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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Tregubova T., Shibankova L., Kats A.

The authors' appeal to the topic of tutoring support for the professional development of teachers is due to the multifunctionality of the teacher-tutor, who carries out his professional activities in multitasking conditions. A teacher-tutor acts on the basis of a given interaction situation, he identifies weak positions of a teacher, strengthens them, promotes the enhancing of professional and digital competences, which allow to reveal the tutee’s potential, and stimulates to form a self-reflection of a tutee, as well. The aim of the article is to identify issues that will allow to enlarge the vision of tutor’s support of a teaching activity as an integral component of the educational process in the system of higher education and professional retraining of teachers in modern conditions. The authors’ participation in the international consortium of the project "Pro-VET" - "Professional development of teachers of professional schools based on the best European practices" of "ERASMUS +" Program, and doing research within the Project framework, allowed the authors to conclude, that the key problem of tutor’s support in Russian and international system of higher education is pedagogical (insufficient possession of technologies for realization of tutor’s support), and psychological (non-formation of the tutoring position) unwillingness (unpreparedness) to implement educational tasks arising in the field of the new position of the tutor. The essence of tutor’s support of teacher’s professional activity is revealed: it is a stage-by-stage pedagogical activity based on the principle of individualization of education, which purpose is to reveal to a greater extent a creative/professional potential of the tutee, taking into account his personal and professional characteristics. The results of effective tutor’s activity are classified: formation of teacher’s identity, high motivation to implement the innovative technologies, pedagogical and psychological readiness for professional development. It is proposed that a teacher can be in the position of a student (it is called “tutor’s tutor”), at the same time, a teacher-psychologist directs a teacher in his aspiration to effective self-realization. It has been proved that the online course “Developing skills for tutoring in the e-learning context”, designed within the framework of the “Pro-VET” project, is effective, and was developed to help resolve the most complicated psychological, pedagogical, and communicative problems, appearing in the course of pedagogical interaction in the process of teacher’s professional development. The article is intended for practical teachers, research scientists, and graduate students who deal with the problem of tutoring support for the professional development of higher education teachers in the context of digital transformation of education.

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ПЕДАГОГИКА Подготовка педагогов

УДК 378

Tutor's support of teachers' professional development: conceptual framework and design in Russian and European universities

Тьюторское сопровождение профессионального развития педагогов: концептуальные рамки и дизайн в российских и европейских университетах

Трегубова Т.М., Институт педагогики, психологии и социальных проблем, tmtreg@mail.ru Шибанкова Л.А., Институт педагогики, психологии и социальных проблем, luz7@yandex.ru Кац А.С., Институт педагогики, психологии и социальных проблем, cats.schura@yandex.ru

Tregubova T., Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Problems, tmtreg@mail.ru Shibankova L., Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Problems, luz7@yandex.ru Kats A., Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Problems, cats.schura@yandex.ru

DOI: 10.51379/KPJ.2022.156.6.001

The research in Pro-VET project within the ERASMUS+ Programme was funded by Education, Audio-visual and Culture Executive Agency ref. 598698-EPP-1-2018-1-FI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP. The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the content, which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. The authors are also grateful to all partners of Pro-VET team with their valuable contributions to discussions and verification of the developed procedures.

Ключевые слова: принцип индивидуализации (обучения), индивидуальный образовательный маршрут, тьюторское сопровождение, профессиональное развитие педагогов, направлять, самосовершенствование.

Keywords: principle of individualization, individual educational path, tutor's support; teachers' professional development; to guide; self-perfection.

