Научная статья на тему 'Transformation of the role of the state cultural policy in contemporary history of Russia'

Transformation of the role of the state cultural policy in contemporary history of Russia Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Luzan Vladimir S.

The article attempts to reveal the transformation of the role of the state cultural policy in the Russian Federation within the period of modern history, starting from the first decade of the XXI century when the state system of cultural processes management as well as the major factors that determine this transformation were finally formed.The article states that the analysis of classical and modern Russian studies of cultural policy affirms the validity of the interdisciplinary research of this multidimensional object.In conclusion the author outlines the general provisions and probable trends in the development of the state cultural policy of Russia in modern geopolitical situation.

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Трансформация роли государственной культурной политики в период новейшей истории России

В статье предпринята попытка раскрыть трансформацию роли государственной культурной политики Российской Федерации в период новейшей истории начиная с первого десятилетия XXI века, когда окончательно оформилась действующая государственная система управления культурными процессами, а также тех основных факторов, которые определяют данную трансформацию.В статье отмечается, что анализ классических и современных отечественных исследований культурной политики подтверждает обоснованность обращения к междисциплинарному типу исследования данного многомерного объекта.В заключение автором обозначены общие выводы и вероятные тенденции развития государственной культурной политики России в современной геополитической ситуации.

Текст научной работы на тему «Transformation of the role of the state cultural policy in contemporary history of Russia»

Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 11 (2017 10) 1718-1733

УДК 94:304.4(47+57)

Transformation of the Role of the State Cultural Policy in Contemporary History of Russia

Vladimir S. Luzan*

Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia

Received 21.03.2017, received in revised form 17.08.2017, accepted 24.08.2017

The article attempts to reveal the transformation of the role of the state cultural policy in the Russian Federation within the period of modern history, starting from the first decade of the XXI century when the state system of cultural processes management as well as the major factors that determine this transformation were finally formed.

The article states that the analysis of classical and modern Russian studies of cultural policy affirms the validity of the interdisciplinary research of this multidimensional object.

In conclusion the author outlines the general provisions and probable trends in the development of the state cultural policy of Russia in modern geopolitical situation.

Keywords: cultural policy, culture, self-identity, subjects of cultural policy, cultural institutions, state authorities, local self-government.

DOI: 10.17516/1997-1370-0135.

Research area: culture studies.


In the age of globalization and pressure of other civilizations it becomes apparent that further development of the Russian Federation as one of the leading states and equal members of the world community is possible only when culture becomes one of the most important national priorities at the state level in addition to the geopolitical influence restoration and the civil society formation. Besides, Russia's return to the countries, which actively influence the development of modern civilization, is impossible in principle without the appropriate

national cultural policy. This is largely due to the fact that the state cannot have a significant impact on global geopolitical processes if it does not have a clear internal ideal-creating process on a national scale, the main result being the formation of the population's cultural self-identity. This can be illustrated by the example of the contemporary history of Russia from the year of 1991. In general, it should be noted that current geopolitical ambitions of the Russian Federation can be one of the aspects of constructing Russian national identity due to historic circumstances.

© Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved

* Corresponding author E-mail address: vladimir_luzan@list.ru

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Awareness of all these factors has resulted in revitalization of domestic research interest to the analysis of the transformation of the role of the state cultural policy in the contemporary history of Russia. Besides, the subject chosen is relevant due to a set of vital problems peculiar for the Russian socio-cultural reality:

- inability of the current system of the "culture" branch to form value orientations, relevant to the modern needs of society, at the national level;

- lack of formed and complete image of the country's culture and importance of diversity of cultures of the peoples inhabiting the Russian Federation for its formation;

- lack of an opportunity for effective and large -scale implementation of innovative technologies in existing traditional institutions of culture, which is one of the main factors determining comfort and accessibility of these institutions for all citizens, including disabled people;

- lack of the majority of citizens' understanding that culture is not so much and not only entertainment but the only social institution functioning to ensure educational influence on an individual, his / her harmonious development formation, assistance in positive socialization and, most importantly, national identity.

In present research cultural policy is a "system of human activities with clear goals, effective methodology for their implementation, real actions for creation, maintenance and translation of the most important cultural ideals (standards) and their implementation in socio-cultural reality".

