Научная статья на тему 'Formation of new quality of preparation of qualified personnel in the Republic of Kazakhstan'

Formation of new quality of preparation of qualified personnel in the Republic of Kazakhstan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kalieva S.A., Arupov A.A., Abaidullaeva M.M., Biyakhmetov R.I.

In this article reviewed problems of providing industries and fields of activity with qualified personnel in terms of forced industrial-innovative development of Kazakhstan and to create a modern, relevant to international integration society with effective multi-national economy, also studied international experience in training qualified personnel, tendencies of development of the Kazakhstan labor market taking into account the demand from employers for a certain level of experts, the directions of high-quality training of qualified personnel in Kazakhstan.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Formation of new quality of preparation of qualified personnel in the Republic of Kazakhstan»


1Kalieva S. A., Doctor of economic science, 2Arupov A. A., Doctor of economic science, 2Abaidullaeva M. M., Ph.D. in Economy, 2Biyakhmetov R.I., student of Turan University

1The Institute of Economics of the CS MES RK

2The Institute of world economy and international relations,



Received 11 November 2015 Accepted 20 November 2015 Published 30 December 2015


economic integration, international trade, the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), Kazakhstan, new quality, preparation of qualified personnel

In this article reviewed problems of providing industries and fields of activity with qualified personnel in terms of forced industrial-innovative development of Kazakhstan and to create a modern, relevant to international integration society with effective multi-national economy, also studied international experience in training qualified personnel, tendencies of development of the Kazakhstan labor market taking into account the demand from employers for a certain level of experts, the directions of high-quality training of qualified personnel in Kazakhstan.

© 2015 The Authors.

Providing industries and spheres of highly qualified personnel of different levels becomes a necessary condition for accelerated industrial-innovative development of Kazakhstan and the construction of modern, appropriate to international integration community with effective multi-sectoral national economy.

At this stage in Kazakhstan acute problem of shortage of highly skilled specialists and professionals, without which the realization of the outlined in Messages of the President of RK N.A.Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan "Socio-economic modernization as main vector of development of Kazakhstan", "Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050" - new political course of the established state", "Kazakhstan in the new global reality: growth, reform, and development" as well as government documents, such as the "Strategic plan for socio-economic development of Kazakhstan till 2020, State program of industrial-innovative development for 2015-2019", "Plan for the nation is 100 steps for the implementation of five institutional reforms", etc., it becomes difficult to achieve [1,2,3,4,5,6].

Conditions for the formation of the new economy put forward new requirements as to the quality of trained specialists and to the quality of the educational process, to the content of vocational and technical education of students, to improve the level of teaching staff that meets international requirements and high standards.

Modern requirements to provide a new level of professional training suggest the need to create innovative models of professional training of qualified personnel, oriented to the needs of the labor market. In this regard, the shortage of technical personnel and well-balanced training of required specialists and their adaptation for industrial and innovative development of Kazakhstan is now becoming an integral part of economic and social policies, which requires comprehensive study of

economic issues associated with the development of proposals for the preparation of qualified personnel for the leading sectors of the economy.

The purpose of the study is substantiation of the basic directions of quality training for personnel and development of recommendations for improving the regulation of these processes in the conditions of formation of innovative economy in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In accordance with the purpose in the study were provided the following tasks:

- to determine the need for skilled workers in industries and regions;

- to justify the priorities of training qualified personnel in conditions of innovative economy;

- to justify recommendations for improving the regulation of professional training.

The subject of the study is regularities, factors of providing qualified personnel for the national economy in the conditions of innovative economy.

The research object is the employment of qualified personnel in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Scientific novelty of the results is that there have been identified priorities of quality personnel training, develop proposals and recommendations for improving the regulation of training of qualified personnel which based on the analysis and evaluation of the provision of labor market and employment of qualified personnel

The methodological basis of the study was methodological approaches to determining the needs of the economy in qualified personnel. The study used the system approach, methods of statistical and comparative economic analysis.

The main part

The study and analysis of experience of foreign countries in the training of qualified personnel allowed to reveal their main features. So, particular interest in this respect could represent for us the system of professional education in Germany (the country, according to the International Institute of monitoring the quality of the labor force (Switzerland), is one of the leaders on level of skills).

