TRANSLATION PROBLEMS IN ORAL SPEECH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
meaning / translation methods / correct and effective delivery.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Ominaxon Azizjon Kizi Odilova, Mavlyuda Abduvaliyevna Komiljonova

The article highlights the problems of translation studies in oral speech and discusses them in detail. The role and importance of translation from English to Uzbek is discussed today.

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Текст научной работы на тему «TRANSLATION PROBLEMS IN ORAL SPEECH»


Ominaxon Azizjon kizi Odilova

Student, Chirchik state pedagogical university lenaramustafayeva2410@gmail .com Scientific adviser: Mavlyuda Abduvaliyevna Komiljonova Teacher, Chirchik state pedagogical university E-mail: mavlyudadjurayeva1@gmail.com


The article highlights the problems of translation studies in oral speech and discusses them in detail. The role and importance of translation from English to Uzbek is discussed today.

Keywords: meaning, translation methods, correct and effective delivery.


Today shows that it is impossible to imagine our lives without modern technologies. They have become part of the twenty-first century. Knowing, understanding and using the main part of these technologies requires knowledge of the world language. The reason is that their manuals and programs are also written in English. That is why accurate and high-quality translation from English is important. This makes the work of translators somewhat difficult, because when translating scientific and technical terms, first of all, great attention should be paid to the meaning from a scientific and technical point of view. The most important thing is to have skills. Correct and effective translation is not visible only in this case. Perhaps it is appropriate to consider problems and shortcomings in fiction, grammar and oral speech. We can meet different manifestations of translation problems in different situations: in grammar, in oral speech, in the translation of artistic and scientific works. One of the actual problems that we will consider today is about translation problems in oral speech.

In the process of translation, the translator must have a deep understanding of the control and artistic features of literary creation, pay special attention to the quality of the characters in the work. That is why the reportrayal of such bright characters as Sultanmurad, Arslanqul, Zayniddin, Majididdin, Tuvgonbek in the novel "Navoi" required the author to study the life and work of the great thinker, the poet's life as a researcher and puts the same requirements to the translator also. After all, it is natural that Navoi's image cannot be embodied to other people without feeling his identity. Importantly, the differences between cultures require the translator to have a deep

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linguistic knowledge as well as an awareness of the cultures of the peoples. For example, Uzbek cultural norms are undoubtedly different from American culture. Some words or sentences found in our national works create a pragmatic situation in the text that is unique to our nation. In order to understand these subtleties, it is necessary to be a representative of the Uzbek nation. For example, the only word "Borakallo!". As can be seen from our example, even if the creator does not give any information about who said the word, his gender, age, the reader will easily understand that the author of the sentence is an older man. It is the real art of the translator to convey the same situation to a foreign reader. "Barakallo, bu yerdagi ishlardan aql hurkadi!" "Well, well! Local affairs can come in horror" Or consider another example: " -Faqirning ostonasini ne maqsad bilan so'radi kimyogar." In this example, there is the word "faqir", which does not mean poor, but the first person pronoun (I), which reflects Uzbek humility. The translator must convey this situation to the reader in the following sense:

-Why have you come to my place? - he asked slowly but with an unsatisfied


In addition to the above, there are synonyms, phraseological combinations, proverbs in the novel that enrich his style, and finding an alternative to them shows how rich the translator's vocabulary should be. However, it should also be noted that in some cases the translator uses lexical repetition instead of synonymous means.

M. Hakimov notes that lexical repetition is used to maintain consistency and that the phenomenon is clearly visible in the sentences within a paragraph. E. A. According to Referovskaya, the use of a certain word in a series of sentences makes it a central element of the sentence, and thus draws the attention of both the listener and the speaker to that word. In addition, through it, the sentences are interconnected. Proof of our opinion can be seen in the following examples: "Mana u bir zum qotib boshini ushladi-oq salla qip-qizil qonga bo'yaldi. Olo-mon hayqirib chuvvos solarkan, yarador amaldor daraxtlar orasida g'oyib bo'ldi...-Ajab voqealar bo'lmoqda. Xalqning haqiqat talab qilgan ovozidan butun Hirot larza-da,- shavq bilan dedi Sultonmurod... - Uluska ne yomonlik qilibmiz?-beparvolik bilan so'radi To'g'onbek."

As can be seen in the given example, synonymous words such as crowd, people, nation were used. However, the translation process used not the synonymous means, but the lexical repetition technique mentioned above:

"Here he paused for a moment and grabbed his head,-his white turban was drowned in blood. The people broke cries of joy; he was wounded, managed to hide

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behind trees...-There is an extraordinary thing going on outside. The people demand justice, their voices are shaking entire Herat.- Sultonmurod said excitedly...What have I done wrong to the people?-Togonbek asked quietly."

While translating Oybek's Navoi, in the process we come across the author's artistic interpretation of issues such as a just king and people, Navoi and people, Navoi and war, Navoi and the fate of culture, Navoi and the unity of peoples. In this case, we are tasked to try to embody the image of Navoi to foreigners through the image of the poet, promoting the socio-philosophical views that are important for his contemporaries and exemplary for future generations.

We know that historical works are often written in poetic form. However, many works have been translated from verse to prose. Prose translation has its own difficulties, as does poetic translation. Often in poetic translation we come across the idea that the choice of a word, its length or brevity, every vowel and consonant in its composition plays a decisive role. However, prose translation also has its own complexities, as can be seen from the above examples, in the process of translation, the words are consistent in meaning and style; it is necessary to replace each other, to find alternative expressions, to create special syntactic devices.

Sometimes in translating a work, the translator has to work with three or more languages instead of two. In particular, in "Navoi" we find poems in the Persian -Tajik language;

Hech kasro nazdi dud naguzoshti, In du shohi gov gar har doshti.

