Научная статья на тему 'Уровень мотивации в обучении юных спортсменов'

Уровень мотивации в обучении юных спортсменов Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Татаруч Рафал, Костюченко Валерий Филиппович, Чистяков Владимир Анатольевич

Сознательное участие в учебно-тренировочном процессе одно из фундаментальных условий, которые гарантируют успех на спортивных состязаниях. Подготовка к соревнованию требует широкого диапазона воздействий на душевное состояние спортсмена. В ходе учебно-тренировочного процесса, особенно среди молодых атлетов, достижение высокого спортивного результата длительный процесс, часто продолжается в течение нескольких лет. Если уровень мотивации в пределах такого длительного периода времени должным образом не укрепляется, он может спонтанно снижаться. Одним из факторов, который влияет величину уровня мотивации, является субъективная вероятность быть успешным.

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The motivation level in training of young athletes

Conscious participation in the sports training process is one of the fundamental conditions that guarantee success in sports. Preparation for training and sports competition requires a wide range of influences on sportsman's psyche; thus, it develops motivations and attitudes as well as intellectual and theoretical grounding. In the course of sports training, particularly among young athletes, the term required to obtain very good scores, being the final objective, is very long and often last for several years. If the motivation level within such a long period of time is not properly reinforced, it might spontaneously decrease. One of the factors that affect the rate of motivation level is the subjective probability of being successful.

Текст научной работы на тему «Уровень мотивации в обучении юных спортсменов»

ки скоростной и скоростно-силовой направленности и участие в соревнованиях. Январское тестирование показало значительный рост показателя максимального расстояния -маркера развития скоростно-силовых способностей.

Четвертое тестирование проводилось в марте в конце соревновательного периода, основной целью которого являлось реализация спортивного потенциала лыжников. Результаты тестирования показали, что в течение соревновательного периода удалось сохранить на достигнутом (необходимом и достаточном) уровне все исследуемые показатели спортсменов (рис).

Анализ динамики суммы расстояний показал, что специальные гликолитические возможности возрастали постепенно к началу основных стартов и сохранялся до конца соревновательного периода. Развитие гликолитических возможностей организма спортсменов достигалось последовательным скачкообразным ростом либо скоростно-силовых способностей, либо скоростно-силовой выносливости. В целом, показатели тестирования отражают направленность физической нагрузки, проводимой в тот или иной тренировочный мезоцикл.


Таким образом, логика управления тренировочным процессом предполагает наличие специального тестирования, с помощью которого необходимо контролировать и корректировать физическое и функциональное развитие спортсмена. Методика интервальной тренировки Табата может быть использована для контроля уровня подготовленности лыжников-гонщиков с применением разнообразных тренировочных средств, а также быть полезной в других видах спорта.


1. Ростовцев, В. Л. Методология организации эффективных двигательных режимов комплексного контроля и тренировки / В. Л. Ростовцев // Вестник спортивной науки.

- 2007. - № 1. - C. 5-9.

2. Шишкина, А.В. Специальная силовая подготовка квалифицированных лыжни-ков-гонщиков в подготовительном периоде / А.В. Шишкина // Ученые записки университета имени П.Ф. Лесгафта. - 2007. - № 3 (25). - С. 99-103.

3. Effects of High Intensity - Short Time Swimming Exercise on Glucose Transport Activity in Rat Skeletal Muscle 581 / A.Tanaka [et al.] // Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. - 1996. - V. 28, i. 5. - P. 98.

Контактная информация: tarbeevaa@yandex.ru

УДК 796.015


Татаруч Рафал, преподаватель,

Опольский технический университет, г. Ополе (Польша),

Валерий Филиппович Костюченко, доктор педагогических наук, профессор,

Владимир Анатольевич Чистяков, доктор педагогических наук, профессор, Национальный государственный университет физической культуры, спорта и здоровья имени П. Ф. Лесгафта, Санкт-Петербург,

(НГУ им. П. Ф. Лесгафта, Санкт-Петербург)


Сознательное участие в учебно-тренировочном процессе - одно из фундаментальных условий, которые гарантируют успех на спортивных состязаниях. Подготовка к соревнованию требует широкого диапазона воздействий на душевное состояние спортсмена.

В ходе учебно-тренировочного процесса, особенно среди молодых атлетов, достижение вы-

сокого спортивного результата длительный процесс, часто продолжается в течение нескольких лет. Если уровень мотивации в пределах такого длительного периода времени должным образом не укрепляется, он может спонтанно снижаться. Одним из факторов, который влияет величину уровня мотивации, является субъективная вероятность быть успешным.

Ключевые слова: юный спортсмен, уровень мотивации, когнитивное управление.


Tataruch Rafal, the teacher,

Technical University of Opole, Opole (Poland),

Valery Filippovich Kostjuchenko, the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, Vladimir Anatolevich Chistyakov, the doctor of pedagogical sciences, the professor,

The Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St.-Petersburg


Conscious participation in the sports training process is one of the fundamental conditions that guarantee success in sports. Preparation for training and sports competition requires a wide range of influences on sportsman's psyche; thus, it develops motivations and attitudes as well as intellectual and theoretical grounding.

