Научная статья на тему 'Tragedy of the commons relative to waste disposal in Jordanian Al-Tafilah'

Tragedy of the commons relative to waste disposal in Jordanian Al-Tafilah Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Alhanaqtah Omar Jraid Mustafa

The tragedy of the commons relative to waste disposal in Al-Tafilah is examined in the article. It is constructed so as to answer overarching questions: what do we know? why do we care? what can we do? To solve waste disposal problem in Al-Tafilah the author suggests implementing two projects: deposit-refund system for packaging; and composting and biogasification of biological waste.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Tragedy of the commons relative to waste disposal in Jordanian Al-Tafilah»

Section 13. Economics and management

2. Yakonovskaya T. B. Improvement of economic mechanism of industrial enterprise management: Author’s summary of the dissertation for application for the degree of a Candidate of economic sciences. - M.: Russian part-time institute of textile and consumer industry. Tver, 2009. 19 p.

3. Yakonovskaya T. B., Romanova L. V. Peculiarities and problems of normative and legal management of peat industry in the Russian Federation [Text]/T. B. Yakonovskaya, L. V. Romanova, A. I. Zhigulskaya//Mining information and analytical bulletin. M.: MGGU, 2014. № 06. P.392. - Dep. in MGGU as of18.02.2014. № 1012/06-14.

4. Zhigulskaya A. I. Economic and engineering aspects of equipment and technology of complex non-waste extraction and processing of peat deposit resources (Educational manual) [Text]/A. I. Zhigulskaya, T. B. Yakonovskaya; MGGU. - M., 2013. - 160 p. - Bibliogr.: p. 300-301. - Dep. in MGGU as of 30.01.2013. № 953/04-13

5. Aleksandrov G. A., Kalachaev Yu. V. «Increase of efficacy of peat production». М.: Nedra, 1980, 151 p.

6. About regional target program «Development of peat industry in Kirov region» for 2008-2013»: Law of Kirov region as of December 24, 2008. N 325-ЗО [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access:

7. http://www.garant.ru/hotlaw/kyrov/189215/#ixzz3CdQBnmQG

8. About regional target program «Development of peat industry Nizhny Novgorod region» for 2009-2011»: Law of Nizhny Novgorod region as of May 5, 2008. N 179 [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: http://docs.cntd.ru/docu-ment/944934477

9. «Concept of development of peat industry in the republic of Udmurtia»: Law of the republic of Udmurtia as of May 7, 2002. N 399 [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/960005673

10. About regional target program «Development of application of peat and other local types of fuel in Pskov region till 2015 (2010-2014)»: Law of Pskov region as of December 20, 2009. N 313 [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: http://in-vest.pskov.ru/istrategy/plan-ip

11. Zhigulskaya A. I., Yakonovskaya T. B. Analysis oflegal base ofpeat industry management in the Russian Federation/A. I. Zhigulskaya, T. B. Yakonovskaya, B. F. Zyuzin//Mining information and analytical bulletin. M.: MGGU, 2014. - № 07. - P. 276-281.

12. Aleksandrov G. A., Skvortsova G. G., Vyakina I. V. Formation of an attractive investment climate of a region: concept, diagnostics, innovations. - Moscow: CJSC «Izdatelstvo EKONOMIKA.», 2014. - 302 p.

13. AVS-matrix for analysis of factors determining investment attractiveness [Text]/G. A. Aleksandrov, I. V. Vyakina, G. G. Skvortsova; p. 7. - Dep. in RAS as of 18.04.2013, № 20558.

Alhanaqtah Omar Jraid Mustafa, Tafila Technical University, Assistant professor, the Head of Business Economics Department

E-mail: [email protected]

Tragedy of the commons relative to waste disposal in Jordanian Al-Tafilah

Abstract: The tragedy of the commons relative to waste disposal in Al-Tafilah is examined in the article. It is constructed so as to answer overarching questions: what do we know? why do we care? what can we do? To solve waste disposal problem in Al-Tafilah the author suggests implementing two projects: deposit-refund system for packaging; and composting and biogasification of biological waste.

Keywords: commons, waste, pro-social behavior.

The tragedy of the commons, discussed by Garrett Hardin in his famous article reappears in problems of pollution.

Here it is not a question of taking something out of the commons but of putting something in sewage; chemical, radioactive and heat wastes into water; noxious and dangerous fumes into the air; and distracting and unpleasant advertising signs into the line of sight. The rational man finds that his share of the cost of the wastes he discharges into the commons is less than the cost of purifying his wastes before releasing them.

