Научная статья на тему 'Unemployement among graduates in Malaysia'

Unemployement among graduates in Malaysia Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Nur Shazweena Binti Rosdi

Рост числа безработицы среди выпускников вузов является одной из проблем, которая в последнее время вызывает интерес всего мира. Как показывают исследования, характеристики выпускников, компетентность преподавателей и образовательные программы, не адаптированные к современным требованиям рынка труда, усугубляют проблему безработицы среди выпускников Малайзии. Это вызывает рост общего уровня безработицы страны, что негативно влияет на ВВП МалайзииThe increase in the number of unemployment among university graduates is one of the problems that has recently aroused the interest of the whole world. Studies show that the characteristics of graduates, the competence of teachers and educational programs that are not adapted to the current requirements of the labor market, exacerbate the problem of unemployment among graduates of Malaysia. This causes an increase in the country's overall unemployment rate, which negatively affects Malaysia's GDP

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Текст научной работы на тему «Unemployement among graduates in Malaysia»

ПОЛИТИКА, ЭКОНОМИКА И ИННОВАЦИИ № 1 (30), 2020 УДК 331.56:378.225(595

Nur Shazweena Binti Rosdi, student of the international faculty, Kursk State Medical University

e-mail: nurshazweena5@gmail.com


Abstract: the increase in the number of unemployment among university graduates is one of the problems that has recently aroused the interest of the whole world. Studies show that the characteristics of graduates, the competence of teachers and educational programs that are not adapted to the current requirements of the labor market, exacerbate the problem of unemployment among graduates of Malaysia. This causes an increase in the country's overall unemployment rate, which negatively affects Malaysia's GDP.

Key words: unemployment, Malaysia, GDP

Нур Шазвеена Бинти Росди, студент международного факультета Курского государственного медицинского университета

e-mail: nurshazweena5@gmail.com


Аннотация: рост числа безработицы среди выпускников вузов является одной из проблем, которая в последнее время вызывает интерес всего мира. Как показывают исследования, характеристики выпускников, компетентность преподавателей и образовательные программы, не адаптированные к современным требованиям рынка труда, усугубляют проблему безработицы

среди выпускников Малайзии. Это вызывает рост общего уровня безработицы страны, что негативно влияет на ВВП Малайзии.

Ключевые слова: безработица, Малайзия, ВВП.

Human capital assets, which are brimming with potential, are required in this globalization period. Despite the fact that it isn't written in any benefit and misfortune reports of any association, this kind of human capital is indispensable in deciding the exhibition of an association or a nation. Without qualified human capital assets, a nation gets feeble as the absence of human factor that can start new activities in financial exercises. In any case, creating human capital assets that are exhaustive and at a world class level isn't a simple undertaking and it is a test to Malaysia [1]. As of now, joblessness among the alumni turns into an issue, in Malaysia as well as around the globe. Almost 60 percent of first degree holders or more stay jobless following one year of graduating, as indicated by Education Minister Dr Maszlee Malik. The data depends on discoveries from the Ministry of Education Malaysia's Graduate Tracer Study (SKPG) for 2018. The quantity of graduates who have not been utilized following one year of graduation for the First Degree holders or more is 30,765 people or 59.9 percent of the 51,365 alumni [2]. The diminishing activity opportunity information clarify the expanding number of jobless alumni (if we conjecture this without considering inside variables, for example, delicate aptitudes, validity, work abilities, the other way around). As indicated by information of Central Bank of Malaysia, work opening in Malaysia expanded to 244676 in the second from last quarter of 2019 from 231345 in the second quarter of 2019.

Employment Vacancies in Malaysia arrived at the midpoint of 206352 from 1997 until 2019, arriving at an unequaled high of 745205 in the final quarter of 2011 and a record low of 7850 in the principal quarter of 2004 [3].

Consequently, because of the diminishing activity opening, the quantity of jobless people increment in July 2019. In any case, with arrangements getting reconsidered and reviewed, the quantity of jobless people increment as indicated by

the information by Department of Statisctics, Malaysia [4]. This shows a promising development in Malaysia's economy. The quantity of jobless people in Malaysia diminished to 512.10 Thousand in December of 2019 from 513.90 Thousand in November of 2019. Jobless Persons in Malaysia arrived at the midpoint of 434.35 Thousand from 1985 until 2019, arriving at an unequaled high of 534.70 [5]. .The number of unemployed graduates in Malaysia indeed became a problem, but it is gradually decreasing. The data may change in the following years, as the unemployment and employment policy heavily relies on the state of the politics in Malaysia.

