1D-r, Prof. M. Danylevych, 1Senior Lecturer R. Koval, 2PhD, ^ss. Prof. B. Ivanytska, 2Lecturer Y. Kazimova,
1Lviv State University of Physical Culture
2Institute of Law and Psychology of Lviv Polytechnic National University DOI:
Given the increase on the planet of the number of people with congenital birth defects, technocratization of society, an increase in the number of persons with disabilities was expected at the beginning of the 21st century to one billion consequently, disability is a worldwide social phenomenon, which should be the focus of every country, its bodies of state power and administration, scientists and physicians, psychologists and educators, specialists in physical culture and sports. So, we see that under the concept «réadaptation» (f) in France, a set of tools and methods used by the relevant specialists to rehabilitate persons with disabilities, as well as simply patients, in order to return them to the maximum possible conditions of everyday life. The twentieth century in France is characterized by the creation of a number of organizations whose activities are aimed at working with such people.
Citation: M. Danylevych, R. Koval, B. Ivanytska, Y. Kazimova. (2019) Traction Concept «Rehabilitation» in the French Medicine System. World Science. 5(45), Vol.2. doi: 10.31435/rsglobal_ws/31052019/6511
Copyright: © 2019 M. Danylevych, R. Koval, B. Ivanytska, Y. Kazimova. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.
According to international organizations, every 10 inhabitants of the Earth are disabled, almost 30 million people each year get injuries and various injuries. Given the increase on the planet of the number of people with congenital birth defects, technocratization of society, an increase in the number of persons with disabilities was expected at the beginning of the 21st century to one billion consequently, disability is a worldwide social phenomenon, which should be the focus of every country, its bodies of state power and administration, scientists and physicians, psychologists and educators, specialists in physical culture and sports.
Rehabilitation is a process aimed at providing disability achievements and supporting their optimal physical, sensory, intellectual, mental, as well as social levels of activity that would contribute to a higher level of autonomy. Rehabilitation may include measures to maintain and / or restore functions, or to compensate for loss or lack of function or functional limitation. The rehabilitation process begins literally from the first medical care. It covers a wide range of activities and activities ranging from basic and general rehabilitation to actions aimed at achieving the ultimate goal, for example, professional rehabilitation.
Let's consider the definition of «rehabilitation» / «réadaptation» (f) in French. The term «réadaptation» (f) appears for the first time in the Le Nouveau dictionary Petit Robert in 1897, and the verb «réadapter» / «rehabilitate» in 1899 [5]. In 1933, the terminological phrase «réadaptation (f)
Received: 13 March 2019 Accepted: 21 May 2019 Published: 31 May 2019
rehabilitation, functional and professional recovery, physical defects, functional readaptation.
fonctionnelle» / «functional rehabilitation» was recorded in the sense of «mitigating the consequences of an accident, manipulations (massages, electrotherapy, kinesiotherapy, etc.) in order to return to normal life, especially to professional activity» [7].
In the Dictionnaire du Handicap (2011), the interpretation of «réadaptation» (f) is consistent with WHO's interpretation: «a complex process aimed at restoring the social significance of a single individual», while specifying that «it is about securing the transition from medical care to assistance and support in public life, which is as much as possible adapted to the needs» [10, p. 281]. In «Dictionnaire de kinésithérapie et réadaptation» (2007), the term «réadaptation» (f) is «a reduction in the functional consequences of health problems (results of surgery, injuries, various pathologies) in order to restore the best living conditions and, if possible, the re-inclusion of a person into a social and professional life» [4, p. 445].
According to researchers Inès Kramers-de Quervain and Otto Knusel, «rehabilitation is a coordinated set of medical, social, professional, technical, pedagogical means aimed at improving the patient's functional abilities and allowing them to maximize their possible independent activities and participation in the aggregate daily activities within their capabilities» [6].
The history of rehabilitation is a large volume of knowledge that covers the field of restriction (biological, human and social future changes of the traumatized person) and the field of professional and institutional practices related to rehabilitation and functional recovery [9]. In the first half of the twentieth century, we are witnessing the creation of a number of organizations of this kind in France: «Association des aveugles en France» / Association of the Blind People of France (1917); «Ligue pour l'adaptation des diminués physiques au travail» / LADAPT / «Association for Adaptation to the Work of Persons with Disabilities» (1929); «Association des Paralysés de France» / APF - «Association of French Paralyzed People» (1933); «Commission de reclassement des diminués physiques» / «Commission for the retraining of persons with physical disabilities» (1942); «Fédération Nationale des Associations de Postcure» / «National Association of Medical Controls of Patients after Treatment» (1944), which in 1951 was renamed to «Fédération Nationale des Associations de Postcure, de rééducation fonctionnelle, professionnelle des diminués physiques» / «National Federation of Associations of Medical Control of Patients after Treatment, Functional and Professional Restoration of Disabled Persons»; «Association des papillons blancs» - «Association for the Assistance to Mentally Disabled Persons» (1949); «Comité d'entente des grandes fédérations d'aveugles et d'invalides civils» / «Unions Committee of the Blinds and Disabled Citizens Federations» (1951); «Fédération Nationale des Malades Infirmes et Paralysés» / «National Federation of Persons with Disabilities and Paralyzed» (1953) [1].