Аннотация. Обращение авторов к теме тьюторского сопровождения профессионального развития педагогов обусловлено многофункциональностью педагога-тьютора, осуществляющего свою профессиональную деятельность в условиях многозадачности. Педагог-тьютор действует исходя из заданной ситуации взаимодействия, определяет слабые позиции педагога, усиливает их, способствует совершенствованию профессиональных и цифровых компетенций, что позволяет раскрыть потенциал обучающегося педагога, и способствует формированию саморефлексии у обучающегося педагога. Цель статьи - расширить представления о тьюторском сопровождении преподавательской деятельности как неотъемлемого компонента образовательного процесса в системе высшего образования и профессиональной переподготовки педагогов в современных условиях. Участие авторов в международном консорциуме проекта "Pro-VET" - «Профессиональное развитие педагогов профессиональных школ на основе лучших европейских практик» в рамках Программы «ЭРАЗМУС+» и проведение исследований в рамках проекта позволили сделать вывод о том, что ключевая проблема тьюторского сопровождения в российском и международном высшем образовании - это педагогическая (недостаточное владение технологиями реализации тьюторского сопровождения) и психологическая (несформированность тьюторской позиции) неготовность к реализации образовательных задач, возникающих в поле новой позиции тьютора. В статье раскрыта сущность

тьюторского сопровождения профессиональной деятельности педагога, заключающаяся в том, что это -поэтапная педагогическая деятельность, основанная на принципе индивидуализации образования, целью которой является в наибольшей степени раскрытие творческого/профессионального потенциала педагога-тьюторанта с учетом его личностно-профессиональных особенностей. Классифицированы результаты эффективной тьюторской деятельности: формирование идентичности педагога, высокая мотивация к использованию инновационных технологий, педагогическая и психологическая готовность к профессиональному развитию. Предложено, что педагог тоже может находиться в позиции ученика, при этом педагог-психолог направляет педагога в его стремлении к эффективной самореализации. Доказано, что разработанный онлайн-курс «Развитие навыков тьюторинга в цифровой среде» является эффективным и призван помочь разрешить наиболее сложные психолого-педагогические и коммуникативные проблемы, возникающие в ходе педагогического взаимодействия в процессе профессионального развития педагога. Статья предназначена для педагогов-практиков, ученых-исследователей и аспирантов, которые занимаются проблемой тьюторского сопровождения профессионального развития педагогов высшей школы в условиях цифровой трансформации образования.

Abstract. The authors' appeal to the topic of tutoring support for the professional development of teachers is due to the multifunctionality of the teacher-tutor, who carries out his professional activities in multitasking conditions. A teacher-tutor acts on the basis of a given interaction situation, he identifies weak positions of a teacher, strengthens them, promotes the enhancing ofprofessional and digital competences, which allow to reveal the tutee'spotential, and stimulates to form a self-reflection of a tutee, as well. The aim of the article is to identify issues that will allow to enlarge the vision of tutor's support of a teaching activity as an integral component of the educational process in the system of higher education and professional retraining of teachers in modern conditions. The authors' participation in the international consortium of the project "Pro-VET" - "Professional development of teachers ofprofessional .schools based on the best European practices" of "ERASMUS +" Program, and doing research within the Project framework, allowed the authors to conclude, that the key problem of tutor's support in Russian and international system of higher education is pedagogical (insufficient possession of technologies for realization of tutor's support), and psychological (non-formation of the tutoring position) unwillingness (unpreparedness) to implement educational tasks arising in the field of the new position of the tutor. The essence of tutor's support of teacher's professional activity is revealed: it is a stage-by-stage pedagogical activity based on the principle of individualization of education, which purpose is to reveal to a greater extent a creative/professional potential of the tutee, taking into account his personal and professional characteristics. The results of effective tutor's activity are classified: formation of teacher's identity, high motivation to implement the innovative technologies, pedagogical and psychological readiness for professional development. It is proposed that a teacher can be in the position of a student (it is called "tutor's tutor"), at the same time, a teacher -psychologist directs a teacher in his aspiration to effective self-realization. It has been proved that the online course "Developing skills for tutoring in the e-learning context", designed within the framework of the "Pro-VET" project, is effective, and was developed to help resolve the most complicated psychological, pedagogical, and communicative problems, appearing in the course ofpedagogical interaction in the process of teacher's professional development. The article is intended for practical teachers, research scientists, and graduate students who deal with the problem of tutoring support for the professional development of higher education teachers in the context of digital transformation of education.

