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professional-labor socialization / personal situational approach / educational process / a mobile specialist / unceasing vocational training

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Krasnoperova Alla Georgievna

In the ar ticle the subject of the r esear ch is pr ofessional-labor socialization of technical college’s students. Experiment has shown high efficiency of application the personal situational approach in educational process at the developed process of students’ professional labor socialization. The results of this experiment allow concluding about expediency of the organization of this process by preparation of the mobile specialists owning foreign languages in perfection. This article will be interested to read by teachers, students, men, women who want to be healthy.

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Krasnoperova Alia Georgievna, Krasnodar Technical College, Krasnodar

E-mail: a_g_k@mail.ru

Abstract. In the article the subject of the research is professional-labor socialization of technical college's students. Experiment has shown high efficiency of application the personal - situational approach in educational process at the developed process of students' professional - labor socialization. The results of this experiment allow concluding about expediency of the organization of this process by preparation of the mobile specialists owning foreign languages in perfection. This article will be interested to read by teachers, students, men, women who want to be healthy.

Key words: professional-labor socialization, personal - situational approach, educational process, a mobile specialist, unceasing vocational training.

The article is actual as defines the ways of professional-labor socialization of students. The research purpose is working out and introduction of professional-labor socialization model of technical college's students. The research problem is the theoretical substantiation and introduction of conceptual students' professional-labor socialization model. The object of research is educational process in technical college. The subject of the research is professional-labor socialization of technical college's students. Experiment has shown high efficiency of application the personal- situational approach in educational process at the developed process of students' professional -labor socialization. The results of this experiment allow concluding about expediency of the organization of this process by preparation of the mobile specialists owning foreign languages in perfection.

Arising the term "socialization" involve with name of the American sociologist F.G. Giddings, which has named so process of the shaping to personalities, occurring both as a result of natural influence of the encirclement, and due to influence of




society according to conscious plan. The similar influences come from family, schools and the other element of the educational institutions and carry educational directivity.

In social psychology, the notion socialization was carried in 40 - 50-e years by A. Banduroy, Dzh. Kolimanom and others. In modern understanding term socialization has several importance, and interpreting by the different authors not always coincide. This is explained that given notion is understanding between sciences and, alongside by social psychology, is broadly used in sociologies, the general teaching (pedagogy), social teaching (pedagogy), and philosophy.

The professional socialization many scientists define as component part to socializations to personalities. One considers that its goal is directed process, other thinks that its issue skill, experience by means of culture, other reduces the professional socialization to professional self-determination of the personalities only; some perceive it as expression to whole personalities. Many scientists declare this as shaping the system of qualities to personalities, their glance and beliefs, but there are scientists, considering that this process is a development of a person on the length of his whole life. There is opinion that professional socialization is the result of casual events, or events which have natural uncontrolled influence of the ambience on personality.

Other authors, for instance, B.G. Ananiev [52, p.346] considers socialization as bidirectional process: formation of a person as personalities and formation him as subject of activity. This splits the light on essence of the professional socialization, in the course of which occurs preparation and development to his abilities to realize professional-labor activity. Herewith, there is in view of as physical, so and mental activity, which contents forms expedient change and transformation of the world.

Socialization on dictionary of social teaching (pedagogy) means the process of formation to personalities, under which "occurs the assimilation by individual language, social valuables and experience (the rates, installation, sample of the behavior), cultures, inherent given by society, social generality, group, and reproduction to him social relationships and social experience" [36, p.274].

Process of socializations is realized in special social institutes (general and professional educational institutions, youth organizations) and in different informal associations. Social formation of personalities is considered as process and as result of his development. As process it is expressed in different ways, bring about forming the social nature personality. This occurs in process of education, formation and self-teaching. Social formation to personalities as result is a level of the social development of a person, testifying of his social maturity; abilities to realize him in a society by personality, by his define for purposes and reach them.

In encyclopedic dictionary by Glebova L.S. professional socialization is "interest by a society in its members successfully become subjects of economic life" [16, p.267].


In scientific literature is spoken of components of professional socialization apart such as professional orientation, professional selection, professional self-determination, adaptation.

Labor education is a process of involvement students in varied, pedagogically organized types public useful labor for the reason issues him minimum of production experience, labor skills and skill of development himself by creative practical thinking, and consciousnesses of a working person.

In dictionary on social pedagogic labor education is defined as "education conscious relations to labor as to the main life need, as well as such of the nature, providing success in labor, as industry, diligence, and bona fides. Labor education is realized through shaping the habit to labor by cut-in to personalities in active labor activity and such organizations to this activity that it promoted shaping to complacency by its process and result" [36, p.312].

In pedagogical dictionary, the education labor is a "goal-directed process of the shaping skills of general labor culture, love to labor, readiness to execute physical or head-work, useful society and family; creative relations to labor; the cultures and habit of rational labor" [71, p.91].

Labor development is "shaping beside the habit to labor effort and overcoming in accordance with its heavy, unpleasant sensations. This habit gradually outgrows in quality of a person which is called hardworking" [36, p.312].

Self-determination of a person is «process or result of the conscious choice by a person to his own position, improving his facilities self-labor living in concrete circumstance of his life" [36, p.249].

From said above results the belief about labor self-determination as about process of the shaping by a person his relations to labor activity through co-ordination life and labor needs. It occurs to preparation of young people to labor life, including shaping qualities in effective practical sphere such, as hardworking, labor knowledge, skills and habits of work, labor breeding (the relations in process of labor activity, God's values and etc.).

In time we consider that labor self-determination closely intertwines with professional, is a beginning of the last. So professional socialization of a man we elaborate as professional-labor, in base which lies need to self-teaching during the whole labor life.

We consider that professional-labor socialization is a professional development of a person, beginning with early labor formation and continuing on length of the whole labor life through interaction with surrounding society. It occurs the assimilation of the social rates and cultural valuables, professional self-development of a man and his self-realization in society.

Glebova L.S. considers that "process and result of socializations contains in itself internal, before the end not solvable conflict between measure of the adapting a


person in society and degree of his isolation from the society [16, p.267].

However professional-labor socialization do not consider as system of goal-directed affecting factors of optimum professional self-determination and entering of a man in chosen professional sphere, its development to completion of professional labor activity.

In professional-labor socialization it is possible to select two main periods:

a) professional-labor socialization during education;

b) professional-labor socialization during real labor activity.

These periods are connected and sometimes partly are combined. Each of them, in turn, has a complex structure, and is studied in much scientific areas.

In focus of our study is found educational period of professional-labor socialization, which is studied in general and professional teaching and psychology. Labor period is studied by such scientifically-practical subjects as personnel management, trained management and some others.

Persons are considered, at the first time, as objects of socialization. However, become the honest member of a society, he executes and role of his subject, adopting social rates and cultural value in unity with realization of its activities, self-development and self- realization in society" [23, p.360]. "Essence to socializations consists in combination of the adjustment and isolations of a person in condition of concrete society" [27, 9]. This is a justified entering the more exact term "professionallabor socialization" that accents attention on need of the assimilation of the social rates not only and cultural valuables, but also on realization of a person to his activities. This allows also characterizing professional-labor socialization as direct or indirect professional-social pedagogical interaction training and trained by means of making the certain conditions and execution action, promoting his professional self actualization.

A person is considered, in the first place, as object to socialization. However "a person becomes a real member of a society, being a subject to socialization, adopting social rates and cultural value in unity with realization of his activities, self developing and self realization in a society" that is considered by A.V. Mudrik [34, p.360]. Need for self realization is one of the leading needs of a man, defining activity, directed on transformation himself, others and surrounding nature.