Since this is true for everyone we are locked into a system of “fouling our own nest”, as long as we behave only as independent, rational, free-enterprisers [1].

What do we know? Here I’m focused on the problem of dropping litter and waste disposal in a Jordanian city Al-Tafilah. The problem arises from low level of ecological culture and lack/weakness of institutions which might force to care about clean city. Jordan is the country with mostly private ownership of lands which are handed down. These lands are very clean and accurate because they have been cared about by private owners. The lands in state ownership, waste lands, as well as waysides, streets are polluted with different kinds of litter (packages, plastics bottles, paper, glass, etc.); even you might see dead cats or biological waste from slaughter sheep. So sanitarian conditions as well as the look are not


Tragedy of the commons relative to waste disposal in Jordanian Al-Tafilah

satisfying. Here is in Tafilah sewage disposal service but (l) the accuracy of it is rather weak, (2) the growth of litter is rather quick because seems nobody cares.

Why do we care? The city must be clean because it directly influences sanitarian conditions, health (in particular, when the climate is hot). It should be attractive for tourists who create the large source of income for the country. Additionally, as a proverb says: “Clean outside — clean inside” which relates to people’s inner culture, morality, consciousness.

But I guess it is a mistake to think that we can control people’s behavior in the long run by an appeal to conscience. Charles Galton Darwin made this point when he spoke on the centennial of the publication of his grandfather’s great book [2]. The argument is straightforward and Darwinian. People vary. And some people will undoubtedly respond to the appeal more than others, which is to stop dropping litter and in general reduce pollution by all available means.

As Garret Hardin wrote, the problem of pollution/waste arises from the open access to common resources when everybody cares only about one’s self-interest or careless at all. G. Hardin says that environmental problems are the consequence of population. I would kindly disagree with the prominent scientist. I think it is a consequence of low level of ecological culture, environmental consciousness, week formal institutions, education on this matter as well. And I believe that strong formal institutions and education which strengthens informal institutions can solve the problem of waste, and in particular, dropping litter in Al-Tafilah city.

What can we do? Here I would like to comment proposition of G. Hardin to control the population and limit its growth [1]. Firstly, defining an optimum is enormously difficult. Ironically, what if just one human being would be left on the planet but the richest and the least environmentally threatening; by the way it is mathematical optimum. So I guess the problem isn’t in the amount. The problem is in people’s creativity and moral responsibility. Here I agree with the philosopher Ch. Frankel that “responsibility is the product of definite social arrangements” [3]. That is what we need in Al-Tafilah. Secondly, human capital is the greatest resource which we should learn how to use to tackle problems. Human genius is enormous and creative. Thirdly, what we should do is to change our attitude to consumerism as a lifestyle, consumerism as a mean to satisfy our ego.

I do agree with Tanya Singer about promoting pro-social behavior which should be incorporated in concrete policy proposals. Recent studies showed that humans can be motivated by pro-social preferences, like fairness and concern for others’ welfare or rights. T. Singer admits that it is time to replace the framework of homo economicus with a model that reflects human’s capacity for altruism and pro-social behavior. In fact, humans are often driven to help those in need, even complete strangers, by feelings of empathy and compassion. This idea is reinforced by a vast amount of neuroscientific evidence, which contradicts the emphasis on individualism that prevails in Western societies, suggesting instead that the human brain is

wired for affective resonance, with people naturally reflecting each other’s emotions and motivational states. Moreover, experimental data suggest that, contrary to mainstream economic theory, people’s preferences are changeable. Shifting environmental factors shape human decision-making by activating motivational systems related to threat, achievement, and power motivation, as well as to care for others and social affiliation [4].

Humans are capable of building sustainable, equitable and caring political systems, economies and societies. And we need cooperation instead of competition. And I should admit that the idea of cooperation is not some silly utopia which is emphasized by Yochai Benkler [5]. It is grounded on some of the best and most rigorous research in behavioral science.

Steps we can take to make a positive difference. So everything written above should lay in building new responsible and ethical way of thinking. For now, as a suggestion in economic terms, what we can do here in Al-Tafilah.

Firstly, we can create a deposit-refund system for packaging, namely to implement additional payments for such packages as glass and plastic bottles and tins that are got back when these packages are returned.

For example, waste re-processor pays out to a special point of utilized glass packages $1 per 1 kg. In its turn the special point pays out to an individual 0.6$ per 1 kg of packages. The difference of $0.4 is an income of the special point.