Introduction. Nowadays, the most important contribution in teachers' training is the development of university's human capital, while teachers' professional abilities, qualifications, and knowledge comprise human capital. Heads of educational organizations apt to invest into human's capital, especially in teachers' professional development, as it is the most appropriate form of teachers' training. L.A. Shibankova suggests that "maintenance of pedagogical mastery in accordance with the inquiries of society, success of teaching staff, fast obsolescence of available qualifications and formation of new competences during an era of digitalization actualize the questions, connected with the design of teacher's professional development [1; c.19-20]. L.A. Shibankova predicts that these phenomena influence greatly on the formation and development of human's capital, mainly on its qualitative characteristics.

The subject of our research is the tutor's support of university teachers' professional development in Russian system of higher education. The issuing question requires substantiating the role of a tutor in teachers' professional development, to re-consider tutor's support in the e-learning environment (remote format).

Although the system of teachers' professional development in Russian universities is self-sustained and diversified, however is not complete, and it should be pointed out that the system of teachers' training requires modification. It is caused by the following factors: 1. At a Global (international) level - transfer to trend "Lifelong professional development" (determination of a unified strategy, that allows to integrate all forms of teaching/learning for lifelong education); 2. At a State level - state and society request on a flexible, mobile specialist, who is able to work in the conditions of uncertainty

(preparation of the "specialist of the future", who can adapt to new conditions quickly); 3. At an Institutional level - necessity to form teachers' professional and digital competences (formation of teacher's professional mastery based on development of one's professional competency); 4. At an Individual level - accent on individual educational path for tutee (consideration and optional choice of a vector, directions, and formats of teachers' professional development).

Respectively, demands to the teacher's preparation, the role of a modern teacher, and fulfillment of teacher's functions are changed. Under these conditions, there appears a completely new position of a tutor, who is multi-functional, able to perform multiple professional tasks, and creates an image of the teacher for new generation. He acts in dependence on the given interaction situation, he defines weak positions of a teacher, strengthens them, promotes enhancing of professional and digital competences, which allows to reveal the tutee's potential, and stimulates to form a self-reflection of a tutee, as well.

The distinguishing feature of a tutor (from the stand point of a tutee) is that he is working according individualized educational programs, together with a tutee he designs the content of education, chooses the appropriate (individualized) methods and technologies of teaching according to teacher's abilities. The work of a tutor is based on the principle of individualization, which stands for opening teacher's professional potential and individuality. Respectively, the authors may admit that a tutor reveals the teacher's talent and designs an individual "algorithm of a teacher's cultivation".

The system of "Open Education" implies the appearance of the position of a tutor, which is considered to be the major systemizing component of the whole educational system. In "Open Education" system, the tutor integrates the functions of a teacher, a consultant, a methodologist, and a guide. The importance of tutors' performance in this context will be subsequently emphasized in this article, and it is argued that critical tutors' performance is both a main challenge and a necessity concerning the modern educational process in higher and professional schools.

On the basis of the theoretical analysis of works, devoted to tutor's support of the teachers' professional development and the authors' empirical study, which proves our scientific opinion, we have found out the barriers that harden (to some extend, even block) the implementation of tutor's support in Russian universities:

1. Lack of open educational environment, where teachers can work, and which is the basis of the

strategy of individualization and tutor's support (Solution is the following: a teacher should create conditions, suitable for open educational environment, in order to enlarge access to free students' training and teachers' professional retraining in off-line and remote format).

2. Lack or inadequacy of organizational and methodological tools, which does not allow realizing the line of tutor's support for teachers' professional development (The solution is the following: a teacher needs to possess instrumental level of digital competency to create e-courses and e-manuals, which should be suitable to satisfy students' and tutees' needs).

3. Lack of information awareness of teachers and educational leaders about the models of tutor's support (The solution is the following: a teacher should be motivated to participate in off-line courses and e-courses on enhancing tutoring skills).

