THE ROLE OF TUTORING IN HIGHER MEDICAL EDUCATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Vasylieva N., Zorii I.

Tutoring is a part of the university teaching-learning process and is a basic strategy for improving the student's academic success and professional goals. This article reviews the process of implementing tutorial action plans with particular emphasis on the Bukovinian State Medical University. The training and functions of tutors, the recognition of the tutoring task and the tools available to tutors at the Bukovinian State Medical University are described.

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Наступним етапом нашого дослiдження плану-емо nepeBipKy на практицi запропонованих методiв та засобiв пiдготовки майбутшх педагогiв до реаль зацй' методу проекпв на уроках шоземно! мови через впровадження в освггнш процес експеримента-льно! методики навчання.


1. Вiрста CG. 1нновацшне навчання: метод проектiв. Новi технологи. Ки!в, 2007. Вип. 50. С. 5258.

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Микола!в: МДГУ iменi П. Могили, 2004. Т. 36. Вип. 23. С. 45-49.

3. Полат Е.С. Метод проектов в интернет образовании [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступу: http://WWW.gmeit.murmansk/ru.

4. Пометун O.I. Сучасний урок. 1нтерактивш технологи навчання: наук.-метод. поабник. Ки!в: Видавництво: А.С.К., 2004. 192 с.

5. Савенков А.И. Психологические основы исследовательского подхода к обучению: [учеб. пособ.] Москва: Ось, 2006. 480 с.

6. Четль М.М.Педагопчш технологи: навч.поаб. Ки1в: Академвидав, 2012. 224 с., серiя «Альма-малр».


Vasylieva N.,

MD, PhD Zorii I.


HSEEU "Bukovinian State Medical University", Chernivtsi Department of Nervous Diseases, Psychiatry and Medical Psychology


Tutoring is a part of the university teaching-learning process and is a basic strategy for improving the student's academic success and professional goals. This article reviews the process of implementing tutorial action plans with particular emphasis on the Bukovinian State Medical University. The training and functions of tutors, the recognition of the tutoring task and the tools available to tutors at the Bukovinian State Medical University are described.

Keywords: teaching, tutoring, medical students, medical university.

Teaching is not just a job but a skill which is usually a complex of knowledge acquisition and can be used in a tailored manner to a targeted class of audience based on their basic abilities to the understanding of the subject. Like learning, this is one of the oldest subconscious skill since the beginning of time seen mostly in an informal manner that doesn't just convey one's knowledge but a body of experience, model of thinking, a yardstick of memory and attention span and last but not least a psychological reward or representation of maturity.

Tutor and tutoring are among the most important factors that influence the effectiveness of the problem based learning strategy as tutors play a central role in facilitating problem based learning tutorials and help students to achieve their learning objectives [1, 2]. Qualities of effective tutors include; awareness of students' learning strategies and group dynamics, provision of appropriate and timely feedback, and tutors' interpersonal and communication skills [3, 4].

It is believed that the tutor expertise has significant effects on outcomes of problem based learning tutorials. It has been shown that content expert tutors tend to interfere frequently and suggest issues and topics in students' discussion more than noncontent expert, which might interferes with the group discussion and minimize learning benefits. On the other hand process expert tutors tend to focus on the problem based learning tutorial process and have minimal interference on the content of the discussion. This behavior of the process-expert tutor will likely encourage students to apply

skills of clinical reasoning and problem solving skills and will lead to better learning outcomes [5]. The perception of undergraduate medical students regarding the qualities of tutoring and effectiveness of tutor is of a remarkable importance. In fact, reports demonstrated that students were able to identify features of effective tutoring and could provide specific feedback for tutors about their deficiencies [6, 7].

Ever since Ukraine became part of the European Higher Education Area, tutorial action plans have been developed by most universities. Tutoring is an important part of the university teaching-learning process designed to improve student success rates and to enable students to achieve their professional goals. It is regarded as a basic strategy for any model of student learning, student guidance, individualization and monitoring. And university lecturers regard it as a professional competence and use it as a teaching strategy. Innovations in tutoring are numerous and have been promoted at universities so that their guidance and tutoring systems can incorporate new technologies and scientific developments that respond to identified needs [8].

High quality tutoring enhances retention and facilitates advancement throughout the higher education pipeline, positively impacting undergraduates, graduate students and even junior faculty. Tutoring is especially important for students who are at risk of dropping out and for gender equality and the integration of minorities.

The Tutorial Action Plan defines the actions that the University might undertake to ensure that students

receive monitoring and guidance. This is especially useful in three transition periods of a student's life:

- university entrance: assessment of the abilities and competencies required for successful academic results;

- during the course: introduction of the concepts relating to professional development, supervision of internships in companies, facilitation of employment and exploration of the labour market;

- transition from the university to work: development of job search strategies, design of a career plan.

But every university hope that every student will be able to define and develop their own academic and professional profile.

This competence is defined as having the following learning outcomes:

- student can develop their own interest/motivation in the academic and professional field;

- student can identify and respond to their training needs;

- student can define and develop their academic path considering their formative needs, interests, and academic and professional motivations;

- student can develop resources and strategies that facilitate the transition to work.

The strategies designed to help students acquire this competence are the use of tutors and mentors and seminars and activities for training and informative purposes.

