УДК 331.56
Krishnappa Sudha Thriesha, student of International medical institute, Kursk State Medical University, Kursk, Russia
Email: thrieshagowda.k.s2224@gmail.com
Abstract: this paper aims at examining the unemployment and inter-regional mobility in the presence of asymmetric productivity shocks. This paper also studied different types of asymmetries such as changes in "unemployment benefits" and/or the cost of posting vacancies. the importance of these changes to explain regional unemployment disparities.
Keywords: migration, unemployment
Кришнаппа Судха Триеша, студентка международного медицинского института Курского государственного медицинского университета, Россия
Email: thrieshagowda.k.s2224@gmail.com
Аннотация: целью данной статьи является изучение безработицы и межрегиональной мобильности в условиях асимметричных шоков производительности. В этой статье также изучались различные типы асимметрии, такие как изменения в «пособиях по безработице» и/или стоимости размещения вакансий, важность этих изменений для объяснения региональных различий в уровне безработицы.
Ключевые слова: миграция, безработица
India, with its vast and diverse population, faces the pressing issue of unemployment, compounded by regional variations in economic development. This article critically examines the interplay between unemployment and the mobility of labor across different regions of the country. Unemployment and regional labor mobility are crucial facets of India's economic landscape, shaping the nation's growth trajectory. This article delves into the intricate relationship between unemployment and the movement of labor across regions, shedding light on the challenges and opportunities this dynamic presents [1].
India's diverse economic structure has led to disparities in employment opportunities across regions. Urban areas often face a surge in job seekers, exacerbating the unemployment rate, while certain rural regions grapple with underemployment and limited skill-based employment options. This imbalance underscores the need for a nuanced understanding of the country's labor market [2].
Several factors influence the migration of labor across regions in India. Economic disparities, uneven industrial development, and varying educational opportunities contribute to individuals seeking employment in regions with more robust job markets. Additionally, infrastructural challenges and cultural considerations play a significant role in shaping migration patterns.
While regional mobility offers a pathway to employment, migrant workers often face numerous challenges. Inadequate social security measures, poor living conditions, and limited access to healthcare pose substantial hurdles. Addressing these issues is essential to ensure that labor migration contributes positively to both the source and destination regions [3].
The Indian government has implemented various initiatives to address unemployment and promote regional labor mobility. Schemes like the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) aim to provide employment opportunities in rural areas, reducing the need for mass migration. Furthermore, skill development programs focus on enhancing the employability of individuals across regions.
Advancements in technology have the potential to reshape the landscape of labor mobility. The rise of remote work and digital employment platforms has allowed individuals to access job opportunities without geographical constraints. This trend could mitigate some of the challenges associated with traditional migration while fostering a more inclusive job market.
To harness the benefits of regional labor mobility and combat unemployment, a holistic approach is required. Strengthening education and skill development programs, investing in infrastructure across regions, and fostering a supportive environment for migrant workers are key steps. Additionally, policies promoting inclusive economic growth and addressing the unique needs of different regions can contribute to a more balanced labor market [1].
In conclusion, addressing unemployment in India requires a nuanced understanding of regional disparities and their impact on labor mobility. Government policies, coupled with societal and economic considerations, must converge to create an environment conducive to balanced development and improved employment opportunities across the nation. Unemployment and regional labor mobility are interconnected issues that demand a comprehensive and collaborative approach. By addressing the root causes of unemployment and creating an enabling environment for labor mobility, India can unlock its full economic potential, ensuring sustainable development and improved livelihoods for its diverse population.
1. Guide to private employment agencies: Regulation, monitoring and enforcement (Geneva). - 2017- Available at: http: //www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/—
2. Skills mismatch in Europe, Statistics brief. - 2022- Available at:http: //www.ilo. org/wcmsp5/groups/public/— dgreports/stat/documents/publication/wcms_315623.pdf.
3. World of work report 2019: Developing with jobs (Geneva). Available at: http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/—dgreports/—