"Dual system" of Germany is one of the models of public-private interaction, which requires a specific management structure to develop professional education and training. The German model includes the following key components:

1. The legislative framework that requires firms to invest in training new employees;

2. The funding mechanism through a combination of Federal, regional and business expenses;

3. The capacity to conduct analysis of work and curriculum development;

4. Local institutions representing the interests of business;

5. Trained professional instructors and administrators.

In Germany for people who do not have a working contract with one or another production there is no any expenses for training from State. The curriculum at the primary level is the implementation of state standards in vocational education, at the second level - implementing the needs of production itself, where a person works.

Vocational training in Germany is more related to the competence of enterprises than to the state. The companies always promptly respond to the challenges of the time for training new professionals, thus formed together with the centers training program for them.

The market connects the production and the educational establishment in formal ties. Most often take place situations like: an agreement on the employment of a certain contingent of graduates, an order for training under the enterprise specialists of certain professions without obligations of payment for this training by the companies, etc.

In Germany, with the aim of making polytechnic education closer to the market and manufacture the system is controlled on the basis of partnership agreements in all fields to achieve maximum approach to the production. Mandatory players of such unions are the state represented by the Federal authorities, enterprises, public and trade unions and institutions of learning (table 1).

The main directions of partnership are:

- funding of training processes (state, enterprise, the student and professional associations, unions);

- management of education and training system;

- identification of qualifications and training programs for specialties.

Financing workers' training is usually three parties: government, enterprise and the student.

Young workers who have employment contracts, but does not have the manufacturing experience are sent in vocational schools, where they undergo theoretical training, the practice continues in production and in the specialized centers for training of workers.

Table 1 - Distribution of functions between the players

Subject of activity Responsibilities

The state represented by the Ministry of labor, the labor Exchange and the Federal Institute of vocational education By decision amends the current qualification handbook of workers which is constantly updated and revised. Approves programs for the preparation and training of the workers and creates the standards of learning. Partially pay out of budget money for the training of young workers in training centers

Company Conducts partial hands-on training, teaches skills Concludes contracts with the centers for preparation of theoretical or practical training Makes proposals to the CCI on changes and additions to the CQH on new and existing specialties Partially pays for training in initial training and fully with professional development training to masters

The CCI of the Federal land h The chamber of craftsmen of the Federal land Advise company on available training Organize and participate in final examinations in vocational schools by the selection of teachers and establishment of examination boards Conduct of the arbitration court consideration of disputes between enterprises and educational institutions on all issues of misunderstanding and conflict. Participate in updating and additions to the Federal qualifying Handbook, recommend and coordinate with interested companies. Establish training centers, determine the nature of their professionalization and orientation courses.

Training centers Develops the qualification and training of apprentices Prepares masters, practical training of young workers and apprentices Concludes contracts with the centers for training workers and upgrading skills. Pay for education, especially in terms of training.

In Germany the educational process is regulated by various state regulations. Thus, initial vocational education is regulated by the Law "On vocational education and training" and a number of other legal acts, which provide freedom of choice of profession and employment, fix responsibility for the development in the field of vocational training extra-curricular institution. Continuous professional training within the jurisdiction of the Law "On the development of labor" and Constitutional and industrial Law "About protection of the rights of young people." The law of the land in this area relates to education on the basis of educational institutions, including vocational schools and private schools. The legal basis of vocational workplace learning in industry and Handicrafts is determined in the Law "On professional education" and the Law On "crafts". All laws govern relationships between the companies and the enterprises that provide training (contractual, payment, issuance of qualifications, the qualification, the percentage of participation of chambers of Commerce and chambers of crafts) [7].

This education begins not with searching an educational institution where you can learn a particular specialty, but form searching an enterprise that will take entrants to dual training. The applicants show high school diplomas and attend an interview at which the employer assesses their suitability to study a particular profession. Between student and employer is signed a contract, and the applicant actually receives a salary from the employer, because he really works for the enterprise parttime. While studying, students learn the chosen specialty directly in production, i.e. they learn in two places: 2-3 days per week in the institution of education, the remaining time - at the company.

