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Ключевые слова
Competitiveness / Universal labor society / Qualification skills / Vocational training / Competence approach / конкурентоспособность / профессиональное образование / Общество всеобщего труда / квалификационные навыки / компетентностный подход

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Chulanova Zaure Kazbekovna

The article deals with new approaches to the labor market formation and vocational training in conditions of innovative development and socioeconomic modernization of the Central Asian national economies.

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В статье рассматриваются новые подходы к формированию рынка труда и профессионального образования в условиях постиндустриального развития и социально-экономической модернизации национальных экономик Центральной Азии.





Chulanova Zaure Kazbekovna, Institute of Economics, Almaty-city

E-mail: zaure.ch@mail.ru


Чуланова Зауре Казбековна, Институт экономики, г. Алматы, Казахстан

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются новые подходы к формированию рынка труда и профессионального образования в условиях постиндустриального развития и социально-экономической модернизации национальных экономик Центральной Азии.

Ключевые слова: конкурентоспособность, профессиональное образование, Общество всеобщего труда, квалификационные навыки, компетентностный подход.

Annotation. The article deals with new approaches to the labor market formation and vocational training in conditions of innovative development and socio -economic modernization of the Central Asian national economies.

Keywords: Competitiveness, Universal labor society, Qualification skills, Vocational training, Competence approach

Post-industrial development is assured by mobilization of interior opportunities of every country, level of using of accumulated knowledge, skills, high technologies. Formation of competitive society possessing the progressive economy requires widening of employment, motivation extension, concernment in universal quality



At the present time Central-Asian countries, having much in common, differ by level of participation in international division of labor, models of social-economic development. By Human development Kazakhstan is on the 56th place, Turkmenistan - 109th, Uzbekistan - 114th, Kyrgyzstan - 120th, Tajikistan - 129th [1]. In the Global competitiveness rating Kazakhstan takes the 54th position, Tajikistan - 80th, Kyrgyzstan - 102th [2]. But their inherent trait is tendency to industrial modernization, development of new technologies, improvement of workforce quality.

Economic development is accompanied by changes in the current structure of employment, emergence of new trends and forms of employment. In all countries increase of qualification requirements for workers causes changes in the demand from the labor markets. According to experts, every year in the world economy over 500 old professions disappear and more than 600 new ones appear [3]. Development of professional skills - both traditional and new - initially requires from workers higher qualifications with great attention given to increasing elements of creativity in the labor process. This is due to the fact that under the conditions of the innovative economy a crucial role belongs to the sphere of intellectual services, which is inextricably linked with material production and continuously transforms it using information technology. If at the end of the last century it was sufficient to have a higher education in order to be able to work for 20-25 years, but today the most effective activities of a worker is 5-7 years, and in the spheres determining scientific and technical progress - 2-3 years. The biggest changes observed are in the qualification skills of technical professions, management and administration of the services industry. Least of all qualification changes affected the agricultural production [4].

Over the last years Central-Asian countries have worked to increase the number of students of secondary education who would be passed to the post-secondary and higher education. But today, given the unpredictability of the modern labor market, especially in times of crisis, workers just entering the labor market must be prepared to acquire new skills and be able to adapt the changes in labor demand. This requires modernization of public policy in order to change the priority from the compulsory education to education throughout a life. Formation of a higher quality workforce intends increasing the responsibility of both the employee and the government whose mission is to encourage and create favorable conditions for this process in market conditions in order to ensure a high quality of life, which is one of the factors of effective development of human capital. The formation of a workforce of higher quality assumes increasing responsibility of both - the employee and the state. The mission of the latter is to encourage workers and create favorable conditions for enhancement of this process, in order to ensure a high quality of life, which is one of the factors for effective development of human capital.




By reference to situation in the social-labor sphere President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev in his article "Twenty steps to the Universal Labor Society" [5] proposed a new model of social development, that has become a response to global challenges. With regard to Kazakhstan it provides a balance between economic results and social benefits that implies the adequacy of welfare to economic development. During economic reforming years the Kazakhstan's labor market functioning based on state paternalism and population dependency, when the most important object was solving social problems as employment of low-skilled workers, material support the unemployed, and measures for poverty reduction. Today of paramount importance is an active employment policy, assuming the training of skilled workers with a view to conforming the requirements of innovative economic development. Employment policy promotes professional and territorial mobility, formation of new labor mentality. The role and importance of corporate social responsibility in the training and retraining rises under new conditions.

As practice shows, the current labor market in Kazakhstan is experiencing a definite shortage of a skilled labor force. Evidence of non-compliance of the vocational structure of labor market supply is unemployment in the presence of available vacancies. According to the Statistics Committee, in 2015 27.4% of unemployed had higher education, 33.6% - secondary special, 27.6% secondary education [6]. In the country there is relatively high level of self-employment people, who forms a third of the economically active population of the country. At that 47% of them are employed in the agricultural sector, being in fact low-skilled workers. The educational level of labor migrants (unskilled in their majority) finding jobs in agriculture, construction and trade, does not contribute to improving the quality of labor potential. Meanwhile, Shortage of a skilled educated workforce becomes a constraining factor on the development of innovative production, and an obstacle to improving the competitiveness of some economic sectors and regions, thus causing disproportions in the economic development.