Because of the tutoring movement being relatively young, and the conceptual apparatus is not completely formed, there exists a complicated problem in Russian and European universities: pedagogical (insufficient possession of technologies for realization of tutor's support), and psychological (non-formation of a tutor's position) unpreparedness to perform absolutely new position of a tutor: lack of ability for goal-setting, task realization, and result-reflection for a teacher (The solution is to develop a range of tutoring and digital skills, which will allow a teacher to feel confident and show his/her new professional abilities).

More specifically, the new ideology of the openness of the educational environment demands the development of the tutoring institution, i.e. enhancing of the active development of pedagogical and managerial means of teaching. According to the point of view of T.M.Kovaleva, "a tutor is a methodological position actual for all the innovative spheres. In all the spheres, where the establishment of a completely new activity takes place, tutoring appears as the necessity, and as the pedagogical support of acquiring new. For the establishment of innovative way of thinking in modern higher schools, the basic work is considered to be a tutoring, but not a teaching activity" [2]. Technological value of the tutoring can be traced, first of all, in the opening of the human's potential and the potential of the world for the human, and in enlarging the sphere of his possibilities. Tutor's activity can create the resource environment for the professional activity of a teacher, for enhancing his (her) professional competencies.

Prof. T.M. Tregubova in the monograph "Cognitive pedagogy" points out that the "system of higher education and teachers' professional development as well, possess the following

properties: systemic, organized, and goal-oriented character, orderliness" [3, p.170]. These properties define the quality, character, and determination of pedagogical interaction during teachers' professional development.

A tutor works in the situation "right in the moment" adopting to the professional activity of the pedagogue, finding out his weak positions and intensifying his potential and shaping his reflexive and critical opinion towards himself, his level of professional competence. Well-targeted simulation of professional situations with the studying youth, that allows a teacher to understand students' educational needs and motives much better, and the simulation creation of educational environment as a space for interaction between a university-teacher and a student is the prior goal of a tutor. Anna Simao et al. is sure that "The multiple possibilities that all these kinds of tutoring present may respond to the perceived need to create and cultivate a culture of guidance and tutoring among the teachers and students of the university", so that the idea of tutoring is popularizing nowadays with a high tempo [4].

However, the debate around the performance of tutors in higher education is going on in theoretical manuals and educational practice.

P.G. Shedrovitskiy [5] was at the "beginning" of the "Institute of tutoring" in Russia. In 1989, he was the Head of School of cultural policy, where they organized a contest of tutors for the first time in Russia. The contest aimed to promote interest for the staff of international educational programs, the Head of which from the Russian behalf was academician E.P. Velikhov.

Mark Boylan suggests the following positions of a teacher-tutor: a "facilitator", a "workload regulator", a "safety net", a "mediator", an "investigator", a "sitter" and so on [6].

If taking a close shot on articles of Russian and European researchers written in the English language [6-8], it should be stressed that the demand of implementation of tutor's support is caused by the need to enhance the efficiency of teachers' work and the quality of higher education by improving the teaching and learning processes in order to satisfy high-quality international standards of obtaining higher education.

More generally, according to the scientific opinion of T.M. Kovaleva, in modern Russian pedagogical sciences, the tutor's support is treated as "pedagogical activity on individualization of education, aimed at determination and development of educational motives and interests of a learner, search for educational resources for the creation of individual educational program based on the educational reflection of a learner" [9].

As it was stated above, from the standpoint of Inter-regional Tutoring Association, a tutor is, first of all, is a teacher, who struggles to work according to the principle of individualization. Generally speaking, education experts assume that the existing old forms for the standardized education are not enough. Besides, the diversity of forms, methods, and instruments, which can be implemented by a person in his education, demands for the necessity of appearance of completely new instruments of orientation in the surrounding diversity and new methods of showing up one's individuality. The principle of individualization is useful for the person to be successful in social life, to be involved in Lifelong Learning and to make a decision - what type of education he/she prefers, and what type suits each person, what educational strategy he/she should choose.