The educational establishment provides students with theoretical knowledge like some special items in their chosen profession and general subjects. Masters at enterprises help them to acquire practical skills, teach the subtleties and intricacies of the profession. The number of hours allotted for study and work, not exceeding 40.

For companies in Germany, dual education has become a key element of ensuring rising labor reserves. Annually the enterprises make nearly half a million of contracts for the provision of vocational education and invest about 28 billion euros and along 27 billion on activities to improve the skills of companies themselves.

Dual educational programs:

- open new opportunities to improve the effectiveness of training personnel of higher qualification;

- provide diversification of professional education -allow to increase the variety of professional programs;

- contribute to more diversified professional development of students;

- provide the interconnection, interpenetration and mutual influence of different systems (science and education, science and production, etc.), which leads to qualitative changes in professional education.

Thus, the advantages of the dual system of vocational training in Germany is its relation with the production, fully meet the slogan "the employer determines what to teach, and the education system how to teach", is provided by a single educational space in the region's ability to solve its specific tasks in the field of vocational training.

The second model of the involvement of employers in development of vocational education and training is used in Japan, which is completely different from the model used by Germany, but similar to the patterns for the U.S. and other countries with strong social networks. Historically, the labor for the production system of Japan came from high schools that have a network of relationships with hiring managers that allow them to place their most accomplished students. This system is based on local relationships and dependent on the employees of higher schools who really analyze the skills and knowledge of potential graduates and their compliance with the academic and professional needs of employers.

The Japanese system is similar to that which operates in the American vocational schools, but only those that are of very high quality. In both cases, the highest quality vocational school constructed on durable relations of educators and employers.

The third model focuses on the promotion of training at the enterprise level through public policy. This is usually called the systems "Human resource development" or "Workforce development". The countries using this model include South Korea, Malaysia and Singapore [8].

This model was developed mainly in East Asia, since the governments of these countries in 1960-1980-ies have tried to strengthen economic growth at the expense of spending on initial and further vocational training. The core of the strategy "Workforce development" is a tax policy that allows the government to collect revenue from firms (usually set at a certain percentage of labor costs of the firm), and then allow firms to use these resources for training within their own companies. The main task of the government is to develop a reporting system for firms' cost estimation in the development of human resources.

Unlike the traditional German system of apprenticeships, the third model based on market mechanisms to increase the level of skills for unemployed youth, informal sector workers, or incumbent workers needing re-training.

Affiliate system of South Korea. In the Republic of Korea to the training system involved the state, employers, and educational institutions. Thus, the state, through monitoring conducted by line ministries, determines the need for specialists, claims developed by employers in conjunction with the schools standards and curriculum, and the Ministry of education provides training, being in close contact with employers.

In South Korea, since 1976, existing the Law "About Fund of assistance to professional training", according to which the costs of vocational education are compulsory for all private firms. While employers are given a choice: either to organize in-service training, or to transfer funds to a governmental Fund with which the Government motivates the employer fulfilling the obligations in the field of training, through the tax exemption for the purchase of land and building of the training center.

However, in order to coordinate vocational training in Korea has adopted Laws "On technical and vocational education", "Technical qualifications", "On professional qualifications" and the Concept of development of vocational education of the Ministry of labor and was established an Office for human resource development, studying the need for specialists and the organization of the independent assessment of the quality of training [9].

The office conducts a study of vocational education with obligatory involvement of employers in assessing the quality of training, assign a certain level of qualification and issue the appropriate certificate on the admission to work.

Currently in Korea there are two centers of confirmation and qualification (at the Ministry of labor 500 technical professions and with the Chamber of industry and trade of the Republic of Korea in 50 specialties serving work). In the framework of the national qualification system qualification is confirmed only in technical professions and specialties of service work.

Assessment is required for all specialists of technical and serving work, who received training, both in public and private schools and who have mastered their own profession. The certificate is issued for each profession and specialty separately, as far as mastering it.

In this regard, studying at a College or University, the student has the opportunity to obtain multiple certificates for workers that enhances its competitiveness. Certificates are issued in perpetuity. Educational institutions issue a diploma, if the student scored the appropriate number of credits, and the centre subject to successful passing the exams, issue certificates.