• inducements for inhabitants accurately collect and return utilized packaging;

• strengthening on the market of reusable packages’ positions which cause less damage to the natural environment than disposable packages.

Scheme of realization and necessary conditions:

• implementation of Law on packaging;

• legislative limitations of packages’ diversity since the more packaging products diversify the more complicate to organize programs on its processing and recycling;

• informing of inhabitants on necessity and advantages of collecting and returning utilized packages into special points;

• creation of special points of utilized packaging materials, the holders of which should negotiate contracts with waste re-processors;

• building of new or modernization of operating waste re-processors which receive packages for recycling and pay money to special points. Then packages are processed into second products which are then sold on the product market, and waste re-processors get incomes.

In case when it is turned out that a price of second products is higher that a price of primary products we can apply the following scheme for stimulation of economic agents to buy second products. We can impose a special waste tax on goods sellers and return it as a subsidy to a waste re-processor in order to make a price of second products lower than a price of primary products. Tax rate among other things will depend on


Section 13. Economics and management

the difference between prices of second and primary products. For example, the difference in prices of second and primary products (glass) is $10 per 1 kg, i. e. primary products are $10 cheaper. Then a special waste tax rate per 1 kg of glass packages should be strictly higher than $10. Let it be $12. Then this $12 are directed to the municipal budget and redistributed as a subsidy to a waste re-processor minus some part as administrative costs (let it be $0.5). So a subsidy level is $11.5. As a result a price of second products will be lower than a price of primary products by $1.5, and economic agents will be more interested in buying second products made from glass. A waste re-processor will be profitable.

Results and benefits would be as follows:

• reducing of waste from consumption due to processing and recycling some sorts of packages, and, as a consequence, improving environmental situation in the region;

• rising level of ecological culture of inhabitants with the help of financial incentives provided by the deposit-refund system;

• stimulation of ecological business development;

• increasing confidence of local government that supports environmental projects.

Secondly, we can organize composting and biogasification of biological waste in Al-Tafilah. The idea is to create a scheme of separate collection and centralized processing of biological waste with further production of manure and biogas. The initiator of the project could be the municipal association on waste management. Sources of biological waste are private households, restaurants, other sources.

Why this idea is necessary to implement into practice:

• hot Jordanian climate leads to the situation that biological waste pose a threat for people’ health and local ecosystems;

• arid region and acute shortage of fertile soil lead to low crop capacity and impossibility to develop rural economy in some regions;

• problems with waste management in general.

Technical details of the project are as follows. Biological

waste is collected by state or private agencies that provide municipal services. Biological waste is transported by lorries to a special re-processor. This plant produces manure of a high

quality that is used for improving soil and also biogas that is used for motor vehicles (at least for lorries that transport waste).

What we should do:

• to inform inhabitants about advantages of the scheme of biological waste management and make a survey of public opinion;

• to organize an efficient and convenient scheme of biological waste collection;

• to acquire modern lorries for biological waste transportation by municipal or private agencies;

• to build or modernize a biological waste re-processor for manure and biogas production;

• to advertise in order to sell manure and biogas.

Financial sources and further support of the project:

• on the initial stage it is possible to use bank credits given out on principles of Islamic banking or attract private capitals;

• payments of households for collection and utilization of biological waste;

• penalties for non-compliance of ecological legislation;

• profits from manure and biogas selling, a part of which goes to a municipal budget as a profit tax and another part remains at the disposal of a plant that produces manure and biogas.

Project will result in:

• solving a problem of biological waste;

• improving fertility of local soil with respective positive effects for rural economy;

• stimulation of development of green business and ecological legislation;

• creation of new labor places;

• increasing the image of local government that supports environmental projects;

• improving ecological situation in Al-Tafilah region.

I would like to finish this article citing T. Singer: “Humans

are capable of far more than selfishness and materialism” [4]. So local leaders should work to develop systems that encourage individuals to meet their full socio-emotional potentials and, thus, to build the city in which we all want to live.


1. Hardin G. The tragedy of the commons. Science Magazine, Volume 162, 1968, p. 1243-1248.

2. Tax S. Evolution After Darwin. Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1960, Volume 2, p. 469.

3. Frankel C. The Case for Modern Man. Harper, New York, 1955, p. 203.

4. Singer T. Beyond Homo Economicus. Project Syndicate, Institute for Human Sciences, Global Economic Symposium, 2013.

5. Benkler Y. The Penguin and the Leviathan: How cooperation triumphs over Self-interest. Crown Press, 2011, p. 21.


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