This definition avoids identification with the activities of the state only. It suggests that cultural policy has a source in the form of objectively existing social process carried out by various social actors"1.

At the same time, the relevance of identifying the transformation of the role of the state cultural

policy in the contemporary history of Russia is determined by several factors:

1) Until recently, cultural policy and the "culture" branch as integral parts of the socio-cultural sphere, including education, health care, youth policy, physical culture and sport, social safety net, tourism, have undergone the least structural reforms and changes, with the exception of separation of powers within the formation of a federative type of government and the reform of local government. Active reformation of related industries of socio-cultural sphere (for example, education) has led to the situation of particularly acute need to develop a conceptual vision of not only state cultural policy as a whole but its separate areas as well.

2) For the first time in the contemporary history of Russia the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 808 dated 24.12.2014 approved "The Framework of the State Cultural Policy of the Russian Federation", a fundamental document that defines the conceptual provisions of the cultural policy development in the short and long-term perspectives as well as the tasks of the state in this field. However, the process of developing a strategic document on implementation of the Framework of cultural policy lasted till the beginning of 2016 and was accompanied by serious disputes not only in the expert community but also between different executive authorities, primarily the Ministry of culture and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The efforts made resulted in the Strategy of the state cultural policy for the period up to 2030 approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 326-p dated 29.02.2016.

3) To date, a normative legal base has been formed. It defines the functioning of most traditional actors of cultural policy and is aimed at implementing the citizens' constitutional rights in the sphere of culture. At the same

time, the revision of existing regulatory legal acts providing implementation of the state cultural policy is required, the acts aiming at consolidation of the state functions of the cultural policy implementation but not at a statement of departmental, sectoral approach to the cultural policy implementation.

4) It is worth while noting that a transitional period of implementation of the Federal law № 131-FZ "On general principles of local self-government organization in the Russian Federation" dated 06.10.2003 was over in January 2009. As a result, all its provisions came into force on the territory of all constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This means that the process of large-scale decentralization of the system of the traditional cultural institutions management was over. It formed three distinct levels of the cultural policy implementation: the federal level with the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation at the head; the regional level with the executive authorities in the sphere of culture of the Russian Federation at the head; the municipal level with the bodies of cultural municipalities, which often do not exist in the structure of the municipal executive bodies or are integrated in the multi-purpose departments, offices, etc. Therefore, it is possible to state the crystallization of modern multi-level system of cultural processes management and its final decentralization.

5) Emergence of many new subjects of cultural policy within the period of contemporary history of Russia, the subjects being individuals (independent creators, managers in the sphere of culture, etc.), social groups, parties, institutions of different forms of ownership, which take active, conscious participation in the cultural development often for the sole purpose of financial gain. Therefore, we can state the beginning of the process of competition between the subjects of cultural policy not only for the visitors in terms

of physical presence, but also for their financial resources. This is especially relevant for state and municipal entities of the cultural policy, which do not meet such competition with private organizations due to various reasons.

It cannot be but mentioned that specialized socially oriented non-commercial organizations play an increasingly important role as one of the main actors of cultural policy due to an active development of civil society in the Russian Federation.

6) Emergence of the process of conceptual revision of the sectoral approach of the state to culture in 2014 and understanding of its interdepartmental nature, if cultural policy is viewed from the perspective of state administration. According to a new forming approach, cultural policy can be interpreted as "the system of human activities with clear goals, effective methodology for their implementation, real actions for creation, maintenance and translation of the most important cultural ideals and their implementation in the socio-cultural reality by various actors of the socio-cultural sphere"2. Transfer of powers in the field of tourism activities to the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation in 2013, i.e. integration of new administrative entities in the cultural development, can indirectly serve a proof of the beginning of such changes in the conceptual approaches to culture in addition to adopting fundamental strategic documents.

7) Development of fundamentally new methodological recommendations to the subjects of the Russian Federation and local government authorities on the cultural organizations network development and providing the population with the cultural organizations' services at the state level, the recommendations being approved by the Order of the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation No. P-948 dated 27.07.2016. In these recommendations the state officially

recognizes the existence of subjects of cultural policy of private ownership and makes them an integral part of cultural development.

