Научная статья на тему 'Usage of modern pedagogical technologies according to the types of learning'

Usage of modern pedagogical technologies according to the types of learning Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Narzikulova Dilnoza, Rakhmatullayeva Barno

The purpose of the article is to make the modern pedagogical technologies applicable to students according to their types of learning and reveal the influence on the development of students with different learning styles.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Usage of modern pedagogical technologies according to the types of learning»

according to the types of learning

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Narzikulova D. , Rakhmatullayeva B. (Republic of Uzbekistan)

Выбор современных педагогических технологий на основе степени успеваемости учащихся Нарзикулова Д. Х. , Рахматуллаева Б. (Республика Узбекистан)

2Нарзикулова Дилноза Хашимжановна /Narzikulova Dilnoza - преподаватель, кафедра общей педагогики и психологии;

2Рахматуллаева Барно /Rakhmatullayeva Barno - студент 3 курса, иностранный факультет,

Навоийский государственный педагогический институт, г. Навои, Республика Узбекистан

Abstract: the purpose of the article is to make the modern pedagogical technologies applicable to students according to their types of learning and reveal the influence on the development of students with different learning styles.

Аннотация: в данной статье говорится о разделении учащихся по успеваемости, о внедрении современных технологий преподавания, а также об их влиянии на повышение степени знаний учащихся.

Keywords: cognitive learning, simulation, case study, controversial methods, brainstorming, deliberation, online learning.

Ключевые слова: когнитивное обучение, симуляция, учебный пример, спорные методы, мозговая атака, дистанционная обучение.


Everyone processes and learns new information in different ways. In order to explain the given topic, first of all, I’d like to give a description to each cognitive type of learning which are of great importance in today’s teaching process:

S Visual learning: Visual learners learn best by looking at graphics, watching a demonstration, or reading. For them, it’s easy to look at charts and graphs, but they may have difficulty focusing while listening to an explanation.

S Auditory learning: Auditory learners would rather listen to things being explained than read about them. Reciting information out loud and having music in the background may be a common study method. Other noises may become a distraction resulting in a need for a relatively quiet place.

S Kinesthetic learning: kinesthetic learners process information best through a «hands-on« experience. Actually doing an activity can be the easiest way for them to learn. Sitting still while studying may be difficult, but writing things down make it easier to understand [1].

Although most pupils use a combination of the three learning styles, they usually have a clear preference for one. It is advantageous for learners to understand their type of learning style early on so that homework and learning may become easier and less stressful in the future. It may be tempting to stick with what works, however, it’s important to practice and train the other types of learning styles in an early age in order that, as he grows, the child can utilize the other types just as effectively. Looking through the characteristics of each learning style listed above, one can easily find what methods of learning best fit them. Understanding how you learn can help maximize time you spend studying by incorporating different techniques to custom fit various subjects, concepts, and learning objectives. Each preferred learning style has methods that fit the different ways an individual may learn best. In the following, there are helpful tips for each style:

> Visual learners should turn notes into pictures, charts, or maps; avoid distractions like windows, doorways; learn the big picture first and then focus on the details; make mind and concept maps instead of outlines; color code parts of new concepts in your notes; use flash cards when trying to study vocabulary.

> Auditory learners should record lectures and then listen to them; repeat material out lout and in their own words; discuss materials in their study groups; read textbooks aloud; listen to wordless background music while studying.

> Kinesthetic learners should take study breaks often; learn new material while doing something active such as reading a textbook while on a treadmill; work while standing; try to take classes with instructors who encourage demonstrations and fieldwork.

Thus, every learner must know their learning limits and opportunities, moreover, techniques and technologies according to their type of learning. Now is the time to use modern pedagogical technologies in teaching process, so it is a must to match modern pedagogical methods with learning types. Modern teaching technologies include interaction, innovation, interactive education and interactive methods. The purpose of the statement is to reveal the usage of modern teaching methods according to learning types, therefore, it is necessary to distinguish types of interactive methods:

• Situational methods: method of specific situations, case studies, simulations, games and others.

• Controversial methods: inquiry, talk, discussion, deliberations, brain attack (brainstorming, joint generation of ideas) and others.

❖ Experimental (empirical) methods: method of projects, experiments and others based on dialogue.

❖ Method of the particular situations - purpose of education is the development of particular qualities of thinking such as curiosity and good sense; personal qualities (will, responsibility, discipline, obstinacy and others) [2].

We will examine some of the more important interactive methods specified above and math them with learning styles:

❖ Case study - it is a description of a real situation presented as close to reality as possible, as the purpose of the situation is the performance of a given motor task. Described are as many facts for analysis and for taking the decision as possible and not only those necessary for the performance. Pupils have to distinguish between necessary and unnecessary information themselves, to analyze it and to give suggestions for solutions. There is not only one right solution, there are different alternative possibilities with their different advantages and disadvantages. This method can be useful for the auditory learners as there are given various signs of them like discussing in groups. A detailed analysis is made of some specific, usually compelling event or series of related events so that learners will be better understand its nature and what might be done about it. For example, learners in a technology lab might investigate the wear and tear of skate boarding on public works. Another class might look at cases of digital technologies and privacy.

