TUTOR SUPPORT OF THE PROJECT STUDENT ACTIVITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Ageenko Natalia Vladimirovna, Startseva Natalia Valerievna

The article addresses the topic of diverse tutor practice in higher educational institutions of Russia, considers a number of cases of existing practices. In the paper, the necessity to introduce innovative educational technologies to improve the effectiveness of the learning process is actualized. The attention is focused on the leading professionally signifcant qualities of the tutor’s personality, dictated by the requirements of modern society. It is noted that the use of tutoring support is not only a mean of gaining knowledge, but also a mean of forming professional competencies at the current stage. The authors come to the conclusion that tutor support can become a means an effective solution to the problem of students mobility, since it allows to create an open educational environment, to show individual meaningful life guidelines, use open education technologies, to carry out project, creative, meta-subject activities.

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UDC 378.2

candidate of pedagogical Sciences,

associate Professor Ageenko Natalia Vladimirovna

Samara State Technical University (Samara);

candidate of pedagogical Sciences,

associate Professor Startseva Natalia Valerievna

Samara State Technical University (Samara)


Annotation. The article addresses the topic of diverse tutor practice in higher educational institutions of Russia, considers a number of cases of existing practices. In the paper, the necessity to introduce innovative educational technologies to improve the effectiveness of the learning process is actualized. The attention is focused on the leading professionally signifcant qualities of the tutor's personality, dictated by the requirements of modern society. It is noted that the use of tutoring support is not only a mean of gaining knowledge, but also a mean of forming professional competencies at the current stage. The authors come to the conclusion that tutor support can become a means an effective solution to the problem of students mobility, since it allows to create an open educational environment, to show individual meaningful life guidelines, use open education technologies, to carry out project, creative, meta-subject activities.

Keywords: innovative educational technology, mobility, professional competencies development, tutoring support, extracurricular activity, skills enhancement.

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается тема репетиторской практики в высших учебных заведениях России, актуализируется необходимость внедрения инновационных образовательных технологий для повышения эффективности учебного процесса. Акцентируется внимание на ведущих профессионально значимых качествах личности преподавателя, продиктованных требованиями современного общества. Отмечается, что использование репетиторской поддержки является не только средством получения знаний, но и средством формирования профессиональных компетенций на современном этапе. Авторы приходят к выводу, что тьюторская поддержка может стать средством эффективного решения проблемы мобильности студентов, поскольку позволяет создать открытую образовательную среду, показать индивидуально значимые жизненные ориентиры, использовать технологии открытого образования, осуществлять проектную, творческую, метапредметную деятельность.

Ключевые слова: инновационная образовательная технология, мобильность, развитие профессиональных компетенций, репетиторская поддержка, внеурочная деятельность, повышение квалификации.

Introduction. Current economic situation encourages rethinking of education policies in respect of updating skills and competences of future graduates to raise their employability. Introduction of an innovative component in the learning process is a reflection of the socio-economic processes taking place in society, in particular globalization, which led to increased mobility of people, the possibility of obtaining education outside the country. At the same time, in order to remain a professionally demanded person in the global space, it is necessary to have guarantees that the education received in your country will be adequate to the requirements for education in worldwide. The concept of life - long learning education, the introduction of new standards requires updated technologies implementation in the organization of learning process in higher education institutions. A personality-oriented approach has already been developed and applied by some universities, what, undoubtedly, indicates the expansion of the possibility of self-determination and professional development of the student's personality. The introduction of innovative methods and technologies in the educational process shows the flexibility and mobility of the system.

However, it should also be noted that, despite the growing needs of society for the individualization of education, its flexibility in higher education institutions, the transition to the personalization of education has not been made yet. Modern innovative educational environment feature is the emergence of tutoring institution, so, a system of training and retraining in the field of tutoring is now gradually taking shape. Today there is a significant number of regional centers, the number of which is expanding every year: in 2012, a professional standard for the profession of "tutor" was adopted, qualification characteristics were introduced, and the norm of hours of pedagogical work for the wage rate was adopted; the Interregional Tutor Association was created, since 2011 the journal "Tutor Support" has been published. Thus, the development and testing of advanced training programs for tutoring testify to the wide practical distribution of this phenomenon in Russia [10].

