Научная статья на тему 'Тяжелые металлы в урбогрунтах сельских населенных пунктов 20-километровой пригородной зоны г. Житомир'

Тяжелые металлы в урбогрунтах сельских населенных пунктов 20-километровой пригородной зоны г. Житомир Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экологические биотехнологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экологическим биотехнологиям, автор научной работы — Белявский Ю. А., Мыслыва Т. Н.

Исследован уровень содержания тяжелых металлов на территории сельских населенных пунктов в пределах 20-километровой пригородной зоны г. Житомир. Установлено, что приоритетными загрязнителями почвенного покрова являются медь (коэффициент концентрации Кр = 1,6 6,2), свинец (Кр = 5,8 20,4) и цинк (Кр = 17,1 73,5)).

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The level of maintenance of heavy metals in soils on the territory of rural settlements of the 20-km suburban zone of Zhytomyr has bee n investigated. It has been established that the principal pollutants of soil are fixed forms of copper (coefficient of concentration К р = 1,6 6,2), lead (К р = 5,8 20,4) and zinc (К р = 17,1 73,5)).

Текст научной работы на тему «Тяжелые металлы в урбогрунтах сельских населенных пунктов 20-километровой пригородной зоны г. Житомир»

Контролируемая скарификация семян H.alpinum повышает всхожесть до 98-100% и энергию прорастания - до 55% при значительном сокращении периода прорастания (10 дней). Таким образом, это наиболее эффективный способ предпосевной обработки семян H.alpinum несмотря на его трудоемкость.


1. Белоус Я.В., Зиннер Н.С. Содержание фотосинтетических пигментов в копеечнике альпийском в условиях интродукции на юге Томской области // Сб. науч. тр. всерос. конф. с межд. уч.: - ГНУ ВИЛАР, Москва, 2014. - 319 с.

2. Нечепуренко С.Б. Воздействие различных факторов на прорастание семян Hedysarum theinum Krasnob. (Fabaceae) / С.Б. Нечепуренко, О.В. Дорогина // Вестник Алтайского гос. аграрного ун-та. - 2010. Т. 72. № 10. С. 46-49.

3. Методические указания по семеноведению интродуцентов. - М.: Наука, 1980. - 63 с.

4. Голубев В.Н. К методике количественного изучения редких и исчезающих растений флоры Крыма / В.Н. Голубев // Бюл. Гос. Никитского ботанического сада. - 1977. - Вып. 1(32). - С. 11-15.

5. Николаева М.Г. Справочник по проращиванию семян / М.Г. Николаева, М.Г. Разумова, В.Н. Гладкова. - Л.: Наука, Ленинград. отд-ние, 1985. - 215 с.


1. Belous Ja.V., Zinner N.S. Soderzhanie fotosinteticheskih pigmentov v kopeechnike al'pijskom v uslovijah introdukcii na juge Tomskoj oblasti // Sb. nauch. tr. Vserossijskoj konferencii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem: «Ot rastenija k preparatu: tradicii i sovremennost'». 23-24 aprelja - GNU VILAR, Moskva, 2014. - 319 s.

2. Nechepurenko S.B. Vozdejstvie razlichnyh faktorov na prorastanie semjan Hedysarum theinum Krasnob. (Fabaceae) / S.B. Nechepurenko, O.V. Dorogina // Vestnik Altajskogo gos. agrarnogo un-ta. - 2010. T. 72. № 10. S. 46-49.

3. Metodicheskie ukazanija po semenovedeniju introducentov. - M.: Nauka, 1980. - 63 s.

4. Golubev V.N. K metodike kolichestvennogo izuchenija redkih i ischezajushhih rastenij flory Kryma / V.N. Golubev // Bjul. Gos. Nikitskogo botanicheskogo sada. - 1977. - Vyp. 1(32). - S. 11-15.

5. Nikolaeva M.G. Spravochnik po prorashhivaniju semjan / M.G. Nikolaeva, M.G. Razumova, V.N. Gladkova. - L.: Nauka, Leningrad. otd-nie, 1985. - 215 s.

Белявский Ю. А.1, Мыслыва Т. Н.2

1 2 Кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук, доцент, Житомирский национальный агроэкологический университет




Исследован уровень содержания тяжелых металлов на территории сельских населенных пунктов в пределах 20километровой пригородной зоны г. Житомир. Установлено, что приоритетными загрязнителями почвенного покрова являются медь (коэффициент концентрации Кр = 1,6 - 6,2), свинец (Кр = 5,8 - 20,4) и цинк (Кр = 17,1 - 73,5)).

Ключевые слова: почва, тяжелые металлы, загрязнение..