We assume that tutor's support of teachers' professional development is stage-by-stage pedagogical activity based on the principle of individualization of education, which purpose is to reveal to a greater extent creative/professional potential of the tutee, taking into account his personal and professional characteristics.

To sum up, the question about the necessity and functions of a tutor's role is considered to be controversial. We suppose that tutor's support of teachers' professional development should be an integral part of the modern higher education system and teachers' professional re-training. The scientific position of T.M. Kovaleva [2], P.G. Shedrovitskiy [5], Mark Boylan [6], and other researchers have proved our point of view.

Materials and methods. The methodological framework of the research rests on the anthropological, personal, and process-activity approaches, while the most important approach is considered to be a personally-oriented one.

The personally-oriented approach was developed by Sh. Amonashwili (humanistic-personal technology) [10], G. Selevko (technology of self-developing learning) [11], I. Yakimanskaya [12] (various game technologies and personal learning). From the point of view of pedagogical ideology, personally-oriented approach has a special significance, while it was designed for the sake of to reveal the unique individuality of the spiritual and moral personality of a human and to give an opportunity to enlarge the creative potential of a human along with the widening of the human's intelligence and upbringing the best characteristics of a person as a citizen.

Personally-oriented approach presupposes the creation of the conditions for the comprehensive development of the human's abilities transferred to

the reasonable choice, self-reflection, and self-evaluation, behaving independent and responsible. The sharing of the roles in the realization of personally-oriented approach, when the function of a teacher moves from the transferring the knowledge to the educational diagnostics, and tutoring function as a supervisor in the process of a personal growth of a tutee. Consideration of age, physiological, psychological, and intellectual abilities of a tutee, the necessity to provide programs with different levels of difficulties for various groups of teachers-learners are the basis of personally-oriented approach, and are applicable for the tutoring as well.

In this case, a teacher-tutee is able to choose for himself/herself what educational and professional fields he/she is going to devote much time and therefore to develop an individual educational path. The instruments for the creation of the open educational environment are: flexible learning plan, various levels of learning programs, modular-based programs, variable forms of learning (distant, mobile learning, ubiquitous learning, face-to-face or blended teachers' qualification training as well as various international internships). They are developing connection between university, a tutor, and a teacher-tutee.

S. Stepanov suggests that "individualization is not a consideration of specific features as in the individual approach, but such an organization of educational environment and interaction with tutee that supplies time, place, and means for self-determination, self-study, approbation of self-activity, self-evaluation of achievements, and self-reflection" [13].

The principle of Individualization presupposes the activity of the tutee in the choice of the education content, in changing up his educational and professional position - so that a learner becomes not the object, but the subject of education. From the standpoint of pedagogical sciences, educational interactions of different formats, while the teacher-tutee has an ability for an individual choice of the educational activity on the professional terms, goal setting, and realization of the potential, self-reflection of the results may be treated as the practices for individualization. The practices of individualization presuppose that the teacher-tutee uses his own potential for goal-setting, while it helps him to shape an individual education path.

Wide range of the practices for the individualization gives a teacher-tutee an ability to work freely in the open educational environment, so that for each practice the technology of tutor support was developed, relevant to the goals, professional experience, and the abilities of learners. The choice of appropriate technologies for tutor's support depends on the ability of tutees to be the subjects of personal

and professional growth, on the cognitive style of a teacher, and on the level of tutor's competence.

Summing up, for the successful realization of the tutor's support of a student, a teacher should also be in the position of the tutee. This phenomenon is called "the tutor's tutor" - the function is performed by a pedagogue-psychologist that has an applicable qualification and is able to follow the members of pedagogical staff in their personal and professional development. This supervision function of the tutor's work may be put on the expert, for example, from the Inter-regional tutoring association.

Results. During the Project Tro-VET" within the ERASMUS+ Program, the authors of the article together with prof. Ainoutdinova I.N. (Kazan Federal University) designed an e-course "Developing skills for tutoring in the e-learning context" which is primarily addressed to VET-teachers who wanted to develop their e-learning tutoring skills; advanced their analytical, problem solving and organizational skills; improved their ability to communicate on-line effectively with their students and peers.