❖ Simulation. Pupils perform a particular activity in circumstances as close to the conditions of the real situation as possible. This method is helpful for kinesthetic learners as they like performing and acting.

Students play a specially designed, competitive game that mirrors some aspect of life. For example, they might play the Ghetto game to find about the problems and pressures that ghetto dwellers face and to sense how difficult it is to improve one’s lot in life. Another commercially available simulation game is Gold Rush (life and adventure in a frontier mining camp). Many simulation games, such as Sim City, are automated. Learners engage with something intended to give the appearance or have the effect of something else. Thus students may engage in a simulation of the United Nations General Assembly in order to have «first-hand experience« with how it works and what its delegates do.

❖ Academic game or competition. It increases the interest for education. It serves as a transfer of knowledge. In most of the cases the teacher is an arbitrator. As this method includes a great variety of games, it can be used with all learning types. But it is more effective with the kinesthetic ones. Learners compete with each other one-to-one or team-to-team to determine which individual or group is superior at a given task such as «spelldowns,« anagrams, technology trivia, Odyssey of the Mind, or project competition. Commercially available, academic computer games are also very popular.

❖ Inquiry. It is connected to a specific problem that needs to be solved. The inquiry drags into a joint discussion, into decrease of difference in opinion, into compromise thesis formulation. This is the method which helps visual learners in educational process. Inquiry learning is used when students are encouraged to derive their own understanding or meaning for something. For example, students are asked to find out what insulation acts as the best barrier for cold or hot environments. Experiments that are not teacher demonstrations are part of inquiry learning.

❖ Talk. Most common in practice and often used by teachers. During an educative talk the teacher «leads« the student to the formulation of a certain answer or consent. It is mostly advantageous for auditory learners as they learn easily by listening.

❖ Brain attack (brainstorming, joint generation of ideas). This method gives the opportunity for numerous suggestions for solving a certain problem to be given in a short period of time. It is used to stimulate the creative activity of students. The teacher clearly and briefly lays the problem that needs to be solved and does that in a way that attracts the attention of students. They freely express ideas and opinions. The suggestions made get evaluated through discussion and eventually the most appropriate ones are selected in order to perform the motor task. It is used for auditory learners. In order to generate creative ideas, learners are asked to withhold judgement or criticism and produce a very large number of ways to do something, such as resolve a problem. For example, learners may be asked to think of as many they can for eliminating world hunger. Once a large number of ideas have been generated, they are subjected to inspection regarding their feasibility.

❖ Role playing. Learners take on the role of another person or character to see what it would be like to be that person or character. Thus, a student could play the role of an imaginary student no one likes or a news reporter. This kind of method is very beneficial for kinesthetic learners.

❖ Project. Students work through a series of activities and problems culminating in the completion of something tangible (e.g. artifact, media, performance). [3] A form of individualization whereby learners choose and work on projects and activities that facilitate and support the development of skills and knowledge. Often, learners not only choose topics but also the means of their conduct and production. It is one of the most profitable methods for visual learning.

❖ Debate. A form of discussion whereby a few students present and contest varying points of view with regard to an issue. For example, students could take different positions and debate an issue: «Should rights to free speech on the internet be extended to students in schools?» Profitable for auditory style.

❖ Discussion. Discussions occur when a group assembles to communicate with one another through speaking and listening about a topic or event of mutual interest. To illustrate, a group of learners convenes to discuss what it has learned about global warming. Effective way of learning for auditory learners. This is an educational method

for solving controversial issues and specifying the contradictions. It consists of exchange of information for reconstructing the issue, clearing up the alternatives, their evaluation and consent on the final version. It requires a general understanding of the meaning of the basic terms used on the subject.

❖ Deliberations. A technique very close to discussion. This is a method of dialogue through which teacher and students exchange information, share feelings, experience, thoughts and ideas, clear up points of view, formulate hypotheses, give certain opinions for evaluation and outline solutions. It is one of the main methods for team work, a basic step to the solution of each problem.

❖ Feedback. A semi-formal mode of communicating to students constructive criticism regarding their performance during an activity. Auditory learners can easily adapt to this method.

❖ On-line instruction and learning. A self-directed and automated approach that utilizes hypermedia (internet browsers, etc.) for communication that generally provides independence from the architectural constraints of classrooms. It is practical for visual learners.

❖ Presentation and lecture. Students listen to a person who talks about a topic. To illustrate, the teacher, or a guest speaker, tells the class all about the invention of the transistor. Helpful for all three types.


In conclusion, teachers should know the learning type of their students and use modern pedagogical technologies according to it, as it is really effective way of teaching them in a short period of time and at an ease. Students must also realize in which type of learning they can easily understand and remember things, and then address to the teacher asking for advice in learning the subject.


1. «Three learning styles» Statement on 2015 Indiana University.

2. Antoaneta Momchilova and Eleonora Gurnabova «Modern technologies in the process of teaching physical education and sport in primary schools» Research in Kinesiology 2015, Vol 43, No. 1, pp. 16-20.

3. Stephen Petrina. Curriculum and istructions for technology teachers. Chapter 4.

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