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tutoring / higher education / bibliometric study / scientific output

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Yasna Belén Anabalón Anabalón, Emmanuel Abraham Vega Roman

The objective was to analyze the scientific productivity on mentoring in the university context, during the period 2013-2017. The bibliometric analysis contemplates temporal evolution, levels of collaboration and offers a look at the main topics. The bibliographic search was performed in the Web of Science, main collection database, obtaining a final sample of 215 papers. The results indicated a progressive growth of productivity levels and highlight the scientific interest in studies aimed at academic and peer tutoring. This research offers a vision of the current scientific production on the types of tutoring, methodology, unit of analysis that predominates, time of acceptance of the journals, analysis of the predominant themes of study and those that need consolidation such as private tutoring and the tutoring program. It is concluded that, predominantly in education and educational research, the journal with more publications is Mentoring & Tutoring, and finally it is possible to point out that there is a growing scientific interest in researching tutoring at the university level, based on the wide range of articles reviewed, which support an accompaniment at this educational level.

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Universidad de las Américas, Concepción, Chile1 Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile2 yanabalon@udla.cl 1 emvega@udec.cl 2

Abstract - The objective was to analyze the scientific productivity on mentoring in the university context, during the period 2013-2017. The bibliometric analysis contemplates temporal evolution, levels of collaboration and offers a look at the main topics. The bibliographic search was performed in the Web of Science, main collection database, obtaining a final sample of 215 papers. The results indicated a progressive growth of productivity levels and highlight the scientific interest in studies aimed at academic and peer tutoring. This research offers a vision of the current scientific production on the types of tutoring, methodology, unit of analysis that predominates, time of acceptance of the journals, analysis of the predominant themes of study and those that need consolidation such as private tutoring and the tutoring program. It is concluded that, predominantly in education and educational research, the journal with more publications is Mentoring & Tutoring, and finally it is possible to point out that there is a growing scientific interest in researching tutoring at the university level, based on the wide range of articles reviewed, which support an accompaniment at this educational level.

Keywords: tutoring; higher education; bibliometric study, scientific output.


The education transferred at the university is fundamental to create, produce and use knowledge, skills and learning in research; gaining importance in today's society, since the respective knowledge is the guiding thread and backbone of the growth and economic development of a country (Miyahira, 2009). Likewise, it is necessary to have research skills, which are acquired gradually through knowledge and learning experienced in higher education. According to Grandi and Der Parsehian (2011), it is not enough to do research alone, but it is also necessary to publish so that the generation of this knowledge is transmitted, generating a contribution to science and the social community. Nowadays, the number of biannual and annual publications disseminated in scientific journals are of great importance, being bibliometric studies an effective discipline to know the current state of published research, delivering specific views on the state of the art for future research, where the researcher can visualize in a synthetic and updated way what has been investigated in relation to its specific subject (García-Fernández et al., 2016). Bibliometrics is a tool specialized in the study of scientific productivity through the quantitative analysis of the review of scientific literature published on a topic (Agudelo et al., 2004), for the present study a bibliometric study was conducted on mentoring in the university context and specifically, of the journals that are indexed in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) of the Web of Science (WoS) main collection database, between the years 2013-2023.

This research is a detailed bibliometric review on the subject of tutoring in the university, in order to allow an approximation to the scientific production carried out between 2013-2023, thus contributing to the generation of knowledge, specifically the temporal productivity, distribution by research area, JCR, impact factor, type of article, production by language, co-authorship index, type of methodology, unit of analysis, time of acceptance of the article and research topic on tutoring in the university.


All the above, with the purpose of supporting the results obtained in order to achieve greater depth and quality that will make visible the importance of tutoring in university education, to be valued as significant instances of accompaniment for the deep learning of students and future professionals (Anabalón et al., 2021).