The e-course was designed in accordance with recommendations and standards of the EU universities-partners of the Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and social problems in the Pro-VET project. The course has a modular-based structure that comprices 5 Units (Modules), that can appeal both to VET-teachers and University teachers, while the questions, being discussed in the Unit (Module) are corresponding to pedagogical and psychological sciences.

The e-course has successfully passed Alpha-testing (the authors of the article were its Alphatesters as well), nowadays it is on the stage of Beta-testing, and the Kazan Pedagogical Journal readers will be able to test the course on the platform of Kazan Federal University in the nearest future.

Respectively, the main objective of the course study is the formation of teachers' online consulting skills (tutoring skills), including their ability to solve professional, psycho-pedagogical and communicative problems in the online-based learning environment. Consulting skills shall be formed and developed as a unity of cognitive, linguistic, social, sociocultural, informational, and intercultural competences.

In the course of studying the following aspects were considered:

- Pedagogical aspects of tutoring (role of the teacher-tutor; relevance of tutors' profession, specifics of teaching methodic tutor, etc.);

- Psychological aspects of tutoring (psychological features of an individual format of training; specifics of training of teacher-tutees, etc.);

- Communicative aspects of tutoring (specifics of pedagogical interaction of the tutor and tutee).

The course is based on rhizomatic approach to teaching, i.e. in the course of training, cross-cultural, linguistic and lingua-cultural aspects are being improved at teacher-tutees.

We created logically-connected structure of the course, which allows treating the e-course as a unified algorithm:

1. Placement test to check the available knowledge of teacher-tutees' on the research problem. Questions in this section are pretty easy, and aimed at general comprehension.

2. In each module, there are three lectures, corresponding the content and design to the requirements of the European Union universities. In lectures, there are hypertext references to books and articles, and also on famous people.

3. Module 1- 3, three interactive tests to check comprehension of the material (check up your knowledge).

4. Additional tasks (Your videos and multimedia resources; expand the cross-cultural knowledge (Enhance your cross-cultural environment); debatable section "Role of the Tutor in the e-learning environment", entertaining content).

5. Module 4 - Requirements to certification. Final tests; Module 5 - useful resources for the tutor.

As a part of pedagogical research, the authors of the article conducted a short survey on determination the degree of tutee's satisfaction with the e-course "Developing skills for tutoring in the e-learning context". The survey was piloted after Alpha-testing (Alpha-testers were the team of Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Sciences; total number - 15 respondents); and in the process of Beta-testing (Betatesters were teaching personnel and students of Kazan Federal University - 33 respondents). The survey was realized in 2021-2022 years, and its results are enclosed.

While answering to the first question "Why did you choose the e-course on developing tutoring skills?" 67% of respondents said that they wanted to try new formats of upskilling; 33% of respondents noted that they needed a guide (e-guide) and a consultant (e-consultant) in the course of teachers' professional development.

To the second question - "Was the choice of the e-course your independent decision?" 70% of respondents were sure in their abilities and had chosen the e- course by themselves. 30 % of respondents replied that they had chosen the e-course due to the recommendation of their colleagues-tutors, who had already performed teacher training in the off - line format.

It was asked in the third question: "Do you have enough motivation to perform tasks of the e-courses?", "What do you need the e-courses for?"

88% of the respondents were highly motivated with the tasks, the tasks were applicable to their profession, 12% of respondents were less motivated, it was hard to them to overcome different digital and professional barriers.

While responding to the fourth question "Was the e-course applicable both to the young teachers, and mature teachers? Prove your position" 77% of respondents agreed that both young and mature teachers were interested in it, as it advances their analytical, problem solving and organizational skills, 23% of respondents replied that it was useful only for young teachers, while most of the topics were familiar to them and it was hard for them to solve occurring digital problems.

