DOI 10.18551/rjoas.2019-09.15
Dewi Anak Agung Mirah Swari, Yasa I G.W. Murjana
Faculty of Economics, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia *E-mail: mirah
The need to increase socialization of people with disabilities, problems and needs in order to eliminate community stigma and to increase public awareness of people with disabilities, need to provide accessibility in every public space and workplace, need to increase mobility aids for persons with disabilities according to the level of disability, social service provision should refer on the needs of persons with disabilities and the need for local regulations as a form of protection for persons with disabilities in each region. This study aims to analyze the effect of types of disability, skills, age, and work intensity on the income of persons with disabilities in the city of Denpasar. Data analysis techniques used in this study are descriptive statistic and Path Analysis. The results of the study show that skills and age have a positive and significant effect on the work intensity of the disabled in the city of Denpasar. Skill, age, and work intensity have positive and significant effect on the income of the disabled in the city of Denpasar. While work intensity significantly mediates the effect of skill and age on the income.
Skill, age, work intensity, income, persons with disabilities.
Disability should not be an obstacle for the disabled to obtain the right to life and the right to defend their lives. Furthermore they also need public services / accessibility that can support all their activities and access jobs in accordance with their abilities.
Therefore socialization about people with disabilities is needed to eliminate community stigma and increase public awareness of people with disabilities. Awareness of the disabled are needed so people could provide accessibility in every public space and workplace, increase mobility aids for people with disabilities in accordance with the level of disability, giving social services in which refer to the needs of people with disabilities and giving local support as a form of protection for the disabled in each region. According to Alfred J. Khan (Muhidin 1992,43) stated that one of the main functions of social services is for healing, protection and rehabilitation, which aims to carry out assistance to someone both individually and in groups / institutions and society in order to be able to overcome their problems. Based on the background, the purpose of this study is to analyze: 1) the effect of disability types, skills, and age on work intensity 2) the effect of disability types, skills, age, and work intensity on income 3) the role of work intensity in mediating the effects of disability types, skills and age of income of persons with disabilities in the city of Denpasar.
The study was conducted at a disability foundation in the city of Denpasar, considering that the city of Denpasar is the center of economic activity. The scope of the study includes the social demographic conditions of persons with disabilities (type of disability, education, and age), work intensity, and income of disabled employees.
Types of data are quantitative data and qualitative data described as follows: • Quantitative data is numeric and can be calculated with a unit of calculation (Sugiyono 2002). We are using number and percentage of the disabled in the city of Denpasar in 2017 and companies that are eligible to accept the disabled in accordance with regulations;
• Qualitative data is data in the form of information or description (Sugiyono 2002), in this study which is stated in writing and orally related to research, namely data regarding employment opportunities programs for persons with hearing impairment as well as related regulations.
The type of data according to the source is composed of two types, namely primary data and secondary data with the following description:
• Primary data is collected primarily for the purpose of the research being carried out (Hendri 2009). Primary data were obtained directly from informants relating to the problem under study. As a government work program for persons with disabilities, in addition to data obtained through observation, interviews and questionnaires;
• Secondary data is data that has been available and subsequently sequenced (Hendri 2009), such as data on the number and percentage of people with hearing disabilities in 2017 and the number of companies in Denpasar.
Definition of Variable Operations:
• The type of disability is a type of physical and / or mental disorder that can interfere or is an obstacle and obstacle for someone to do it properly. Types of persons with disabilities in accordance with Law Number 4 of 1997 concerning Persons with Disabilities, types of persons with disabilities consist of: 0) not deaf; 1) Deaf. Data for this research are nominal data types;
• Skills are the ability to carry out certain tasks both physically and mentally, measured on a Likerts scale;
• Age is the age of the person with disability in years;
• Work intensity is the work time of persons with disabilities for one week, in units of hours;
• Income of persons with disabilities is the amount of income earned by persons with disabilities for a month in units of Rupiah.
Path analysis is an extension of multiple linear regression analysis to estimate the causality relationship between variables. In the path analysis there is a variable that has a dual role, namely as an independent variable in a relationship but becomes a dependent variable in another relationship (Suyana Utama, 2015).
Mediation hypothesis testing can be done with the Sobel test procedure (Sobel Test). Sobel test is done by testing the strength of the indirect effect of the independent variable (X) to the dependent variable (Y) through the intervening variable (M).
In Bali, especially in the city of Denpasar, the number of people with disabilities in 2014 was 4,031 people (Bali Dalam Angka, 2015). In this regard, the Province of Bali has ratified a Regional Regulation concerning the Protection and Fulfillment of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The local regulation related to persons with disabilities, has begun to be implemented by the Government together with non-government agencies related to the regional regulation on persons with disabilities. The changes achieved must be able to provide equal opportunities in all aspects, as well as rehabilitation for the development of persons with disabilities in order to carry out their social functions by serving people in general, and accessibility by providing facilities for persons with disabilities to get equal opportunities, especially in carrying out activities -public activities. Following are the results of the analysis of the description of respondents' perceptions of the research variables.