It is known that tutoring is a type of accompaniment different from the more traditional ones, it leads to the teaching-learning processes being aware and sensitive to the needs of university students, requiring support, accompaniment and academic guidance on a permanent basis in the initial training of future professionals (Anabalón et al., 2021; Gillespie and Lerner, 2000). However, it is not known what types of tutoring are carried out in the university context, nor how they are evaluated by the actors of the formative process themselves, which may cause different people to have different expectations of this formative space.

Therefore, we hope to answer the following questions: what is the scientific production on mentoring in the university context from 2013 to 2023; which countries have the most research on this topic; do the authors who write on this topic do so individually or collaboratively; what type of methodology do they use in their studies; what is the unit of analysis; how long does it take for journals to accept an article on this topic; and finally, what type of mentoring is researched in the university context?


In higher education, traditionally more importance has been given to teaching than to learning, so that the teacher-teacher is responsible for the corresponding subject and the transmission of knowledge; currently university education is expected to be a process of co-construction with greater interaction with and among students (Collis and Moonen, 2011); in which both subjects participate and are active entities in the learning process so that they can subsequently develop adequately in their professional work.

In this same context González, García and Ramírez (2015) allude that teaching-learning processes in the educational environment lead to the development and implementation of active methodologies; impacting the development of students at personal, family and social levels (Anabalón et al., 2018; Muntaner-Guasp et al., 2022).

Learning aims to encourage and facilitate dialogue between researchers, university professors and students (Cuello, 2022), where the authentic pedagogical role of the university is highlighted, one of the perspectives alludes to "learning as the reproduction of a body of knowledge and the other where learning is the construction of each person's own understanding" (Salas, 2000, p.146). From this, the university professor must act as a facilitator of the learning process in the development of tutorials at the university, understanding these as "an activity of a formative nature that affects the integral development of university students in their intellectual, academic, professional and personal dimension" (Ferrer, 2003, p.67).

In the context of higher education, Akanwa (2015) refers that universities "must be committed to providing an enabling environment that is able to meet the needs of students, as well as equip students with relevant social and academic skills" (p.282), to deliver a quality education, in which the student is an active subject of the learning process. It is here where tutorials are directly and exclusively related to the educational process as an instance of permanent pre-professional construction, which accompanies the student's educational path and expands the training provided in a specific subject by installing it in situated contexts that require mobilization and integration of different learning (Aguilera, 2010; Aguirre et al., 2017).

Tutoring in the academy is fundamental in all the subjects foreseen in the curriculum, especially those linked to the first experiences of professional practices; where students must establish links with the teacher in order to guide "the personalized educational intervention of accompaniment, advice and support in the acquisition and maturation of competencies and in the configuration of the student's personal and professional project" (Lobato and Guerra, 2014, p.18). Tutoring in the university world is understood as the elementary support of the educational quality under a permanent methodological advice that teachers perform to students, contributing to the integral development of these in the professional praxis (Anabalón et al., 2018; Concha et al., 2019);


enhancing and reinforcing in a positive way the strengths and, at the same time, making visible and overcoming the weaknesses in all the constituent areas of their being. In this same context, as stated by Cano (2009), university tutoring should address more than the attention to students' doubts and queries and should be much more than a regular routine contemplated within the subjects taught in the careers offered by a given university. Tutoring is conceived as an academic activity institutionally and integrally linked to the teaching practice of every professor, close to the student and with a multidimensional perspective for their training (Concha et al., 2019).

In this sense, Pantoja and Campoy (2009), allude that today's university must train professionals for a dynamic, complex and changing society, where a new model of university professor is essential; for which it is necessary to aim at a university that researches but also educates in life and for life, teaches in the academic and the vital and also takes into account the reality and the social or public problems, putting research and teaching at the service of social needs and demands. Aguilar and Martínez (2012) point out that it is the university professors who must recognize and implement a new model of tutorial action and develop adequate strategies to perform this work effectively. Likewise, Castaño et al. (2012) state that if the tutor-teacher is confident, motivated and has experience in the formation of the competencies that are linked to tutoring, he/she will be able to achieve, in turn, a competency development in his/her tutored students. It is important to note that academic tutoring is a process in which educational agents (teacher-tutor, students) and institutional conditions (curriculum, resources, academic trajectories) are articulated in the service of learning (Ponce et al., 2018). This tutoring is composed of a set of activities, called tutorial activities, and which translate into the process of student accompaniment that involves a close relationship between the teacher and the student (Ponce et al., 2018). This accompaniment involves a particular relationship that recognizes the autonomy of the student in a given situation and confidence in their competence (Maes et al., 2018).