Tretiyakov P.I. considers that enormous importance has "social-progressive type of self realization of a person expressing in self realization himself as a member of society" [71, 7].

Essence to socializations consists in combination of the adaptation and isolation of a person in condition of the society.

Selevko G.K. thinks that socialization in narrow sense is as uncontrolled, natural influence of the ambience on forming a person (unlike goal-directed and controlled influences) [67, 10].




Dzh. Bruner says that as from a certain moment by main means to human evolution became the issue by means of culture that skill, which were required for use earlier invented things, and facilities. The Culture is a creator, keeper and transmitter of the systems of the reinforcement of natural possibilities and device, necessary to use this system [13, p.378 - 382].

With standpoint of psychologies socialization presents itself process and result of assimilation and following active reproduction by individual social experience [37, p.123]. The initial experience of social contact of a person gains before that what learns to speak. However process of socialization is bound not only and not as much with contacts as with joint activity of people, the most main component from which is professional-labor activity and its economic category.

E. Stouns points that «issue of the knowledge, can be, one of the most obvious using the language, but this possibility much exceed this problem. Knowledge is not something given, but it is gained. A man creates knowledge, explaining world, but actually creates at his own language. Characteristic development of a person as an individual is concerned with teaching the influence of the language on a person" [69,

Socialization can be realized as controlled and goal-directed process (for instance, formation) and natural. Such definition naturally, theoretical conventional since both types of socialization interconnected and determined by each other. So even in educational process "pupil adopts social experience which is accompanying, "casual" with standpoint of a teacher. This is not experience of standard rules and rates, but real exercised or observed experience of the social interaction of a teacher and a student, students between themselves, a teacher and a student and a teacher" [43, 70-71].

Socialization is a «process and result of assimilation and active reproduction by an individual the social experience realized in contacts and activity. Socialization can occur as in condition of the natural influence on personality different circumstances to life in society, having sometimes nature of different factors, so and in condition of the perception i.e. goal-directed forming a man. Perception is leading and defining the beginning socialization. In different scientific school notion " socialization" has got different interpretation: it can be interpreted as social teaching, in school symbolic may be as a result of social interaction, in "humanistic psychology" - as self actualization and I - concept" [53, p.283].

G.M. Andreeva defines socialization as follows: "socialization is a double-sided process, including in itself, on the one hand, assimilation by individual of social experience by entering in social ambience, system of social relationships; on the other hand..., the process of active reproduction by individual of the system of the social relationships to account his active activity, active cut-in in social surroundings when a person not simply adopts social experience, but also converts it in his own values,

70 - 71].


installations, orientations" [1, p.276].

We agree with Glebova L.S. that process of socialization possible conditionally presents as collection of 4 components:

- natural socialization (the nature and results which are defined social economic and social and cultural conditions, established in society);

- comparatively directed socialization (when state undertakes economic, legislative, organizing measures, which objective influence upon life and professional groups of population);

- comparatively social controlled socialization (planning creation by society and state of conditions for development and upbringing of a person);

- self changing of a person, having asocial vector.

We separate the standard point of Eli Ginzberg that professional growing is a long, stretching whole life process of decision making in which a man tries to fulfill their own purposes in professional activity with reality of the limited possibilities.

We close to the position of Tidmen, D.Siyuper that professional growing is the process of personal identification with work through interaction of the individual and society.

The whole notional terminological system of my scientific research is formed coming from notion socialization which naturally generates understanding of professional socialization, but more exactly of professional-labor socialization which is one of the main forming elements to socializations of a person [23, p.274].

Socialization with psychological standard point is understood as the system of complex intellectual practical cognitive process; in the course of which new members of society adopt the rules of the behaviour and the system of business typical behaviour of this society [30, p.92].

Professional-labor activity is a sort of labor activity requiring determined theoretical knowledge, practical experience and labor skill and being source of the human existence [49, 35 - 36].

Professional-labor socialization at educational period is in a complicated way outline the social and pedagogical (teaching) system of the professional formation of a person for the reason of his further development in real professional-labor activity. Professional-labor socialization in educational space is understood as the system of elements of socialization directed on finding and manifestation by individual of his professional vocation.

If socialization is understood as development and self realization of a person on the length of his whole life in the process of assimilation and reproducing the culture of society [38, p.359], that notion of "professional-labor socialization is the important part by its elements of socialization".

Pryazhnikov N.S. indicates that "modern situation of practical professional orientation in Russia is characterized that all are more felt need not only advices but


also lifting qualitative level assistance in professional self-determination. This in considerable degree is connected with person's situation established in Russia on border of the ages (in a millennium), the situation of difficult chaos in social economic life not only but also in spiritual sphere of the public life in society" [26, 3].

We consider that professional-labor socialization of a man in educational period without fall must be adaptive to finish on the base of partner's action as training.

A.V. Mudrik considers that characterizing volume of the notion "social education" many researchers select education in broad social sense including in it influence on a person by the society as a whole (i.e. identifying education with socialization), and education in narrow sense is as goal directed activity called to form beside the system of qualities of a person, their glances and business believes [33, 165].

Essence of professional-labor socialization consists of professional orientation, professional information, professional consultation, professional self determination, development of the professional preferences, professional adaptation, development of the professional consciousness, adaptive management of professional-labor socialization of a man during his whole labor life.

Process of professional-labor socialization of a man is built from stages, mechanism, factors, spheres and conditions of professional-labor socialization of a man. The Interesting particularities of this process are consists in its mechanism: in professional personal identification, in her exteriorization and interiorization, in development of professional qualities of a man such as responsibility, altruism, liberty, fairness, probity, toleration and others.

Consequently the process of professional-labor socialization occurs under such conditions as using of innovation methods of professional education, searching for exceptional motivation, adaptive approach to problems of the unceasing vocational training.

Professional abilities are potential personalities for mastering of a certain profession. They are flow out as the result of correct professional-labor orientation and self-determination.

Self realization is materialization in reality of somebody's own internal possibilities and abilities revealed in professional orientation and self-determinations. Self realization of a person is a long period of his full discovery and manifestation of his own professional possibilities.

The content of components of professional-labor socialization changes personal qualities with the changes of social economic orientation of the state especially in the crises. Professional adaptation in new conditions must pass on the requirements presented to any specialist concluding in the following:

- high professional preparedness;

- understanding the prospect of somebody's professional work;


- principle changes in social development of a person in economic society;

- further development of professional qualities of a man: his initiative, business organization abilities, theoretical thinking, integrative skills, his capacity for analyzing professional social situations.

All these allow speaking of need in principal new approach to professional -labor socialization of a man.

The notion of "professional-labor socialization" is conditioned, first of all, by difficulty image of the notion "socialization".

High significant element of professional-labor socialization is professional orientation as information and organizing practical activity in educational institutions and social organization (in the family, informal social groups and others) which directly or indirectly satisfies needs of growing generation in choice of future profession. The desirable strategic purpose of professional orientation is the professional self-determination of a person who develops his conscious and motivates his choice in the sphere of labor activity or concrete profession. Professional self-determination as a rule is initiated information of work (goal directed or natural) and is due to rather high level of the development of a man.

Professional-labor socialization is developed in its base with professional consciousness. It is formed in cooperation with development of the system "consciousness - a self consciousness - a professional self consciousness". Professional consciousness is trained by the system of knowledge of chosen profession formed under professional orientation and professional self-determination. Professional consciousness is formed by professional-labor values of a young person, is a sort of estimation to pedagogically correct organization of their education. Professional consciousness is formed by the general and vocational training, in professional education of a person in a society the most important purposes are reached such as educational, motivation to mastering the concrete profession and others.

