ЦИФРОВОЕ ПОВЕСТВОВАНИЕ В ОБУЧЕНИИ ИНОСТРАННОМУ ЯЗЫКУ Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
цифровое повествование / иностранный язык / изучение языка / ICT технологии / digital storytelling / foreign language / language learning / ICT

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Tилимисова Динара Серыкбаевна

в статье обсуждаются возможности применения технологии цифрового повествования в образовании. Актуальность определяется тем, что сторителлинг рассматривается как перспективный коммуникативный метод обучения иностранным языкам в общих и профессиональных целях. Цель исследования – представить основную информацию о происхождении и развитии метода сторителлинга, а также о форматах современного применения сторителлинга в практике обучения иностранным языкам. Также в работе рассмотрены основные практические аспекты данной технологии.

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the article examines how digital storytelling can be utilized in education, particularly in teaching foreign languages for both general and professional purposes. This topic is significant since storytelling is seen as an effective communicative approach to language teaching. The objective of the study is to present fundamental information about the history and evolution of the storytelling method, along with the contemporary formats of using storytelling in foreign language instruction. Moreover, the paper explores the practical aspects of implementing this technology in language education.




Тилимисова Динара Серыкбаевна

учитель английского языка КГУ «Средняя школа № 20», г. Астана E-mail: tilimissova.d.s@gmail.com


Dinara Tilimissova

English Teacher KSU "Secondary SchoolNo.20", Astana E-mail: tilimissova.d.s@gmail.com

Аннотация: в статье обсуждаются возможности применения технологии цифрового повествования в образовании. Актуальность определяется тем, что сторителлинг рассматривается как перспективный коммуникативный метод обучения иностранным языкам в общих и профессиональных целях. Цель исследования - представить основную информацию о происхождении и развитии метода сторителлинга, а также о форматах современного применения сторителлинга в практике обучения иностранным языкам. Также в работе рассмотрены основные практические аспекты данной технологии.

Ключевые слова: цифровое повествование, иностранный язык, изучение языка, ICT технологии.

Abstract: the article examines how digital storytelling can be utilized in education, particularly in teaching foreign languages for both general and professional purposes. This topic is significant since storytelling is seen as an effective communicative approach to language teaching. The objective of the study is to present fundamental information about the history and evolution of the storytelling method, along with the contemporary formats of using storytelling in foreign language instruction. Moreover, the paper explores the practical aspects of implementing this technology in language education.

Key words: digital storytelling, foreign language, language learning, ICT.

Researchers in the field of foreign language teaching and learning have consistently shown interest in speaking, as it is considered crucial for functioning in an English context. Speaking is central in learning or teaching a foreign language, but it also presents many challenges for English as Foreign Language (EFL) learners compared to other language skills. EFL learners often struggle to master speaking and to make themselves clearly understood in an EFL environment.

In EFL environments, speaking is rather arduous. It requires a series of processes, from the intention to speak to the articulation of clear speech [17, p. 115]. According to Celce-Murcia and Olshtain, speaking is one of the most challenging skills to acquire because it requires both skills in listening comprehension and speech

production subskills, such as vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammatical pattern choice [7, p. 220].

Willem J.M. Levelt conceptualized speaking as a multifaceted skill that involves linguistic, cognitive, and social aspects of language learning. He suggested that speaking involves several stages, including conceptualization, formulation, articulation, and self-monitoring. Conceptualization involves generating and organizing ideas and thoughts, while formulation involves selecting appropriate words and grammatical structures to express those ideas [17, p. 125]. Articulation involves the physical production of sounds, and self-monitoring involves monitoring and correcting one's own speech. Therefore, developing speaking skills requires learners to integrate these complex processes and use them effectively in real-time communication situations.

ELT expert Jeremy Harmer suggested that learners should know the language features to have a fluently and accurately speaking skill. These elements are of utmost importance for effective speaking. They include connected speech, expressive devices, lexis, grammar, and negotiation language [12, p. 38].

