Научная статья на тему 'The use of information computer technologies in club activities of a psychologist on the basis of the University. Help sup in vocational guidance of pupils'

The use of information computer technologies in club activities of a psychologist on the basis of the University. Help sup in vocational guidance of pupils Текст научной статьи по специальности «Психологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по психологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Sarmolotova Liudmila Ilinichna, Gogoleva Marina Alekseevna

This work focuses on the use of information computer technologies in correction of personality, and also professional self-determination. The article discusses the productive sides of using information computer technologies in the club activities of the University.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The use of information computer technologies in club activities of a psychologist on the basis of the University. Help sup in vocational guidance of pupils»


1. Васильева З. История педагогики и образования. 7-е издание. М., Академия, 2013. С. 432.

2. Ушинский К. Педагогические сочинения: В 6 т., М., 1988. С. 195-256.

3. Ушинский К. Педагогические сочинения, т.2., М.: Педагогика, 1989. С. 112.

4. Кукушкин В. Управление образовательными системами: Учебное пособие под ред. В.С. Кукушкина. М., ИКЦ «Март»; Ростов н /Д: «Март», 2003. С. 464.

5. Кочисов В., Гогицаева О. Этнопедагогические аспекты полилингвального образования // Вектор науки Тольяттинского государственного университета, 2012. № 1. С. 120.

6. Концепция государственной молодежной политики Республики Казахстан до 2020 года. Казахстан - 2020: путь в будущее.

7. Журнал «Аныз адам», 2016. С. 35.

The use of information computer technologies in club activities

of a psychologist on the basis of the university. Help sup in vocational

guidance of pupils

1 2 Sarmolotova L.1, Gogoleva M.2

Использование ИКТ в клубной деятельности психолога на базе

вуза. Помощь ШЮП в профориентации школьников

Сармолотова Л. И. , Гоголева М. А.2

1Сармолотова Людмила Ильинична /Sarmolotova Liudmila Ilinichna - аспирант, магистрант,

кафедра психологии и педагогики; 2Гоголева Марина Алексеевна / Gogoleva Marina Alekseevna - кандидат педагогических наук,

доцент английского языка, кафедра иностранных языков, Институт сервиса обслуживания и предпринимательства (филиал), Донской государственный технический университет, г. Шахты

Abstract: this work focuses on the use of information computer technologies in correction of personality, and also professional self-determination. The article discusses the productive sides of using information computer technologies in the club activities of the University. Аннотация: данная работа сконцентрирована на вопросе использования ИКТ в диагностике и коррекции личности, а также помощи в профессиональном самоопределении. В статье обсуждаются продуктивные стороны применения ИКТ в клубной деятельности вуза.

Keywords: information and computer technology, School of Young Psychologist, professional self-determination, psychological support, comprehensive development. Ключевые слова: информационные компьютерные технологии, Школа Юного Психолога, профессиональное самоопределение, психологическая помощь, всестороннее развитие.

Almost in all aspects of human life we can see the use of information computer technologies (ICTs). The electronic technologies with their instrumental means, d^ to the modernization of the society can automate the subtle work of a psychologist. «The process of informatization of the society changes the traditional views on the list of abilities and skills of specialists».[9, p. 1]. The task of the psychologist is to identify features of mental

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development of the person, the formation of certain psychological tumors, conformity of the level of development of abilities, knowledge, skills, personal and interpersonal characteristics to the age guidelines and the requirements of the society. Working in the position of a school psychologist, the author is confident in the fact that the use of ICTs provides more opportunities in the practical activity of a psychologist, complements the traditional forms of the work.

The society becomes informational, it needs transformation, the labor market requires other categories of skills and opportunities. The teenager, forming the program of the future, sees it as the criterion of the social maturity. The high school student considers the effective approach to his prospect for the future as a symptom of the social and psychological maturity. A great number of characteristics of a teenager are changing: the centra core of the personality - the perfect motives, the prudently tasks, the defined goals. «Having chosen the future occupation absent-mindedly or only because it is prestigious, you'll be in the sphere of the activity, which will become hateful for many years» [1, p. 3].