Special attention was paid to the answers to the fifth question: "What did you learn from the e-courses on development of tutoring skills?" 53% of respondents answered that they had learned pedagogical and psychological aspects of tutoring, 27% of respondents were interested in communicative aspect of tutoring, 20% of respondents enjoyed cross-cultural (rhizomatic) aspect most of all.

Conclusion. To sum up, a tutor is a competent, highly-motivated specialist, who is capable to solve various teaching problems in the course of tutees' pedagogical interaction.

The value of the position of a tutor is that he motivates, coordinates, and consults a tutee, as well as stimulates his cognitive ability. The value of the position of a tutee is that he is a person who makes request for teachers' professional development; he designs the content of education, and he is responsible for it. With a help of a competent tutor, each teacher is able to receive his goal and realize his professional ambitions.

The results of effective tutor's work are the following:

1. Formation of teacher's professional identity, mastering of various teacher's roles (a teacher starts to over-estimate his professional activity, a teacher finds out one's own teaching style and determines his cognitive style of learning);

2. High level of motivation for implementing new pedagogical and digital technologies with the accent on innovation (a teacher has a desire for self-perfection, self-actualization, and self-reflection);

3. Readiness for professional self-determination, design of programs for teachers' professional development (a teacher is an active actor of teachers' professional development, and is capable for choosing a vector (direction), and making priorities in his professional activity and professional development).

T.M. Tregubova in the monograph "Genesis of the cognitive paradigm of education" supposes that "nowadays there are many ratings, platforms, and criteria basis for comparison of definite directions of university activities, which are in a free access" [14, p.150]. Hence, it is possible to give recommendations on dissemination of the best practices for enhancing teachers' professional development on the basis of the comparative analysis of these criteria. Benchmarking is an innovative technology for competitive analysis, measurement, and comparison of the results of leading educational institutions due to optional search for best practices in teachers' professional development. It is useful for finding out developmental strategies, enhancing the level of competitiveness and increasing investing attractiveness of the educational organizations at the market of educational services. T.M. Tregubova suggests that the following conditions should be realized in order to increase the efficiency of benchmarking technology:

1. It is recommendable to train the teaching personnel about the basis of benchmarking technology in order to have a comprehensive vision of the benchmarking project;

2. It is advisable to stimulate partnership relations and to enlarge professional contacts of the university in accordance with university's codex and traditions of university self-estimation, preserving conditions of university leadership;

3. It is a good practice to form university teachers' readiness to participate actively in the benchmarking project, using variably Russian and adopted (international) technologies.

I.S. Bubnova, O.B. Pirozhkova, L.A. Shibankova, A.R. Masalimova propose that "regeneration of pedagogical education and transformation of the system of teachers' professional growth are aimed at enhancing training of future teacher(specialist), teacher's and student's professional and personal development" [15, p.45]. The accent should be put upon the formation of professional competences

(especially soft-skills) in the course of teachers' training and re-training.

L.A. Shibankova underlines that the presence of soft-competences (soft skills) influences greatly on the performance and success in pedagogical activity:

1. Soft competences are the perspective of personal characteristics in professional activity, and they determine the productive character for the realization of professional qualities;

2. Soft competences (soft skills) are important for the managerial (educational) activity, while inter-subject interaction is of primary importance;

3. Formed soft competences are the catalysts for students' cognitive activity, and they stimulate the development of hard competences (hard skills).

Having analyzed the process of implementation of the tutor's practice in the educational process in modern Russian universities and colleges, it should be pointed out that nowadays, there is an ongoing process of the formation of a tutor as a completely new teacher's position, aimed at individualization of teaching/learning process, understanding of the uniqueness of the individual's personality, at realization of his creative potential. Each of the existing educational practices gives the condition for the formation of the culture of choice, enhancing skills of research and design of one's teaching and learning.

Special attention is paid to the teacher's self-development in accordance with the tutor's activity. The appearance of a tutor has risen up the motivation of a teacher for self-perfection, self-growth, and self-determination. A teacher nowadays can choose the individual educational path and improve oneself according to his tempo, abilities and level of competence. The teacher succeeds to achieve better professional realization via means of individualized learning. Although the tutor's support is just at the emergence, it is gaining more and more popularity nowadays, comprising all subjects of modern educational process in Russian and European universities.