The purpose of academic tutoring from the words of Difabio (2011) and Anabalón et al. (2018) is the academic-methodological accompaniment and counseling of students throughout the learning process. There is a relationship between tutoring and mentoring, since tutoring finds in mentoring a source of support and their relationship is based on channeling and monitoring. It is in the space of mentoring where specific needs for accompaniment can be identified, which implies that mentor and mentoree can establish a work agenda in light of the observation and support of the teacher-tutor (Ponce et al., 2018).

Research developed by Fenton-Smith and Michael (2013) and Cooper (2010), report that students who participated in tutoring reflect positively on the experiences lived, the support services in the context of professional practice were favorable, and study skills and disciplinary language improved. In the same sense, it is recognized that students who attend tutorials on a permanent basis are more likely to have a good academic position and disposition than students who do not attend tutorials (Cooper, 2010).

Likewise, in the research Amor (2016) it has been shown that there are few students who regularly attend tutorials, alluding to the following reasons: inadequate schedules, time incompatibility, bumps with other subjects, academic overload and lack of compliance with the tutoring schedule by the tutor-academic.

However, and according to the research results of Rodríguez-Hoyos et al. (2015), it is ratified that this accompaniment of students goes beyond academic guidance, being fundamental the coordination between the different educational levels, because sometimes academic failures and dropouts can be solved here.

Ayala, et al. (2018) establishes as necessary that universities strengthen the acquisition of practice, recruitment and retention of instructors in practice centers; and, secondly, the expectations and overload of students.



Research design

The present research was carried out under the paradigm of documentary analysis (Manchado et al., 2009) of an exploratory and descriptive type. The bibliometric study responds to the research question What studies have been published in the Web of Science database during the years 2013 to 2023 on university tutoring? Objective of the research

To analyze bibliometrically the scientific production on mentoring in the university from 2013 to 2023, by analyzing the temporal evolution of productivity, research area, type of article, language of publication, most prominent authors, levels of collaboration and content analysis of the main research topics of mentoring.

Unit of analysis

The sample of documents extracted and reviewed from the Web of Science (WoS) main collection database was 2935 articles. From this set of documents, the content developed was analyzed, discarding those not focused on any area of research related to tutoring in the university, obtaining a final sample of 215 documents. Protocol an registry

The bibliometric study is based on the PRISMA statement (Moher et al., 2009) of 215 articles that provide rigor and precision to the literature search and review. The flow diagram is shown in Figure 1.


The bibliographic search and documentary selection phase was carried out during the period from May to January 2023, the journals that are indexed in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) of the Web of Science (WoS) database called main collection; a multidisciplinary search tool in which the area of Social Sciences and Humanities was selected. It was decided to work with this database because it contains journals with a high impact factor, which reflect good practices and the importance of publications at the international and multidisciplinary level (Concha et al., 2020). Procedure

The bibliographic search was initiated during the period from 2013 to 2023 using the search strategy ((tutor* OR "individualized teaching" OR "corrective teaching" OR "pedagogical support" OR "pedagogical assistance" OR mentor* OR orientation OR accompaniment) AND (universit* OR academic OR "university student*" OR "university colleges")), resulting in 5,967 publications; whose words of the search strategy were located in the title, abstract and/or keywords of the main collection database.