Other than internal factors, for example, the alumni believability in work, a ton of this joblessness issue among graduates originates from absence of graduates which requests the said activity. Occupation businesses revealing that the purpose behind employment opportunities in a working field is a result of absence of competitors, who are equipped for the posts. This is appeared from a report by National Associated of Manufactured (NAM), in which it is uncovered that there are holes exists in the scope of ability in practically the entirety of the working fields. Thus, this is the explanation that makes a talked with up-and-comer isn't chosen to satisfy a post as the applicant don't meet the prerequisites by the business. An examination directed by Ramlee et al. (2008) found that these days alumni of Higher Educational Institutions in Malaysia have a base arrangement in confronting the globalization and k-economy period. Consequently, the alumni are confronting issues in increasing a spot in a working world, as they are not ready to contend and give a full promise to a work. This issue is a lament in light of the fact that the powerlessness for the Malaysian alumni to satisfy work opportunities in Malaysia bringing about the procuring of remote laborers [1].

The quantity of remote specialists in Malaysia has become quickly in the course of the most recent twenty years. Anyway to precisely propose the accurate number is very unthinkable, in light of the fact that the defective information accessible. All things being equal, in evaluating the absolute number of remote laborers in Malaysia, Pook (2016) set forward an estimation of 2.1 million enrolled transient specialists or

legitimate outside specialists dependent on the numbers demonstrated by the Ministry of Human Resources. On the other hand, the quantity of illicit outsiders is likewise assessed at around 3 million. Then again, the Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) proposed a gauge of 6 million lawful and illicit remote specialists in the nation. The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM) similarly concur and propose the proportion of lawful to unlawful remote specialists is at 1:2. Subsequently, if the lawful enlisted outside laborers are 2.1 million, the unlawful remote specialists should aggregate about 4.2 million. In this manner, altogether the quantity of outside specialists in the nation ought to be evaluated around 6.3 million. Disregarding this, Aliza and Fong meant the quantity of outside laborers from Nepal, the Philippines and Indonesia has dropped. There is a radical dive with at any rate 140,000 outside specialists choosing to look for occupations elsewhere. This is because of their assurance of better work openings and compensation prospect available somewhere else. The present Deputy Home Minister was cited to suggest outsider discovered Malaysia no longer appealing as a business goal. Be that as it may, the Director General of Immigration uncovered the drop of Malaysia Ringgit brought about reluctance to reestablish business contracts, other than the expanding demand considered unreasonably costly for their enjoying [6].

Evidently, the deluge of enormous quantities of outsiders into the work advertise has truly affected the neighborhood segment structure. Remiss authorization and nonappearance of compelling instrument to oversee transient specialists brought about a huge number of outsiders to exceed their work contracts. The occasion brought about the significant increment in the portion of remote specialists in the nation's work power in the course of the most recent couple of decades. As indicated by Kanapathy, what began as a between time arrangement answer for fulfill the expanding need for low gifted works in help for the country's long haul high development system and monetary extension reverse discharges and transformed into a tricky circumstance. The situation has offered ascend to dynamic discussions on outside specialists' effect to local people and firms. Among the issues raised, outside

laborers removing employments from local people and plenitude of lower valued remote specialists are removing and devastating potential impetuses and advantages granted by the organizations and firms. This additionally may add to the jobless local people in Malaysia [6].

The developing number of remote specialists influence the measurement of work power partake rate. The work power cooperation rate in November 2019 expanded 0.1 rate focuses to 68.8 percent when contrasted with the earlier month and expanded 0.4 rate focuses when contrasted with that long stretch of earlier year (November 2018: 68.4%). The quantity of work power in this month rose 2.4 percent against November 2018 to 15.83 million people. During a similar period, utilized people additionally expanded 2.5 percent to 15.32 million people [8].

In the wake of relating the jobless alumni with Malaysia's present prudent components, we can close the GDP execution of Malaysia. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Malaysia became 4.4 percent in the second from last quarter of 2019 subsequent to recording a development of 4.9 percent during the second quarter of 2019. Administrations, Manufacturing and Agriculture parts were the fundamental drivers of the economy development for the second from last quarter 2019. On the use side, Private last utilization use, Net fares and Government last utilization consumption add to the GDP development, while Gross fixed capital arrangement decrease in second from last quarter 2019. Administrations segment continued by posting a development of 5.9 percent from 6.1 percent in the past quarter. The exhibition of Services segment was supported by Wholesale and retail exchange and Information and correspondence sub-divisions. quarter. The performance of Services sector was underpinned by Wholesale & retail trade and Information & communication sub-sectors.