It should be noted that the comparison between different scientific and management approaches to the implementation of the state cultural policy suggests that until recently the absence of the state's clear positions on this matter, manifested both in conceptual terms and in the realities of public cultural policies, has negatively influenced the entire infrastructure of the socio-cultural life of the Russian society. In this regard, under the existing historical circumstances it is necessary for each new generation of citizens to assimilate the former and develop a new toolkit of shared values and norms, reinterpreted in ever-changing particular historical conditions.

The problem of the absence, until recently, of the conceptual vision of the state cultural policy implementation at all levels (federal, regional, municipal) and its role in social development is, undoubtedly, cultural in its nature. This fact turns it into the subject of scholarly attention in a number of humanities (political science, sociology, anthropology, art studies, philosophy, theory and history of cultural-educational and socio-cultural activity, etc.).


Culturological expertise of the Russian state cultural policy, carried out by S.S. Zagrebin, is of a particular interest. He notes that "culturological definitions of cultural policy are kind of ideal models, built on the principle of deep abstraction from concrete historical realities"3. As for the applied aspect, it is limited to "departmental understanding of culture, which regards cultural policy as the activities of regional departments of culture towards the institutions of culture and art"4.

The empirical understanding of culture has historically formed in Russian realities. It is associated primarily with the practice of

educational and creative activities as well as "gathering" and studies of tangible and intangible cultural heritage. This, in particular, is suggested by Iu.V. Osokin who writes that "this empirical understanding of culture has found its expression in specialization towards a number of special research and training institutions - institutions of culture (the former developed the issues concerning, primarily, the activity of clubs and libraries as well as amateur art; the latter trained the specialists in the field of cultural-educational and cultural-mass work who are mostly librarians and those employed in clubs)"5.

E.V. Vinokurov, researching the problems of cultural policy formation in the places of the indigenous peoples' residence, rightly pointed out that "isolation of cultural studies from real cultural processes is due to two main reasons: insufficient scientific validity of state cultural policy, the tasks of which are formulated rather declaratively, and lack of regional applied culturological studies of cultural policy, enriching theoretical cultural studies"6.

In addition, such classic research methods as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction are actively applied.

An empirical base of the research is constituted of:

- normative legal acts regulating the sphere of cultural policy;

- programs, strategies and other official documents aimed at the development of culture, both at the federal and regional levels;

- regulations of the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation and regional executive bodies in the field of culture.

Thus, the diversity of the state cultural policy has led to the interdisciplinary type of research.

Theoretical basis

The interdisciplinary approach to revealing the dynamics of the state cultural policy of the

Russian Federation has led to the reference to the research works in various scientific and theoretical fields. In particular, the author bases on the Russian researchers' works, reflecting the problems of cultural policy formation not only in current realities but also in the Soviet period (P.S. Gurevich, V.K. Egorov, L.B. Kogan, V.A. Kurennoi, E.S. Markarian, V.M. Mezhuev, K.E. Razlogov, K.A. Uledov, Iu.U. Fokht-Babushkin, et al.).

A wide range of problems concerning the functioning of culture in modern society is dwelt upon in the works, shaping the modern view on culture as a regulator of the society's economic and socio-cultural life (M.B. Gnedovskii, B.S. Erasov, L.G. Ionin, M.S. Kagan, G.G. Karpova, O.V. Kostina, N.P. Koptseva, Ch. Landry, F. Matarasso, E.A. Orlova, M. Pachter, D. Trosby, A.Ia. Flier, L. Harrison, I.G. Iakovenko, et al.).

In addition, in the thesis the author bases on works on economic, organizational, legal and management aspects of the "culture" industry functioning (T.V. Abankina, G.A. Avanesova, O.N. Astaf'eva, T.G. Bogatyreva, G.M. Galutsky, O.I. Genisaretskii, N.M. Genova, V.S. Zhidkov, G.P. Ivliev, E.L. Ignat'eva, E.L. Kudrina, A.N. Panfilov, K.E. Razlogov, A.Ia. Rubinshtein, G.L. Ruksha, B.Iu. Sorochkin, et al.).