Bilyavskyj Yu. A.1, Myslyva t. M.2

1 2 PhD in Ecology, assosiate professor, Zhytomyr National Agroecological University



The level of maintenance of heavy metals in soils on the territory of rural settlements of the 20-km suburban zone of Zhytomyr has bee n investigated. It has been established that the principal pollutants of soil are fixed forms of copper (coefficient of concentration Кр = 1,6 -

6,2), lead (Кр = 5,8 - 20,4) and zinc (Кр = 17,1 - 73,5)).

Keywords: soil, heavy metals, contaminations.

The heavy metals and their connections are characterized with considerable stability, high toxic properties, expressed cumulative properties and negative influence on man’s health and acquire the most priority value among the numerous anthropogenic pollutants of biosphere [4]. The ground cover in the conditions of strengthening of processes of technogenesis feels considerable anthropogenic influence not only within the limits of the urbanized territories but also on the territory of rural settlements. Taking into consideration that the state kept oneself aloof from the control after the use of land in private sector and that the monitoring supervisions on the state of soils within the limits of rural territories are not practically conducted, the ecological problems will be urgent here in future, that is why researches of causes and effects of their display are actual.

The purpose of research is to estimate the levels of contamination of soil with the gross and fixed forms of heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Cd and Zn) on the territory of rural settlements of 20-km suburban zone of Zhytomyr, and the establishment of features of accumulation of heavy metals in the components of agrolandscapes.

The researches were conducted during 2009-2014 within the limits of such rural settlements: Luka, Pryazhiv, Kalynivka, Bystri, Ivanivka, Novoselytsya, Pischanka, Perlyavka, Pisky, Gadzynka.

Extracting of gross forms of heavy metals has been carried out with concentrated HNO3 according to the requirements, and the extracting of fixed forms of heavy metals - with 1н of HNO3. For elemental analysis, an atomic absorption spectrometer (C 115-1M) was used. Pb and Cd levels in the samples were determined by HGA graphite furnace, using argon as inert gas. Other measurements were carried out in the air/acetylene flame [3]. All the experimental data have been reported in mg/kg. The technogenic of part of heavy metals was determined after the method that has been described in [1]. The estimation of the content of Cu, Pb, Cd and Zn in soil was based on determination of such geochemical coefficients, as a coefficient of concentration of element (Kp) [5] and index of saturation of soil by the element (s) Iel [2]. The total index of contamination of soil Zc was determined for the estimation of multielements anomalies that characterize the presence of various pollutants in soil and the average exceeding of their concentration in relation to the background.

Gross content of Cu, Pb, Cd and Zn in the soil differs in dependence on type of the rock on which the soils within the limits of settlements have been formed. It is very important to have the information about technogenic constituent in total content of gross form of heavy metal in soil for the ecological estimation of contamination. The technogenic part of heavy metals can be used for this purpose because this index characterizes the part of technogenic element in its total gross content in soil. The high and medium technogenic orientation of copper has been set for soils of all settlements, with the exception of Luka, Pischanka and Ivanivka, where it has been low. The medium technogenic orientation of lead characterizes the soils on the territory of Kalynivka, Pryazhiv and Bystri, the high technogenic orientation -the soils on the territory of Gadzynka. The medium technogenic orientation of cadmium is characteristic for the territory of Bystri, Pisky, Luka and Gadzynka, the medium technogenic orientation of zinc is characteristic for the territory of all villages with the exception of Luka where it has been low. It is necessary to say that only the soils of Pryazhiv are marked by medium technogenic orientation of cadmium. The technogenic orientation of investigational heavy metals in soils of rural territories forms a range like: Zn > Cu > Cd > Pb.

As for the content of fixed forms of heavy metals, it is set that on the territory of rural settlements copper, lead and zinc are the priority pollutants of the soil because their concentration exceed the background content considerably.

It is possible to estimate the general ecological state of the probed territory as for its contamination by heavy metals using the total index of contamination by heavy metals. We can also use the index of saturation by heavy metals of 0 - 20 cm topsoil for description of accumulation of elements (tabl. 1).


In obedience to the comparative evaluation scale of soil contamination hazard the soils within the limits of all of the probed rural settlements of 20-km of suburban area after the total index of contamination of Zc fall into the category of dangerous contamination and are useless for growing potato and vegetables. An exception makes only the soil on the territory of Luka, where the situation is characterized as moderato dangerous. It is necessary to add that only the soils on the territory of Luka is suitable for growing any culture without limitations, however undercontrol of their quality.

