TYPES OF ENVIRONMENTAL THREAT: PROBLEM AND SOLUTION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
threat / global / problem / population / aggravation / relation / territory / process / globalization / угроза / глобальная / проблема / население / обострение / отношение / территория / процесс / глобализация

Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — М. А. Azizova.

The article deals with environmental problems and threats in the globalization period. The ecological crisis in the system "man nature society" reflects the emergence of human influence on the environment and solutions to these problems.

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В статье рассматриваются экологические проблемы и угрозы в период глобализации. Экологический кризис в системе «человек природа общество» отражает возникновение антропогенного воздействия на окружающую среду и пути решения этих проблем



М. А. Azizova.

Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi Senior teacher azizova@gmail. com Abstract: The article deals with environmental problems and threats in the globalization period. The ecological crisis in the system "man - nature - society" reflects the emergence of human influence on the environment and solutions to these problems.

Keywords: threat, global, problem, population, aggravation, relation, territory, process, globalization

Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются экологические проблемы и угрозы в период глобализации. Экологический кризис в системе «человек -природа - общество» отражает возникновение антропогенного воздействия на окружающую среду и пути решения этих проблем.

Ключевые слова: угроза, глобальная, проблема, население, обострение, отношение, территория, процесс, глобализация.

Annotatsiya: Maqolada globallashuv davridagi ekologik muammolar va tahdidlar haqida so'z boradi. "Inson - tabiat - jamiyat" tizimidagi ekologik inqiroz insonning atrof muhitga ta'sirining paydo bo'lishini va ushbu muammolarni hal qilishni aks ettiradi.

Kalitso'zlar: tahdid, global, muammo, aholi, og'irlashuv, munosabatlar, hudud, jarayon, globallashuv

While considering current problems, it is clear that globalization process has increased the speed of political activities all around the world. Globalization requires to live in a world of swift, operational activities and make people to live up to date with anthropogenic progress.These conditions lead to the development of consciousness and thinking of human and to the perfection of their lifestyle. Nevertheless, this positive process creates specific problems and threats. It became not only problem of region, nation or country, but also rised to the global level.

Global problems are common phenomenon in all countries and it endangers the entire nations of the world, their life and progress.


Prevention of global warming, fighting against international terrorism, starvation, poverty and illiteracy, protecting the environment from catastrophic pollution, food, industrial raw materials, and shortage of energy resources are the forms of global problems. In other words, it is world scientific-technological, economic, social-political, military processes and their changes.

The term "threat" refers to the fact that it has a certain negative influence in the space and time of "introducing" local, territorial, and regional negative factors that weaken the vital activity, the way of life, the concrete targeted social structure for a specific historical period, or social, historical situation. Let's consider the "human -nature - society" system within these threats and challenges. As a result of technical revolution and inventions in human life, the balance of "human - nature - society" system has disrupted.

The XXI century became crucial in the history of human development. The living conditions in the biosphere, which is the habitat of humanity is affected as a result of anthropogenic devolepment. At present, the disruption of natural balance is intensified. These complicated processes requires a deep consideration from humanity.

We need to preserve the environment for future generations. This requires a lot of effort. In particular, it includes protecting the environment from pollution, providing people with drinking water and eco-friendly food products, conservation of biodiversity, climate change prevention, rational use of natural resources and others. The rapid growth of population on the Earth and random use of natural resources caused ecological tension. An ecological threat is a human impact on nature and the reflection of natural impact on human. Human factor plays a main role in influencing the nature. Actually, it is a disruption of balance between man and Earth, and as its scope increases, living conditions and opportunities will decrease as well.

The ecological crisis refers to aggravation of relations as a result of excessive human impact on the environment. This is a tragedy of humanity as well.

It is possible to gain a knowledge from history on solving this problem. In ancient times, humanity aspired to study the natural environment through adaptation, consciousness and thinking. In the process of human society development, the goal of people was to discover new lands, to find and master natural resources. At this stage of development, population growth has affected food insecurity and climatic conditions. Human was powerless against natural forces. For example, abundance of monsoon rains in Ethiopia led to the swamping of the Nile River, and the population


had to move to the south. Lower part of Egypt became poor and its political and regional authority were eroded. When the climate was dry, the people returned to their home country and the power of the ancient Egypt began to grow. In the lower stream of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, as a result of the numerous irrigated land of the ancient Sumerians, salts had grown and the Sumerian culture has failed. Ancient Sumerian died of ecological crisis. Ancient China, while dealing with ecological crisis, has discovered new forms of irrigated agriculture (rice cultivation in the watered areas, fish breeding) and became increasingly rich. After rebuilding its civilization, China, called its neighbours barbarians, as they could not escape the decline.1

DISCUSSION: In the history of human society, it is clear from these events that disruption of human- nature relations has led to a number of problems. At present, ecological threats are becoming more dangerous in the course of man-made development.

Looking at the evolution of the "nature-human-society" system, five socio-ecological stages can be distinguished.

1. For a long time, people have lived by hunting and depended on food and natural conditions. A thousand years ago, the population of the planet was over 10 million. Over the next three thousand years, food supply has been resolved through the improvement of hunting and hunting tools, animal breeding, and cultivation of some crops. In the primitive farming, with the development of farming and livestock, people began to stay in the same places, and the community began to form.