A.I. Arnol'dov, N.F. Buchilo, G.N. Volkova, E.V. Il'enkova, B.I. Kaverina, V.A. Lektorskii, V.P. Malakhov, V.S. Stepin, A.N. Chumakov, V.G. Iudin, et al. are worth being mentioned among the Russian philosophers focusing on certain problems of implementation of cultural policy and culture in general. These authors considered cultural policy mainly through the correlation of the categories of an individual's consciousness development in the process of his / her activity potential formation and in the perspective of the dependence of culture on the social determination of cognition.

A significant place in this thesis is held by the scholars developing the sociology of culture (L.D. Gudkov, B.V. Dubin, A.G. Dugin, S.A. Erofeev, N.L. Zakharov, L.G. Ionin, K. Mannheim, T. Parsons, P. Sorokin, A.I. Shendrik, et al.). Diversity of approaches, attitudes, ideas on the sociology of culture as a field of scientific knowledge and academic discipline is worth mentioning. This diversity reflects the ongoing Russian and foreign scientific discussions on the subject of the sociology of culture, its place in the structure of sociological knowledge and in the system of cultural sciences.

Foreign experience of cultural policy formation and implementation and the role of culture in general, including the regional context, are dwelt upon in the works by the galaxy of foreign authors (F. Bianchini, C. Geertz, E. Grosjean, M. Dragicevic-Sesic, B. Malinowski, M. Pike, A. Radcliffe-Brown, John Tammany, L. White, D. Hesmondalgh), materials of various state institutions and publications of Russian researchers (E.E. Beliaeva, S.E. Zuev, Iu.V. Nikolaeva, A.S. Skachkov, V.R. Firsov, O.V. Khlopina, P.G. Shchedrovitskii, et al.

It should be noted that in the period of contemporary history of Russia the issue of the state cultural policy formation is the subject of numerous theses: A.S. Balakshin, P.L. Volk, L.E. Vostriakov, Iu.E. Ziiatdinova, M.I. Krivosheev, E.V. Kuznetsova, N.N. Kurnaia, G.A. Smirnov, S.P. Shevchukov, et al.


The dynamics of cultural policy in the Russian Federation in the conditions of global transformations is determined by a new round of the return of the state as one of the most active subjects of cultural development. First and foremost, adoption of a number of fundamental documents that define the state's vision of the requirements and value orientations of modern

cultural development is a direct confirmation of this, the documents being the following ones:

1. "The Framework of the State Cultural Policy of the Russian Federation", approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 808 dated 24.12.2014;

2. "The Strategy of the State Cultural Policy for the Period up to 2030", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 326-p dated 29.02.2016;

3. The action plan for the implementation of the Strategy of the state cultural policy for the period up to 2030 in the course of 2016-2018, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2563-p dated 01.12.2016;

4. The conception of the theatrical business long-term development in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1019-p dated 10.06.2011;

5. The conception of the circus business development in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 434-p dated 02.04.2012;

6. The strategy of the tourism development in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 941-p dated 31.05.2014;

7. The conception of the concert activities development in the field of classical music in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2395-p dated 24.11.2015;

8. The draft of the conception of the museum business development in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030;

9. The action plan of the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation for the years 20162021, approved by the Order of the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation No. 2296 dated 13.10.2016;

10. Methodical recommendations to the subjects of the Russian Federation and local self-government authorities on the development of a network of cultural organizations and provision of the cultural organizations' services to the population, approved by the Order of the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation No. P-948 dated 27.07.2016.

In addition, the All-Russian public-state organization "Russian Fund of Culture" was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 581 dated 31.10.2016 in order to implement the Framework of the state cultural policy. Its activity is aimed at:

- consolidation of efforts of the state and civil society to create the conditions for encouraging the population to creative self-realization;

- preservation of cultural values;

- revival of cultural traditions;

- promotion of Russian culture;

- support of the development of the cultural potential of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

At this stage it is impossible to evaluate the effectiveness of the establishment of such structures and their activity due to the lack of results. However, it is possible to register the end of the period of the state's dissociation from the conceptual definition of the foundations of its own cultural policy at the federal level. Therefore, Russia has travelled a long way from its initial maximum deliverance as a dominant subject from the administrative, financial and ideological burden and switching its major focus on solving social and economic problems and development of the framework of the state cultural policy relevant to modern conditions over the 25 years of its independent existence in the sphere of cultural policy.