The process is important because of influencing on professional self development and following professional self realization.

We agree with Nemov, R.S that the standpoint: "realized professional choice, perspective job assists step-by-step system of professional preparation of a specialist in professional educational system..." [37, p.210].

Requirements of modern society have caused needs in new approach of the system elements of professional-labor socialization: professional orientation, professional self-determination, professional self realization, the following development at period of realization to labor activity and etc. As many authors note the reason is that "market relations has changed cardinally earlier requirements to higher purposes of person's labor to his qualifications and professional responsibility, to professional mobility " [48, p.213].


Many old approaches and theories can not fulfill concepts of practical person's vocational training for decision the new problems i.e. professional-labor socialization. To choose future profession requires coordination with I-image. So, for instance, if profession of a technician or an engineer demands scientific knowledge students develops their own professional qualities.

Well known theory by Dzh. Holland and theory of the compromise with reality by E. Ginzberg 64] allow organizing the strategy of professional-labor socialization at educational period and hereinafter, where it is developing professional qualities to personalities at period of real labor activity.

What bring the vocational training in accordance with new conditions of market labor? What change necessary things to put into its contents? What realizes professional-labor socialization in modern educational surroundings? The most important conditions and leading factors, defining success of the pedagogical process emerge the unceasing vocational training (NPO) and personalities in which all elements of this formation system interconnected with conditions of professional-labor socialization and are directed on preparation a specialist of broad profile providing base for future professional career.

Professional orientation is a component of professional-labor socialization and presents itself a complex of psychological and pedagogical actions directed on optimization of the process of youth's job placement in accordance with their desires, attitudes and abilities and with provision for needs of a specialist for public facilities and society as a whole. Two forms are used in spheres of educational formation:

a) professional orientation on narrow base in educational establishments consisting in that students reveal all particularities labor activity and show the optimum ways of reaching their high points of future profession;

b) professional orientation on broad base consisting in familiarization of young people who have not yet done their choice of future profession [9, 40].

The Professional orientation includes 4 main trends: professional information (the professional enlightenment and professional propaganda), professional consultation, professional selection and professional adaptation.

Beside the work on scientifically motivated professional orientation in Russia there are such Russian scientist-teachers as A.N. Gasteev, N.I. Karev, M.A. and N.A. Ribnikov, N.D. Levitov, A.N. Volkovsky who has shown that correct account of differences between people on physical and intellectual potential, endurance, psychological qualities in process of their mastering by concrete profession allows to reach perfect results of professional education and the following practical activity, raise complacency to personalities by their labor and provide quick adaptation to new production technology.

Professional orientation is a component of the process of professional-labor socialization. Professional orientation connects with joint activity with teachers,

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psychologists, doctors and other specialist directed on preparation youth to conscious choice of their future profession i.e. professional self-determination. But professional self-determination is connected with a level of social maturity as formation knowledge, skills and ethical qualities for voluntary, skilful and responsible work to fulfill social roles.

In more narrow sense social maturity is understood as complex thing forming skills to interact with other people in the process of achieving general goals in particular professional-labor aims.

Professionalism with social maturity provides labor activity high level being usually source of the existence of human beings. For this is required presence of necessary and sufficient knowledge, skills which are formed in professional education on different levels.

In professional-labor socialization for this is required a new component such as development of professional consciousness and personalities. This will bring comfortable information cognitive conditions which determine men's own potentially possibilities and aptitudes providing conscious choice of future sphere of activity or concrete profession.

It is necessary to take into account the age particularities of students. It is interesting in this plan the statement by R.S. Nemov. He writes: "If put the question about that fact in what age a child occurs the most essential processes connected with his choice of future profession which corresponds to his skills and skills which are necessary for business qualities and personalities that will satisfy the requirements of future profession even in children's age" [37, p.185]. This position causes the realization of professional orientation on early stage in childhood. So it is reasonable to return the position on corresponding to stage of the execution given studies.

Traditional term "professional orientation", but on essence professional-labor orientation sometimes is used in broad sense. So I.M. Nazimov [36, 210 - p.211] considers professional orientation as information and organizing practical activity to families, educational institutions, state, public and commercial organization providing help to population in choice, selection or change professions with account individual interests, to each personalities and needs of market labor.

Realized choice of professions is a responsible moment in lives of youth. As a rule change professions, dissatisfaction by work, low capacity of labor, damages, production accidents turn out to be a mistake when shaping a specialist according with the optimum conditions of professional self-determination. They often are casual defects of professional orientation. Sometimes the choice is defined by external attractiveness and broad popularity of some professions, light possibilities and quick enrichment and by the other factors which sometimes are not identical under professional self-determination of the concrete person.

Choice of future profession is often fascinated by scholastic subjects. However


in schools many students don't think about their future but afterwards they are put before the need to choose their future profession and educational institution and that's why they follow the casual motive: "close to home", "pleasantly study together with friends" and etc. Such youth will not often understand themselves own interests, aptitudes and abilities. Quite often young people do not understand that they must be available for future profession, for instance, physical defects limit their possibilities at choice of future profession. Analyzing these facts scientists, teachers and public figures reached a conclusion that follows to organize aim-directed pedagogical activity for helping youth in choice of their future profession or sphere of activity in which everybody can better show his own abilities will bring more profits to himself and society in whole. At the end of the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th centuries the idea of the scientific motivation of the rational choice of youth their future profession and pedagogically organized help in the form of the professional orientation appeared. Certainly today pedagogically organized professional orientation occupies more vital importance in professional-labor socialization.

Scientifically pedagogical base of professional orientation are:

- studying a profession, psychological and medical analysis of professional activity and founding on this study categorization of profession;

- forecasting (strategic and operative) in connection with appearance new mass professions on base of specifics of dynamic development of industrial society and scientific technical progress;

- using the methods of studying personalities of young people, their desires, aptitudes and abilities on base of objective and subjective factors.

Professional knowing of information is directed on ensuring the young person by information about economic structure, enterprises and institutions in his region, real or expected demand for concrete profession, about requirement of the profession and man's organism, about corresponding to professional educational institution.

R.S. Nemov considers that primary professional interests appear in teaching and in labor and these creates the necessary possibilities for development indispensable business qualities in that type of labour activity in which a teenager is basically enclosed.

Professional selection is a real system of selection the teenagers according their facilities providing estimation conformity of a person to future profession. A man is tested in necessary type of activity which is realized in complex conditions (climatic, social, psychological, hygienic and etc.) requiring from a person raised responsibility, health, high capacity to work, firm emotional strong-willed regulation. The base of professional selection is concrete normative features of profession such as social, organizing and etc, allowing physician, psychologist and mental facilities to conduct the procedure of the selection and diagnostics qualities of a candidate on his correspondence to the concrete profession [7, p.226].


Training is a system of professional education having purpose of quick acquisition of training skills required for fulfilling a certain work or groups of work [7, p.223].

Professional readiness is "subjective personalities showing capableness and preparedness to execution determined by professional activity» [15, p.229].

Professional fitness is a system of psychic and psychological and physiological particularities of a person necessary and sufficient for achievement of public acceptable efficiency in one or other profession [7, p.223].

Professional adaptation is a "process of entering a person in professional activity, mastering difficulties, studying the requirements of labor, rates and rules and achievements in this kind of job, developing the skills of working in a new group at optimum short time» [14, p.229].

Tretiyakov P.I. considers that "organization is considered obtained success if it reached its purposes" [71, 11]. Management of educational system is a conscious aim-directed influence on the part of pedagogical subjects of educational system for strengthening optimum organization of professional education process and conscious mastering the contents of the trained profession. Certainly, many categories of this understanding of management require the detail work with professional education. We call them adaptive management.

