Научная статья на тему 'TRANSPORT LOGISTICS'

TRANSPORT LOGISTICS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Dmitrienko N.A., Grachev P.P., Kushnareva I.V.

The problem concerns the interaction of international logistics with other types of logistics: the processes of purchasing, producing, distributing, transporting, storing and information processing are considered. The marketing concept of transport logistics is revealed and its significance is stated in this paper.

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Текст научной работы на тему «TRANSPORT LOGISTICS»

Dmitrienko N.A., Candidate of pedagogic sciences,

Assistant Professor Grachev P.P., a master student Kushnareva I. V., Candidate of economic sciences,

Assistant Professor

The Institute of Service and Business (branch) of Don State Technical

University Schachty

TRANSPORT LOGISTICS Abstract: The problem concerns the interaction of international logistics with other types of logistics: the processes of purchasing, producing, distributing, transporting, storing and information processing are considered. The marketing concept of transport logistics is revealed and its significance is stated in this paper.

Keywords: production, resources, efficiency, logistics, transport, economy, purchase logistics, produce logistics, distribute logistics, transport logistics, logistics of stocks, international logistics.

The logistics is a quickly developing science branch. It is impossible to find a field of the enterprise or organization activity without logistic principles and methods, it would be impossible. It is a science about planning, controlling and transport managing, the warehousing and other material and non-material operations made in the course of bringing raw materials and materials to manufacturing enterprise, intra factory processing of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products according to the interests and requirements, and also transferring, storing and processing the relevant information. [1]

The development of a transport network is intended to strengthening commercial relations between the states of the whole world, and in globalization processes, the main direction is based on logistics, i.e. the international logistics. The international logistics is a special area of theoretical and practical knowledge, business skills, effective actions of professional experts focused on the processes of organization, technology and optimization technology, management and control of interconnected streams serving the aims of international material streams exchange, intellectual products, innovations and services in time and space. The peculiar feature of international logistics is that the producer and the consumer of production are in different states and therefore the logistic chain of distribution is formed by taking into account the passing frontiers and customs. The logistics can be divided into purchasing, production, distributive, transport, information processes. Allocating warehouse logistics and logistics of stocks are also important fields of logistics. However such logistics division into functional areas is rather conditional as these areas are parts of the whole chain and is made by the interconnected links of a logistic chain.

Purchasing logistics. Purpose of purchasing logistics is consisted in coordination and integration of logistic types of marketing and commercial activities providing the enterprise in supply for delivery, which is more than the business organization optimizing expenses of resources. Implementation of supply (purchases) is one of the major functions of each firm. Its value can be evaluated

in two aspects: tactical (quick) and strategic. Implementation of supply in operational plan is being done with the help of daily operations connected with purchases and directed to regulate the problems connected with lack of a necessary supply of material resources or finished goods. Absence of demanded production quantity meets the quality standards, the delivery of goods must be done in time and convenient way to reach the consumer of production or service. It is so obvious that lack of claims, in particular, can serve as an indicator of good quality supply. The strategic party of supply process includes all processes of purchases managing and relationship with suppliers, communications and interactions with other departments of the company, requirements and inquiries of consumers, and also planning and development of new purchasing schemes and methods, etc. Production logistics.

The production logistics according to a commodity policy of the enterprise provides a continuous production of the enterprise, carrying out their constant loading of raw materials, accessories and their storage; optimization of inner productions according to the principles of organizing production (duration, rhythm and another).

Distribution (marketing) logistics. The distribution logistics represents a complex of strategic, organizational, financial and other measures which are closely connected in a flexible control system of material and other streams in the course of their advance to internal and external markets according to marketing strategy of the company. The distribution logistics is responsible for providing goods demanded in the market, necessary quantity of the goods, in time and of appropriate quality, it is to maintain transporting process, transferring and so on.

Warehouse logistics. Any enterprise has a warehouse or a warehouse network, faces a set of logistic problems as strategic, and operational. Thus it is necessary to remember that all tasks within these problems are closely connected and have to be considered in accurate sequence. The movement through a warehouse is connected with expenses of substantiated work thus increasing costs and price. In this regard the problems are connected with functioning of warehouses influenced on rationalization of material streams movement in a logistic chain, using vehicles and distributing costs. The modern large warehouse is a difficult technical construction which consists of the numerous interconnected elements, and has a certain structure and carries out a number of functions on transformation of material streams, and also accumulation, processing and distribution of goods between consumers. The warehouse logistics provides products storage, movement and consolidation in a warehouse, the organization of system of warehousing includes marking, packing, repacking, control of movement in a warehouse, warehouse document flow, management of warehouse stocks, coordination with logistic purchasing operations, production, distributive, and transport and information logistics.