2. 10,000 years ago, the role of food shortages and restricting natural conditions diminished. The world population had increased over 50 million people. Early ancient cities had appeared and the culture was developed. During this period, an increase of human influence on nature, deforestation, salinization of the land, and initial desertification were observed. As a result of anthropogenic impact, some species of animals became exctinct, and some unique plant and animal species had been preserved. This period is called an agrarian stage.

In the Middle Ages, the population exceeded 500 million. In Central Asia, the first ecological knowledge has appeared. Ecological knowledge developed in Europe during the renaissance period. The invention of the steam engine car in 1784 led to the beginning of industrial stage in human history.

1 TypaeB B.A. MHCOHMmra rnoöa^awyB la^xgugnapu.// T.: "WaxpH agaQuëiW, 12-COH. 2003. - 121-122 6e™ap.

Oriental Renaissance: innovative, VOLUME 11 ISSUE 2

educational, natural and social sciences Q ISSN 2181-1784

4. In the XIX century the population exceeded 1 billion people, the volume of mining and exploitation of natural resources has increased, some species of plants and animals disappeared. The environmental pollution has rised. In the second half of the XIX century, the technogenic stage of society was observed. At that time, ecological threats to humanity appeared.

5. In the second half of the XX century, the improvement in living standards, scientific and technological revolution, and a sharp population growth has led to a "demographic explosion."2 Growth in the number of population, and increased environmental impact has resulted in global, regional, and global environmental problems.

RESULTS: Nuclear energy has been widely used, the planet's life-sustaining environment has seriously damaged the biosphere's stability, forest land has reduced, desertification, decline in the number of animal species, and environmental pollution soared. Now, ecological security is not only national problem, but it has become a global problem for humanity. Nature and man should have relations based on specific rules. Violation of existing laws can lead to irreparable environmental disasters. As the Chinese thinker Lao Tzi states in the doctrine of "daosizm", both nature and society must act according to their own laws, and human should not affect these laws on his own. Otherwise, nature will eventually revenge on humanity.

In the XXI century, it can be seen that the population of our country is facing great ecological risks, as an evidence of above mentioned points. If we will ignore and will not try to do anything about it, then it would be self-destruction.

At present, we divide global problems into three groups: The first one is contradictory relationship between social forces (socioeconomic systems, regional conflicts, national and religious conflicts, etc.) or "intersocial" problems today. War and peace and the use of labor resources are among them.

The second one is the problems connected with the "human - society" system. They include scientific and technological development (STD); education and culture; the rapid growth of population ("demographic explosion"), and the health of people.

The third one is the problems connected with "human - nature" relations. It includes raw material resources, the provision of food, drinking water for people and conversation of nature3

2 Холов Й.Д., Тураев М.М. Экология концепцияси ва тарихи. Ук,ув кулланма.- Б.: БухДУ, 2010.-14 бет.

3 Холов Й.Д., Тураев М.М. Экология концепцияси ва тарихи. Ук,ув кулланма.- Б.:"БухДУ", 2010.-14 - 15 бетлар


The above mentioned problems are influenced by human factors and it can be solved by understanding the role and importance of social factors.

In the XXI century, a new stage of "human-nature-society" system development has been established. For this purpose, it is necessary to combine interests of society layers in order to develop ecological consciousness, to provide young generations with comfortable environment and natural resources.

It should be noted that the basic anthropogenic and social phenomena goes on in relation with environmental and natural disasters. In order to overcome the ecological crisis, and eliminate the causes preventing from improving the relations, it is necessary to identify and solve them in time.

It's time to develop a comprehensive environmental program, according to the recommendations of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). In particular, at the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly, these global issues were also emphasized. The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoyev in his speech at the UN General Assembly session, stated: "We fully support UN Secretary-General in his position about "the problems of water, peace and security are closely interconnected".

I am convinced that there is no other way to solve the water problem without considering the interests of countries and people of the region. Uzbekistan supports convention projects developed by the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy on the use of water resources of the Amu Darya and Syrdarya basin. Once again I want to draw your attention to one of the most important environmental problems today - to Aral sea disaster. Here, in my hands, there is a map showing the Aral Sea disaster. I think there is no need to comment on that. Elimination of the sea-related consequences requires an active international engagement". It is clear from the words of the head of our country that the water-related issue plays an important role in the system of environmental problems in maintaining international peace. Particularly in the territory of Uzbekistan, the rational use of water resources of Amudarya and Syrdarya basins and to eliminate the consequences of the Aral Sea disaster requires international engagement. Because, at present, it is among the most significant environmental problems that affect not only Uzbekistan or Central Asia, but also the whole world.

1. naxpyTgHHOB ffl. "Taxing" TymyHnacu: Ha3apufl Ba aManuëT. - T.: "A6y Ann höh CHHO HOMHgara THÔÔHëT", 1998.




Oriental Renaissance: innovative, VOLUME 11 ISSUE 2

educational, natural and social sciences Q ISSN 2181-1784

2. Тураев В.А. Инсониятга глобаллашув тахдидлари.// Т.: "Жахон адабиёти", 12-сон. 2003.

3. Холов Й.Д., Тураев М.М. Экология концепцияси ва тарихи. Укув кулланма.- Б.:"БухДУ", 2010.

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