Being the head of the School of Young Psychologist (SYP), organized on the base of the University, the author organizes psychological trainings with high school students. The importance of the program of SYP is in the development of the universal environment for students' self-development. The focus of the project is done on the mental and intellectual

development of the participants of SYP. Advanced information technologies allow the teacher - psychologist to perform her duties on the high level. The psychological education and prevention work with young people involves the use of the diagnostic and theoretical material. Psychological diagnostics and correction are impossible without the support of ICTs; they entail less time and help in the work greatly. The process of the diagnostics proceeds more accurate, because it is prepared on a pre-grouped personal stimulus material. This individual approach applies to the each diagnosed student. The author uses a variety of test diagnostics and personality questionnaires in her work. The results of the psychological researches are written down in the summary tables. The psychological service, created at the University, in its work uses applied programs and methods, and also programs and methods produced on the basis of the test shell material. Psychometric information is based on the analysis of the benchmarks collected and supplemented at the proper time; it is undoubtedly the advantage of ICTs. The creating of various diagrams and charts gives the opportunity to fix it more clearly in the memory. The following tests are accumulated in the program: the technique of «the matrix of jobs», the CRS questionnaire of Klimov, BOB of L. N. Pryazhnikova, Eysenck's test, Luscher's test.

The test of Raven due to its processing on the computer calculates mathematical parameters of the psychological diagnostics automatically; it certainly reduces overhead and allows to involve in the process the increased number of children. The combination and application of ICTs resources give a very effective education. The use of presentations is also a rather efficient method in the field of information computer technologies. The qualified psychological assistance to high school students involves the accumulation of information and the exchange of skills.

Thus, we can see that the use of ICTs in the activities of the psychologist enables him: - to group and to systematize the diagnostic and theoretical information obtained by the specialist; - to demonstrate and supply the necessary information about the interesting innovation, psychological, practical and theoretical studies not only to the people taking part in the educational process, but also to everyone wishing to broaden their horizons in the field of psychology. Interested people can access the problem information on the Institute's website.

The PowerPoint program is suitable for all directions. The great impact on the participants of SYP has the emotionality and vividness of the training material. They have a positive attitude to ongoing processes and the comprehension of the received information. Computer programs allow personalizing and differentiating in studying each student effectively. The Institute of Service and Business is a platform of professional training,

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where the vocational work with high school students in club activities of the University is done. The learning process of SYP is aimed at the interaction of all participants of SYP and the teachers of the Department. This work is based on the basic principles of humanistic pedagogics and psychology and focuses on the realization of personal abilities of a child, his active and independent position.

The program of the school undergoes five stages:

1. Information: the warning of the students about the valid areas of the educational route with the transformation to the next level of training, the support in choosing of the future career.

2. Diagnostics: the conducting of computer tests and diagnostic techniques to determine the needs, aptitudes, motivation and interests of students.

3. Analytical: the reprocessing of diagnostic results and subsequent discussion with each of the children.

4. Correctional: the psychological gymnastics, the training of confident behavior, the creative behavior trainings, the trainings of communication skills, exercises in emotional response, the use of art therapy, fairytale therapy with the use of computer technologies.

5. Generalizing: consultations, conversations on an individual basis, the discussion of ways to help high school students in choosing a career.

The career guidance, used in SYP, develops students' skills of independent decision making and informed choice, including the choice of a profession and leisure pastime. The use of ICTs in the activities gives the opportunity to reproduce ready-made professional tests and create the appointment in the appropriate questionnaires. Such interaction of the psychologist with students develops their personal, professional and academic motivation. It stimulates students' interest in psychological research. In general, the use of ICTs in this activity defines targets for the introduction of new correctional programs, collections of digital sources, electronic enclosures for the famous EMCs in psychology, the creation of electronic textbooks - workshops on psychology, their correct usage carries a huge psychodiagnostic, psychological, correctional-rehabilitation value.


1. KlimovE. A. How to choose a profession. M.: Education, 1991. P. 159.

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3. Pryazhnikov N. S., Pryazhnikova E. J. Psychology of work and human dignity: manual for students of high educational institutions. M.: Publishing center «Academy», 2001. P. 480.

4. Senatorov S. V. Information technology. M.: Dashkov and Ko, 2010. P. 456.

5. Arrested O. N., Babanin A. E. and A. E. Woikoski the Specificity of psychological methods in terms of the use of computers. Moscow: MSU Publishing house, 1995. P. 109.

6. Babaeva J. D., Voiskounsky A. E. Psychological consequences of Informatization // Psychological journal, 1998. №. 1. P. 89-100.

7. Zhichkina A. E. About the possibilities of psychological research on the Internet // Psychological journal, 2000. №. 2. P. 75-78.

8. Kurakov L. P. New information technologies. - Cheboksary, 2000. - 485 p.

9. Safrin S. A. Information technology. M.: Nauka, 1998. P. 336.

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