Susan Gass and Larry Selinker, the pioneers of second language acquisition research, observed that when English language learners communicate orally, the interaction is often adjusted or modified to facilitate better comprehension. This modification includes the repetition of the message and three conversational strategies: asking for clarification, confirming understanding, and checking for clarification [11, p. 218].

Like many types of research states, teaching only the linguistic aspects of the target language is not sufficient for engaging EFL learners in real-life communication within the target culture. It is necessary for learners to develop the ability to use the language in various sociocultural contexts [3, p. 99]. Therefore, the current emphasis on teaching speaking skills is on developing learners' communicative competence. Marianne Celce-Murcia, professor emeritus of applied linguistics, has emphasized that learners require extensive practice in authentic classroom situations, such as discussions, interacting with peers and teachers, and producing questions and answers. Furthermore, learners should be encouraged to use their knowledge flexibly, keeping communicative goals in mind [7, p. 220].

According to research in the field of technology and language teaching and learning, it is widely believed that the use of technology in foreign language classrooms is highly encouraged. Tesol professor Kenn Beatty has argued that Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) supports the integration of technology into foreign language teaching and learning, as it can offer EFL learners more genuine language input and more opportunities to practice the target language. The use of CALL in EFL classrooms can create a stimulating environment that motivates learners, facilitates dialogue and communication, and enhances oral production. This positive environment fosters personal growth, encourages collaboration among learners, provides enriching learning experiences for all students, and improves their communication skills [4, p. 55].

Various researchers agree that incorporating technology in education has provided new and effective ways to enhance language teaching and learning. Using technology tools in the classroom not only provides learners with more interesting activities but also motivates and engages them in the learning process. It supports a cognitive approach to language learning and enables learners to interact within meaning-rich contexts, leading to improved competence in a foreign language. The use of technology also creates an interactive learning environment that enhances classroom instruction. Incorporating technology in teaching speaking skills can lead to more authentic social interactions and improved exposure to the target language both inside and outside the classroom.

According to linguist Pinar Kasapoglu-Akyol, incorporating technology in language classrooms makes lessons more effective and engaging. It allows for the integration of various media types, such as sound, voice interaction, text, video, and animation, to create an interactive learning environment that enhances the classroom experience [15, p. 225]. Additionally, teaching speaking with technology is considered to improve exposure to the target language both inside and outside the classroom and engage learners in authentic social interactions [9, p. 36; 21, p. 75].

There are numerous technological tools available for developing and enhancing speaking skills, including avatars, animations, podcasts, and digital tools. Among these, digital storytelling is a particularly powerful learning tool that enriches and improves language learning and teaching. Digital storytelling (hereinafter DST) allows learners to speak out even when they feel marginalized by language, and it fosters critical thinking, creativity, multiliteracy, and reflection on the creative process [6, p. 43; 18; 25].

Digital storytelling appeared in the 1990s as a widespread and powerful storytelling tool. Initially, storytelling was used for business purposes as a unique way to communicate with consumers. Later, it caught the attention of educators and became a significant instructional tool. Digital storytelling has been extensively employed in language teaching and learning due to several factors, including the convenience and swiftness with which learners can generate their own digital stories, as highlighted by S. Behmer and B. Robin [5, 22].

Digital storytelling is defined by the Digital Storytelling Association as a contemporary version of traditional storytelling, which employs digital media to create and share stories. This powerful technology tool has significant potential for various applications.

Digital Storytelling is a modern and innovative method for students to creatively tell stories, offering enormous potential for creating, sharing, and preserving stories. It is an accessible and user-friendly tool that makes it easy to create and upload stories, providing an excellent means for students to share ideas and opinions, regardless of geographic distance, time, or accessibility constraints.

