TRANSLATION FEATURES OF TECHNICAL TEXTS (EXAMPLES OF ECONOMIC TEXTS) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Vlasenko N.I., Tolmacheva I. А.

Translation features of texts on economics are described in the paper. Translation peculiarities of texts on economics are described in the article. Translation of texts on economics is such kind of translation where an interpreter should have knowledge not only in English language but also in some economics' fields. An interpreter should also have a high level of linguistic training. The authors say that the translated text in all characteristics and parameters should be identical to the original and adapted as clearly as possible for optimal perception by the target audience. There are some examples of various features of translating texts. Given examples show that economic texts is characterized by an accurate translation structure. The difficulty of this work is that a large number of economic terms appeared in Russian not long ago or they were borrowed from English.

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DOI: https://doi.Org/10.18454/RULB.2020.24.4.20


Научная статья

Власенко Н.И.1 , Толмачева И.А.2 *

1 2 Юго-Западный государственный университет, Курск, Россия

* Корреспондирующий автор (toirina[at]yandex.ru)


В статье описаны переводческие особенности текстов по экономике. Перевод текстов по экономике - это такой перевод, где переводчик должен знать не только английский язык, но и некоторые экономические области. Переводчик должен также иметь высокий уровень языковой подготовки. Авторы говорят о том, что переведенный текст по всем характеристикам и параметрам должен быть идентичен оригиналу и максимально четко адаптирован для оптимального восприятия целевой аудиторией. В статье приводятся примеры различных особенностей, встречающихся при переводе текстов. Приведённые примеры показывают, что перевод экономических текстов характеризуется точной структурой перевода. Сложность этой работы в том, что в русском языке не так давно появилось большое количество экономических терминов, или они были заимствованы из английского.

Ключевые слова: экономический перевод, термин, сокращение, русский язык, английский язык, речь.


Research article

Vlasenko N.I.1 , Tolmacheva ЬА.2 *

1 2 South-West State University, Kursk, Russia

* Corresponding author (toirina[at]yandex.ru)


Translation features of texts on economics are described in the paper. Translation peculiarities of texts on economics are described in the article. Translation of texts on economics is such kind of translation where an interpreter should have knowledge not only in English language but also in some economics' fields. An interpreter should also have a high level of linguistic training. The authors say that the translated text in all characteristics and parameters should be identical to the original and adapted as clearly as possible for optimal perception by the target audience. There are some examples of various features of translating texts. Given examples show that economic texts is characterized by an accurate translation structure. The difficulty of this work is that a large number of economic terms appeared in Russian not long ago or they were borrowed from English.

Keywords: economic translation, term, abbreviation, Russian, English, speech.

The translation task remains a stylistic task for any kind of translated material. On the one hand, attention should be paid to the vocabulary and grammatical capabilities that determine the focus of the original and its genre affiliation and, on the other hand, take into account and follow the norms that exist in this type of the text. The analysis of communicative target setting of the text cannot be indifferent to the genre of the text because each genre has its own specific difficulties [1, P. 94], [2, PP.7276].

Economic texts are of direct interest of our research. Economic translation is one of the most complex and relevant translations. Economic texts have a number of features that significantly affect the process and result of translation. It is rich in terms, stable expressions and phrases. Specialized translations require the translator to comply with certain rules. It is necessary to have not only excellent knowledge of the language, but also have special knowledge of economic theory and an understanding of special terminology features. The translator must use all the richness of his native language in translation. Without knowing the features of your own language, it is unlikely that you will be able to make a good translation. Therefore, it is always necessary to remember that translation is a direct connection between two languages. Translation of economic texts is characterized by an accurate translation structure. Special attention is paid to numbers and facts, compliance with lexical features. The translator should be attentive and pay attention to small things, should have knowledge in the field of economic terminology. The difficulty of this work is that a large number of economic terms appeared in Russian language not so long ago, or they were borrowed from English. The concepts to which these terms refer are not in Russian or they are being formed under the influence of Russian economic realities [3], [4], [5, P.597], [7].

Here is an example of the term hedge. This is a calque from English. There is no equivalent to this term in Russian. In English, this term means: barrier, hedge. But in Russian, this term in the field of economics is used to refer to such concept as: protection from inflation. When translating sentences with similar words or phrases, you should take into account the subject matter of the text, as well as pay attention to the rest of the sentence, as they help us determine the correct meaning of a given word.