In the testing and certification center of the national qualification anyone can get the qualification. The composition of the Commission on reception of examinations composed of external experts from employers and educational institutions defines the Center. The examinations for the certificate consist of 2 parts:

1st part - theory test, consisting of 100 questions, is considered a positive result above 60 points.

2nd part - practical task, test or interview, a positive result which is the quality of the work performed, or receive over 60 points out of 100 test questions.

Theoretical test is taken by 2 members of Commission, practical - till 6 members. The examination group is formed in an amount of 30 - 35 people. Repeated re-examinations for the certificate is allowed without restriction.

The existing Kazakhstan's system of technical and vocational education (TVE) was created to support the administrative-command economy, with the consequence that it currently suffers from a lack of communication with the market economy and faces serious challenges in terms of relevance, management, quality and internal efficiency of the system.

The project of modernization of technical and vocational education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, adopted in 2010 in conjunction with partners such as the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, European Union, European training Foundation, German society for international cooperation (GIZ), British Council and international labor organization provides [10]:

- development of a National qualification framework and professional standards for priority sectors and strengthen the system of assessment of the qualifications and institutional accreditation of TVE institutions;

- modernization of the system of governance, management, financing principles of TVE institutions;

- strengthening the capacity of TVE institutions to develop necessary skills through funding for institutional development of public and private educational institutions on a competitive basis.

The main key indicators of project implementation are:

- increase the level of employment among the graduates of the TVE system with improved quality of technical and vocational education graduates with the "new skills" will be more in demand in the labor market;

- improved ROI of the TVE system as a result of improved skills and competences of graduates of the "new" TVE system and their compliance with the requirements of a dynamically developing labor market.

- increase productivity and competitiveness due to the formation of new relevant and high quality skills.

Modernization of technical and vocational education in Kazakhstan is carried out in the framework of the State program of industrialization and involves the active participation of businesses and employers in the training of new personnel. Today the system of vocational education of Kazakhstan presents 896 schools, with an enrollment of about 600 thousand people. Basic training is conducted on 150 specialties with the possibility of assigning more than 400 qualifications.

Technical and vocational education became more accessible for young people. So, on 10 thousand population in 1991, there were 308 students in 2011 - 401 students. The number of educational institutions increased by 25 % (from 718 to 894), 30% increase in the number of students (1991 - 464 thousand, in 2011 - 603 thousand).

However, over the period 1996-2010 number of graduates increased by 47 % (in 1996 - 130 thousand graduates, in 2010 - 191,2 thousand). And the average cost per student increased by 5 times (in 1996 -34 thousand, 2010: 197 thousand).

The system of technical and vocational education is being modernized with the needs of the labor market and international requirements. Thus, in the system of TVE:

- created a brand new control system - national Council, 16 regional and 14 sectoral councils;

- as the system operator is formed the holding "Kasipkor" for the approbation and dissemination of the corporate form of management with the involvement of business, employers in the training of specialists, development of new standards and international accreditation programs, management of the interregional centers in Atyrau, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Shymkent and Ekibastuz. The model of the Holding is already applied to the regional level. In September 2012 created a similar center in the East Kazakhstan region;

- is implemented jointly with the World Bank a project named "Modernization of technical and vocational education", under which the funds of the Bank includes provision of consultancy support to councils on the structure, elaboration of recommendations on improvement of the management structure and interaction tips, trainings, improvement of qualification of members of councils and working groups at all levels, to improve the regulatory legal base;

- work on establishment of world level colleges in Astana, Shymkent, Aktobe and Almaty;

- construction of 4 interregional centers in Atyrau, Ekibastuz, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Shymkent and 1 Lyceum in Astana. Specialization of inter-regional centers defined in the regional economy of areas. The new College will operate a school of engineering, architecture and construction, information technology, design and engineering, mechanical engineering, agriculture;

- it is assumed the establishment of an interdisciplinary school on traditional specialties of TVE;

- developed sectoral qualifications framework, the professional standards in oil and gas, agricultural, tourism, machine-building industries for 118 occupations. In late 2012, the professional standards developed by another 81 specialties of SPFIID;

- to provide quality management of training introduced the system of independent assessment of qualifications (IAQ) for technical and vocational school graduates. This assessment system in 2009 reached 65,2 thousand people, in 2012 to 123.7 thousand. Employers directly involved in the development of training programs and choose assign skills;

- The law of RK "On amendments and addenda to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About education" introduced cooperative learning as a form of organization of vocational training based on corporate responsibility of the state, employers and educational institutions;

- will be organized the training center of teachers for the whole TVE system as a whole;

- to strengthen the material-technical base of colleges in 2012 were allocated funds in the amount of 2.4 billion tenge.