Subsequently, an exclusion was made by Web of Science categories, which were area of study, special education, education, education, educational research, education of scientific disciplines, multidisciplinary humanities, multidisciplinary sciences, educational psychology, multidisciplinary psychology, social psychology, interdisciplinary social sciences, social work, family studies, social issues and women's studies, resulting in 2,966 publications.

As for the exclusion criteria considered to select the final documentary sample, those documents in which only the title and key words were included were discarded, as this information did not allow us to go deeper into the study. Once these publications were discarded, an analytical reading of each of the summaries or full texts was carried out to determine the research focus. After the review, 215 documents were selected as a final sample for the calculations of total productivity. Finally, the sample was analyzed taking into consideration the following variables: year of publication, area of study, journal or medium of dissemination of the document, JCR, impact factor, co-authorship index among researchers, type of article, language of publication, methodology, participants, waiting time between submission and date of acceptance of the article and analysis of the research topics.


Data analysis

This research is an ex post facto retrospective study according to the classification of Montero and León (2007). Descriptive and frequency analyses were used to identify and systematize the different variables. The statistical program used was SPSS 20.


Temporal productivity

The number of publications on tutoring in the university in the period from 2013 to 2023 is 215 papers, where a progressive increase in scientific productivity is observed, which gradually increases over time. The number of annual publications ranges from 14 (6.5%) to 80 (37.2%) papers, with an average annual publication of 43 studies. From 2015 the number of papers published per year is 40, with a representation of 18.6% scientific productivity. The year with the highest productivity is 2022, with a total of 80 publications. Distribution by research area

Regarding the distribution by research area, the range of publications oscillates between 1 (0.5%) and 175 (81.4%) in relation to the subject of tutoring in the university. The highest rate of scientific productivity is found in the study area of education and educational research, while the areas of family studies, women's studies and ethnic studies represent the distribution of the lowest scientific productivity, corresponding to 0.5% each of the study areas. Productivity by journals

The number of journals identified was 145, where Mentoring & Tutoring and Nurse education today stand out for the number of works compiled, with a productivity of six publications in each journal, with a total of 12 studies on tutoring in the university setting. Next, the journals BMC Medical Education, Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education and Revista de Docencia Universitaria (REDU) with five publications each, totaling 15 articles produced by the three journals. Other outstanding journals are: Computers in Human Behavior, Academic Medicine, CBE- Education in Life Sciences, Education XX1, Higher Education and International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education. In addition, 103 journals were found with only one publication in the subject of interest, some of them are: Theory into Practice, Tropical Medicine & International Health, University Education and Women's Health Issues. Distribution by Journal Citation Reports and impact factor

According to the Journal Citation Report, of the 215 articles analyzed, the JCR that has quality articles and is valued by research evaluation agencies is education and educational research with a total of 181 articles, whose impact factor corresponds to Q1 (18.6%), Q2 (11.6%), Q3 (12.6%) and Q4 (7.9%). The least number of articles were found in the JCR family studies in the impact factor Q2 (0.5%) ethnic studies, with impact factor Q1 (0.5%) and Arts and Humanities with no reported impact factor (0.9%).

Production by type of article

Of the 215 papers analyzed, 205 research articles, 9 bibliometric articles and 1 book review were obtained (Figure 2) Production by language

In the 215 articles analyzed from the Web of Science, the predominant language was English (84.7%), followed by Spanish (11.2%) and Portuguese (2.8%). Articles in German, Dutch and Italian accounted for 0.5% each. Co-authorship index

Regarding the rate of collaboration between researchers, the studies were categorized according to the number of authors signing the papers, from articles created by a single author to studies carried out by more than four authors. The rate of collaboration between researchers with two authors is the predominant form with 62 cases identified (28.8%) and three-author coauthorship with 50 papers analyzed (23.3%). In smaller numbers, there are those works carried out by four (14%) and more than four authors (14%), whose productivity is 60 publications between both co-authorship indexes. The article with the most signatures corresponded to 14 authors.


