech teacher;

- Development of the future teacher's skill to adequately evaluate the pedagogical situation on the basis of blitz-analysis;

- Development of the future teacher's skill to create a fault-free methodological decision;

- Development of the future teacher's personal qualities, including communicative competence, charisma, empathy and emotionality.

To conclude we suggest that in order to form an individual methodological credo of future teachers, it's required to:

- integrate the competence and reflexive approach to the educational process;

- to expand the individual methodological credo of future teachers;

- integrate the competence and reflective approach in the educational process; transform the imitative techniques of foreign speech instructor training into the creative ones;

- prescriptive methodology of teaching methodological mastery in educational practice.

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Статья поступила в редакцию 23.03.22

УДК 372.881.161.1

Kipnes L.V., Cand. of Sciences (Pedagogy), senior lecturer, Head of Department of Russian Language and Literature, Russian State Hydrometeorological University (St. Petersburg, Russia), E-mail: ksludmila@yandex.ru

Vasilieva I.V., Cand. of Sciences (Pedagogy), senior lecturer, Department of Russian Language and Literature, Russian State Hydrometeorological University (St. Petersburg, Russia), E-mail: vasinga@mail.ru

Vinogradova M.V., Cand. of Sciences (Pedagogy), senior lecturer, Department of Russian Language and Literature, Russian State Hydrometeorological University (St. Petersburg, Russia), E-mail: marinavla2008@rambler.ru

Nepoklonova E.О., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), senior lecturer, Department of Russian Language and Literature, Russian State Hydrometeorological University (St. Petersburg, Russia), E-mail: elenaneocom@gmail.com

Nikiforova I.N., teacher of foreign languages, Head of the Network of Foreign Language Schools "Perspektiva" (Kazan, Russia), E-mail: irina.maibax@gmail.com

ACTUAL MEANS OF FORMATION OF COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE OF FOREIGN STUDENTS OF PHILOLOGY. The article is dedicated to the study of effective ways of forming communicative competence among foreign students of philology. The communicative competence of foreign philology students plays an important role in obtaining education in Russian and in the implementation of their professional activities in the future. The article describes the main skills that influence the formation of the communicative competence of foreign students of philology. As part of the study, the authors conducted an experiment. The purpose of the experiment was to determine the effectiveness of the use of such forms of work as "round table", communicative exercises and linguistic tasks in the process of forming the communicative competence of foreign philology students. The experiment was conducted at the Polar Academy Institute of the Russian State Hydrometeorological University in 2019-2021 academic years among students of 2-4 courses studying in the direction of "Philology", orientation (profile) "Domestic Philology (for foreign students)". As a result of the data obtained during the experiment, it was proved that the systematic use of the teaching tools and forms of work with students chosen by the authors, relevant in the modern conditions of the development of domestic education, contributes to the effective development of the communicative competence of foreign students of philology in the framework of higher education.

Key words: communicative competence, methods of formation of communicative competence, round table, linguistic tasks, teaching Russian to foreign students of philology.

Л.В. Кипнес, канд. пед. наук, доц., зав. каф. русского языка и литературы ФГБОУ ВО «Российский государственный гидрометеорологический университет», г. Санкт-Петербург, E-mail: ksludmila@yandex.ru

И.В. Васильева, канд. пед. наук, доц., ФГБОУ ВО «Российский государственный гидрометеорологический университет», г. Санкт-Петербург, E-mail: vasinga@mail.ru

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М.В. Виноградова, канд. пед. наук, доц., ФГБОУ ВО «Российский государственный гидрометеорологический университет», г. Санкт-Петербург, E-mail: marinavla2008@rambler.ru

Е.О. Непоклонова, канд. филол. наук, доц., ФГБОУ ВО «Российский государственный гидрометеорологический университет», г. Санкт-Петербург, E-mail: elenaneocom@gmail.com

И.Н. Никифорова, преп., рук. сети школ иностранных языков «Перспектива», г. Казань, E-mail: irina.maibax@gmail.com


Статья посвящена исследованию результативных способов формирования коммуникативной компетенции у иностранных студентов-филологов. Коммуникативная компетенция иностранных студентов-филологов играет большую роль в получении образования на русском языке и осуществлении в будущем их профессиональной деятельности. В статье описываются основные умения, влияющие на формирование коммуникативной компетенции иностранных студентов-филологов. В рамках исследования авторами был проведен эксперимент. Цель эксперимента заключалась в определении эффективности использования в процессе формирования коммуникативной компетенции иностранных студентов-филологов таких форм работы, как «круглый стол», коммуникативные упражнения и лингвистические задачи. Эксперимент проводился в Институте «Полярная академия» Российского государственного гидрометеорологического университета в 2019-2021 учебных годах среди студентов 2-4 курсов, обучающиеся по направлению «Филология», направленность (профиль) «Отечественная филология (для иностранных студентов)». В результате полученных в ходе эксперимента данных было обосновано, что системное использование выбранных авторами средств обучения и форм работы со студентами, актуальных в современных условиях развития отечественного образования, способствует результативному развитию коммуникативной компетенции иностранных студентов-филологов в рамках обучения в вузе.

Ключевые слова: коммуникативная компетенция, способы формирования коммуникативной компетенции, круглый стол, лингвистические задачи, обучение русскому языку иностранных студентов-филологов.

Реалии современности сегодня таковы, что коммуникативная компетенция признана одной из ключевых компетенций современных специалистов, а ее формирование регламентируется федеральными государственными образовательными стандартами, ориентированными на реализацию запросов современного общества. Отчасти это определяет актуальную составляющую практически любого научно-методического исследования, рассматривающего развитие коммуникативной компетенции как российскими [1-4], так и зарубежными исследователями [5-7].

Целью настоящей статьи является описание исследования актуальных способов формирования коммуникативной компетенции у иностранных студентов-филологов в современных условиях развития отечественного образования. В связи с чем в данном контексте были обозначены следующие задачи:

- проанализировать теоретические работы, посвященные содержанию понятия «коммуникативная компетенция»;

- проанализировать работы, посвященные изучению коммуникативной компетенции иностранных студентов;

- выявить разнообразие средств и способов для формирования коммуникативной компетенции иностранных студентов-филологов и предложить наиболее актуальные, подтвердив это в ходе эксперимента.

При проведении научно-методического исследования, которому посвящена данная статья, были использованы теоретические методы (анализ, синтез и индукция), диагностический метод (анкетирование) и методы математической обработки данных. В том числе для изучения способов формирования коммуникативной компетенции иностранных студентов-филологов в Институте «По-

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