At our university tutors are full-time lecturers who express an interest in becoming involved in tutoring. They have to have social and communication skills and have taught on the degree their tutees are studying. Each tutor should be responsible for 15 students maximum (1 group). According to the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" tutors are appointed in every academic group from the 1st to 6th year of studies including post-graduate groups.

The functions of a tutor are set by the university's guidance service. At the Bukovinian State Medical University the general functions of a tutor are to:

- facilitate the integration of students into university's life;

- assist the students in their academic work;

- help students solve problems related to academic and university life, accommodation etc;

- facilitate the student's personal and professional progress;

- help the student in his/her transition to the professional world.

Tutors must call students to at least two times per month and have documentary evidence of the tutoring. They must also take part in tutor training, in follow-up meetings and in evaluating mentoring. Establishing a good rapport between students and tutors is the most important factor in the success of tutoring. For this to occur, tutors should first make contact with students and actively seek them out for follow-up meetings.

Meetings between tutors and students can take any of the following forms:

- seminars (for all students who wish to participate, to provide information or training);

- group tutoring (training, discussion and student participation);

- individual tutoring (personal guidance).

Organization of the head tutors' work at the Faculties of Bukovinian State Medical University:

- The head tutors of the Faculties and their assistants are appointed by the order of the Rector of the University on proposal of the Head of the Tutors' Council, in agreement with the vice-rector on scientific and pedagogical work and education, the vice-rector on scientific and pedagogical work, the Deans of the Faculties.

- The Head tutors of the Faculty is responsible for the state of educational work with students at the Faculty, creates necessary conditions for work teachers and tutors, gives them organizational an methodological help and controls their work, makes reports to the Scientific Council of Faculties.

The main directions and forms of the tutor's work:

- identification of creative and gifted students: testing, questionnaire, monitoring, conversation, method of expert assessment;

- forecasting the results of academic, scientific and research, other kinds of students' activities;

- program development of individual development and self-development of a creative personality of a student; recommendations to the organization of learning and extracurricular activity;

- assistance in students' adaptation to the conditions and requirements of the university education: acquaintance with the history and traditions of the Bukovina State Medical University, excursions to the museums, to the library, to the Departments; meetings with the leading scientists; organization of students' self study; engaging students to scientific and research activity, to take part in the structures of the student government, organization and conducting Faculty and University events;

- assistance in development and formation of good features, and also self-criticism;

- organization of the students' academic group: to reveal formal and informal leaders of the group; to stave off the conflicts in the group; to define interesting for students creative collective cases and to help in the organization; to spend hours of thematic communication, paying attention to the development of political culture, formation of intelligence, aesthetic taste, moral norms and values, formation of civic position; to promote healthy lifestyle, to prevent the use of alcohol and drugs by the students; to assist students' participation in the revival of national and cultural traditions, observance the traditions of the Faculties, the University; to study the historical and cultural inheritance of Ukraine; to celebrate national holidays and memorable dates.

Rights of the tutor of a student academic group:

1. To make offers at the Dean's office of the faculty as to the improvement of cooperation between students and a tutor. If necessary, participate in working out of the testimonials for students of academic groups.

2. To make offers at the administration of the faculty as to the encouragement of the students for success in educational, scientific, sports, cultural, and social work.

3. To make offers at the administration of the faculty and dormitories for students as to the imposition of penalties for violation of educational and labor discipline, public order, etc.

4. To participate in discussions as to the encouragement of the students or the imposition of penalties on them.

5. To make offers as to the improvement of the educational process, living conditions, everyday life and recreation of the students, appointment and dismissal of a group monitor.

6. To make offers as to the provision of financial assistance for students from low-income families, as to award a bonus for excellent studying, active participation in public and social life of the faculty or university.

7. To participate in matters of scholarships and other social benefits, accommodation in dormitories.

8. A tutor has the right to inform parents of a student of his violation of the Internal Regulations and poor results.

9. A tutor is entitled to attend lectures, practical classes and seminars, students' reworks in agreement with the chief of the department.

10. To arrange psychological counseling by the medical-psychological center of BSMU in case of necessity.

11. To participate in productive meetings of the faculty.

12. A tutor may be given encouragement in form of a gratitude, certificates, prizes, cash prizes for good performance according to the proposal of chief tutors of the faculties, chairman of the board of tutors and pro-rector of scientific and pedagogical work and education by means of the rector's order.

Indicators of the quality of the tutor's work.

1. The tutor's work is promptly recorded in a tutor's diary.

2. Reports are submitted to the chief tutors of the faculties in time.

3. The efficiency of the tutor is assessed according to the questioning of students of academic group directed by this tutor.

4. The tutor's activity at the seminars of tutors.

5. The tutor's activity at conducting educational work in dormitories.

6. Educational work of tutors is a compulsory item on the agenda of department meetings once a semester.

7. A tutor may be invited to report on his or her work at the meeting of the Coordinating Council for

Humanitarian Affairs and Education, dean's office, academic council of the faculty.

8. The tutor's work is taken into account when deciding the election/re-election of the tutor to the post or submission to academic rank.

9. Performance of tutor's duties is necessarily taken into account in determining different types of promotion of employees.

The criteria for the efficiency of the tutors' work


1. Good results, studies and everyday discipline of the students of the group.

2. A high rating on the basis of students' participation in socially, politically and patriotically orientated activities.

3. Students' active participatio n in the affairs of the group, in social life of the faculty, university, creative associations and sports clubs, etc.

4. A tutor is responsible for the improper performance of duties stipulated by this principle.


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