Assembling area developed at 3.6 percent against 4.3 percent in the past quarter of 2019. The exhibition of this part was upheld by Electrical, electronic and optical items (3.1%), Petroleum, compound, elastic and plastic items (2.9%) and Transport gear, other assembling and fix (6.1%). In the interim, Agriculture part enrolled a

moderate pace at 3.7 percent. The Oil palm which contributes the biggest offer in Agriculture became 8.4 percent more slow than 9.5 percent in the last quarter. Ranger service and logging additionally hindered the presentation of Agriculture.

The Construction division contracted 1.5 percent in the second from last quarter of 2019, just because since the second quarter of 2011. The diminished was because of decrease in Non-private structures (- 12.0%) and Residential structures (- 3.2%). Mining and quarrying area declined further to negative 4.3 percent in this quarter, influenced by decrease underway of raw petroleum and condensate and flammable gas. Private last utilization use became 7.0 percent incited by the utilization on Food and non-mixed refreshments, Transport and Restaurants and inns. By the by, Gross fixed capital development diminished to 3.7 percent which stayed in negative development for three successive quarters. This is because of the deceleration in Structure and Machinery and gear which tumbled to negative 2.4 percent and negative 7.4 percent individually[8].


1. Unemployment among Malaysian Graduates: Graduates' Attributes, Lectures' Competency and Quality of Education, by Mohd Safarin Nordin, Zaliza Hanapi, February 2014, from https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mohd_Nordin4/publication/260290354_Unempl oyment_among_Malaysia_Graduates_Graduates%27Attributes_Lecturers%27_Comp etency_and_Quality_of_Education/links/00b7d53094427ab517000000/Unemploymen t-among-Malaysia-Graduates-GraduatesAttributes-Lecturers-Competency-and-Quality-of-Education.pdf?origin=publication_detail (Accessed on 15 January 2020)

2. Minister: Almost 60pc of graduates remain unemployed a year after graduation, article by MalayMail, 15 October 2019,from https://www. malaymail .com/news/malaysia/2019/10/15/minister-almost-60pc-of-

graduates-remain-unemployed-a-year-after-graduation/1800574 (Accessed on 15 January 2020)

3. Malaysia Job Vacancies, reported by Trading Economics, by Central Bank of Malaysia, from https://tradingeconomics.com/malaysia/job-vacancies (Accessed on 15 January 2020)

4. Summary of Employment Laws in Malaysia, from https://www.3ecpa.com.my/resources/human-resources-immigration/summary-of-employment-laws-in-malaysia/ (Accessed on 16 January 2020]

5. Malaysia Unemployed Persons, reported by Trading Economics, by Department of Statistics Malaysia, from https://tradingeconomics.com/malaysia/unemployed-persons (Accessed on 16 January 2020)

6. Foreign Labour in Malaysia: Selected works, by Datin Padua Ir. Dr. Siti Hamisah Tapsir, 2017, from http://mycc.my/document/files/PDF%20Dokumen/Foreign%20Labour%20in%20Mala ysia%20Selected%20Works.pdf (Accessed on 17 January 2020)

7.Malaysia Economic Performance Third Quarter 2019, from Department of Statistics Malaysia, reported by Rohaida binti Mohamad, released by Dato' Sri Dr. Mohd Uzir Mahidin, 15 November 2019, from https://www.dosm.gov.my/v1/index.php?r=column/cthemeByCat&cat=100&bul_id= VDNYYXBkczhkUm9taU9pWUQvSEJBQT09&menu_id=TE5CRUZCblh4ZTZMO DZIbmk2aWRRQT09 (Accessed on 18 January 2020)

8. Key Statistics of Labour Force in Malaysia, from Department of Statistics Malaysia, reported by Mohd Yusrizal bin Ab. Razak, released by Dato' Sri Dr. Mohd Uzir Mahidin, 13 January 2020, from https://www.dosm.gov.my/v1/index.php?r=column/cthemeByCat&cat=124&bul_id= VmVPY2hkZDZyMDFJSnlHcVpBclJqQT09&menu_id=U3VPMldoYUxzVzFaYmN kWXZteGduZz09 (Accessed on 18 January)

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