Now the reproductive pedagogy, which does not encourage a person to be creative, but only to memorize, reproduce, is being replaced by active learning, problem-based teaching methods, when a problem is posed and its significance for the future profession is indicated, and the student solves this problem, moreover, by the most in various ways, the teacher only acts as a consultant, mentor in the educational process.

Background. An analysis of the etymology of the concept and the process of development of the tutoring movement makes it possible to identify the specifics of this direction, to understand its relevance for modern education. Considering the history of the emergence and development of tutoring, it is worth referring to the etymology of the word tutor. The word came to Russian from the English language - tutor means: "home teacher, tutor, mentor, whose duties include teaching and accompanying the student" (school); "leader of a group of students" (English), "junior university teacher" (Amer.), "guardian" (legal) In English, this word appeared thanks to the Old French tuteur (guardian), which, in turn, is obliged Latin tutor from tuerie (to protect). The etymology of this word (lat. tueor - to take care, protect) is associated with the concepts - "protector", "patron", "guardian". From its version with the prefix "in" - intueor - the word "intuition" came about. Russian tutor (less often tuter), borrowed from English, is associated with the functions of a mentor, mentor, tutor. At the same time, mentoring is a tradition of the American school, based on individual work with students, mainly junior teaching staff (graduate students, university assistants) [2, 7]. Tutoring is a tradition of the British school, based on individual work with pupils. Tutoring allows, along with teachers, the participation of graduates who have shown the ability to mentor. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that a tutor is a historically established special pedagogical position that ensures the development of individual educational programs for students and accompanies the process of individual education at school, at a university, in the system of additional and continuing education.

Tutoring originated in the UK and has existed for a long time as a mentorship. Now the tutor is a key figure in the educational process in many European countries and the USA. It should also be noted that the functions of the tutor have expanded significantly. "Tutors supervise the independent scientific and educational work of students, meet with their wards weekly at tutor classes, discussing the state of affairs in an informal setting. Tutoring sessions can be in the form of practical sessions, consultations or seminars on specific topics. Tutors may be lecturers if they advise students on their subject; the student can turn to the tutor for advice on any issue related to his education" [3].

In Russia, tutoring as an independent pedagogical movement was developed and began to take shape in the late 1980s. The first publications on the problem of tutoring as a special activity appeared in 1993-1994 and is related to the analysis of the experience in the field of distance education of the International Institute of Management, a partner of the Open University of Great Britain [4]. Today, tutoring is being actively implemented in the educational systems of many countries, including Russia, where its development is exercised in various directions: from supporting an individual educational program to teaching within a distance course.

The emergence of a new pedagogical profession "tutor" is caused by a change in the modern paradigm of education. The pedagogical paradigm today expresses the new ideas of society in the formula "teach to learn", to teach students to independently set learning goals for themselves and achieve them independently. Strengthening individuality of the learning process, the development of independent work of students, their self-development and self-improvement, gaining motivation and personal abilities justifies the need for the emergence of specialists in the university - tutors who are able to cope with tasks of this nature.

Results and discussion. In modern conditions of innovative activity of the university, the prevalence of elective disciplines, individual forms of extracurricular and classroom work, the preparation of individual training schedules, and possibly individual curricula, seems relevant. A significant expansion of extracurricular work, the development of its new forms will require a fundamentally different approach to planning the teaching load of teachers, scheduling classes, curricula" [9].

A tutor is "a pedagogical worker who specifically accompanies the formation and implementation of individual educational programs for students" [1, 5]. "The tutor creates a redundant educational environment, saturated with a variety of sentences that could potentially be of interest to the student, then he accompanies the so-called "navigation" of his movement in this space of sentences, while discussing various strategies. Such support is based on the principle of individualization" [1, 5].