Production by type of methodology

Regarding the methodology used in the scientific productivity studies analyzed, 45.1% used qualitative methodology, 40.0% used quantitative methodology, 8.8% of the studies corresponded to mixed methodologies and 6.0% used bibliometric studies. Distribution by unit of analysis

During the reading and analysis of the articles reviewed, the study participants, i.e., the unit of analysis that participated in the study, were used as a variable. These participants correspond to: university students (51.2%), academics (7.4%), students and academic tutors with 68 articles (31.6%), dean and department heads (0.9%), users (1.4%), educational community (1.4%) and documents, which correspond to literature review studies (6.0%). Article acceptance time

Of the total sample analyzed, 42.8% of the articles do not report the date of submission or acceptance of the article; subsequently, 22.3% of the journals take between one and five months to accept the papers. The journals that took the longest time to accept submitted articles were: International review of research in open and distributed learning (25 months) and Nurse education today (25 months); while the journals that took the shortest time to accept articles were: chemistry education research and practice (1 month), teaching of psychology (1 month), open learning (1 month) and journal of community psychology (1 month). Research topics

The identification of the research topics was established through an analysis of the content developed in each of the selected papers; it is important to note that an article could develop more than one topic, so each of the topics identified in each study have been considered as independent subjects, in order to give them all the same evaluation (see table 1).

From the review of the 215 documents analyzed, categories are established that allow a better organization of the works, one of which corresponds to the types of tutoring in the university, which predominate are: academic tutoring and peer tutoring.

Of the types of studies found, those of counseling are the least studied, they address the support and accompaniment in a specific instance, which can be used to improve exclusively and punctually the academic performance of the student. In which, there are computer programs specialized in teaching, using artificial intelligence and instructional technologies to reinforce personalized counseling. This topic represents 1.9% (4 articles) of the total number of articles analyzed. In second place is private tutoring, with five items classified in this category, representing 2.3% of the total. Private tutoring differs in that there is additional payment to professional experts in a specific subject; and it is also carried out as academic support or learning for a specific period of time, no longer than 3 to 6 months.

In third place, we report the tutoring program, a thematic category understood as an instance recognized and supported by the universities to accompany the first year of studies in higher education in order to get involved with other students, learn about experiences, study methodologies, articulate support networks: so that students do not drop out of the university education system. This topic represents 7.0%, with a total of 15 articles.

In fourth place, virtual tutorials, which are understood as tutorial actions for distance education in virtual environments, the work methodologies carried out in virtual tutorials should be oriented to the generation of positive emotions, to the development of a comprehensive and humanizing evaluation. This theme represents 10.2%, with a total of 22 articles analyzed and subsequently classified.

The fifth thematic category is academic tutors; these studies deal with research on academic tutors or professors who work in universities and are also carrying out tutorial functions with students, which could be in specific accompaniment programs. In relation to this topic, there are 36 articles with a representativeness of 16.7% of the sample reviewed.

In sixth place is peer tutoring, which is established between students or classmates of a given career, depending on the relationship they establish between themselves and established trust, the purpose of which is co-constructed learning. This topic obtained 23.7% with 51 classified articles.


And, finally, in seventh place is the thematic academic tutoring, with the highest production of articles, representing 38.1 % with a total of 82 articles of the 215 works published and analyzed. These are understood as an academic accompaniment in the university world whose purpose is learning, and it is also included that the orientation of students goes beyond academic orientation, being fundamental the coordination between the different educational levels for the longed for deep learning.


The purpose of this bibliometric study was to analyze the scientific productivity on tutoring in the university context, during the period 2013-2023, which have been disseminated in journals included in the Web of Science databases, main collection database; offering a panoramic view in quantifiable data on the evolution of research on the topic of tutoring in the university.