Table 1 - Distribution of Respondents with Disabilities by Type of Disability
No. Description Total (orang) Percentage (%)
1. Deaf 54 58,70
2. Blind 38 41,30
Jumlah 92 100,0
Source: Research Results, 2018 (data processed).
Based on Table 1 it is known that most respondents were deaf, which amounted to 58.70 percent, while the remaining 41.30 percent are blind.
Next Table 2 shows the respondent's answer to the skill variable owned by the respondent. The data is arranged on a Likert scale, where skills are considered less skilled if they have skills of less than 2 (two), skilled if they have 2 (two) types of skills, and very skilled if they have more than 2 (two) skills. The details of the respondent's skill data are presented in Table 2 below.
Table 2 - Distribution of Respondents by Frequency Relations
No. Description Person Percentage (%)
1. Very skilled 47 51,09
2. Skilled 32 34,78
3. Low Skilled 13 14,13
Total 92 100,0
Source: Research Results, 2018 (data processed).
Based on Table 2 it can be explained that 51.09 respondents included highly skilled, then 34.78 percent of respondents included skilled, while the remaining 4.13 percent of respondents are in the less skilled category. In relation to the age variable, the following Table 3 displays the classification of respondents by age range.
Table 3 - Distribution of Respondents with Disabilities According to Average Age Group
No. Age Range Person %
1. < 19 y.o 3 3,3
2. 20 - 29 y.o 40 43,5
3. 30 - 39 y.o 29 31,5
4. 40 y.o above 20 21,7
Jumlah 92 100,0
Source: Research Results, 2018 (data processed).
Based on the data as shown in Table 3, it is known that the majority of respondents aged between 20-29 years which is equal to 43.5 percent. Furthermore, in the age range of 30 - 39 years by 31.5 percent, and the range of 40 - 49 years by 21.7 percent, while the lowest respondents are aged less than the same as 19 years at 3.3 percent. Furthermore, the results of descriptive analysis related to work intensity are shown in Table 4 below.
Table 4 - Distribution of Respondents with Disabilities in Denpasar City According to Working Hours
No. Working Time Span Person Percentage
1. < 35 hr/week 78 84,8
2. > 35 hr/week 14 15,2
Jumlah 92 100,0
Source: Research Results, 2018 (data processed).
Table 4 shows that 84.8 percent of respondents had work intensity of < 35 hours / week which means underemployment, and then 15.2 percent of respondents had work time> 35 hours / week means full work. Regarding the respondents' income, the details of the data are shown in the following Table 5.
Table 5 - Respondents' Responses to Variable Average Revenue
No. Revenue Range Amount Revenue Range Amount Revenue Range Amount
1. < Rp 500.000 4 4,3
2. Rp 500.001 - Rp 1.000.000 60 65,2
3. Rp 1.000.001 - Rp 1.500.000 28 30,5
Total 92 100,0
Source: Research Results, 2018 (data processed).
Based on the data in Table 5 it is known that 65.2 percent of respondents have an income of between Rp 501,000 - Rp1,000,000, followed by 30.5 percent of respondents with an income range between Rp 1,001,000 - Rp 1,500,000. But there are still 4.3 percent of respondents who have an income of up to Rp 500,000.
Table 6 - Normality Test Result
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
X1 X2 X3 Y1 Y2
N 92 92 92 92 92
Normal Parametersa,b Mean .4022 1.6304 33.4457 23.9457 911228.2609
Std. Deviation .49302 .72198 7.78892 8.77605 203347.48602
Most Extreme Differences Absolute .390 .320 .138 .179 .095
Positive .390 .320 .138 .161 .088
Negative -.290 -.191 -.089 -.179 -.095
Test Statistic .390 .320 .138 .179 .095
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000c .000c .000c .000c .039c
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.
c. Lilliefors Significance Correction.
From the results of the normality test using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test it is known that the significance of all research variables has a value less than 0.05 so it is said that the data is normally distributed.
Analysis of the path analysis is carried out in stages, according to the results of data analysis. In the first stage a regression analysis was carried out with work intensity (Y1) as the dependent variable, as well as disability (X1), skill (X2) and age (X3) as independent variables. The second stage with income (Y2) as the dependent variable, while the type of disability (X1), skill (X2), age (X3), and work intensity (Y1) as the independent variable.