We note that management of educational system is a type of social pedagogical management which supports centrality of education innovation purposes providing the processes in system of education. In particular innovation is a building of adaptive management. Being under the influence of general regularity of social management, management of educational system has specific particularities, conditioned way of the achievements of social significant integral in concrete conditions of organized professional educational process strategic oriented into professional-labor socialization trained in the process of stable forming a specialist.

The Law of Russian Federation about education (in 1992, new editing 1995) delimited competent management body in education of different levels with legal central managerial system of education [19, p.470 - 471].

It is shown principle positions and specific particularities of adaptive management in fundamental work by P.N.Tretijakov, S.N.Mitina and N.N. Boyarenceva "Adaptive management of pedagogical system" [76]. We think that they with refer to professional-labor socialization of a man.

Under adaptive social system is understood such system which possesses the ability to adjustment. Accordingly adaptive educational social pedagogical system adapting to conditions changing external ambience which strives, on the one hand, be greatly adapted to personalities with his individual particularities, with other hand as quick as possible flexible respond to own social, cultural changes.

Today cardinal effectively working managerial system is changed. In the opinion


by A.N.Troyan estimation of planned management activity, the forms of work are changed by estimation of final efficient result that becomes when such management provides the realization in integrity, problems with expenses resource, power and time [77]. Coming from modern approach under adaptive management is understood aim-directed, psychical saving and source using process of the interaction controlling and operated subsystems on achievement of the planned result with provision for professional-labour socialization of a man and development of his individual particularities .

Many scientists studied different elements of adaptive management educational system: adaptive models of the education (E.A. Yamburg), adaptive systems of the education (A.S. Granickaya), developed a concept of an adaptive school (T.M. Davidenko, S.V. Krasikov, N.P. Kapustin, P.I. Tretiykov, T.I. Shamova and others.).

Regrettably problems of the adaptive professional school practically were not considered and were not discussed. All in college's system at period of the transition to Bolonsky agreement creates the necessary conditions for qualitative training of broad profile specialists in unceasing education, developing men's personalities and professional qualities in professional-labor socialization.

Thus analysis of teaching literature has shown that all components of professional socialization a man in society are considered apart, not interconnected.

Essence of socialization consists in combination of adjustment (adaptation) and isolation of a man in conditions of concrete society.

Objective contents of the process of socializations are defined by interests of the society in that its members turned out to be capable successfully to execute their roles in economic life of the society.

In theories of socialization has not been discussed sufficient professional-labor components, progressive methods and innovations, whole labor experience of professional activity of a person.

We have installed that professional-labor socialization of a man is a direct or indirect professional social aim-directed pedagogical actions (activity in a team or independent trained actions), developing men's facilities under the certain teaching conditions promoting professional self actualization of a person trained in the process of professional socialization.

It is experimentally proved that is professional-labor socialization of a man grows out of efficiency of integration of educational standards.Socialization of a man is a process to be of common occurrence of an individual in the social environment, his mastering by skills of practical and theoretical activity, transformation of professional qualities of a person by really existing attitudes [1, p.725]. Still Mudrik A.V. writes that « the essence of socialization is presented as a combination of the adaptation and isolation of a man in a society » [2, p.266]. We consider that in civil legal society a person adopts professional experience, methods and knowledge of life



and labor under his individual plan according his views, interests, desires, abilities and opportunities and in view of traditions and customs of that country where a man receives professional education and when this all coincides successfully with teaching conditions for effective professional-labor socialization of a person in the integrated international educational standards. Socialization assumes active participation of a person in development of culture, in human attitudes, in formation of certain social norms, roles and functions, in developing of skills necessary for his successful realization in profession [2, p.725].

Studying process of professional-labor socialization of a man we measured college students by test about their satisfaction future profession by N.V.Kuzmina and A.A.Rean's technique before pedagogical experiment (out-of-class club's works: collective creative affairs, the psychological trainings focused on professional self-determination of students, discussion of industrial situations, debates). The representation consisted of a control group (15 persons) and experimental group (15 persons).

Table 1

Factors are influencing a choice of future profession

Factors Control sample Initial control sample Final Change of a level Experimental sample Initial Experimental sample Final Change of a level Whole change

1. A profession is one of the major -0,35 1 0,65 0,93 1 0,07 -0,58

in a society

2.Work with people -0,14 1 0,86 0,93 0,93 0 -0,86

3. Work demands con- -0,50 -0,26 -0,76 0,73 -0.51 -1,24 -2,00

4. Work does not cause over -0,50 -1 -1,50 -0,93 -0,86 -1,79 -3,29

5. Greater earning -0,80 -1 -1,8 -0,93 -0,93 -1,86 -3,66

6. An opportunity to devel- -0,14 0,86 -1 -0,38 0,73 0,35 -0,65




продолжение таблицы 1

7. Work corresponds to my 1 0,86 -0,14 0,73 0,93 0,2 0,06

8. Work corresponds to my -0,21 0,60 0,39 0,38 - 0,38 -0,76 -1,15

9. The small working day -0,64 -0,73 -1,37 -1 -0,43 -1,43 -2,8

10. Absence of frequent con- -0,67 -1 -1,67 -1 -1 -2 -3,67

11. An opportunity to reach a social recognition, 1 1 0 0,73 1 0,27 0,27

12. Other factors Development Altruism Happiness of others Self-development Dialogue, altruism Happiness of others Happiness of others

Thus in control group before experiment by significant factors 100 % students were interrogated by the following criteria and have noted: the 7th and the 11th (work corresponds to abilities and probably to reach a social recognition and respect), and after experiment they chose the 1st, 2nd, 11th factors (a profession is one of the major in a society; work with people, probably to reach a social recognition and respect).

At the same time in experimental group before experiment by significant factors the students have not noted any of the offered factors and after pedagogical, teaching experiment they chose the following criteria: 1st, 11th (the future profession is one of the major in a society and probably to reach a social recognition and respect). So, in control group after experiment the 6th, 7th, 8th factors (an opportunity of self development, work corresponds to my abilities, work corresponds to my character) have got the risen importance and became positive.

And in experimental group before experiment students chose positively significant factors as the 1st, 2nd, 3d,7th,8th,11th (the chosen profession is one of the major in a society, work with people, work creative, work corresponds to my abilities and my character and probably to reach a social recognition and respect), and after pedagogical experiment they pointed the following factors: the 2nd, 6th, 7th (work with people, the opportunity of self-improvement, work corresponds to my abilities).

So pedagogical experiment has shown that during experiment there was a significant change of an experimental level concerning control under following factors: the 4th, 6th, 7th, 11th (work does not cause over fatigue, an opportunity



professionally to develop oneself, the chosen work corresponds to abilities of respondents, an opportunity to reach a social recognition, respect by means of the chosen profession). The difference of the 11th factor (probably to reach a social recognition and respect, working in the chosen profession) has made 0,27 between control and experimental groups after experiment. Except for that the following important factor as « happiness of other people » has been added by all respondents of the control and experimental groups.

It shows that experiment has changed professional values of students: from professional self-development, dialogue, altruism the desire to benefit people, the organization, the native land, all people, and mankind as a whole has been in addition allocated.

By results of the test it is visible that the technique has high validness in the sense that allows understanding and predicting the mechanism and results of professional-labor socialization of a person. Thus during pedagogical experiment's conditions of effective professional-labor socialization of a trained man the hypothesis has been confirmed: integration of all components of professional-labor socialization of a person, correctional labor education, purposeful in-class and out-of-class work of a labor orientation, the system of versatile additional education focused on the international educational standards gave the results of steady professional-labor socialization of a man.