The state program on development of education provides for further update of the content and infrastructure of the TVE. For this purpose up to 2015 allocated more than 90 billion tenge.

The establishment of such a point of growth in technical vocational education should be as "Nazarbayev intellectual schools" in secondary education "Nazarbayev University" in the highest.

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According to MES RK, in training personnel for projects of the industrialization Program of the organization are involved 543 TVE and 34 universities, which until 2014 have trained more than 224 thousand specialists with vocational education.

In the framework of cooperation of enterprises and educational institutions students of TVE will be provided with 132 thousand workplaces for practical training and allocated more than 3 thousand scholarships from employers. These measures are taken in the framework of the transition of educational institutions to TVE dual training system, whose main tasks are:

- ensuring effective implementation of the project of modernization of TVE at the expense of World Bank loan;

- establishment of National qualification system;

- introduction of professional standards in education;

- developing new regulations on educational establishments TVE;

- modernization of the control system;

- approbation of per capita financing in pilot mode in educational institutions of Pavlodar and Akmola regions;

- development of measures to support the capacity of educational institutions through training and advanced training of managers and teachers of educational institutions;

- grants to 68 schools in the amount of 350 thousand US dollars for each specialty;

- implementation of the strategy for development of the holding "Kasipkor", which aims to introduce new management systems in training and to create colleges of world level and interregional training centers.

Today, the dual system of training is one of the most effective forms of training of vocational training in the world. It should be noted that the elements of dual training are now used in 96 educational establishments TVE in specialties such sectors as agriculture, transport, metallurgy, machinery, oil and gas and chemical production. Partners are the companies of "KazAgro", "Kazakhstantemirzholy", "ArcelorMittal Temirtau", "Donskoy mining and processing enterprise", "Kazakhstan Engineering", "KazMunaiGas" and others [11].

World experience shows that the business is actively involved in the process of professional training. In Kazakhstan only in 2012 within the framework of partnerships with enterprises provided more than 150 thousand jobs for practical training. Four thousand people are being trained at the expense of funds of enterprises in the amount of 274 million tenge. More than three thousand students receive scholarships.

The new strategic guidelines in the development of economy, social and cultural spheres, the increasing openness of society, its rapid development and dynamism cause a change in the requirements of the state for the training of qualified personnel. The highest qualification of employees is becoming one of the most important factors of sustainable development of society, competitiveness and national security of the state.

In general, according to the Committee on statistics [12], considerable educational and professional potential has accumulated in Kazakhstan. In recent years there has been an increase in the educational level of the employed population of the country. So in 2011 38.5% of employees had higher education, 34,3% - specialized secondary education, and 7.8% - professional (Figure 1).



■ higher "professional i primary

■ incompletehigher secondary ■ secondary vocational (special) basic

Fig. 1 - Employed population by level of education

5.5 million people or 64,6% of the employed population had higher and secondary professional (special) education (table 2).

Table 2 - Employed population by educational level and sex, 2013

Denomination Total Among them

men women

thousand people specific weight, % thousand people specific weight, % thousand people specific weight, %

Employed population, total 8526,7 100,0 4383,7 100,0 4143,0 100,0

Among them have education:

higher education 2543,6 29,8 1163,8 26,5 1379,8 33,3

incomplete higher education 256,5 3,0 120,2 2,8 136,3 3,3

secondary vocational (special) education 2709,8 31,8 1385,6 31,6 1324,2 32,0

secondary education 2189,3 25,7 1202,4 27,4 986,9 23,8

basic education 163,6 1,9 91,7 2,2 71,9 1,7

primary education 21,1 0,3 10,6 0,2 10,5 0,3

Nowadays one of the most important trends on Kazakhstan's labor market is increasing demand from employers for specialists of a certain level. This is evidenced by the steady growth of vacancies, which increased in 2011 by 43% compared with the previous year. Overall, the demand of the economy for 2010-2014 for the implementation of industrial-innovative development amounted to 108 thousand people, with 55% (59,4 thousand) - workers with technical and vocational education, 15% (16 thousand) higher, 30% (32,6;) - working simple jobs.