In 1954 the «Regional Institute of Rehabilitation» was founded («Institut Régional de Réadaptation»), which provided «early short-term rehabilitation in the hospital» («rééducation précoce en milieu hospitalier de court séjour»), «rehabilitation in a specialized institution using methods using a variety of equipment» («rééducation en milieu spécialisé incluant les techniques d'appareillage») and «professional rehabilitation / retraining» («réadaptation professionnelle») [1]. Article 15 of decree 50134 of January 30, 1950, requires each French medical facility to provide functional rehabilitation services, or if it is not possible to send its patients to another rehabilitation center, public or private, with which the relevant agreement has been signed [1].
Today in France there is a large number of different institutions, institutions and associations aimed at working with persons with disabilities. Example, AFA / Association (f) Française d'Appareillage -Association for Research, Improvement and Dissemination of Equipment for Persons with Disabilities; AFIGAP / Association (f) Francophone Internationale des Groupes d'Animation de la paraplégie -International French-speaking Association of People Affected by Paraplegia; AFM / Association (f) Française contre les Myopathies - French association for the fight against myopathy; AGEFIPH / Association (f) de gestion du fonds pour l'insertion professionnelle des personnes handicapées -Association for the management of funds for the professional employment of disabled people; ANMSR / Association (f) Nationale des Médecins Spécialistes de médecine physique et de réadaptation - National Association of Physicians and Rehabilitation Medicine; CAMPS / centre (m) d'action médico-sociale précoce - Medical and Social Center for Early Detection, Diagnosis, Treatment, Rehabilitation and Supervision of Disabled Children (under 6 years of age); CNOM / Conseil (m) National de l'Ordre des Médecins - The National Council for the Official Organization of Physicians in France (with the proper entry of each physician); EHPAD / établissement (m) d'hébergement pour personnes âgées dépendantes -institution for accommodation and accommodation of dependent elderly people; ERRF / Entretiens (m, pl) de Rééducation et de Réadaptation Fonctionnelles de Montpellier - Meetings on Topical Issues and Rehabilitation and Functional Rehabilitation Challenges in Montpellier; FEDMER / Fédération (f) Française de Médecine Physique et de Réadaptation - French Federation of Physical and Rehabilitation
Medicine; FFCLCC / Fédération (f) française des centres de lutte contre le cancer - French Federation of Cancer Centers; FISAF / Fédération (f) nationale pour l'insertion des personnes sourdes et des personnes aveugles en France - National Federation for the Integration of Deaf and Blind People in France; GENULF / Groupe (m) d'études neuro-urologiques de langue française - a group of specialists (physical therapists, neurologists and urologists) dealing with anomalies of the function of the bladder, which are the result of neurological damage (multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, etc.); HACAVIE / handicaps (m, pl) et cadre (m) de vie - An organization that provides counseling to persons with disabilities and / or the elderly in order to improve accessibility and the environment (housing, etc.); INJS / Institut (m) national des jeunes sourds de Paris - National Institute of Young Deaf People of Paris; INSERM / Institut (m) national de la santé et de la recherche médicale - National Institute of Health and Medical Research; MDPH / maison (f) départementale des personnes handicapées - House for Disabled People in the Department (in France); SFETB / Société (f) française d'étude et de traitement des brûlures - French Society for the Study and Treatment of Burns; SYFMER / Syndicat (m) Français de Médecine Physique et de Réadaptation - French Association of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine and others [2].
In addition, for patients, for example, ADELO / atelier (m) de détente et de loisirs - Workshop (creative) for relaxing and spending free time; ACT / appartement (m) de coordination thérapeutique -a temporary place for a person with a pathology that can lead to disability (where they are treated, rehabilitated and provide social and psychological assistance); paid ACTP / allocation (f) compensatrice pour tierce personne - Compensation payments for a third party; AEEH / allocation (f) d'éducation de l'enfant handicapé - payment to parents for the education of a disabled child [2].
There are, among other things, such professions for the provision of rehabilitation for the sick and the disabled: assistant-senior (m) - old man's assistant; auxiliaire (m) de vie scolaire / AVS - Child Assistant / Student with Disabilities (accompanies him at school); auxiliare (m) de vie - an assistant to a person with a disability or an elderly person who needs third-party help for the realization of his everyday activities; conseiller (m) d'orientation - specialist in school and professional orientation; conseiller (m) en économie sociale et familiale / CESF - a social worker whose task is to help people solve their daily life (housing, health, etc.); consultant (m) en réadaptation - rehabilitation consultant; éducateur (m) de jeunes enfants / EJE - social worker working with small children; médecin (m) de rééducation fonctionnelle -functional rehab physician; moniteur (m) en réadaptation - Rehabilitation Instructor; technicien (m) en éducation spécialisée - Specialist in Special Education; technicien, -ne (m, f) en loisir - leisure specialist; travailleur (m) social en réadaptation - social worker in the field of rehabilitation [3].
So, we see that under the concept «réadaptation» (f) in France, a set of tools and methods used by the relevant specialists to rehabilitate persons with disabilities, as well as simply patients, in order to return them to the maximum possible conditions of everyday life. The twentieth century in France is characterized by the creation of a number of organizations whose activities are aimed at working with such people.
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5. Kramers-de Quervain I., Knusel O. Une spécialité «allround» à l'épicentre de la réadaptation globale // Forum Med Suisse. 2012. № 12 (1-2). P. 20-21.
6. Le Petit Robert 2012. Dictionnaire multimédia. CD-ROM PC.
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9. Zribi G., Poupée-Fontaine D. Dictionnaire du handicap. 7e édition. Rennes: Presses de l'EHESP, 2011. 349 p.