Knute Axelson defined digital storytelling as a new and valuable resource for media and interactive online content. Digital storytelling brings flexible and dynamic nature, which encapsulates audio, visual, and sensory elements. The procedure for developing a digital story involves writing a few-minute story, collecting images,

recording audio, and then aligning the pictures with the written text. The process of digital storytelling starts with traditional writing processes, such as brainstorming to select a topic, followed by drafting. Students then create a storyboard to visualize the story based on the script. The final step is production, using the website selected by the instructor [2, p. 50].

The length of educational digital stories is usually expected to range from two to ten minutes. When choosing a topic, it can be about personal tales, the recounting of historical events, exploring life in one's community, or life. The use of digital storytelling in education can have both personal and instructional dimensions. Learners can include their own perspectives in addition to instructional content when creating their digital stories. Thus, creating educational stories does not merely involve summarizing previous facts or reports, but rather, it involves integrating their own perspectives [19; 21, p. 189].

To put it differently, digital storytelling is anticipated to showcase how learners comprehend, construe, and disseminate the information they gain throughout the experience [26, p. 487]. Bruce Porter defined digital storytelling as the art of transforming and designing information. Thus, digital stories provide learners with opportunities to express specific facts and make themselves heard [22, p. 55]. According to Joe Lambert, there are seven key elements of digital storytelling, which consist of the purpose of the story, the narrator's perspective, a question or problem, the selection of the content or topic, the clarity of the voice, the pacing of the narrative, a meaningful soundtrack, high-quality visuals, the use of details, and proper grammar and language [16, p. 38]. Signes stated that there is, the last one is of utmost importance in EFL since among the target of making learners create a digital story is to provide students with the means to improve and increase their command of the language [26, p. 21].

Robin explained critical skills that are brought together during the process of creating a digital story. Among these skills, they point out writing, speaking, organization, technology, presentation, interpretation, and problem-solving skills, critical thinking, which develop digital, information literacy [23, p. 27].

Hull G.A. and Katz M.L. have stated that digital storytelling not only enhances learners' motivation but also increases their productivity. Learners are encouraged to present their ideas in a narrative way, providing ample opportunities for self-reflection and self-evaluation. The integration of music, sound, and personal narration empowers learners to have control over how they present themselves to the world, building their confidence as writers. Digital storytelling also necessitates learners to work with information, synthesize it, apply their creativity, conduct research, and use critical thinking skills [13, p. 23].

In addition, digital storytelling is advocated to help language learners to develop and improve language and communicative skills.

Digital storytelling is an umbrella term, and global concept refer to any type of media that facilitates the act of telling stories. Authors use ICT tools that allow for the digital manipulation of content - audio, text or images - to tell stories, which are the result of these process. Digital storytelling is rapidly proliferating throughout the

world perhaps due to its unique characteristics. Digital stores thrive through the Internet, weather in personal webpages and blogs, social networks such as Storify, Adobe spark Video (ASV), Story Book, Historypin, Storybird, Cowbird, Animoto, ZooBurst, ComicMaster, Projeqt, Picture Book Maker, Stop Frame Animator).

Advantages of using DST

promotes teamwork and

metacognitive skills, develop interdisciplinary, social and linguistic competence; improve public speaking; literacy skills (language development in terms of reading, writing and vocabulary); convey thoughts and feelings; higher order thinking skills (such as problem solving); ICT literacy; deal with ambiguity and complexity; decision making; progress in pronunciation; more solid vocabulary recall; develop research, presentation, writing and speaking skills

Disadvantages of using DST

requires to re-record their input to have a neat narration; difficulties using the technology impact the learning; led to misbehaviour or unproductive collaboration at school; digital stories include words above the children's language level which is difficult to pronounce; teachers need to be trained in using digital storytelling.

The benefits of using digital storytelling for the EFL teaching/learning process vary from increasing learners' motivation and creativity to helping them using personalization of the learning experience [23, p. 12]. Roby Teshia Young has researched that when teachers actively include digital storytelling in their curriculum, they facilitate learners' learning and inspire them. They provide learners with a significant educational experience if carefully planned and prepared. Moreover, learners become highly motivated by the personal nature of digital storytelling [24, p. 133].