A characteristic feature of the labor market of Kazakhstan in the recent years is its extension as on the supply side and demand side that can be traced to the dynamics of growth as job-seekers and employers' activity (figure 2).


employers Bjob-seekers *100% taken the number of vacancies in January 2011.

Fig. 2 - Dynamics of job-seekers and employers activity in 2011 Note - Compiled by the source [12]

Recruitment agencies argue that the most popular are the specialists capable to develop, and implement an effective policy of global sales IT specialists. Named list of profession in the above, except, "technical sciences and technologies" don't quite match the current real needs of the labour market. The HeadHunter index, which is a measure of the shortage of specialists in the labour market in 2011 remained almost at the previous year's level, marked the most popular profession in the field of information technology, sales and marketing/advertising/PR [13].

Today, a substantial contingent of unemployed graduates are young people (15-24 years) without work experience, who are not able to find an application. At the national average

unemployment rate of 3.9% in 2012, by region the figure was 5.5% in Zhambyl region, 6,0% in Astana, 6.9% in Kyzylorda region, 8.9% in Almaty (table 3).

Table 3 - Youth unemployment rate among the persons aged 15-24 years, %

Regions 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

1 2 3 4 5 6

The Republic of Kazakhstan 7,4 6,7 5,2 4,6 3,9

Akmola 10,1 7,8 6,0 4,8 3,7

Aktobe 2,0 2,3 2,2 2,1 2,3

Almaty 4,9 7,5 4,1 2,1 1,9

Atyrau 6,9 4,1 1,5 0,8 1,0

West Kazakhstan 7,8 7,6 6,5 5,5 5,0

Zhambyl 6,8 6,3 5,9 5,6 5,5

Karaganda 8,6 8,4 5,8 5,0 4,8

Kostanay 8,4 5,1 4,6 4,7 4,9

Kyzylorda 7,1 6,7 6,5 6,7 6,9

Mangistau 8,3 7,0 7,0 6,2 4,3

South Kazakhstan 5,0 4,6 2,1 1,8 0,9

Pavlodar 6,7 7,3 5,4 4,5 4,1

North Kazakhstan 10,8 7,9 5,9 5,8 4,3

East Kazakhstan 10,4 8,6 7,0 9,1 5,7

Astana 11,4 10,5 11,2 9,0 8,9

Almaty city 10,2 8,8 9,0 6,6 6,0

Today's realities require timely decisions of some problems of the system of professional training that have a significant impact on the socio-economic development of the country, namely:

- the inconsistency of the labor market and educational service market;

- shortage of skilled workers, especially in high-tech and innovation fields;

- the lack of partnerships between vocational education, production and the business community;

- stretched time of the training of workers;

- social vulnerability of graduates of vocational schools;

- low prestige of working professions;

- a mismatch of educational-material base of educational institutions in modern technologies of production;

- lack of regulatory support relations between educational institutions and the consumers of educational services, etc.

Often theoretical knowledge of the graduate of the university don't quite meet the requirements of the employer, not to mention the practical skills and abilities. As each year after the graduation of university in the process of job search are lost on average 20% of knowledge, it is obvious that the duration of this period leads to the loss of skills. Thus, in the aggregate it turns out, acquiring higher education, a specialist qualification from the outset does not meet the requirements of real-time. Practice shows that most graduates of universities are forced to work in another profession, which is what happens currently, or relearn and gets more popular specialty.

If to speak about problems that inhibit to ensure the needs to train professional personnel for industrial innovative development of the country, they are:

- no forecasting of staffing requirements for the long term;

- content of educational programs of higher and postgraduate education does not fully meet the requirements of employers expressing changes in the labour market. It should be noted that methods of determining staffing requirements of the Ministry of education and science of the republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of labour and social protection of population of Kazakhstan different, while identifying the needs of production and non-production industries for qualified workers and

specialists for the planning period is central, and methodologically the most difficult problem of personnel policy.