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14. Генезис когнитивной парадигмы образования: монография / Е.Ю. Левина Р.Х. Гильмеева, А.Р. Камалеева, А.С. Кац, Л.Ю. Мухаметзянова, Е.Н. Прокофьева, О.В. Стукалова, Т.М. Трегубова, Л.А. Шибанкова; под научной редакцией Е.Ю. Левиной. -Казань: Институт педагогики, психологии и социальных проблем, 2021. - 240 с.

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1. Shibankova L.A. Human capital of the university: formation and development in the era of digitalization / L.A. Shibankova // Kazan Pedagogical Journal. - 2020. - № 3. - S. 19-27.

2. Kovaleva T.M., Kobyshka E.I. Profession "tutor" / T.M. Kovaleva, E.I. Kobyshka, S.Yu. Popova (Smolik), A.A. Terov, M.Yu. Cheredilina. - M.-Tver: SFK-office, 2012. - 246 p.

3. Cognitive pedagogy: educational and methodological manual / R.H. Gilmeeva, A.R. Kamaleeva, A.S. Katz, E.Yu. Levina, V. Sh. Maslennikova, L.Yu. Mukhametzyanova, T.M. Tregubova, L.A. Shibankova; under the scientific editorship of E.Yu. Levinoi. - Kazan: Institute of Pedagogical, Psychological and Social Problems, 2020. - 228 p.

4. Simao A.M.V., Assunçao M., Fernandes M.S., Figueira C. Tutoring in higher education: concepts and practices / A.M.V. Simao, M. Assunçao, M.S. Fernandes, C. Figueira // Sísifo: educational sciences journal. - 2014. -№ 7. - P. 73-85. (In Eng.)

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7. Tregubova T.M., Kozlov V.E., Kats A.S. Discourse on students' participation in international projects on inter-ethnic tolerance formation in multicultural environment / T.M. Tregubova, V.E. Kozlov, A.S. Kats // Journal of Siberian Federal. University. - 2019. - № 12(2). - P. 261274. DOI: 10.17516/1997-1370-0393.

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14. Genesis of the cognitive paradigm of education: monograph / E.Yu. Levina R.H. Gilmeeva, A.R. Kamaleeva, A.S. Katz, L.Y. Mukhametzyanova, E.N. Prokofieva, O.V. Stukalova, T.M. Tregubova, L.A. Shibankova; under the scientific editorship of E.Yu. Levinoi. - Kazan: Institute of Pedagogical, Psychological and Social Problems, 2021. - 240 p.

15. Bubnova I.S., Pirozhkova O.B., Shibankova L.A., Masalimova A.R. Evaluation of soft-competency of teachers: development and approval of questionnaire / I.S. Bubnova, O.B. Pirozhkova, L.A. Shibankova, A.R. Masalimova // Kazan pedagogical journal. - 2020. - № 5. -P. 44-51.

5.8.7. Методология и технология пpофессионального обpазования

Сведения об авторах:

Трегубова Татьяна Моисеевна (г. Казань, Россия), доктор педагогических наук, профессор, ведущий научный сотрудник Лаборатории «Когнитивной педагогики и цифровизации образования», ФГБНУ «Институт педагогики, психологии и социальных проблем», е-mail: tmtreg@mail.ru

Шибанкова Люция Ахметовна (г. Казань, Россия), кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, старший научный сотрудник Лаборатории «Когнитивной педагогики и цифровизации образования», ФГБНУ «Институт педагогики, психологии и социальных проблем», е-mail: luz7@yandex.ru

Кац Александра Семеновна (г. Казань, Россия), кандидат педагогических наук, старший научный сотрудник Лаборатории «Когнитивной педагогики и цифровизации образования», ФГБНУ «Институт педагогики, психологии и социальных проблем», е-mail: cats.schura@yandex.ru

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