Carried out scientific research has shown, that at continuous is professional -labor socialization a man can effectively develop his professional creativity, diligence, to bring economic advantage to the country that will lead to increase of labor productivity, reception of greater profit by the enterprises, improvement of conditions of the scientific organization of work on places, to create a favorable psychological climate in labor collectives, growth of a labor discipline, reduction of fluidity of manpower reserves, increase of own professional culture of a man, develop labor activity, business sociability, professional keenness of a man at the decision of various industrial problems at globalization of a society.

The analysis of literature has shown that components of professional-labor socialization of a man are considered separately by authors. Their unity was not a subject of special studying. In particular it was not researched unceasing socialization of a man in the educational system, his professional development after institutes' education. It is not discussed the opening integrated process of professional -labor socialization. That's why it is necessary to develop ways of integration of professional -labor socialization and professional education.

The presentation of professional-labor socialization of a man in education in pedagogical theory is shown as his development in future profession by way of adaptation to his professional life in society, in the process of his assimilation and reproducing the professional culture of the society, assimilation of the social roles,


rates of behavior, relations in business, professional labor, under influence of some factors of social life in account of some circumstances.

Professional-labor socialization of a man is understood as natural and educational, direct and indirect influence upon his development under surrounding life's conditions and teaching influences, directed on full-fledged training to professional labor.

Developing men's personalities in professional labor is not enough in training actions. However, in the process of professional education it is necessary to include actions influencing upon social qualities of a person. This will be served by cut-ins in professional educational space such conditions spurring students to manifest their initiative in address of attention on concrete professional-labor phenomena in comprehension with their flowing and its influences upon them.

Professional-labor socialization of a student at educational period must be developed on the base of partner's actions, and the actions between a teacher and students.

Professional-labor socialization of a man in educational period presents itself a complex structural social pedagogical (teaching) system of professional education of a student in real professional-labor activity directed on finding and manifesting his individual professional mission.

Professional-labor socialization consists of professional orientation, professional information, professional consultation, professional self determination, development of professional preferences, professional adaptation, growth of professional consciousness, adaptive control of professional-labor initiative, elaboration of personalities and professional qualities in the process of professional education and whole man's labor life.

Professional personal identification reveal itself in process of professional-labor socialization, its exteriorization and interiorization, developing responsibility, altruism, liberty, fairness, probity, tolerance and others, reveals itself cognitive need for assimilation of the varied knowledge, professional experience, ways of decision some quotient and general tasks.

Necessary conditions to organizing socialization's action are its motivation and its relationship with nature of labor activity, put fresh impetus to self actualization of somebody's personalities. Big attention is spared to adaptable socialization's actions, development natural inclinations to future profession, professional self-determination.

Sense to continuity professional-labor socialization is concluded in constant satisfaction of developing professional needs and professional personalities and qualities of a man, in adaptive control of professional education and stable development of professional educational surroundings.

Necessary component of formation social qualities is an ordeal by emotions. So for realization professional-labor socialization it is necessary to create a stable


professional educational surroundings and teaching conditions promoting original changes inside students and identical emotions to a considered professional object.

Socialization's actions in educational process do not emerge its components. They "obliquely" are built in this process. So our forming experiment must be concluded in development of the ways of indirect including components of professional-labor socialization in educational process.

General school and professional educational institutions are accumulated significant experience of the execution of varied actions, promoting: the general socialization of a man, development of relations to labor, cut-in into labor actions, choice of future profession, execution professional actions. However not all participants of the educational process have adopted and use this experience. Additionally it needs for generalization, systematization and correction in accordance with change occurring in nature and society.

At present in training youth to like labor, professional activity there are difficulties connected with insufficiency in the frame of preparing skilled specialists. It is need to increase resolute change in the pedagogical provision of professional-labor socialization of growing generations and adult in these conditions. In connection with speed up of the changes it is necessary to connect pedagogical support of professional-labor socialization of a specialist with all levels of teaching. Instead of already known slogan "professional-labor socialization in long life» appeared the slogan "professional -labor socialization through the whole life». It is increased need for a specialist showing creative activity and involving in creative innovation activity of their own employee in the civil society. In some city and region are undertaken attempts of the improvement of growing generation's socialization and training them to professional labor but they are divided and do not get scientific motivation. There are problems of combination personal and public interests, professional social conditions in a whole, contents and facilities of the vocational training, correlation of motivated and knowledge based plan of labor activity in account of students' particularities. Need is sharpened to overcome in new condition of such contradiction as students' age, as social and psychological, information and professional competent , management, altruistic, competitive, business and others ones. Essential difficulties appear in connection with complication of professional choice and reform the system of professional education. Occurring change the structure of the educational institutions give the new possibilities for professional-labor socialization but together with them else and create the problems of their understanding and use.

The most important problem of the development of the modern professional schools is increasing quality preparation of future specialists to desire mastering of labor experience and making new innovations.

For achievement of these purposes are executed actions, provided programs and plans occupation and the conditions of an spontaneous origin event in which beside


students who want to develop it is necessary to act with each person who is professional and has labor qualities. These qualities continuously become complicated. So, one of the most important tasks of professional schools is students' professional -labor socialization.

Particularity of modern situation of professional socialization of a man consists in that professional-labor socialization occurs unconsciousness; valuable orientation teenagers form their emotional insecurity instead of realization of adults' significant professional prospects.

Professional self-determination of teenagers is characterized by profound sub cultural peculiarities of valuable orientation and way of transmission normative and situational professional valuable of future profession.

Analysis real situation in ambience of students shows spreading amongst them soullessness, infantilism, distortion valuable orientations. These do not promote the orientation on elected profession as well as assimilation in needs of society and man's preparation to future professional labor.

Many people graduates of professional educational institutions feel the dissatisfaction by its preparedness to labor on professions and do not find itself place in economic life of society.

These negative influences quickly develop, these conditions change the look about professions but curriculums, programs, technologies and literature do not reflect them.

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In connection with acceptance Bolonsk agreement in contents of vocational training on the first plan is stood forming main professional competency of a man in the process of his professional-labor socialization. That's why men need to develop their professional qualities during whole life.

Our study was executed within technical college. In educational process of the college is realized joining the education with productive labor. The problems of labor professional activity are solved by outdoors and clubs and others activities of students. During professional training there are formed three stages executions of professional oriented actions: studying psychical, physiological particularities of trained teaching, development professional interests and inclinations in constructive creative activity of teachers and students, forming of steady interests and aptitudes of students. That's why it is used interaction of college's teachers, students, their families and enterprises in region.

We researched: social ambience, professional selection of students, their professional orientation, accentuates of nature training, extension their professional consciousness, deepening their professional self-determination, professional adaptation, professional-labor socialization. It was studied and corrected development of trained motivation. Backgrounds of the teaching experience there were created the definite premises for development of models of professional-labor socialization of



On base of literature's analysis micro-, mesa- and macro factors affect on professional-labor socialization of a man. This influence is realized straight and is mediated with profession, labor tasks and facilities of labor.

There are following four stages of professional-labor socialization's process which are included in chosen future profession consciousness according to abilities during professional education and after completion of a professional school in accumulation of knowledge about branch and profession; joining to branch labour and profession; mastering branch (profession, labor process and team's relationship); professional developing oneself to top professional skills.