The goals of tutor support can be viewed through the functions of education:

- organizational function: organization (coordination) of activities; search for educational resources to create an individual educational program; construction of a purposeful long-term system of work with gifted students, etc.;

- teaching and educating functions: assistance in obtaining knowledge, skills and abilities, assimilation, mastering the educational program; the formation of students' individual responsibility for knowledge, based on the totality of competencies formed in the course of the educational process; the inclusion of the pupil in the social environment; formation of responsibility for the choice and reflection of the student;

- developing function: identification and development of educational motives and interests of the student; development of an active interest in the research process and its methods, the content of activities, etc.

Thus, tutor is built into a holistic pedagogical process, in which the goals of tutor activity are born from the goals of the tutor. The tasks of a tutor support at the university are to determine the knowledge barrier for solving project problems and identify the ensuing educational request; organization of independent search for knowledge, selection of educational activities and activity practices aimed at satisfying the educational request; formation of a digital footprint that confirms educational results; reflection of the types and results of design and educational activities.

In order to provide tutor support, it is necessary to take into account the totality of the applied tools and methods. Describing the didactic potential and tutoring tools, researchers define the following technologies:

- diagnostic - fixing a fact, a problem signal, diagnosing a supposed problem, establishing contact with students posing a problem, jointly assessing the problem in terms of its significance for the student;

- search - organizing, together with students, the search for the causes of a problem / difficulty, a look at the situation from the outside;

- contractual - designing the actions of the teacher and the student (separation of functions of responsibility for solving the problem), establishing contractual relations and concluding an agreement in any form;

- activity - the student himself acts and the teacher acts (approval of actions, stimulation of his initiative and actions, coordination of the activities of specialists at the university and beyond);

- reflexive - a joint discussion with the students of the successes and failures of the previous stages of activity, a statement of the fact of the solvability of the problem or reformulation of the difficulty, understanding the student and the teacher of the new experience of life [8, 12].

Researchers distinguish the following tools within the framework of tutor support: consultation technology (tutorials), within the framework of individual and group tutorials, specific situations of "cases" are studied - a method of analyzing specific situations); question posing technology (expansion of competence); active listening technology; technology of supporting cognitive interests; technology for supporting design and research activities; mapping technology (personal-resource mapping, event-resource mapping, educational cartography).

Analyzing tutoring as an innovative component in education, the following methods of tutor support should be distinguished: methods of practice-oriented activity; methods of problem-based learning (resolution of problem situations, teaching case method); design methods; methods of analysis and self-analysis (reflection, reflective report of educational goals, activities to achieve them, analysis and self-analysis of abilities, inclinations); methods of independent work of the student (individually and in groups).

So, introduction of interactive forms of education that contribute to the socialization of the individual is one of the most important areas for improving the preparation of students in a modern university.

Tutor support is a pedagogical activity for the individualization of education, aimed at identifying and developing educational motives and interests of the student, searching for educational resources to create an individual educational program [6].

Considering tutor support within the framework of the innovativeness of the educational process at Samara State Technical University, the following functional responsibilities of the tutor can be distinguished: identifying the level of competence of the project participants; monitoring the psychological climate in the team of project participants; identifying the needs of the team in obtaining additional education; motivation of team members to self-development; organization of events aimed at improving the skills of team members; tracking the development of skills of team members, using digital footprints and reflection.

Project cases are divided into three categories based on the priority of professional tasks: research projects aimed at conducting fundamental and applied research; engineering and technological projects aimed at developing new technologies and products; entrepreneurial projects aimed at commercialization, replication and scaling of the results of project activities.