To answer the question posed at the beginning of the research: what studies have been published in the Web of Science database during the years 2013 to 2023 on university tutoring, the following is discussed:

During the period 2013-2237 reviewed, 215 articles were identified with an average of 43 publications per year, increasing the scientific production from 2022 with 80 publications, corresponding to 37.2% of the total classified sample; dealing with a research topic of interest whose productivity rates range between 6.5% and 37.2%, progressively growing production over time. With respect to the data presented above, it can be deduced the growing and current interest in the study of this field of knowledge and specifically in the subject of academic tutoring.

Regarding the distribution by research area, the range of publications oscillates between 1 article in the area of ethnic studies, corresponding to 0.5%, and 175 works published in the area of education and educational research, with 81.4%. In relation to the production by journals, 145 types of journals can be identified, where the works compiled in Mentoring & Tutoring and Nurse Education Today stand out, being the main sources of scientific dissemination.

According to the Journal Citation Report variable, the area of education and educational research has a total of 181 published articles, whose impact factor ranges from Q1 (18.6%) to Q4 (7.9%). The lowest production of articles was found in the JCR family studies with impact factor Q2 (0.5%), ethnic studies with impact factor Q1 (0.5%) and Arts and Humanities with no reported impact factor (0.9%). In relation to the type of published work, 205 research articles, 9 bibliometric articles and 1 book review were obtained referring to tutoring in the university. The predominant language of publication was English with 84.7%, followed by Spanish with 11.2%.

The findings of this bibliometric review of the co-authorship index show a predominance of collaborative research. These results are in accordance with the current scientific perspective that considers that science must be carried out through collaboration among researchers in order to advance and broaden the horizon from different professional perspectives (Koné et al., 2000). It was found that the methodology used in the scientific productivity works analyzed, 45.1% corresponded to qualitative methodology, followed by quantitative methodology with 40.0%. The unit of analysis, research with university students predominated, representing 51.2%, and finally deans and directors only represent 0.9% of the data collection in their role as participants in the study.

The time in which the journals accept the studies corresponds to an average of 8 months. The minimum delay in the acceptance of articles corresponds to 1 month and the maximum to 25 months, which has been increasing over time due to the demands of the publications. Regarding the study topics identified, academic tutoring and peer tutoring are the most studied lines of research with a total representation of 61.8%, being considered consolidated lines of research due to their high productivity.

The results of the thematic analysis show that academic tutoring is an instance of meeting and permanent accompaniment in the formative process of future professionals. In this sense, academic tutoring would be more than supervision, because its purpose is not exclusively to solve difficulties


and raise questions (Anabalón et al., 2021; Salm, 2017; Salm et al., 2016; Martínez-Rodríguez et al., 2021; Puig-Cruells, 2020).

Referring to peer tutoring is that which is defined as the learning encounter between students or peers. In this sense, Asgari and Carter (2016) concluded in their research that peer tutoring depends on the relationship established between peers and the potential benefits of this type of tutoring are significantly related to improvements in grades.

With respect to academic tutors, these studies are understood as the processes that accompany teachers or professors who work in universities and are also carrying out tutorial functions with students. In this same context Corbett (2016), mentions that the new expectations and quality in universities, demand substantial changes in the process of socialization of students; therefore, university teachers should be trained with holistic and integrative perspectives of a human being, delivering contributions and support for the life of a student at a personal, family and academic level.

Virtual tutoring corresponds to the online accompaniment of students; in which tutorial actions are proposed for distance education in virtual environments. In the research carried out by Hernández-Sánchez and Ortega (2015), they suggest placing emphasis on the fact that in order for these tutorials to be effective and of quality over time, it is necessary to be flexible in the spaces and times of each tutored student. The work methodologies carried out in virtual tutoring should be oriented to the generation of positive emotions, to the development of a comprehensive and humanizing evaluation. The other fields of knowledge need further research, such as private tutoring, mentoring and tutoring program.

In the research conducted by Atalmis et al. (2016), they state that private tutoring refers to additional instruction outside of higher education, where it has received increasing demand from students during the last decades. One of the fundamental factors that influence access to this type of tutoring is the socioeconomic level of the student and his or her family group, positively influencing the student's academic performance.