It is characterized theoretical and practical ensuring the development of professional-labor socialization on each stage. The situation of the process of professional-labor socialization of a man consists of his readiness to be trained to actions of professional-labor socialization; the definite readiness of a teacher and readiness of a student, his private facilities of the forming socialize personalities. Trained readiness is defined by conditions of social environment, needs for socialize professional qualities; the current conditions of professional-labor socialization; agitation these circumstances with region needs, personal desires, motives; the influences upon motives push a teacher to the purposes; acceptance of current purposes of professional-labor socialization of a man. Readiness of a teacher consists of his pedagogical qualification, obtaining information about the current professionallabor socialization of a student, on base which he plans the program of actions on forming professional-labor socialization of a student , consisting of indication current socialize characteristic and socialization's actions.

Readiness of the facilities of professional-labor socialization of a student depends on trained skills and instructions of a teacher on necessary actions and presence of subjects (the textbook, equipment and etc.) which must be used. Their must be provided the using theory, identical emotions, creation of valuable orientation and determination of communications between subject and object actions.

For forming or development current professional-labor social qualities either as any other quality of a man it is necessary to execute some necessary main actions in essence order. They can be presented in the form of information in educational functional system.

Educational functional system of trained professional-labor socialization has following structure:

- consciousness of teacher's work spurring students initiating training to execution socialization's actions;

- trained consciousness generating and performing actions which form and develop social characteristics of a man.

These actions have a many-sided nature. Each side includes comprehensions of


professional theory and about needs of labor in social environment, transformation of the emotional sufficiency's components to profession and labor, comprehensions of valuable relations to components of profession and labor, comprehensions of communication relations in professional and labor actions.

In executed transformation an object of the action reveal itself its characteristic which trained are adopted. In this is concluded appropriation socialized qualities.

But that educational situation possible was operative to create necessary to execute the starting-up actions. These actions are emerged in the following four groups.

1. Work with the base of the college's contingent. Here pertain to: studying socialize reserve, their professional orientation, work with parents and teachers, publishing college's advertisement.

2. Methodical preparation of college's teacher to trained professional-labor socialization. Here there is entering: professional preparation-labor cut-ins in theoretical material and in tasks for practical functioning; preparing the socialized tasks on developing practical man; designing planned actions of out-of-doors education in which are included components of professional-labor socialization; planning the trained cut-ins in creative, scientific education connected with professional-labor socialization.

3. Educational-material training for professional-labor socialization. It contains: preparing the studying literature, laboratories, production workshops, technical services of training and carriers of information; the equipment for education and places of the rest. All these create the preparedness for socialize professional-labor sides of educational components.

4. Using of current significant phenomena. They can be: determination of the relationships and preparing meetings with veterans, masters on profile of the education; preparing the conditions for visiting plants, factories; actions on honoring outstanding workers of labor, masters and others; organization of the conditions for reception of significant information on professional-labor social environment.

In teaching process of college is realized teaching of discipline coming from between subjects of relationships with use the new forms of the undertaking occupation? Coming from system of professional values and real practical students' educational process in technical college we expected that using interactive forms of professional education would give the essential influence upon the system of college students' valuables. For checking this was organized study. The main method of the study was the method of "Valuable orientation" by M. Rokeach who called the beliefs diagnosed by means of method of the direct ranking of values [3].

At first there were formed an experimental group (the sex, age, bookkeeping -20 students) and a checking group (the sex, age, book-keeping, technologies - 54 students). The respondents were measured by means of the method "System of

valuables». On the second stage experimental influence in active and interactive forms was organized with respondents of the experimental group, for example, business plays, debates on professional themes, discussions about professional situations, internet projects of professional themes. But students of the checking group were trained on traditional forms.

On the one third stage values of respondents were measured by means of M. Rokeach's method "System of valuables". From checking group it was chosen a subgroup of respondents which was equivalent to experimental group on sex, age, profession.

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Fig. 1 Results of the comparison of the factors of experimental and checking group's respondents before and after the experimental influence were measured by means of method "System of valuables"

According to chosen experimental and checking group's significant changes of the factors of valuables were shown in diagram №1. Value "beauty of the nature and art» in experimental group had statistical significant (p< 0,07) which was lowered (with 9 before 12 ranks), but in checking group statistical significant (p < 0,04) was increased (with 12 before 10 ranks). The whole difference of experimental group was more important because of professional values due to active forms of the education but in the checking group students held more spare free time of the possibility to be on nature or get acquainted with the culture.

In the experimental group statistical significant of value "cognition" (p < 0,03) was increased (with 8 before 6 ranks) but in the checking group statistical significant



(p < 0,00)was increased (with 12 before 11 ranks) too. This had been occurred due to the introduction of such forms as debates, brainstorms, business plays, and discussion of professional situations in the experimental group.

In the experimental group statistical significant of value "development (constant physical and spiritual improvement)" (p < 0,01) was increased (with 9 before 6 ranks) but in the checking group statistical significant (p < 0,01) was increased (with 12 before 11 ranks) too. Such result became possible in the experimental group due to education the students with using Internet-resources, problems-solving education, personal- situational approach (method).

In the experimental group statistical significant of value « a sense of humor» (the feeling of humor)" (p < 0,03) was increased (with 10 before 7 ranks) while in the checking group statistical significant (p < 0,05)was increased (with 7 before 6 ranks) as well. This result in the experimental group was reached because of the created conditions and motivation for self development and cognition of a man in the system of encouragement and love.

In the experimental group statistical significant of value "responsibility (the feeling of the debt, skill to keep one's word)" (p < 0,06) was increased (with 10 before 7 ranks), but in the checking group statistical significant (p >0,05) were lowered (with

7 before 9 ranks). This had been occurred because of the meetings which were organized with outstanding workers, discussions about professional situations, making subjects of future profession, publishing methodical books for students, participation in projects on professional themes.

Empirical acknowledgement showed that the process of professional-labor socialization influences on changes of separate valuables of students as well as using active and interactive forms connecting with future profession which influence upon the process of professional socialization of students.

For students of the experimental group changes in the system of valuables were moreover than changes among statistical significant ones in the checking group. Value "presence good and faithful friends" had statistical significant (p< 0,01) which was increased (with 7 before 4 ranks). Sooner students in the experimental group realized that better and more effective to choose "faithful friends".

Value "fulfillers» statistical significant (p < 0,02) was increased (with 11 before

8 ranks). So, in the experimental group due to the system of collective creative deals students realized need such professional qualities as responsibility, executives, neatness, industry.

Value "keenness (carefulness)" statistical significant (p < 0,07) was increased (with 11 before 9 ranks). This has occurred in the experimental group, sooner whole whereas, students realized, due to debate, business plays, training that only tolerant, and happiness of other people when functioning (working) in creative command can give the big effect in production activity. Thereby the experiment is installed that using


of active and interactive forms of professional education effectively influences upon the system of students' values, optimizes their professional-labor socialization, due to cut-in students into in-doors and out-doors activities on developing future professional actions.

The labor particularities of students were installed in professional education which was broadly used in active and interactive forms of future undertaking occupation. The ranks of students' values: «presence of good and faithful friends", "cognition (the possibility of the extension of its formation, outlook, the general culture, knowledge-based development)", "development (constant physical and spiritual improvement)" increased before high level of the value. That 's why students in the experimental group realized that better in command "faithful friends", using Internet contacts, going into problems in group debates.

The ranks of "responsibility (the feeling of the debt, skill to keep a word)", "fullfilness", "keenness (carefulness)" were increased before average level of value. This has occurred due to affected meeting with outstanding workers where discussed situations as well as participation in projects on professional themes were. This has influenced upon realization of student such as their own professional qualities as responsibility, fulfilness, neatness, industry.