Information logistics. Information logistics belongs to such area of logistics due to maintenance of interrelation between separate links of a logistic chain, creation of the uniform databases; information systems and improvement of

merchandising system allow reducing production costs.

Transport logistics. The role of transportation is so great that it separately allocates transport logistics. External (logistic channel of supply is sale) and internal (intra production, technological) transportation. Consumers of transport services choose transport means and ways of transporting which would provide the best quality of logistic service. In the structure of logistic expenses transportation costs is 20 - 40% and more. Transport possesses a special role in forming and developing logistics in our country. The domestic transport and enterprises are participating in international transport of freights the first needs modern logistic technologies of transportation and cargo handling: inter-multimodal and terminal systems of transporting goods, transport technologies from " door to door", modern telecommunication systems of maintenance cargo transportation and so on.

Logistics and quality management are inseparable concepts. The organizations began to realize that the qualitative product delivered with delay or damage can not find the consumer. Shortcomings and omissions of logistics reduce all efforts on improving a product quality. It is necessary to meet the needs of consumers in a delivery chain introducing control systems of quality, their continuous improvement. [2]

This is one of the fundamental directions of managing information and material streams of goods. The most favorable route is to bring logistic object to a consumer in the shortest possible time (provided terms) with the minimum expenses, and object damage during delivery process. Negative impact on logistic object is based on external factors (a transportation condition), and temporary factor is based on delivery of objects with great expenses. Vehicles promote the movement of a material stream from primary source of raw materials to final consumers. An example of transport logistics is bringing demanded quantity of goods to a necessary point without expenses. Such movement is also called transport logistics.

Transport can be divided into two categories: transport for general use and public transport. The branch of a national economy satisfying requirements of all other branches and the population in transporting goods and passengers is public transport service is considered to be main. The railway transport, a water transport (sea and river), motor, air and pipeline transport belongs to public transport network. Inter transport is transporting of special goods. Here we can see vehicles and technical improvement of transport, introduction new, more modern technologies, improvement of transport organization promotion increase efficiency of transportations. Technical improvements reduce time of loading and unloading operations; increase the speed, volume of the transported goods, etc. A problem of transport logistics is to reduce duration and labor input of transportation of goods as a result of reduction a number of the carried-out operations and stages of transporting process.

Two basic concepts are operation and stages are essence of transport technology of bringing goods. Operation is the uniform, a part of transporting

processes for achieving a definite purpose, which is carried out by one or several performers. The set of operations carried out is called a stage. Transportation process coordination and phasing; in ambiguity of actions are the main signs characterizing technology of transport process. Any operation means approach the object of management to a goal providing transition from one operation to another. The last operation is the introduction of the first operation to the second stage. The more precisely the description of process of transportation of goods corresponds to its subjective logic, has a high probability of increasing efficiency of people's activity occupied in it. When performing the stages and operations included in each technology it is necessary to provide ambiguity of actions. If performance of one operation deviates, it will be reflected in all links of a technological chain.

Production and transporting goods includes stages of loading, transportation and unloading is called cycles of transport process. The rhythm of each cycle is defined by the frequency which, depends on the average duration of one cycle. High degree of dynamism, continuous change of a state and change of structure of elements distinguish one cycle from another. Cycles of separate transportations are fluctuated in time. However they always have the beginning and the end. Each repeating cycle of transportation develops separate stages which are in close interrelation and equally directed as their ultimate goal is to reach spatial change of providing goods. The complex of these cycles developing creates transportation process.

To solve problems of transport logistics, it is necessary:

1) to create transport systems, transport corridors and transport chains;

2) to provide technological unity of transport and warehouse process;

3) to plan transport process paying attention to warehouse and production;

4) to choose a type of vehicle;

5) to choose vehicle type;

6) to define rational routes of delivery, etc.

We will consider the basic principles of transport logistics. The creation, the analysis and improvement are done on the basis of methodology of general cybernetic theory of systems composed the first, fundamental principle of transport logistics.

Highlights of system approach in creation of transport logistics consist of:

1) purposes of creating and functioning transport system logistics;

2) elements of transport logistics to achieve the goal;

3) structure which the system of transport logistics has to have to achieve a


4) system structure of transport logistics, aimed at achieving the goal;

5) interactions of transport logistics system with external systems;

6) system activity as a result of transport logistics compared to the goal.