In the course of sports training, particularly among young athletes, the term required to obtain very good scores, being the final objective, is very long and often last for several years. If the motivation level within such a long period of time is not properly reinforced, it might spontaneously decrease. One of the factors that affect the rate of motivation level is the subjective probability of being successful.

Keywords: the young athletes, motivation level, cognitive control.


Conscious participation in the sports training process is one of the fundamental conditions that guarantees success in sports. Preparation for training and sports competition requires a wide range of influences on sportsman's psyche; thus, it develops motivations and attitudes as well as intellectual and theoretical grounding (Sozanski 1999).

In the course of sports training, particularly among young athletes, the term required to obtain very good scores, being the final objective, is very long and often last for several years. If the motivation level within such a long period of time is not properly reinforced, it might spontaneously decrease. One of the factors that affects the rate of motivation level is the subjective probability of being successful.

The subjective probability of being successful is a derivative of the information collected by a given sportsman, and he will base either on reinforced experience or cause-effect analysis of the events that have occurred, are occurring or are expected to occur in the future.

We might assume that the more experience the given sportsman has, the better he will occur within the relations taking place during the training process; the better he analyses them using the related knowledge, the more he will be convinced of his influence on the planned result of the task; thus, the rate of the motivation level will be higher than among sportsmen without such information. The motivation rate serves, among other things, as the method of convincing a given sportsman in his considerable influence on scores. A sportsman sure of his impact on scores might be referred to as having cognitive control.

By referring to the phenomenon of the cognitive control over sports training, it might be asserted that a sportsman that achieved such a control has the knowledge of sports theory and training, is able to analyze what happens in his organism in the course of training process, understands the objective of performed exercise and, at the same time, is able to understand the relations between the work performed today and its outcome in the future.

The objective of the work is to determine the motivation level of young athletes in sports training and investigate whether the sportsmen that hold the cognitive control (are fully aware of the participation in training process) would be more committed to the course of sports training than the athletes without the control.


• The study included 30 14-15-year-old students (15 girls and 15 boys) with similar level of development. They were divided into two groups.

• At the first stage of study, the experimental group was presented with the objectives of the training and familiarized with the structure of the planned training cycle. Intermediate objectives of each sub-period and result assumptions for each person were presented. Each training unit was preceded by a short discussion on training tasks and collection of the information about current mood of the sportsmen. During the training, the participants were provided with the purpose of each exercise. The purpose and the number of repetitions were consulted with the athletes. They were also obliged to maintain training notebooks. It was introduced to create the conviction in their influence on the performed training process and, in consequence, achievement of specified objective (scores).

• The control group was only provided with general objectives of the training work on the level guaranteeing effectiveness of the training process.

• At the second stage of the study, the following variables were measured:aspiration and expectation level;

• motivation level;

• conviction of the influence on scores.

A. Aspiration level

The aspiration level was determined on the basis of the difference between the current score (a personal record in an athletic event of a given participant) and the score that the person would like to achieve in the upcoming sports season.

The results were converted into scores according to Youth Score Tables and the score difference was determined.

B. Expectation level

The expectation level was determined on the basis of the difference between the current personal record and the result expected to be achieved in the upcoming sports season.

The results were converted into scores according to Youth Score Tables.

C. Conviction in influence on scores

The conviction was determined on the basis of the percentage difference determined by the participants as their chance to achieve chosen objectives by performing training tasks specified by a coach (chance 1) and to achieve the same objectives with their considerable participation in preparation and performance of the objectives (chance 2).

The higher was the difference (chance 1 - chance 2), the stronger was the conviction level in influence on scores. The following objectives were determined for the participants:

Objective 1 - improvement of personal record;

Objective 2 - achievement of higher sports class;

Objective 3 - in the future, advancement to a national team.

D. Motivation level

The motivation level was determined on the basis of the effort that the participants declared to put in achieving the aforementioned objectives. The higher was the declared effort, the stronger was the motivation level. The declared effort was determined in percentage terms.


As a result of opinion polls, the aspiration level was determined as the difference between the current score (a personal record) and the result that the person would like to achieve in the upcoming sports season, whereas the expectation level was determined as the difference between the current personal record and the result reasonably expected to be achieved. The motivation level was determined on the basis of the effort that the participants declared to put in achieving the selected objectives. The higher was the declared effort, the stronger was the moti-

vation level. The conviction in influence on scores was determined on the basis of the percentage difference determined by the participants as their chance to achieve chosen objectives by performing training tasks specified by a coach and by performing the same tasks with their considerable participation in planning.

Diagram 1. Aspiration level

25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0

Experimental group C ontrol group



Results of the studies over aspiration demonstrate its significantly higher level in the experimental group, in comparison with the control group.

Diagram 2. Expectation level in both groups

20 15 10 5 0

Experimental group Control group

16,1 12,2

The expectations related to scores in the upcoming season proved to be higher in the experimental group.

