Научная статья на тему 'Usage of art therapy methods for correction of computer dependency in schoolchildren'

Usage of art therapy methods for correction of computer dependency in schoolchildren Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Nigmatulina Liliya Alievna

The article deals with advantages of usage of art therapy in psychological correction of computer dependency. It is known that computer dependency is characterised by disorders in the emotional sphere and art therapy is based on mobilisation of a human creative potential, internal mechanisms of self-control and healing; it meets a fundamental need in self-actualisation, viz. revealing a wide spectrum of human capacities and self-esteem of one’s individual unique way of life in the world.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Usage of art therapy methods for correction of computer dependency in schoolchildren»

Section 8. Psychology

Section 8. Psychology

Nigmatulina Liliya Alievna, Nizami Tashkent State Pedagogical University, senior researcher

E-mail: Lila_djuraeva@mail.ru

Usage of art therapy methods for correction of computer dependency in schoolchildren

Abstract: The article deals with advantages of usage of art therapy in psychological correction of computer dependency. It is known that computer dependency is characterised by disorders in the emotional sphere and art therapy is based on mobilisation of a human creative potential, internal mechanisms of self-control and healing; it meets a fundamental need in self-actualisation, viz. revealing a wide spectrum of human capacities and self-esteem of one's individual unique way of life in the world.

Keywords: Art therapy, computer dependency, addiction, computer-dependent personality, computer-dependent behaviour, psychotherapeutic approach, pscycho-corrective classes, self-actualisation.

In the opinion of a modern individual who uses mainly a verbal channel of communication, art therapy enables us to use "the language" of a visual and plastic expression. Due to that it becomes an irreplaceable tool for investigation and harmonisation of those sides of the private human world for expression of which words are of little use.

The majority of western experts note that they are disorders in the emotional sphere that computer dependency is characterised by and to correct a computer-dependent behaviour it is recommended to use a psychotherapeutic approach with emphasis on the work with images.

According to F. A. Saglam, the main obj ective of computer dependency correction in teenagers consists in stimulation of personal development of teenagers, implementation of their creative potential to introspection, prevention of occurrence of addictive behaviour [8].

Despite a variety of approaches and methods to the problem of correction of computer dependency, there are common tendencies which include primarily the usage of group methods of correction and individual types of work aimed at improvement of mutual relations with relatives and peers, training in self-control and ability to cope with difficulties, education of strong-willed qualities, raising one's self-assessment, creation of new vital hobbies. The major stage of computer dependency correction is distraction from computer-related interests and in this respect art therapy suits the goal achievement best. It can be used as a group method of correction oriented to increasing of one's activity, independence of addictive individuals which promotes harmonisation of personal development both in a group of peers and in the family. It is common knowledge that dependent features of the personality are formed in the family with a considerable number of co-dependent behaviour models, therefore, art therapy methods make it possible to improve

mutual relations between members of such a family, build sincere and open relations.

The idea, that pedagogics and psychotherapy should interact, was substantiated in 1927 by German psychiatrist A. Kronfeld in the article "Pscychogogics, or Psychotherapeutic doctrine on education". The author called for development of such a method which would target the person at spiritual health improvement and personal growth. Art therapy can be selected as the most comprehensible and effective psychotherapeutic direction in the work with children. Usage of art as a therapeutic factor is quite accessible for psychologists, and it does not require any special knowledge. Art therapeutic classes are considered as an innovative type ofwork with children and teenagers.

Although the priority of a theoretical substantiation of art therapy belongs to foreign experts, our domestic culture and history has a wide experience of art creativity applied in educational, developing and correctional goals. Abu Nasr al-Farabi and Abu Reikhon Beruni say in their works about a conclusive salutiferous effect of art on personality formation.

The term "art therapy" (literally, "therapy with art") was introduced by A. Hill (1938) in description of his own work with TB patients in preventoriums [7].

According to M. Libman, art therapy is usage of means of arts for expression of feelings and other manifestations of human mentality aimed at changing the structure of one's world perception [3, 8].

The Russian encyclopaedia for social work states that art therapy is a way and techniques for rehabilitation of individuals by means of art and art activity [5, 34]. Means of arts include: music, painting, literary works, theatre, etc.