The Department of Foreign Languages of SamSTU has vast experience in the field of tutor support. Work on the project "Hardware and software complex of augmented reality as a means of learning a foreign language" (20Í6-2019) required from all participants a detailed analysis of both information processes and the economic state of this problem. It should be noted that, being in the interdisciplinary project team of SamSTU, each student performed a certain functional role, in particular, students of the Faculty of Engineering and Economics analyzed the VR technology market, the dynamics of its development and prospects for the near future; the possibilities of introducing these technologies into the educational process in order to improve the quality of education, the motivational component, and the optimal proximity to the professional environment are considered.

Participation in the "School of Leaders" track (projects "Tourism for Children" 2020, "Creative Workshop" 2021) allowed the team members to realize their own individual educational trajectory. All project participants, finding themselves in new social conditions, needed educational mentoring from a tutor, who provided support in identifying individual educational needs.

Conclusion. Currently, society is undergoing a serious transformation in the field of education and professional development. Scientific discoveries, innovations, new digital technologies are rapidly and continuously changing the picture of the world and the prospects of each person in their professional activities.

The key skills that each person needs to successfully implement an individual educational and professional program as part of developing a personal brand or participating in team projects include the following: the ability to independently continuously learn and retrain throughout life, including using digital resources and technologies ; the ability to quickly adapt to changing environmental conditions and the labor market, to find their place in it; the ability to transform their experience in any professional field of activity in response to the emergence of new technologies; the ability to work both independently and in a team implementing specific projects; the ability to plan your education and career, set personal goals; the ability to form and present a personal portfolio based on the results of their activities and participation in projects; the ability not only to acquire basic industry knowledge, but also to develop cross-professional skills and competencies: communication skills, creativity, critical thinking, etc.

Appropriate teams are formed in educational institutions to accompany the development of the above-mentioned professional skills, setting goals, building individual educational and professional development programs, and finding resources for their implementation. It should be noted that the process of obtaining education and a profession development is currently complicated by the redundancy of resources, the unstructured educational environment, as well as the lack of understanding of the importance of forming one's individual request, planning, adequate assessment of the initial data, and setting goals. . Therefore, the tutor becomes a key figure in accompanying the process of becoming a self and building an educational strategy. The tutor has the necessary list of pedagogical and digital tools, as well as certain life experience, including professional one. The demand for tutor support is steadily growing, this is a general trend.


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УДК 378.046.4

аспирант кафедры управления и экономики образования Алмазова Татьяна Владимировна

Санкт-Петербургская академия постдипломного педагогического образования (г. Санкт-Петербург)


Аннотация. Классический подход к управлению не эффективен в быстро меняющейся внешней среде. Частным организациям ДПО (ЧО ДПО), чтобы сохранить в этих условиях свою конкурентоспособность необходимо перейти к адаптивному управлению (АУ). Адаптация - это процесс приспособления, который включает изменения свойств организационной системы в ответ на изменения условий её функционирования. Адаптивное управление включает процессы прогнозирования, анализа ситуации и адаптации. Адаптивное управление организацией основывается на принципах вариативности, прозрачности, информационной обеспеченности, устойчивости и адаптивности, иерархичности, рефлексивности, демократизации и гуманизации, эффективности. Внешняя среда организации образует её «деловую экосистему». Адаптация затрагивает как внутреннюю структуру, так и «экосистему». В процессе АУ могут меняться как оперативные, краткосрочные, так и стратегические цели организации. Стратегия адаптация направлена на наиболее успешное приспособление к изменениям. Выделяют пассивную, активную и компенсационную стратегии. Образование носит инновационный характер. В управлении образованием адаптивный подход является закономерным. ЧО ДПО для успешной деятельности необходимо учитывать слабые сигналы внешней среды. АУ частными организациями ДПО направлено на сохранение устойчивости и жизнеспсобности за счёт интеграции адаптационных стратегий, управления по слабым сигналам и свойств самоорганизующихся систем.

Ключевые слова: адаптивное управление образованиием, адаптивное управления частными организациями дополнительного профессионального образования.

Annotation. The classical approach to management is not effective in a rapidly changing external environment. In order to maintain their competitiveness in these conditions, prívate organizations of DPO (PO DPO) need to switch to adaptive management

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