Thus, in the USSR period the main objective of cultural policy was first and foremost the citizens' ideological education in line with the communist ideals. At that the subjects of cultural

policy did not have the problem of funding and searching for economic solutions as the state was the sole subject itself. The cultural institutions received the funds, required for the realization of their ideological function. from the state budget.

In the period of "perestroika" (1986-1991) the cultural institutions were set an objective to increase the scale of profit forms of cultural activities without losing their ideological function. This, consequently, changed the attitude to business activity. The cultural institutions were financed from the budget but were interested in finding additional off-budget funds.

Finally, from 1991 when the economic system began its shift to market relations and the political system became pluralistic and multiparty the state became unable to fulfill former obligations to its own cultural institutions. This situation led to the emergence of private actors of the cultural policy and, later, to the administrative reform, which resulted in the situation when the state finally shook off the financial and managerial burden by separating the powers in the field of culture at the federal, regional and municipal levels.

However, direct budget funding is still prevailing in the system of financing the culture of the Russian Federation, whereas other sources of funding available for foreign cultural institutions do not exist. It should be noted that the increase in financial soundness of modern state and municipal institutions of culture is one of the main conceptual provisions of the framework of cultural policy. According to the data of the Main Information and Computing Centre of the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation (the year 2014), the share of budget financing in the total financial income of the Russian institutions of culture and art made 73.1% for theaters, 80.2% for museums, 78.6% for concert organizations, 91.2% for cultural institutions, 91.1% for children's art schools, 98% for libraries7.

The use of Russian and foreign advanced practice of the development of multi-channel system of financing the culture under certain economic conditions favours significant offbudget investments and ensures sustainable culture development in modern conditions.

Development and adoption of the above-mentioned documents result in the adjustment or development (in case of lack of these documents) of similar documents first at the regional level and then at the municipal one. It is worth while noting that, unlike the federal centre, some of the subjects of the Russian Federation had conceptual documents determining the development of cultural policy in a particular region. For example, the Basic strategy of the cultural policy of the Krasnoyarsk Krai for the years 2009-20208 was approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Krai No. 24-n dated 20.01.2009.

In general it can be stated that the state returned to the understanding that the country's economic and social modernization in a historically short period as well as transition to an intensive way of development ensuring the readiness of the state and society to meet the challenges of the modern world seem to be impossible without investment in human capital, the culture being the main instrument of such investments.

The most dangerous negative factors that may have a significant impact on the future of Russia are the following:

- diffusion of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values and weakening of the unity of the multinational people of the Russian Federation by foreign cultural and informational expansion;

- decline in the citizens' intellectual and cultural level;

- devaluation of common values;

- growth of aggression and intolerance, antisocial behavior;

- atomization of the society, i.e. breakdown in social bonds, growth of individualism and disdain for the rights of others;

- propaganda ofpermissiveness and violence, racial, national and religious intolerance;

- reducing the role of the Russian language, the quality of its teaching in the Russian Federation and abroad;

- attempts of the Russian and world history falsification.

Another negative factor, significantly affecting the development of the Russian Federation, is a threat to the unity of the cultural space due to the insufficient use of the potential of culture as a factor of socio-economic development of Russia, its national security and territorial integrity. In the conditions of increasing globalization processes and active foreign cultural and informational expansion culture is the main tool for the formation and strengthening of civic identity, ensuring the Russian nation's unity, preserving the unity of the cultural and linguistic space of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, regional disproportions in access to the services of cultural institutions, expenditures on culture, infrastructure development also form the risks for the uniform cultural space preservation. Regional disproportions in the development of culture are manifested depending on the availability of cultural facilities, funding and access to cultural heritage for great masses of population. Despite the fact that the regional differentiation of expenditures on culture and arts as a percentage of the gross regional product shows a recent

1 Luzan, V.S. (2011). Sotsial'no-filosofskii analiz dinamiki gosudarstvennoi kul'turnoi politiki Rossiiskoi Federatsii: av-toref. dis.... kand. filos. nauk [Socio-Philosophical Analysis of the Dynamics of State Cultural Policy of the Russian Federation: Abstract of the PhD thesis in Philology]. Krasnoyarsk, 24 p.