Labor market of Kazakhstan is experiencing also a certain deficit of effective managers. The market economy requires a new business model for managing. But Kazakh managers do not always have enough experience. This is confirmed by the Global Competitiveness Report 2013-2014. Kazakhstan takes in terms of Labor market efficiency a high 15th position due to such components as Pay and productivity (9th place), Hiring and firing practice (21) and Flexibility of wage determination (24). However, such indicators as Reliance on professional management (70th position), Cooperation of labor-employer relations (54th) are quite low [2]. This proves that the national labor market has not yet formed a strong demand for highly skilled labor. Moreover, a high level of education and professional qualifications are not always appropriate guarantors of high social status and income. Low wages in the public sector and individual branches of material production increase the imbalance in the


labor market without contributing to the influx of skilled personnel in these sectors of the economy and reduce the demand for vocational education in these fields.

Formation of a more rational professional and educational structure of employers, thus more effective in its influence on the rate and quality of economic growth, should be directed to ensure the socio-economic balance between supply and demand for labor. Today, however, the choices of labor activity and specific workplaces of graduates and young professionals do not always coincide with the needs of the economy. This discrepancy requires to take into account the increasing demands of workers on content of work, labor conditions and payment. The problem of insufficient qualifications and skills of national staff will be exacerbated in the conditions of the Common Economic Space functioning and accession to the WTO. Opening of the national market to foreign workers and companies-employers will lead to greater competition with foreign qualified personnel for high-paying jobs.

It is obvious, that in the real world the main factor in improving the competitiveness is getting education and vocational training. OECD countries spend for this purpose on average about 6% of GDP. As noted above, in Kazakhstan in the aspect of social modernization a key factor of development is becoming development of new approaches to education and vocational training and retraining, particularly universalization skills adequate to the needs of forming innovative economy and improvement of the quality characteristics of specialists.

With a view to integrate into the global community, Kazakhstan is an active entry into the world educational space in order to bring the national education system into conformity with international educational standards. Increasing the share of unsupervised activity in high school training program give the students an opportunity to become the active participants in the learning process. Implementation of profile and adjoining programs, additional education promotes entry into the global educational space. Implemented credit technology defines the framework for a new approach to organization of the higher education system through the improvement of curricula, creation of integrated training courses, joint training programs and research with a view to ensuring the competitiveness of Kazakhstan's education and specialists at the world market. All this becomes possible only under the condition of high competency of teaching staff. A professor must not only transmit "ready-made knowledge", but also to form the student's ability to apply receiving knowledge in practice. Understandably, that modernization implies a weighty burden on all parts and components of the national education system. It was logical to define in this aspect the following thesis: "Each institution of secondary, professional and higher education must be responsible for preparation of high-class professional."

Internationalization of education system requires the foreign language skills. But in the Kazakhstan's high school providing trilingual (Kazakh, Russian, English) training most of teachers knows a foreign language at an insufficient level. Having


place a language barrier with invited foreign colleagues does not allow to understand and to learn the nuances of their professional skills. Collaboration is further complicated by the fact that the Kazakh teachers are not thrash out modern foreign publications which greatly complicates to penetration into progressive teaching methods. Problem solution is to create under universities of centers on in-depth study of foreign languages, principles and practices of foreign economic activity, ability to organize business and to work in factories of different countries.

Higher education is increasingly affected by globalization process's that are the main factor in internationalization of universities. Constantly increase the percentage of students participating in international mobility. In this aspect the State program of education development of Kazakhstan for 2010-2020 envisages achievement of 20% of mobility level that would provide a maximum students access to both domestic and foreign scientific and logistic base. Increasing mobility would be realized through participation of students in research projects, internships, and practices in scientific, educational and industrial enterprises.

One of global trends is minimizing the distance between education and practice. The modern higher educational institutions are moving to a model of a research university in order to strengthen the interaction of education, science and industry. The Law of Kazakhstan "On Science" defining the concept, objectives and rights of a research university, opens opportunities in this sphere. In particular, the research university can independently develop and implement standards for educational programs of higher and postgraduate education, but not below the established state standards. They also have the right to impose additional requirements for professional orientation and create experimental promotional companies. All this will eliminate the contradiction between the level of university training of young professionals and the needs for really professional staff, as well as build an effective system "school -science - production".

On the other hand, quality of the workforce, as an integral component of the country's competitiveness, largely determines the effectiveness of the implementation of other competitive advantages, in particular, favorable geographical location, the availability of natural resources and favorable investment climate, etc. that are important factors of the successful social -economic modernization. Formation of the Universal labor society, creating real material value, productive ideas also would allow the Central Asia to avoid aggravation of labor migrants situation as we could see in European Union.


1. Human Development Report 2015. Work for human development. - UNDP, 2015.

2. World economic Forum. The Global Competitiveness Report 2015-2016 [Electronic





resource]. - Access: http://reports.weforum.org/global-competitiveness-report-2015-

3. Better Skills, Better Jobs, Better lives. A strategic approach to skills policies. -OECD, 2012. - 114 c.

4. Innovative economy: employment, labor motivation, labor efficiency. Ed. Chizhova L.S. - M.: Economics, 2011. - 430 p.

5. N.A. Nazarbayev. Social modernization of Kazakhstan: Twenty Steps to the Universal Society of Labor. [Electronic resource]. - Access: http://www.zakon.kz

6. The Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. [Electronic resource]. - Access: http://stat.gov.kz




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