Diagram 3. Conviction in influence on scores

20 15 10 5 0 -5 10

□ Experimental group □ Control group




0,5 1


The conviction level in influence on scores proved to be higher in the experimental group. The control group was convinced that their participation in preparation and performance of certain objectives decreased their chance to achieve them.

Diagram 4. Motivation level

120% -100% -80% -60% -40% -20% 0%

□ Experimental group □ Control group

96% 85 30%

70% 71% 74%


objective 1 objective 2 objective 3

The declared effort put in achievement of certain objectives and, in consequence, the motivation level proved to be visibly higher in the experimental group. Moreover, significantly lower declared effort in achievement of more difficult objectives was demonstrated both in the experimental group and the control group.


On the basis of obtained results, it can be contended that the actions undertaken at the stage of studies when the level of cognitive control was manipulated and, thus, we attempted to convince the experimental group in their influence on scores produced the intended effect. The experimental group proved to have much higher conviction in their influence on scores than the control group. The negative conviction in the influence on scores obtained in relation to one objective in the control group might show their belief that only strict performance of tasks specified by a coach could lead to achievement of determined objectives. Their remarks related to performance of the training plan and participation in its development might have a negative influence on achieving the objective. Therefore, it might be asserted that the experimental group includes people with the cognitive control, whereas the control group is comprised of the people devoid of the control. As expected, the studies on aspiration determined its higher level in the experimental group. The expectations related to scores in the upcoming season proved to be higher in the experimental group. The motivation to achieve each objective together with increasing the difficulty level significantly decreases in the control group. In the experimental group, it is maintained on a high level despite insignificant decrease. It confirms the psychological opinions that the cognitive control maintains motivation regarding performance of tasks distant by times. On the basis of published psychological studies over cognitive control, we might assume that scores achieved by the experimental group will be better in the future than scores of the control group.


• On the basis of the studies of motivation, expectation and aspiration level, the following conclusions might be drawn:

• The sportsmen that consciously perform the training process (hold the cognitive control)

o aspire to achieve more difficult objectives (better scores)

o are motivated to achieve their objectives

o see their personal the influence on their achievement, in comparison with a

sportsman that does not have such control

• The motivation level in performance of tasks more and more distant in time insignificantly decreases and is maintained on high level if a given sportsman holds the cognitive control (consciously participates in the training process).

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.


1. Sozanski, H. Podstawy teorii treningu sportowego. Biblioteka trenera / Н. Sozanski.

- COS Warszawa, 1999. - 360 s.

2. Kofta, M. Kontrola psychologiczna nad otoczeniem. Ramy poj^ciowe teorii. Psychologia wychowawcza / М. Kofta. - Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 1977. -351 s.

3. Lukaszewski, P. Osobisty wplyw na zdarzenie / Р. Lukaszewski. - WSP Opole, 1980. - 124 s.

4. Naglak, Z. Trening sportowy. Teoria i praktyka / Z. Naglak. - PWN Warszawa, 1976. - 273 s.

5. Nawrat, R. Przekonanie o wplywie na zdarzenia i stan emocjonalny // Rozprawy Naukowe. - AWF Wroclaw, 1985. - S. 86-97.

6. Tyler, L. Testy i pomiary w psychologii / L. Tyler. - PWN Warszawa, 1967. - 165 s.

7. Wazny, Z. Wspolczesny system szkolenia w sporcie wyczynowym / Z. Wazny. -SiT Warszawa, 1981. - 281 s.

Contact information: r.tataruch@po.opole.pl

УДК 373.1.02:372.8


Марина Клайдовна Топунова, директор,

Ольга Викторовна Уханова, учитель начальных классов,

Ольга Викторовна Наумова, учитель начальных классов, Государственное образовательное учреждение «Гимназия № 631», Санкт-Петербург


Описана методика педагогического измерения грамотности школьников в области «Русский язык» с использованием кодификатора, составленного на основе учебно-тематического планирования конкретной образовательной программы с применением тестовых технологий и метрологии отрасли образования.

Ключевые слова: оценка качества знаний, эталонная мера грамотности, кодификатор понятий, тестовая матрица, коэффициент грамотности.


Olga Viktorovna Ukhanova, primary school teacher,

Olga Viktorovna Naumova, primary school teacher,

“Gymnasium № 631" State Educational Institution, Saint-Petersburg


The article presents the method of pedagogical measurement of schoolchildren literacy in the subject “The Russian Language” which uses the State codifier based on educational-thematic planning produced for a certain educational curriculum and includes testing technologies and metrology in the sphere of secondary education.

Keywords: knowledge-quality assessment, literacy standard, concept codifier, literacy test matrix, literacy rate.

В Федеральной целевой программе развития образования на 2011-2015 годы [1] развитие системы оценки качества образования рассматривается как одна из основных задач образовательной политики. В настоящее время в России различными научными коллективами, образовательными и иными учреждениями с участием профессионального педагогического сообщества предлагаются многочисленные пути и способы решения этой задачи. Поэтому, определение оптимального способа оценки достижения стандартов

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