Table 7 - Regression Analysis Results With Work Intensity As Dependent Variable
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients T Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 46.322 2.949 15.708 .000
X1 -.254 1.787 -.014 -.142 .887
X2 3.319 1.220 .273 2.720 .008
X3 -.828 .070 -.735 -11.834 .000
Table 8 - Results of Regression Analysis with Income as Dependent Variable
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 361362.708 138865.894 2.602 .011
X1 25918.206 43156.968 .063 .601 .550
X2 169463.215 30672.944 .602 5.525 .000
X3 2327.420 2718.721 .089 .856 .394
Y1 7738.404 2573.780 .334 3.007 .003
a. Dependent Variable: Y2
Based on Table 8, it can be analyzed that skill and work intensity have a positive and significant effect on income, with acceptance of Ho less than 0.05 which is commonly used in statistical values, namely 0.008 and 0.003, respectively. While the type of disability and age has no significant effect on income with significance of 0.550 and 0.394 (> 0.05).
According to the results of the regression analysis in Table 7 and Table 8 the following substructure equation can be made:
Y1 = -0,014Xi + 0,273X2 - 0,735X3 + e-, Y2 = 0,063X1 + 0,602X2 + 0,089X3 + 0,334Y1 + e2
As for calculating the path coefficient through partial regression analysis where the path coefficient is a standardized regression coefficient for its direct effect. Meanwhile, to calculate the indirect effect through work intensity is done by multiplying between the path coefficients of the path traversed. The direct effect, the indirect effect, and the total effect on the two regression models can be presented as the following Table 9.
Table 9 - Direct Influence, Indirect Influence, and Total Influence
Variabel Work intensity (Y1) Income (Y2)
Type of Disability (X1) -0,014* - -0,014 0,063* -0.005 0,058
Skill (X2) 0,273 - 0,273 0,602 0,091 0,693
Age (X3) -0,735 - -0,735 0,089* -0,245 -0,156
Work Intensity (Y1) - - - 0,334 - 0,334
Information: PL = Direct Influence, PTL = Indirect Influence, PT = Total Influence, *) = non significant.
Table 9 shows that there is a non-significant effect on the effect of age on income, while other influences are significant. Furthermore, through the R-square value in each regression model, the coefficient of total determination can be calculated. The coefficient of total determination is calculated as follows:
R2m = 1 - (1 - R12)2 (1 - R22)2 = 0,987
So overall it can be said the influence on the income of persons with disabilities by the type of disability, skills, age, and work intensity by 98.7 percent, while the remaining 1.3 percent by other variables outside the study.
Effects of Disability, Skill, and Age on Work Intensity of Persons with Disabilities in Denpasar City. As the results of the data analysis it turns out that the type of disability has no significant effect on the work intensity of the disabled in the city of Denpasar. This is because there are no respondents of workers whom suffered from mental disabilities. Furthermore related to the effect of skill and age on work intensity turned out to be positive and significant. This means that if skills and age increase, the intensity of work also increases.
One of the jobs that many people with visual impairments are involved in is the masseur. The higher the age and skills, the more they will have customers so that the working time has increased. Therefore, it is very important to provide training and assistance for persons with disabilities to increase their work productivity. As stated by research respondents, Mr. Ketut Mase (50 years), who is blind and works as a masseur, said that: "I have received help from the center. Denpasar City Government has also often provided training. Like massage training, there are all kinds. For example acupressure, reflexology. The environment where I live in the Panjer area is also very supportive for people with disabilities, both for work and education".
Social guidance to increase social awareness and responsibility, adaptability and cooperation within the group or its environment. Intellectual activities so that persons with disabilities can understand activities related to increasing knowledge, abilities and basic skills such as reading, writing and arithmetic. Guidance for skills so that persons with disabilities have the ability and skills to carry out activities in accordance with their talents and interests.
The challenge of disability in entering the next workforce is related to attitudes toward diservity that arise, the community still cannot apply objectively to accepting judgments on differences (Junaedi, C. marliana, 2003: 25). Hwa, Magdalene Ang Chooi (2005: 183) in a quantitative study concluded that people with disabilities will also face difficulties in job promotion and wage increases: "Collectively, the study findings revealed that the disability effect was apparent when the promotability was the criterion variable. However, disability did not have a significant impact on salary progression".
If you look at the challenges that arise from within a person with a disability, of course, it is related to the competence and capacity of the disability at work. The lack of employment opportunities that employ disabilities can be due to disability work capacity considerations. The minimal formation of human resources with special needs will impact on people with disabilities in penetrating increasingly narrow employment opportunities even though national and regional regulations have mandated employment opportunities quotas for disability.
Effects of Disability, Skill, Age, and Work Intensity on the Income of Persons with Disabilities in the City of Denpasar. Based on the analysis results that skill and work intensity directly have a positive and significant effect on the income of persons with disabilities in the city of Denpasar, while the type of disability and age have a positive but not significant effect on income. This shows that the higher skill and work intensity will be able to increase the income of people with disabilities.