The method of determining the demand for skills should provide the possibility of calculating the required number of workers (in primary occupations) and professionals (major groups) in the industrial and territorial scope with the needs of the economy, balanced with the number of able-bodied population of the country as a whole and separate territorial units (regions, districts, major cities). Therefore it is crucial justification of the methods, allowing to accurately determine the industry (territory), the number and level of training of the required skilled personnel.

Thus, the labor market situation, characterized, on the one hand, the surplus staff irrelevant professions and, on the other - the lack of qualified personnel needed to ensure modern technology. It is necessary to tell about necessity of creation in the Republic services, coordinating the work on vocational guidance, helping young people in professional self-determination with the needs of the economy. I think this is an important factor for the approximation of supply to demand.

Meanwhile, in terms of technological development in Kazakhstan the demand for skilled workers has sharply increased. According to the study "the Demand for skills, labor force in Kazakhstan", conducted by the World Bank in 2008, 63% of employers said that lack of education and skills of workers constitute an obstacle to business development [14]. Large companies experience the greatest difficulties. Requirements for skills and competences of specialists is constantly increasing: 40% of Kazakh companies reported increased requirements for skills of workers over the past two years in connection with the strengthening of norms for the quality of goods and services, the increasing complexity of technology, increased competition. The shortage of skilled manpower is recognized as a problem most sectors of the economy. In general, annually average of 21 thousand jobs because of the imbalance of supply and demand remain vacant.

A special place in the solution to the above issues is given to public-private partnerships of institutions of secondary professional education with various socio-economic institutions, which refers to the system of joint activities, providing training of highly qualified workers and mid-level professionals, competitive and mobile labour market.

One of the promising organizational forms of scientific and production associations, created in partnership with professional educational institutions, employers and Executive bodies in the interests of joint use of scientific, educational, industrial, resource and infrastructure potential are educational and industrial educational clusters. Modern clusters are complexes that form in the interlinked intra-industry or inter-industry education, sustainable coordinated interaction of which ensures a continuous process of training and advanced training of highly qualified personnel, and their effective involvement in production and research activities covering various aspects of socio-economic development of the country.

The educational cluster is a system of training, learning and tools for learning in the innovation chain of education-technology-production, mainly based on horizontal links within the chain (the construction of complete system of multilevel training of specialists for the enterprises on the basis of integration of educational institutions and enterprises employers, providing improvement of quality, reduction of terms of training retention of graduates in enterprises, creation of flexible system of training of qualified specialists to the enterprises taking into account current and forecasted production requirements).

The main characteristics of educational clusters are:

- specialization (objects included in the cluster operate on a common market);

- a plurality of participants (business, research and production associations, industrial enterprises, small and medium business, consulting and venture capital firms, training institutes, etc.);

- life cycle and innovation (increasing the level and quality of preparation of qualified personnel appropriating to the needs of employers) [15].

Thus, the organizational and structural transformations in the system of preparation of qualified young specialists who are able to work with the new quality of work in innovative companies and organizations corresponding to the new paradigm of education characterized by such features as: education, available from anywhere in the world; education throughout life; education without isolation from production is possible in a clustered environment.

For economic growth based on technological modernization of branches of economy of Kazakhstan will need a staff of another qualitative level. Considering the complexity of this problem it

is necessary to develop and implement a State program on technical education in the Republic of Kazakhstan for the long term, which will be a key component of the state policy in the field of creation of innovative economy.

Based on the above, one of the priority directions of the authorized bodies of employment should be training the unemployed in accordance with the requirements of the time, which should take into account the changes in market conditions and work on its prevention. At this stage, great importance is purchased by the constant analysis and monitoring of the regulated labour market, the demand of skilled personnel by regions and industries to identify trends of changes in the structure of demand and supply of manpower, strengthening of interaction of state bodies, employers and educational institutions as to the advisability of preparation of those or other experts. Regular analysis of the situation on the labour market, giving an opportunity to consider the supply and demand for it, and also to strengthen links between educational institutions and employers will contribute the balance of its major components as the supply and demand.


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