UNCERTAIN PAST TENSE IN THE TRANSLATION OF UZBEK ARTISTIC WORKS INTO CHINESE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
suffix / indefinite past tense / tense category / verb forms / stative syntagma / суффикс / неопределенное прошедшее время / категория времени / глагольные формы / статическая синтагма.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Shamsiddinova, Zebo

In this article, in the Chinese translation of past tense forms in the work of the Uzbek writer Utkir Hashimov, "The Affairs of the world", the suffix 过 (guò) is used. The characteristics of the expression of the past tense: -di, -gan, -gan edi, edi ekan, -ar edi are considered.

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В данной статье анализируются особенности перевода прошедших временных форм, таких как -di, -gan, -gan edi, -di ekan, -ar edi, использованных узбекским писателем Уткиром Хошимовым в его произведении "Дела земные", в контексте китайского языка с использованием суффикса 过 (guò), а также рассматриваются особенности его выражения.




d https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10338168


University of world economy and diplomacy Teacher of the department of oriental languages, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Tel: +998946482886; E-mail sita-zebo@inbox.ru

Abstract: In this article, in the Chinese translation of past tense forms in the

work of the Uzbek writer Utkir Hashimov, "The Affairs of the world", the suffix M

(guo) is used. The characteristics of the expression of the past tense: -di, -gan, -gan edi, edi ekan, -ar edi are considered.

Keywords: suffix, indefinite past tense, tense category, verb forms, stative syntagma

Annotatsiya: Mazkur maqolada o'zbek yozuvchisi O'tkir Hoshimovning "Dunyoning ishlari" asarida -di, -gan, -gan edi, -di ekan, -ar edi kabi o'tgan zamon

shakllarining xitoy tiliga noaniq o 'tgan zamonni yasovchi M (guo) sufiksi orqali

tarjima qilinishi hamda uning ifodalanish xususiyatlari tahlil etiladi.

Kalit so'zlar: sufiks, noaniq o'tgan zamon, zamon kategoriyasi, fe'l shakllari, turg 'un sintagma

Аннотация: В данной статье анализируются особенности перевода прошедших временных форм, таких как -di, -gan, -gan edi, -di ekan, -ar edi, использованных узбекским писателем Уткиром Хошимовым в его произведении "Дела земные", в контексте китайского языка с использованием

суффикса M (guo), а также рассматриваются особенности его выражения.

Ключевые слова: суффикс, неопределенное прошедшее время, категория времени, глагольные формы, статическая синтагма.

We know that in the process of translating Uzbek works of art into Eastern languages, especially Chinese, there are unique difficulties. The main reason for this is not only the uniqueness of the mentality, traditions, and cultural values of the Uzbek nation but also the fundamental difference in grammar between the Uzbek and Chinese languages, which causes major difficulties. In particular, it is quite a complicated process to correctly reflect the tense categories given in Uzbek artistic works in the Chinese language.

Although many works are devoted to the past tense system of the Uzbek language, we should note that it has not yet sufficiently developed this problem. Different authors distinguish a different number of past tense forms in the Uzbek language. From: A. Kh. Sulaimanov [1, 3] based on the way of forming the past tense, twenty-two tenses distinguish the form: -di, - (i) bdi, -gan, -gan edi, -ar edi, -

( i) b edi, -moqda edi, -moqchi edi, -bormoqchi edi, -gan ekan, -gan emish, -gan bo'ldi, -di ekan, -a(y) degan bo'ldi, -ib oldi, -gandas bo'ldi, - gan bo'lsa kerak , -sa bo'lsa kerak, -gisi keldi, -sa bo'ladimi, -ay deb qoldi, -gan bo'lmasin, -magan bo'lsa edi, -(i)sh bilan bo'ldi, -(a)y dedi, -(i) )shi kerak edi. It is easy to see that this classification of past tense verb forms with multi-level division is very awkward in practice.

E.D. Polivanov [2, 65,87-88] distinguishes six tenses in the Uzbek language: simple past with and five complex past a) a) -gan (bergan) bilan kelgan tarixiy o'tgan va -gan edi (bergan edi) historical past; b) -gan bilan kelgan egalik affiksi (berganim bor) this form consisting of an adjective combined with the possessive affix with "I have given"; v) the perfect form comes with participle: ib bilan kelgan (beribdi) perfekt; g) -ib edi (borib edi) comes with +perfekt; d) -ar va -r (berar edi).

A.G. Ghulamov "Verb" [3, 88] also highlighted in his work. After all, unlike E.D. Polivanov, A.G. Gulomov use new terms. He notes six types of past tenses: past definite, past perfect, past subjective, past continuous tenses. A.N. Kononov gives eight tense systems, to which, in addition to the forms listed by E.D. Polivanov and A.G. Gulomov, he adds a certain definite imperfection ("yozmoqda edim" I was writing) and a long past tense (I was writing) [4, 215-228]. A. Khojiyev distinguishes three forms of the simple past tense (forms with past verbs: (-di, -gan, -ib) and seven complex past tense forms with the verb edi [5; 476]. Such conflicting types of classification can cause difficulties in choosing the correct Chinese equivalent in the process of translating Uzbek works of art.

In our article, the features of the expression of the past indefinite tense through

the auxiliary word ^ guo in the Chinese translation of the work of the sharp Uzbek writer O'tkir Hashimov "Works of the World". In particular, we can witness that the past tense forms: -gan, -gan edi, -ar edi, edi ekan, -di are translated into Chinese

using the suffix ^ guo. They form the Past Indefinite Tense using the suffix ^ guo to show that the action happened one or more times in the indefinite past tense. The suffix ^ guo can be used only with pure (both restitutive and result-oriented) verbs.