As can be seen from the example given, this situation doubles our task. Now the translator is required to work only in Uzbek and English: If a donkey had ox's horns, In would not let anybody come close to it. We can see that it is translated into Uzbek as follows: Agar eshakni xo'kiz kabi shohlari bo'lsa, Hech kim unga yaqinlashmasligi kerak edi.

It is known that in the past the works of Uzbek writers were translated into Russian. Oybek's novel "Navoi" is the first experiment to be translated directly into English. The content of the work is translated correctly in all respects, but in some places there are inaccuracies, deviations from the original. As we compared the original and translated version of this novel, we witnessed a violation of national identity in some parts of the translation. For example, the original: "Mana bunda biri katta sallali boshini uzliksiz chayqab, ko'zlarini chirt yumgan holda g'o'ng'ilab Arabiyotni yodlaydi" (p.3). In the translation: "Here one could also see one of them with his

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book on his knees learning by heart the book called "Arabiyot" with his eyes closed". The words "katta sallali boshini uzluksiz chayqab" (constantly shaking his head in a big turban) in the above sentence have been dropped in the language of translation and the meaning has changed or in fact "chuchitilgan moy va qovirilgan go'sht hidi dimoqlariga urildi" (the smell of smoked butter and fried meat has hit the palate.) (P. 11) The meaning of the sentence has completely changed in the language of translation.

If we translate the phrase "They all heated the oil and fried meat" back into Uzbek, it means: "Ular hammasi moyni qizdirdilar va go'shtni qovurdilar"

Or in the original: "Do'st yorlar yig'ilishib chag'ir ichib musiqa va raqslar bilan tong ottiradilar." (p. 11)

In the translation: "They gathered together with their friends and drunk alcohol, listened to music and watched dances: in short they had a good time," given as.

The word "chag'ir" in the above example is translated into the language as "alcohol", the national meaning of which is lost in English. In addition to the original: "Uzoq kengashdan so'ng biron ma'qul chora topilmagach yog'ochday qotgan, junsiz, taqir po'stakda xujra to'rida o'tirgan Aloiddin Mashxadiy kichgina gavdasi bilan yengilgina qo'zg'alib uzun pechi osilgan katta sallali boshini chayqadi" in the language of translation: "After a long discussion they could not find any solution and then Aloiddin Mashhadiy who was sitting on the top of the room moved and shook his head." (p. 11).

In the above sentence, the words "Yog'ochday qotgan junsiz taqir po'stakda va kichkina gavdasi bilan yengilgina, uzin pechi osilgan katta sallali" are not reflected in the translation and the national meaning is lost.

In the original text: "Agar qasida shoiri bo'lsam edi, hoqon ibn hoqon Sulton Husayin Boyqaro hazratlariga bir bemisl qasida yozib, janobi oliydan shoxona sarpolar olar edim, chunki ayni vaqti: ikki hafta muqaddam ul janobning muborak boshlariga Xumoyun qushi qo'ndi, ko'ngillari barqaror bo'ldi. Usharoga saxovatning yetti darvozasini ochishlariga aminmen" sentence translation: "If I were a poet of ode I would write an ode to Sultan Husain Boyqaro and would get royal clothes and praises, because two weeks ago he was appointed as a king and he calmed down a lot. I am completely sure that he will praise and respect poets now".

Comparing the Uzbek and English texts, the words "Hoqon ibr hoqon hazratlariga, ul janobning muborak boshlariga Xumoyun qushi qo'ndi" are not reflected in the translated language, and the Uzbek sense of respect and nationality in the original speech is lost.

Or in fact: "Butun Hirot hasratda uyg'ondi" is translated as "All Herat woke up in

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the mountains" and the content has completely changed.

From the above points, it can be understood that correct translation is very important to convey it correctly to the listener. If the translator does not give in to emotions during the work process, if he expresses a personal opinion or opinion in the wrong sense, it will damage the correct and clear delivery of the translation. This requires full skill and knowledge from the translator.

In oral speech, we can also see that: when we speak English, we need to know the correctness of what we say. The reason is that some words that exist in the Uzbek language are not found in the English language. But there are words that are used in its meaning. The same is important for explaining words.

At this point, it should be noted that the difference between oral and written speech in translation is: "in oral translation, compared to written translation, you need to have a high level of knowledge of the English language, to have sufficient skills, and also to speak fluently that is, you must be able to pronounce correctly, use notation correctly [Solijonov Juraali Kamoljonovich]. In addition to the above point, your responsibility to your audience is huge. Because of this, you are required to simultaneously listen and analyze it in your head to deliver it correctly. This requires you to think deeply. In addition, before using oral speech, it is necessary to know well written speech. Because this is the first step in the field of translation. When it comes to translation, you need to have sufficient skills in translation techniques and be able to think critically. If you are translating in an artistic style, you should express artistry, creativity, and also skillfully use lexical and grammatical changes to make the translation artistic: change the order of words, so replacement of parts (inversion), causal relationships, etc. If it is in scientific style, you are required to translate using scientific terms based on facts, with scientific examples. Translation is not copying, especially in the field of art, it is appropriate for the translator to be creative with his aesthetics, to artistically express the story of the work you are translating, as well as the life of its author.


Interpretation plays a very important role today. For example, foreign businessmen and politicians of different countries work in different countries, and therefore they use translation during their work. In this article, we have provided some examples of problems encountered in interpreting. We bring this through:

1. We defined the translation of the concept;

2. We defined the difference between written and oral translation;

3. We identified the problems of oral translation.

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The best part of translation is art, the work of a talented, highly skilled professional.


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April 23-24, 2024

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