Regarding the stated objective, which sought to analyze the scientific productivity on mentoring in the university context, during the temporal course 2013-2023, which have been disseminated in journals included in the Web of Science databases, it is concluded that:

215 articles were identified with an average of 43 publications per year, increasing the scientific production from 2022 with 80 publications, corresponding to 37.2% of the total classified sample. The distribution by research area is dominated by the area of education and educational research, with 81.4%. Regarding the production by journals, 145 types of journals can be identified, where the works compiled in Mentoring & Tutoring and Nurse Education Today stand out, being the main sources of scientific dissemination and is justified by the thematic analyzed in the bibliometric. According to the Journal Citation Report, the area of education and educational research has a total of 181 published articles, whose impact factor ranges from Q1 (18.6%) to Q4 (7.9%). The lowest production of articles was found in the JCR family studies in the impact factor Q2 (0.5%) ethnic studies.

In the type of work published, articles obtained the majority, with 205 research articles, followed by 9 bibliometric articles and, finally, 1 book review referring to tutoring in the university. The predominant language of publication was English with 84.7%, followed by Spanish with 11.2%, which is justified by the database analyzed.

Co-authorship rates show a predominance of collaborative research. The methodology used in the scientific productivity works analyzed, 45.1% corresponds to qualitative methodology, followed by quantitative methodology with 40.0%.

In relation to the unit of analysis, research with university students predominated, representing 51.2%, and finally deans and directors only represent 0.9% of the data collection in their role as participants in the study.


Next, the time in which the journals accept the studies corresponds to an average of 8 months. The minimum delay in the acceptance of articles corresponds to 1 month and the maximum to 25 months, these have been increasing over time, justified by the demand for scientific productivity. Finally, in terms of the topics of study identified, academic tutoring and peer tutoring are the most studied lines of research with a total representation of 61.8%, being considered consolidated lines of research due to their high productivity.

The results of this bibliometric review are intended to guide the mobilization of political, administrative and managerial wills that have a concrete impact on the way of thinking about university education and enable the resignification of educational processes and teaching and learning. This is due to the fact that, at present, there is an increase in the problems associated with educational quality in the university world, which affects not only their academic performance but also their deep learning and good living.

Investigating the different types of accompaniment in the university, and specifically, tutoring, is a possible curricular innovation to address in university curricular redesigns.

Finally, it is considered necessary to point out the scarce presence of Latin American studies on emotional education projects or programs, and none in Chile, so the challenge remains to increase research on this topic, especially in relation to programs relevant to the national reality. One of the limitations of this study was the search in only one database, which discarded variables such as author's origin and number of citations of the studies, since the sample was small and it was decided to focus on the types of tutoring, offering the scientific community analytical categories on what is being investigated in the period of time expressed above.


Article financed by the Universidad de Las América, Chile, under internal regualar project DI-43/23. REFERENCES

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Figure 1. PRISMA flowchart of the bibliometric review (2013-2023).

Figure 2. Types of documents reviewed in the bibliometric (2013-2023).


■Cantidad %


No informado 1 a 5 meses 6 a 11 meses 1 a 1 año 11 2 años y más


Figure 3. Period of acceptance of journals (2013-2023).

Table 1. Distribution by research topics.

Themes N Type of study N

Advice (1,9%) 04 Articles 04

Books 00

bibliometric 00

private tutoring (2,3%) 05 Articles 05

Books 00

bibliometric 00

tutor program (7,0%) 15 Articles 14

Books 00

bibliometric 01

virtual tutoring (10.2%) 22 Articles 20

Books 00

bibliometric 02

academic tutors (16,7%) 36 Articles 34

Books 00

bibliometric 02

peer tutoring (23,7%) 51 Articles 49

Books 01

bibliometric 01

academic tutoring (38,1%) 82 Articles 79

Books 00

bibliometric 03


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