The requirements to the market transport services establish the second

principle of transport logistics. Such requirements consist of:

1) provision a wide complex of services (for example loading and unloading, packing products, temporary storage the goods in warehouses, customs

registration of imported goods etc.);

2) organizing multimodal transportation of goods by different types of transport according to uniform transport documents;

3) cargo deliveries according to accurate schedule;

4) registration of all transport documents.

Exact rendering transport services during the exact period of time, in places of destination, necessary quality and acceptable price for the consumer are the third principle of transport logistics.

The fourth principle of transport logistics approves a priority of the valid rendering transport service, technical insurance of rendering transport services at large scales but which has no practical implementation due to the absence of orders for transportation of goods. That is the transport enterprise needs to possess great opportunities for transporting goods. The high tariffs for transportations, competitors with other transport organizations are the conditions to be considered.

The effective level of consumers transport service proposes the fifth principle of transport logistics. A choice of reasonable compromise solution in transport service: level is to be increased to preserve the potential and perspective customers. To organize flexible system of grants intended to differentiating levels of transport service for different customers, i.e. for different market segments.

It is necessary to take into account the influence of this link to the system of transport logistics. The seventh principle of transport logistics consists in it. Considering technology and conditions of transporting goods, demanded transport service is the basis of practical usage.

The costs of each separate transport service operation ensure the eighth principle of transport logistics. Elementary operations of transport service consist of:

1) empty vehicle for loading;

2) loading transport package in the vehicle;

3) unloading the goods from the vehicle at the warehouses;

4) Transporting the goods at 1 km distance.

Calculations of technical and economic costs and justifications are the condition of the ninth principle of transport logistics.

Performance of calculations and justification should be carried out beforehand and is stored in a computer databank. It will be a marketing strategy the management in competitive conditions. The tenth principle of transport logistics is based on it.

Processing information concerning shippers and customers in the region, competitors, types of transport, potential partners, on multimodal transportation, public administration, the transport legislation, banks and insurance companies, cargo terminals, customs warehouses ensure the eleventh principle of transport logistics.

"To create and support good business, partnership with other transport organizations - participants of transportation process accounting mutual interests and compromises" makes the twelfth principle of transport logistics. It is possible

to draw a conclusion that transport logistics consists of transporting goods to the necessary point, using optimum route for the determined time at minimum expenses. [3]

In the conclusion we can say that international transport activity of Russia is based on different processes, purchasing, and warehouse and information logistics. Such ratio of functional areas can be explained by insufficient integration of our country into world economic system. Thus, it is possible to note that the international logistics promotes development of foreign economic activity of the enterprises, optimizing purchasing, transport, warehouse and other processes. [4]


1.Rodnikov, A.N. Logistics :Glossary. - M.: Economics, 1995.

2.Voronin, G.P. Quality Logistics-Logistics of Quality Logistics//- №12-2014-p.24

3. Makarov, M.A Transport logistics// Actual problems of the humanity and the natural sciences. - № 12. -2012-s.194-198

4. Lyamanova, E.A.Development of international logistics and its relationship with other types of logistics//System Management. - № 2. -2012-p.29

Ekaterina Fedotova

Master student of Institute of Social and Humanitarian Technologies

National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University

Russia, Tomsk



Abstract. This article considers the results of the investigation of basic trends franchising in Russia, the structure of franchise and prospects of development this business model in future.


There is no doubt that franchising is one of the most attractive types of activity for small and medium-sized businesses. This business model has been actively developing for more than 20 years and it has excellent prospects for development in Russia. Today franchising is one of the best ways to raise the efficiency of business in any sphere of activities, so in future those entrepreneurs who want to improve their competitiveness will definitely choose franchising.

Over the past 2 years dynamics of economic growth in Russia has dramatically shifted into low gear. According to Russian Federal State Statistics Service in 2014 and 2013 GDP growth accounted for 0.6 % and 1.3%, respectively as against 3.4 % in 2012 [1]. On the part of manufacturing this slowdown was connected with dynamics of industrial production, wholesale and retail trade, construction, real estate transaction and net tax on products. On the part of GDP the slowdown was provoked by consumption dynamics and dynamics of capital formation. However, despite such volatile economic environment franchising has clear prospects for further development and gives entrepreneurs

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