2 Ibid.

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3 Zagrebin, S.S. (2008). Kul'turologicheskaia ekspertiza v sisteme kul'turnoi politiki sovremennogo rossiiskogo gosu-darstva [Culturological Expertise in the System of Cultural Policy of Modern Russian State]. Fundamental'nye problemy kul'turologii. Tom IV [Fundamental Problems of Cultural Studies. Vol. IV]. Moscow, Alateiia, 54-58.

4 Ibid., p. 56.

tendency to decrease (from 10 times in 2010 to 6,5 times in 2013), whereas regional differences in security and infrastructure development remain significant9.


In the current situation a significant part of the Russian managerial elite, public groups and institutions has realized the fact that cultural policy is an independent interdisciplinary type of the state policy the implementation of which will enable to preserve the Russian society and, as a consequence, the state as a whole in the short term prospect and ensure the position of the Russian Federation in the global geopolitical arena as an independent Eurasian civilization, which occupies a marginal position between the cultures of the West and the East, in the long term prospect. Awareness of this fact will increase the influence of the state on the ongoing cultural processes in the short and long term prospects and might cause the attempts of new centralization of the "culture" branch management system. These processes, in their turn, will destine a new round of confrontation between the creators and managers of culture.

Formation of the Russian national state is possible on the basis of the formation of specific Russian nationalism, in which integrated cultural products are claimed as the ethno-cultural basis, the products removing the contradictions of the cultural heritage of those ethnic groups involved in the process of a national state creation. A special control of the political power over the processes of local bourgeois elites' formation in the national republics is essential.

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5 Osokin, Iu.V. (2007). Kul'turologiia. Entsiklopediia v 2 t. T. 1 [Cultural Studies. Encyclopedia in 2 vol. Vol. 1]. Moscow, ROSSPEN, p. 1072.

6 Vinokurova, E.P. (2011). Kul'turnaia politika v Respublike Sakha (Iakutiia): etnokul'turnye i geokul'turnye osobennosti: dis. ... kand. kul'tur [Cultural Policy in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia): Ethnic, Cultural and Geo-Cultural Peculiarities: Thesis of PhD in Culturology]. Moscow, p. 15.

7 Strategiia gosudarstvennoi kul 'turnoi politiki na period do 2030 goda, utverzhdennaia Rasporiazheniem Pravitel 'stva Rossiiskoi Federatsii ot 29.02.2016 № 326-p [The Strategy of the state cultural policy for the period till 2030, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 326-p dated 29.02.2016]. Spravochnaia pravovaia sistema "Konsul'tantPlus" [Question-answering legal system "ConsultantPlus"].

8 Question-answering legal system "ConsultantPlus".

9 Strategiia gosudarstvennoi kul 'turnoi politiki na period do 2030 goda, utverzhdennaia Rasporiazheniem Pravitel 'stva Rossiiskoi Federatsii ot 29.02.2016 № 326-p [The Strategy of the state cultural policy for the period till 2030, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 326-p dated 29.02.2016]. Spravochnaia pravovaia sistema "Konsul'tantPlus" [Question-answering legal system "ConsultantPlus"].


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Koptseva, N.P., Luzan, V.S. (2012a). Gosudarstvennaia kul'turnaia politika v Sibirskom federal'nom okruge: kontseptsii, problem, issledovaniia [State Cultural Policy in the Siberian Federal District: Conceptions, Problems, Research]. Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University, 183 p.

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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Трансформация роли государственной культурной политики в период новейшей истории России

В.С. Лузан

Сибирский федеральный университет Россия, 660041, Красноярск, пр. Свободный, 79

В статье предпринята попытка раскрыть трансформацию роли государственной культурной политики Российской Федерации в период новейшей истории начиная с первого десятилетия XXI века, когда окончательно оформилась действующая государственная система управления культурными процессами, а также тех основных факторов, которые определяют данную трансформацию.

В статье отмечается, что анализ классических и современных отечественных исследований культурной политики подтверждает обоснованность обращения к междисциплинарному типу исследования данного многомерного объекта.

В заключение автором обозначены общие выводы и вероятные тенденции развития государственной культурной политики России в современной геополитической ситуации.

Ключевые слова: культурная политика, культура, самоидентификация, субъекты культурной политики, институты культуры, государство, органы власти, местное самоуправление.

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