However, there have not been many jobs for persons with disabilities, and they are still far from the expectations of persons with disabilities. As explained by I Ketut Mase (50 years), that: "Yes indeed, jobs for people with disabilities like me are unlikely to be accepted [to be employed]. Mostly [they are employed] at where I work. This is also my uncertain income. Usually a month can be two million, but if the demand decreases, I can only make five hundred [a month]". In the area of workforce development, the city of Denpasar government through the Social Service and or the Manpower Office can assist in channeling people with disabilities in looking for work. In addition, companies that employ people with disabilities also need to be rewarded so that they can be a motivation for companies that enable them to employ people with disabilities.
Persons with disabilities in the city of Denpasar actually have enough skills, especially those living with caring families. For example, many deaf people who have expertise in making various ceremonial facilities. This is actually very potential and is a skill that currently has business potential. In addition, it is not uncommon for persons with disabilities to have skills in the arts. These talents and skills, if well managed and developed, can provide economic benefits. With efforts to provide rehabilitation services and skills training for people with disabilities will be able to develop and improve their physical, mental and social abilities so that they are able to work in accordance with the level of ability, education and skills possessed and in accordance with their interests and experience, so as to achieve independence in the midst of community life.
Work Intensity Mediates the Effect of Type of Disability, Skill, and Age on Income of Persons with Disabilities in the City of Denpasar. The analysis showed that work intensity significantly mediated the effect of skills and age on the income of persons with disabilities in Denpasar City. This means that to improve people with disabilities, the potential of skills and age needs to be directed to increase work intensity. Therefore, with an increase in work intensity, it will certainly have a positive impact on income.
Denpasar City is one of the regions participating in implementing Regional Regulations related to persons with disabilities, namely Bali Provincial Regulation No. 9/2015. In general, the implementation of Bali Provincial Regulation No. 9/2015 has been going well, but there is still a need to maximize the affirmation of disability regulations. to the general public so that this Perda can guarantee recognition from the community towards persons with disabilities. Thus they also feel acknowledged and accepted by their existence. One informant with the initials Wgn said firmly that: "We are not disabled, there are physical shortcomings, but it does not matter. In fact, [despite] our physical deficiencies [we] must be motivated so that we can do better and be responsible".
The same thing was also expressed by the informant of the employer where the practice of work guidance for the service of the initials Jnt said that: "Those who are physically handicapped while their minds are not, so the results of their work are no different from those produced by other workers who are not disabled".
This expression of the informant proves that despite the disability having physical limitations it turns out that their work remains good not much different from the results of their work that is not disabled. This also shows that people with disabilities are accepted and recognized. As a person with a disability who lives in a complex society, people with
disabilities need a safe environment, which gives love, recognition and acceptance. People with disabilities as individuals who experience obstacles still have abilities that can be developed, especially in emotional development where emotions are a necessity for everyone that is to be respected and recognized.
Participation in implementing local regulations by the Government, DPOs and DPOs has been able to run well. Every program that is planned and implemented by the Provincial Government, Denpasar City or DPOs can be implemented well which is shown by the enthusiasm of persons with disabilities themselves in various activities carried out by the Government.
As explained by I Ketut Masa (50 years), that "I hope the government pays more attention to the disabled [as seen in the regulations] such as the 2015 Regional Regulation (Bali Provincial Regulation Number 9 of 2015 concerning Protection and Fulfillment of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities) and the 2016 Law (Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 8 of 2016 concerning Persons with Disabilities). So we can get a better job".
Empowerment, empowerment, and promotion are also carried out to provide justice for people with disabilities so that they are able to interact with the surrounding environment for their abilities. Not only has that, the provision of public facilities, such as sidewalks, also accommodated people with disabilities. On the other hand, public recognition is still limited regarding PwDs. Facilities provided for pedestrians such as sidewalks with yellow tiles as access, which also accommodate persons with disabilities, are still misused by most people for parking motorized vehicles or street vendors. So there needs to be an affirmation related to the socialization of the regulation so that all parties feel they have the regulation. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion it can be concluded that:
• Skill and age have a positive and significant effect on the work intensity of the disabled in the city of Denpasar;
• Skill, age, and work intensity have a positive and significant effect on the income of the disabled in city of Denpasar;
• Work intensity significantly mediates the effect of skills and age on the income of the disabled in the city of Denpasar.
The things that are suggested as a follow up to the results of this study are as follows.
• The Denpasar City Government and the Bali Provincial Government through the Manpower Office need to increase the intensity of skills training for persons with disabilities;
• Aside providing trainings, the government also needs to aid them in obtaining job opportunities or channel workers with disabilities to work in companies;
• Further researchers should study and evaluate programs for the disabled that have been carried out so that they can form a strategic study to improve productivity and fulfill the rights of the disabled.
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