To summarize the advantages and disadvantages of using digital storytelling as a teaching and learning tool, there are several points to consider. On the positive side, digital storytelling offers new teaching methodologies, enhances student engagement and motivation, encourages creativity, improves technology integration, helps with the understanding of complex topics through the use of images and promotes communication. However, there are also some disadvantages to consider. These include the need for more teacher education and training in the use of digital storytelling, as well as the time needed for learners to create their digital stories [8, p. 22].

According to Frazel M., digital storytelling is an essential component of our modern world, with platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok being full of stories. It plays a significant role in developing skills that are crucial for the future of children, their studies, and work [10, p. 11]. User-friendly technology available today

enables young learners to create stories easily and imaginatively in a second language, making it an innovative learning tool for discussing personal matters, learning content, or visual information [1]. By actively participating in meaning-making, digital storytelling can enhance learner understanding and empower them to take control of their learning, resulting in "authentic and meaningful learning experiences" [14, p. 320]. Professor Language and Literacy Vicky Macleroy et al. suggest that digital storytelling promotes innovative and imaginative language learning that can have positive effects on young learners, as they have ownership over their creative digital story, and language learning is combined with ICT [1].

According to Lambert's StoryCenter, DST includes seven components [16, p. 37-38]:

• self-revelatory (narration of new knowledge)

• personal or first-person voice (personal insights)

• experiential (from their own lives)

• photos more than moving images (to have the focus on the narration)

• soundtrack (music/sounds to support the meaning of the story)

• restrained length and design (short videos)

• intention (importance of the individual, superiority of the evolvement of the story over the product)

These cornerstones characterise general DST. For education, Kervin and Mantei define DST as 'multimodal texts that combine audio, linguistic, and visual modes to create unique stories'. These multimodal stories combine spoken or written narrative and still or moving pictures with music or sound effects 'to add emotional depth' and can be made using computer software to create a short film. This three-part combination is aimed to 'enrich and enhance the written or spoken word'. Such personal stories are often short and easy to share with the outside world [20, p. 72]. DST is a 'multimedia activity' [10, p. 10] that:

• tells a short story with a voice-over

• is accompanied by photos/icons and music (i.e., it entails multimodality)

• has a clearly defined audience (their peers and their teacher)

• has clear aims based on the curriculum and the children's prior learning (practice and repetition of language already acquired)

• includes child-oriented and playful tasks that are achievable for all learners because of differentiation, scaffolding, and language support

• stretches the children's linguistic abilities because of the free manner of expression

• allows for rehearsal of the spoken text in a safe environment

• is collaboratively done in their L2 (drawing on their L1 and translanguaging

• strategies to facilitate the process and production)

• engages young learners affectively, so they also build up interdisciplinary competences such as reasoning skills

DST entails literacy and oracy. Oral DST provides practice in speaking as learners plan and rehearse before making a recording and then listen, correct and

repeat to produce a final version, thus fostering their fluency. Several studies have shown the value of letting students have free choice over their DST tasks.


To sum up, Digital Storytelling incorporates various forms of literacy and language abilities. It blends multimedia research, production, and presentation skills with conventional tasks such as writing and oral presentation skills. DST motivates students to make sense of fragmented events by interpreting, arranging, prioritizing, and creating meaning out of them. This necessitates the collection and curation of audio and visual materials to bolster their story, followed by combining and structuring them in a manner that allows them to achieve their desired effect. The ability to tell their own story is facilitated by the narrative function. Learning also occurs through the interaction of linguistic resources with the capabilities of the software and the DST task. This will allow children to expand their repertoire and become not just performers of someone else's script, but co-creative actors improvising on a given theme. Digital Storytelling (DST) is a deliberate educational method that promotes the development of communication and information and communication technology (ICT) skills that are essential for children's academic and professional futures. Moreover, DST can stimulate children's creativity, encourage them to learn a second language, work independently, and take ownership of their work.

List of literature

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