- So now that it is facing the prospect of current-account deficits, it has little choice but to relax its grip, in order to bring in more foreign funding.

- Итак, теперь, когда в перспективе грозит дефицит текущего счета, нет другого выбора, кроме как ослабить контроль для привлечения иностранных инвестиций.

In this sentence, the word prospect is translated as перспектива, the meaning of this word allows you to determine the presence of economic terms. The word deficit can be translated as дефицит or недостаток.

- But its savings rate has fallen to about the same, from 50% of GDP a decade ago, as its people have learned to love opening their wallets (or rather, tapping their mobile payment apps).

- Норма сбережений снизилась до прежнего уровня, с 50% от Валового Валютного Продукта, достигнутого десять лет назад, потому что его граждане (Китая) научились открывать свои кошельки (или использовать мобильные приложения для оплаты).

The word decade is translated from English as десятилитие, in Russian there is a word декада, similar to the word decade, which designates a period of ten days. The translation of such words must be checked in the dictionary [4, P. 1316], [9], [10, P. 90-93].

There are difficulties when translating phrases consisting of two or more words. Collocations are created by adding specific characteristics to the term in order to get grammatical aspects of concepts directly connected to the source. Such terms are definitions that bring this concept under more general and at the same time indicate its specific feature. When translating phrases, you should define the composition of the phrase, then define the main word and translate this term, and then select the necessary equivalent in Russian. At the same time, it should be noted that word order in equivalents of Russian language often does not coincide with word order in terms in English. The scope of terms and the context should also be taken into account. Balance sheet ratio is an example of such fact [8, P. 34]. The main term is balance sheet, which means balance, and the word ratio is a key word, used as a specifying characteristic.

Utility is related to the Laws of Supply and Demand.

Supply translated from English has meaning to supply, demand. In this case, Laws of Supply and Demand is an economic term that in Russian denotes the Law of Supply and Demand. Such term as Surplus Income in English means additional income.

Special attention should be paid to abbreviations. The main task of abbreviations is to save speech and written text. When pronouncing, the abbreviation in time of sound is several times shorter than the concept corresponding to it, and when writing, the savings are even more impressive. However, the advantages of such savings are good only as long as the abbreviations are clear to the interlocutors and their translator. Here some ways of the translation of abbreviations: — The translation by finding of initial elements of an abbreviation: IMF — International Monetary Fund [6, PP.111-116].

- the translation is by transcription and transliteration: BBC, said in many languages in its English sounding like [Bi-Bi-Si].

- UNESCO - ЮНЕСКО and INTERPOL - ИНТЕРПОЛ are transliterated.

-The translation by reconsideration of meaning in an initial abbreviation: The members of the NEDC are representatives of both the employers' federations and the TUC, together with members of the government, eminent industrialists and leading economists. There are several trading firms and organizations in the world that have TUC in their name, in this example we should translate this abbreviation as the Congress of Trade Unions. "Employee's federations" is before the acronym TUC and helps to translate correct the term Trade Union Congress correctly. It should be noted that when translating most abbreviations, the translator needs to consult with a dictionary, guide or search engine in order to understand the meaning of these abbreviations [3, P.58].

Thus, one of the main goals of the translation of economic texts is to transfer the information at the lexical, grammatical, stylistic levels, as well as to transfer pragmatic function of the text. These goals can be achieved through the adequacy of the translation, which requires the translator to be able to make a variety of inter-language transformations — translation transformations. The main rule of economic translation should also be noted: the translated text in all characteristics and parameters should be identical to the original and adapted as clearly as possible for optimal perception by the target audience.

Конфликт интересов Conflict of Interest

Не указан. None declared.

Список литературы / References

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Список литературы на английском / References in English

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8. Dark Days Ahead, The Economist, 2015

9. Tolmacheva I.A. Vzaimodejstvie yazykov v soznanii mnogoyazychnogo individa [Interaction of languages in the mind of a multilingual individual]: monograph / Tolmacheva I.A. - Kursk, 2018. - 107 p. [In Russian]

10. Vlasenko N.I. Approaches to the study of languages interaction in the mind of an individual / Vlasenko N.I., Tolmacheva I.A. // SGEM 2014: International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on Social Sciences & Arts 2014. P. 8994.

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