Modern definition of art therapy is based on concepts of expression, communication and symbolization with the effect of which art creativity and psychological mechanisms of disorders of computer-dependent personalities is related.

Usage of art therapy methods for correction of computer dependency in schoolchildren

At the present stage of development art therapy has gained a psycho-correctional and psychotherapeutic direction. The usage of this term is not related with treatment of a disease literally (the Latin word "therapia" means "treatment"). "Social healing" of the personality, changing stereotypes of one's behaviour by means of art creativity is implied here. A preventive direction of art therapy is associated with strengthening of mental health of the personality and it fulfils psychohygienic and correctional functions.

Art therapy methods are based on belief that internal "Self" of the individual is reflected in visual images each time when one spontaneously, not thinking specifically about one's works, draws, paints, moulds. It is considered that images of art creativity reflect all sorts of subconscious processes including anxiety, internal conflicts, memoirs of one's childhood and dreams. In a verbal description the child can face some difficulties. Therefore, they are nonverbal means that often are the only ones that can express and clarify strong experiences. In this case it is possible to say about some advantages of art therapy over other types of a psychotherapeutic work in correction of computer dependency of the personality:

• practically each person (irrespective of age) can participate in an art therapeutic work which does not require any abilities in graphic activity or art skills;

• art therapy is a means of mainly nonverbal communication. It makes its especially valuable to those who does not have skills in verbal communication, faces difficulties in a verbal description of one's experiences (the majority of studies note decreased communicative skills in addictive teenagers (Yurye-va L. N., Bolbot T. Yu., Belinsky Ye. P., Zhichkina A. Ye. et al.));

• graphic activity is a powerful tool of rapprochement of people. It is especially valuable in situations of mutual alienation, in a difficulty in adjustment of contacts;

• works of graphic creativity are obj ective evidence of individual's moods and thoughts and that allows using them for assessment of a state, carrying out of appropriate studies;

• art therapy is a means of free self-expression; it assumes an atmosphere of trust, tolerance and attention to the individual's private world;

• in most cases, art therapeutic work calls positive emotions in people, helps to overcome apathy and lack of initiative, to generate a more active living position;

• art therapy is based on mobilisation of a creative potential of the individual, internal mechanisms of self-control and healing. It meets a fundamental need in self-actualisation, viz. revealing of a wide spectrum of individual's abilities and self-esteem of one's individual unique way of life in the world.

Forms of art therapy vary in the work with children, teenagers and adults. Nevertheless, it is possible to speak about two main variants of art therapeutic work: individual and group art therapy. Teaching prefers a group work as allows working with a wider range of clients. M. Libman [6, 28], for example, notes that group art therapy firstly, allows developing valuable social skills; secondly, it is associated with rendering of mutual support to members of a group and makes it possible to solve mutual problems; thirdly, it gives a chance to observe the results of one's actions and their influence on people around; fourthly, it allows mastering new roles as well as to observe how modification of the role behaviour influences mutual relations with people around; fifthly, it raises self-assessment and leads to strengthening of personal identity; sixthly, develops skills of decision-making.

Additional benefits of group art therapy include the fact that it:

• assumes an especial "democratic" atmosphere related with equality of rights and responsibility of participants of the group;

• in many cases it requires certain communicative skills and an ability to adapt for group "standards".

Art therapy methods bind the human intelligence and one's feelings, a need in reflexion and thirst of action, bodily and spiritual aspects.

Thus, it is possible to say that pscycho-corrective classes for computer-dependent individuals with utilisation of art therapy techniques give a possibility for expression and comprehension of the most diversified feelings in a socially acceptable manner. The process of drawing itself helps to remove stress (graphics response) being especially important for dependent pupils who have increased irritability and proneness to conflicts and lack the ability to quit stressful situations [9, 40].

Drawing and painting are optimal ways of psychological correction of computer dependency at school age. Graphic presentation of emotions experienced results in decreasing stress, a rise in self-control and self-actualisation of the personality, switching of interests from the computer to creativity.


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8. Saglam F. A. Pedagogical conditions of correction of Internet-addiction in teenagers. Thesis for PhD (Pedagogics): 13.00.01. -Kazan: Ulyanov-Lenin Kazan St. Un. , 2009. - 214 p.

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