So, the action combined with the suffix ^ guo means an action that happened

in the past in an indefinite tense and has no direct connection with the present time or the time in question. It is also used to report or clarify that an action or a certain situation happened at least once in the past with a certain person somewhere.

Shuyam qarg'agan edi deydi

He also says that he cursed [6, 186]

UiftUWRUifc [7, 157]

Shuo ni yiqian zhouguo ta

The Uzbek long-past verb form is combined with the Chinese verb ^ zhou "to crow" through the form of the suffix ^ guo, expressing an action that took place in the indefinite long past. is coming

Qorong'i osmonda yana ham qoraroq soaydek qilt etmay turgan bu qoyalar bizga o'xshaganlarning necha-nechasini ko'rdi ekan?... [6, 9]. How many of those like us did these rocks, standing like an even blacker sun in the dark sky, see?... [6, 9]

+ [7, 13]. Zai

wuye shifen hei'an de yese zhong zhexie dashan jianguole duoshao ren de beihuanlihe a...

The verb in the Uzbek sentence given above is given in the form, which represents the long past tense, and is translated into Chinese using the suffix ^ guo and 7 le.

Ilgarilari bir haqiqatni bilardim. Ona uchun bolaning katta-kichigi bo'lmaydi [6, 8] . I used to know the truth. For the mother, the child is not big or small [6, 8]

[7, 11]

Yiqian tTng shuoguo bu guan haizi de nianling duoda, zai mama yan li yongyuan dou shi haizi, shi zai zhege shijie shang yao baohu de baobao

This sentence belongs to the indefinite imperfect tense in Uzbek, and the verb "to know" is expressed through the form, and it means that the action took place in a

long indefinite tense. Translated into Chinese as tyf ii tTng shuo "as they say", it also

served to express the past subjective tense. Uniyam aytgansiz-ku [6, 12] You said that too [6, 12]

^^irt'ift [7,7] Zhege gushi ni yijTng jiangguole a?

Because of the addition of the suffix ^ guo, the verb i jiang "to tell", in the example gives the meaning of the Uzbek past perfect tense form "told" with past tense. We assume that the action has "already" taken place, and there is a possibility

to continue or repeat this action in the future. In addition, the verb with the suffix IS guo does not tell about the current state of the subject at the time of speech, but also about an action that has been completed up to the time of speech and can be continued or repeated.

Unlike the 7 le suffix, the ^ guo suffix can express both a one-time action and an action repeated several times in a sentence, and can be used together with the continuous tense. For example:

Rahmatullaga (unga) aytuvdim-a tog'angning qizini ol deb. [6, 71] I told Rahmatullah (him) to take your uncle's daughter... [6, 71]

[7, 73]

Wo gen er zi shuoguo haoji ci, rang ta gen ta de biaomei jiehun...

The past indefinite tense is often called a multiple type, but, as A.A.Dragunov points out, the verb in this tense is a count word with a number, and ^ yl is a count word that indicates a one-time action. For example:

Hoji buvining ko'zlarida, hamisha ma'yuz boquvchi ko'zlarida chog' yaraqlab ketgandek bo'ldi [6, 75]

In the eyes of Haji's grandmother, and in the eyes of the ever-gloomy breadwinner, it seemed as if the snow had split [6, 75]

+ [7, 76]

Dan hao ji nainai de muguang zhong que shanguo ylsT yukuai

In cases where the action happened in the past (if it was not clearly indicated), the indefinite imperfect tense in Uzbek corresponds to the indefinite past tense in Chinese.

The negative form of the past indefinite tense is formed using the negative mei (^ meiyou) like the past perfect tense. But the suffix guoguo in the negative form remains meilaiguomei laiguo "didn't come".

The negative form of the past indefinite tense completely denies the existence of an action in the past, indicating that the action never happened, never existed until now; it has a more generalized, absolute character and, if necessary, gives the meaning of the Uzbek words "never until now", "never before" and so on. The negative form of the past indefinite is often combined with the adverb M^ conglai "never yet" and various words that emphasize time duration or strict negation, for example:

Bittayam kasal bo'lmagan [6, 58]

Not one patient [6, 58]

[7, 62]

YTci bing ye mei shengguo

In the Uzbek language, the indefinite past tense sentence made with the definite negative form is expressed in the Chinese language by the fixed phrase "^^+noun

In conclusion, we can give the following:

- The past tense formed using Uzbek verb forms: -di, -gan, -gan edi, -di ekan, -ar edi can be expressed by the suffix ^ guo in Chinese;

- The negative form of the suffix ^ guo is formed by mei/meiyou and

the corresponding stable constructions made with it. In this he expresses a firm denial;

- Sentences with the suffix guo" include tenses of different times, which

emphasize the fact that the action took place in the distant past.

- It is appropriate to translate the sentence with the help of this suffix based on the meaning of the context.


[1] - Sulaymonov X. O'tgan zamon fe'llari. - Toshkent, 1962.

[2] - Поливанов Е.Д. Введение в изучение узбекского языка. -Ташкент, 1925.

[3] - G'ulomov A.G'. Fe'l. - Toshkent, 1954.

[4] - Кононов А.Н. Грамматика современного узбекского литературного языка. - Москва, 1960.

[5] - Xojiyev A. O'tgan zamon formalari. - Toshkent, 1975.

[6] - O'tkir Hoshimov. Dunyoning ishlari. - Toshkent, 2005.

[7] - (O'tkir Hoshimov. Dunyoning ishlari). - Toshkent, 2021.

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