Table 1 - Coefficient of concentration, total index of contamination and index of saturation by heavy metals of soils of rural settlements

within the limits of 20-km suburban zone of Zhytomyr

Place of selection of soil samples Total index of contamination, Zc Index of saturation of soil by heavy metals, IelCu Pb Cd Zn

Pischanka 66,5 26,4-143,2 52 1,9-10,4

Pryazhiv 61,3 25,6-94,8 83 3,8-12,7

Kalynivka 96,2 55,1-133,7 82 4,5-12,4

Bystri 90,4 45,8-116,6 96 5,1-13,7

Ivanivka 57,1 22,5-90,3 52 2,1-8,5

Novoselytsya 55,8 19,2-91,5 53 2,2-9,7

Perlyavka 74,2 27,9-145,6 61 2,8-11,3

Pisky 64,7 65

25,4-138,5 2,7-12,4

Luka 25,4 9,3-45,2 37 1,3-7,6

Gadzynka 78,2 29,4-146,4 81 3,8-12,5

Note: numerator - average value of index, denominator - the limits of changeability of index.

The most dangerous situation with contamination of soil by heavy metals has been formed on the territory of Kalynivka (Zc = 96,2) and Bystri (Zc = 90,4). The indices of saturation by heavy metals 0 - 20 cm of topsoil, which considerably exceed unit and on the average hesitate from 3,7 to 9,6 testify the predominance of processes of accumulation of pollutants in soil. According to the intensity of contamination of soil of agrosettle landscapes, the probed heavy metals form such range: Zn > Pb > Cu > Cd.

Conclusion: 1) The priority pollutants of soil of agrosettle landscapes are fixed forms of copper (coefficient of concentration Kp = 1,6 -

6,2), lead (Kp = 5,8 - 20,4) and zinc (Kp = 17,1 - 73,5). 2) The processes of accumulation of pollutants in agrosettle landscapes considerably exceed the processes of their dispersion (index of saturation of soil by heavy metals IelCu Pb cd Zn = 3,7 - 9,6). 3) The territory within the limits of Bystri and Kalynivka is the most dangerous as for geoecology of contamination of the soil by heavy metals (Zc = 90,4 - 96,2).


1. Baron S., Carignan J., Ploquin A. Dispersion of heavy metals (metalloids) in soils from 800-year-old pollution (Mont-Lozere, France) // Environ. Sci. Technol. - 2006. - V. 40. - P. 5319-5326.

2. Дмитрук Ю. М. Ощнка вмыту шкелю в Грунтах Покутсько-Буковинських Карпат на ocHOBi reoxiMi4Hnx коефщенлв // Грунтознавство. - 2003. - Т. 4, № 1-2. - С. 78-83.

3. Методические указания по определению тяжелых металлов в почвах сельхозугодий и продукции растениеводства / ЦИНАО. - М. : ЦИНАО, 1991. - 58 с.

4. Мислива Т. М. Важю метали в урбогрунтах примыько! зони м. Житомир // Наукoвi пр. 1н-ту бюенергетичних культур i цукрових буряюв. - 2013. - Вип. 17, т. II. - С. 75-81.

5. Охрана природы. Почвы. Общие требования к классификации почв по влиянию на них химических загрязняющих веществ [Электронный ресурс] : ГОСТ [Действителен от 1986-10-03]. - Госстандарт СССР, 1986. - Режим доступа: www. leonorm. com.ua.

Осипова Л.Е. ', Осипова М.Е. 2, Романюк Г.А. 3, Ефремов A.P. 4

Студент1, Омский государственный аграрный университет имени П. А. Столыпина; студент2, Омский государственный аграрный университет имени П. А. Столыпина; заместитель генерального директора по технологии, ЗАО "Иртышское'', Омский район, Омская область3; Кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук, доцент, Омский государственный аграрный университет имени

П.А. Столыпина4.



В статье представлены материалы, базирующиеся на результатах развития и реорганизации производственного процесса, а

также технологии производства пищевых яиц.

Ключевые слова: технология, производство пищевых яиц.

Osipova L.E.,1 Osipova ME.,2 Romanyuk G.A.,3 Efremov A.P.4

Student1 Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A.Stolypin , student2 Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A.Stolypin , Deputy General Director for Technology, “Irtyshskoye” CJSC, Omskiy district, Omsk Region.

3, candidate of agricultural Sciences, associate professor, Omsk State Agrarian University named after P. A. Stolypin 4



The article presents materials based on the results of manufacturing process development and reconstruction as well as technology of food eggs production.

Keywords: technology, food eggs production.

Sufficiency of food supply to the population, including such hi-energetic product as chicken egg, is the primary task of present poultry breeding. Basing on poultry breeding branch solution about increase of total egg production at minimal cost, the staff of “Irtyshskoye”


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