The ranks of "liberty (independence, independence in judgments and actions)" were lowered before average level of value. Sooner students realized the low level of their competency and difficulties of professional average and higher education.

The ranks of "beauty of nature and art (the sufferings because of beauty in nature and in art)", "amusements (pleasing, light pastime, absence of duties)", "high requests (the high requirements to life and high claims)" were lowered before low-level values, since for students it was more important because of professional values, independent searching for answering in Internet, discussions of situations and activities in mastering their professional activities, the way of undertaking decisions of different professional tasks.

Is scientific study motivated by making the college for service educational needs of economic branches of the region?

In professional education is presented the mechanism of shaping the contingents, cut-in of professional-labor socialization components, forming and developing labor and social qualities students according their future profession.

The experiment has shown high efficiency of the process of students' professional-labor socialization.

For making the operated process of professional-labor socialization of growing generations, full-fledged cut-in him in labor life and in social environment it is necessary in all area of the educational process from school before completion of the special educational institution to include the actions promoting shaping and development of his professional qualities.


For decision of this task it is necessary to have an educational system within the framework of professional training passes the existing consequent stages of the development from schools' pupils to ready specialists. Such organizing structure turned out to be created in Krasnodar on the basis of Krasnodar technical college.

In this college the pedagogical group generates ideas, actions, traces and values of their influence upon trained development of students.

In educational process of the college is realized joining the education with students' professional- labor socialization in combination with differentiation of the labor education. The problems of students' labor professional activity are considered into in-doors and out-of-doors and clubs and others functioning.

Formed 3 stages of execution professional actions: study psycho and physiological trained particularities, development of professional interests and inclinations in constructive creative professional activity shape firm interests and aptitudes. It was realized as interactions of the pedagogical group, families and enterprises in the region.

It was studied and corrected as development of students' trained motivations.

Background of the experience it was created the premises for development of the model of students' professional-labor socialization.

On base of the analysis of literature is installed that on students' professionallabor socialize affect micro-, mesa- and macro factors. This influence is realized straight and is mediated through profession, labor tasks and facility of the labor.

In accordance with stage of the process of unceasing preparing future specialists in college are chosen following four periods of the process of students' professionallabor socialization during their professional education and after completion of professional college:

a) socialization of beliefs about branches and professions;

b) socialization ofjoining to branch labor and professions;

c) socialization of mastering by branch (the profession, labor process and their relationship);

d) socialization of longings to top professional skills.

It is characterized by theoretical and practical ensuring the development student's professional-labor socialization on each stage. The components of the theoretical provision stage emerge in logical sequence, identical sequence stage to socialization. Such sequence forms components of practical provision.

For realization students' professional-labor socialization it is necessary to create the conditions. The first execute the role as it was a background on which rendered a worker.

The structure of actions on creation total, background situations are following:

- work with the basis of the contingent of the college;

- preliminary methodical training of teachers concluding in self- education,


development plans, allowance, selecting literature and etc.;

- educational provision of students' professional-labor socialization;

- using of current significant phenomena such as professional relationships, meetings, objects of the visit and etc.

The situation of the process of students' professional-labor socialization consists of trained readiness to actions of professional-labor socialization; readiness of the teachers and readiness of students' facilities for the shaping socialize personalities of men.

Trained readiness depends on conditions of social environment , needs for students' socialization; the current conditions of students' professional-labor socialization; correlated these circumstance to students' needs, desires, motives; the influences upon motives by brought teachers to their purposes; acceptance of current purpose of students' professional-labor socialization.

Readiness of a teacher consists of his pedagogical qualification, obtaining information about the current students' professional-labor socialization, on base which he plans a program of actions on shaping students' professional-labor socialization, consisting of indication current socialize characteristics and socialization's actions.

Readiness of the facilities of students' professional-labor socialization depends on trained skills to execute actions, instructions of a teacher on necessary actions and a subject (the textbook, equipment and etc.) which must be used. In composition their must be provided: using theory, excitement identical emotions, creation valuable orientation and determination of communication between subjects and objects of actions.

For forming or development current socialize qualities, either as any other quality of a man it is necessary to execute some necessary main actions in essence order. They can be presented in the form of information handling in educational functional system.

The educational functional system of trained students' professional-labor socialization has following structure:

- consciousness of a teacher which works out training initiating to execution socialization's actions;

- trained consciousness of a student taking impetuses of a teacher generating and performing actions which form and develop the social characteristic of men. These actions have a many-sided nature which sides are: comprehension of beliefs about manifestation of professions and labor in social environment , transformation of the emotional sufferings component to professions and labor, comprehension valuable relations to component of the professions and labor, comprehension of communication relations in professional and labor actions.

In executed transformation an object of the actions reveals itself his characteristics which trained are adopted. In this is concluded appropriation of


socialize qualities.

Studying of efficiency designed model of students' professional-labor socialization has shown that students' experimental sample is vastly better than students' checking group in developed professional competent. The most success of the development their abilities is revealed by scholastic material, notions and terms of special subjects, in understanding professional-labor circumstances (39,0%). The high results are received also on developing the abilities to self estimation , self-awareness, reflection (25,7%), trailing of the logic of production processes (20,5%), skills to install a personal contact on base of English contacts (20,2%), organizing the contact and creating climate of confidence (20,2%). It was vastly perfected skills to adopt professional values, showing productivity and creative activity, professional qualities of personality's employee, partner, and skills to forecast the results of introduction innovations.

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The studying for one year of students' motivations about elected profession on the 2-nd and 3-d courses has shown that in the checking group it was increased on 2%, but in the experimental one on the 2-nd course was risen on 40%, but on the 3-d course was increased on 27%.

The one year studying of technical specialists' professional orientation has shown the most essential improvements of component in accordance with manifestation of intentions to execute the corresponding to their professional actions with expression relations and with estimation circumstances influencing upon these actions. In the experimental sample in contrast with the checking one stimulus material and health were vastly increased. It was perfected manifestation of conformism (flexibility of thinking), communication and creativeness in professional actions.

Consideration result of self estimation formation of practical qualities of a specialist has shown that level of increasing their formation in the experimental sample comparatively the checking one is turned out to be equal 15,5%. The highest results were discovered in developing of abilities to self education, manifestation to will, altruism in labor actions, transportability, professional competent, neatness, keenness's of observation, the significant factors of integrative thinking, punctualities, probity in business, self organization, industries.

Studying of curiosities has shown significant increasing of interests to reading particularly of additional literature on scholastic discipline and professional magazines.

Greatly independent training was perfected. Students of the experimental sample loved the independent work on special subjects , analyzing test, better learned; learnt to realize the professional plans for future life than students of the checking group. They more liked independent functioning including self educational, preparing in a library, occupations in master-classes, and seminars on special disciplines.


The best development of scholastic skills and relations is installed in the experimental group. Particularly greater successes are reached in using additional information increasing of interest to studying material, attentiveness on occupation.

Results of the experiment were shown. In those years in which were conducted the experiment 36% of graduates of the checking group went to work in industrial branches while 53% of graduates of the experimental group worked in the industry. At the same time 27% of graduates of the checking sample and 24% of the experimental group worked in other companies of this profile. These totals confirm efficiency of the measures on professional-labor socialization of students.

Modern conditions of developing industry and social environment in Russia bring the system of the vocational training to needs of region. The unceasing flow of the significant changes of content, forms, mechanism of the production processes changes the look to a profession, the requirements to professional readiness of specialists. These new conditions need of the revising of new content, the forms, methods of the professional training, the level of the requirements to a technique and making the system of the unceasing vocational training covering and training new specialists and increasing qualifications of employees.

In the research is motivated making the technical college for service of educational needs for economic branches of the region.

It is presented mechanism of the shaping the contingent of a college, cut-ins in educational process components, forming and developing labor and social qualities of students, attitude to profession corresponding to cognitive interests, values, skills and professional creative activities.

Thanks to four stages professional-labor socialization corresponding to education in a college was highly improved and the chosen main trends of theoretical and practical provision of students' professional-labor socialization on each stage in subdivisions increased professional qualifications.

Motivated needs of using tools for harmonic combination of cognitive actions, composition of emotions, formation estimation and making communication were realized in the experiment.

Marked mechanism of the shaping and development of trained professionallabor and social qualities in the functional system of professional educational process was used.

The experiment has shown high efficiency of the designed process of students' professional-labor socialization. The purpose of the research is reached. It is planned, created and motivated conditions of efficient students' professional-labor socialization in a technical college and it can be used in different secondary and high professional schools, colleges, institutes preparing and teaching specialists in different industries in every country.



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24. Horse I.S. A child and society in Training. A book for students of high education. -M.: Academy, 2003. - 255 p.

25. The Infirmary, V.S. Management of education // Russian pedagogical encyclopedia / by V.V. DAVYDOV. - M.: Big Russian encyclopedia, 1999, t. 2, 470471 p.

26. Levites D.I. The Pedagogical violence. Public education. - 1997. - 10 p.

27. Mudrik A.V. SOCIAL pedagogic. - M.: Enlightenment. 2002. - 280 p.

28. Mudrik A.V. Social education as unity of the formation and organization of social experience and individual assistant / New value of education. - M.: Knowledge, 1995. - 80 p.

29. Makarenko A.S. In theories and methods of education. - M.: Prosveschenie, 1980. - 195 p.

30. Margolis DZH. Personality and consciousness. - M.: Progress, 1986. - 420 p.

31. Mardahaev L.V. Dictionary on social pedagogue. - M.: centre "Academy", 2002. -368 p.

32. Mihaylov S.L. Consciousness // Russian pedagogical encyclopedia. - M.: Big Russian encyclopedia, 1999. T. 2. - 355-356 p.

33. Mudrik A.V. Social Education // Russian pedagogical encyclopedia / by V.V. DAVYDOV. - M.: Big Russian encyclopedia, 1993, t. 1. 165-168 p.

34. Mudrik A.V. Socialization // Russian pedagogical encyclopedia / by V.V.DAVYDOV. - M.: Big Russian encyclopedia, 1999, t. 2. 359-361 p.

35. Mudrik A.V. Modern pupils in senior years: problems of self determination. - M.: Pedagogic, 1977. - 126 s.

36. Nazimov I.N. Professional orientation / Russian pedagogical encyclopedia. - M: Big Russian encyclopedia, 1999. T. 2, 210-211 p.

37. Nemov, R.S. Psychology of education. - YA.: Prosveschenie, 2000. - 402 p.

38. N/ Nemov, R.S. Psychology: Textbook for students of high pedagogical educational institutions. - T.1. General bases psychologies.- M.: Vlados, 1997. - 688 p.

39. Bases of modern philosophy. Publishing 2-e complemented. SERIYA "World of cultures, histories and philosophy" / SPB.: Publishers "Lani", 1999. - 352 p.

40. Podlasyy I.P. Pedagogic: A book for students of pedagogical institutes - M.: Enlightenment: Gumanit. izd. centre Vlados, 1996. - 432 p.

41. Polonskiy V.M. Dictionary on education and pedagogue. -M.: High school, 2004. -512 p.

42. Polonskiy V.M. Estimation of quality scientifical pedagogical research. - M.: Pedagogic, 1987 - 144p.

43. Pole V.A., Chistyakov S.N. Professional self determination // Russian pedagogical encyclopedia / by V.V. DAVYDOV. - M.: Big Russian encyclopedia, 1999, t. 2, 212213 p.



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45. Pryazhnikov N.S. Playing method in professional orientation. - M.: MPSI, 2002. -400 p.

46. Pryazhnikov N.S. Methods of activation professional self-determination. (Methodical book). - MOSKVA-VORONEZH.: Pedagogic, 2002. - 198 p.

47. Pryazhnikov N.S. Professional self-determination. Voronezh.: Modek, 1996. - 256 p.

48. Psychology of work with a man in works of a domestic specialist / by L.V. VINOKUROVA. - SPB: Peter, 2001. - 512 p.

49. Psychology of the labour: a book for students of high institutions. By prof. A.V. KARPOVA. - M.: VLADOS-PRESS, 2003. - 352 p.

50. Is Dzh. Pedagogical testing; problems, errors, perspectives. - M.: Grande, 1999. -340 p.

51. Rapacevich E.S. Modern dictionary on pedagogue. - Minsk: Modern word, 2001. -928 p.

52. Rean A.A., Bordovskaya N.V., Rozum S.I. Psychology and pedagogue. - SPB: Peter, 2000 - 432 p.

53. Reber A. Big intelligent psychological dictionary. - M.: VECHE-AST, 2003. T. 2, -559 p.

54. Horns E.I. Psychology of a man. - M.: Enlightenment, 2001. - 285 p.

55. Rogers V.S. From education of science to logic culture. - M. PROSVESCHENIE, 1990. - 171 p.

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57. Russian pedagogical encyclopedia / by V.V.DAVYDOV. - M.: Big Russian encyclopedia, 1999. - 672 p., silt. T. 2.

58. Simonov V.P. Style of interaction of subject management and its diagnostics. Standards and quality. 1994. № 8. - 257 p.

59. System approach of training a specialist in management education: Thesis's report between institutes scientifically practical conference / by A.N. TROYAN.-Magnitogorsk, 1995.

60. Skatkin M.N. Methodology and methods of pedagogical research. - M.: Pedagogic, 1986. - 152 p.

61. Slastenin V.L., Isaev I.F., Mischenko A.I., Shiyanov E.N. PEDAGOGIKA. - M.: Pedagogic, 1997. - 211 p.

62. Spirkin A.G. Consciousness and self consciousness. - M., Politizdat, 1972. - 57 p.

63. Spirkin A. Soznanie // Philosophical encyclopedia - M.: Sov.Enc., 1967. - T. 4. - S. 43-48 p.

64. Stolyarenko L.D., Stolyarenko V.E. Psychology and pedagogy for technical high




school. Series "A Textbook for technical high schools". Rostov: Phoenix, 2001. - 512 P.

65. Stouns E. Psycho pedagogic. Psychological theory and practice of education / by N.F. TALYZINOY. - M.: Pedagogigika, 2007. - 289 p.

66. Suhomlinskiy G.V. Bases of psychological theory of activity. - L.: LGU, 1988. - 78 p.

67. Selevko G.K., Selevko A.G. Social educational technologies. - M.: Public education, 2002. - 176 p.

68. Stolyarenko L.D., Stolyarenko V.E. The Psychology and pedagogic for technical high school. Rostov n/D., 2001. - 576 s.

69. Stouns E. Psihopedagogika. - M.: New shk., 1984. - 160 c.

70. Tomin I.S. The System of the labor education and professional orientation of students from general school. CHelyabinsk. Gos. ped. inst-t., 1985. - 102 s.

71. Tretiyakov P.I and others. Adaptive management pedagogical system: Ucheb. allowance for stud. vyssh. ped. ucheb. ZAVEDENIY / P.I. TRETIYAKOM, S.N. Mitin, N.N. BOYARENCEVA; Under P.I. TRETIYAKOVA. - M.: Publishing centre "Academy", 2003. - 368 s.


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