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В конечном итоге цель проекта заключается в осмыслении специфики развития Российского государства, механизмов его развития в XVII в., - когда завершился процесс становления национальной государственности и культурной самоидентификации. Достигнуть этой цели предполагается путем изучения самого большого в истории России военно-оборонительного сооружения - Белгородской черты. К 1658 г. эта огромная черта протянулась на 800 км, защищая южные границы страны от набегов крымских и ногайских татар, способствуя началу полноценного хозяйственного освоения обширных территорий современного Центрального Черноземья. В XVIII в. начинается интенсивное заселение этих земель крестьянами. Уже в XIX в. эти земли станут важным сельскохозяйственным центром страны, а к концу века перенаселение черноземной деревни создаст почву для социального взрыва и приведет к революционным событиям. В XX в. этот регион превратится в развитый промышленный центр с крупными городами, такими, как Воронеж, Липецк и Белгород, а также Курск и Тамбов.

Таковы были далеко идущие последствия строительства Белгородской черты. Мы видим их значимость, и потому так важно понять, каким же образом удалось построить это мощное сооружение. Детальное изучение этого процесса позволит понять, каковы были механизмы взаимодействия власти и общества в этом процессе, какие способы социальной организации использовались, и наконец, нам важно осмыслить сами формы поведения населения, восприятие людьми своего места в государстве и своей роли в обществе. Для того, чтобы в полной мере осмыслить процесс, необходимо четко и ясно представлять, что представляла собой сама Белгородская черта. Поэтому в центре внимания проекта - создание геоинформационной системы, которая включает в себя полный набор сведений о географии черты, социальной и военной структуре населения, задействованного в строительстве комплекса военно-оборонительных сооружений черты. Кроме того, интерактивная карта будет включать информацию о сельских поселениях региона Белгородской черты.

Собранная информация приведет, в конечном итоге, к созданию геоинформационной системы комплекса военно-оборонительных сооружений и поселений Белгородской черты, которую предстоит осмыслить в контексте социоестественной истории юга Центральной России в XVII - первой половине XIX вв. Апробация работы будет осуществляться в виде статей в журналах, входящих в международную базу данных, а также в процессе выступлений на тематических конференциях.

Фатеме Х. M.



The invention of writing allowed plant knowledge to be recorded and preserved. The first inscriptions detailing the use of plants in the treatment of disease were written on clay tablets found in Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq) and the Egyptian papyrus. In which 250 herbal medicines were listed. The Ebers Papyrus was written around 1500 BC, which is one of the most important human writings in which ancient information has been recorded, containing 876 copies of 500 different materials and in which many plants have been mentioned. They have a tradition that includes the use of plants. At that time, different nations scientifically collected information about plants and developed herbal pharmacopoeias. Until the 20th century, most scientific medical pharmacopoeias were extracted from the same plant cultures of different nations. Many drugs, such as strychnine, aspirin, vincristine, taxol, artimisinin, and corundum, have herbal roots, and about a quarter of all over-the-counter drugs in the United States contain herbal active ingredients. The most important birthplaces of herbal medicine are: Asia (China, India) - Latin America - Europe. It should also be noted that in the 21st century, the European Union has enacted a law requir-

ing clinical trials on medicinal plants, such as chemical drugs, so all herbal medicines must be licensed (Ziaei, 2002).

One of the main problems of developing countries in the path of economic development and development is undoubtedly the issue of migration of rural residents and suburbs to urban centers. In developing countries, the agricultural sector alone cannot create employment and income. It is the agricultural sector and the industrial sector that can be very effective. Rose water making industry as a complementary industry of raw agricultural products (rosemary and other medicinal plants) and in accordance with the geographical, demographic, technological and cultural conditions of Ghamsar Kashan district, has been an important source of income for many years. Residents of the region have become remarkable. Mohammadi flower or fragrant gold has the ability to live and adapt in difficult conditions in terms of soil, climate, water and slope of the land. Standard and marketable packaging as well as marketing and marketing must be a fundamental and conscious effort.

Mohammadi flower is scientifically named (Rozadmasna) that its cultivation and cultivation is common in 14 provinces of Iran. Isfahan province (Kashan city) is one of the most important areas for cultivating this flower. According to the documents available in the National Library of Paris, Fars province paid the Baghdad treasury in 810 AD, equivalent to 30,000 bottles of rose water. The rosemaking industry was taken to Europe by the Arabs in the 10th century.

The history of Mohammadi flower cultivation and rose-making industry in Qamsar has a long history, which dates back to the first and second centuries AH. During the reign of the Seljuk emperor, the representative of one of the Eastern Roman Atabaks from the foothills of Ghamsar »ol Asbi took the red car with him to the city of Mashq, which was called Damascos in those days. Rose extraction in Ghamsar Kashan is achieved in two traditional and industrial methods and the basis of both methods is based on distillation.

In the traditional method, the tools and equipment used include: a copper pot, in a copper pot, Nietzsche (two aluminum pipes with a 45-degree angle), a copper pitcher and a heating device called a branch that works with kerosene or diesel fuel. In the method of industrial rose extraction, the working method and devices are more or less the same as traditional rose extraction /Kordva-ni, 2004].

Iran has a special place in the export of flowers and roses in the world and every year a significant volume of this product is exported to different countries of the world, which can be referred to the United Arab Emirates, France, USA, Canada, Germany, China, UK, Austria, Australia and Sweden for perfume production. (www.yjc.ir). Among these countries, the UAE is the largest buyer of this perfume.

Properties of rose: In Asian countries, also in Iran, this fragrant substance is used in food, tea, ice cream and traditional sweets (coke, rice sweets, baklava, etc.), and it is also soothing. In traditional medicine, rose is known as warm that pH blood to alkaline. In the past, rose was used a lot, for example, it relieved toothache by dropping a few drops of this substance. Rose is also suitable for skin care and cleansing, and it can be used in a chemical skin cleansing product, as well as its freshness and radiance. And gives freshness. Serum is beneficial for the skin. It is suitable for removing pimples on the body. But the healing properties of rose water are used to disinfect the eyes, relieve dry eyes, gastrointestinal diseases such as chronic diarrhea, bloating, heartburn and increase libido. Rose water is used to relieve rheumatic pains, heart and stomach. It strengthens and relieves anxiety. It is useful for sore throats, prevents bleeding from the chest and throat. Drinking cool rose water warms the nostrils and strengthens the body. Smelling it also relieves headaches (www.akairan.com).

In Iran, the use of herbal infusions has a very long history. In Islamic and traditional medicine, many references have been made to the properties of these compounds. This product is used as a flavoring for food, medicine and beverages. In some of its essential oils, after purification, it is used in the manufacture of sweets. It should be accompanied by sweat without any color. The presence of any of these characteristics indicates the existence of a negative factor in sweat. Sweat

has a special odor and is mainly known by its smell. Sweat is classified into two categories in terms of purity, heavy sweat and light sweat. The amount of essential oil in sweat varies from 15 to 30% and its changes indicate first and second degree sweat (Darsasanat Company, 2007).

Steps of production of herbal essences

_Selection of plant raw material








Quality control of the final product

The use of boiled plants from ancient times and the recognition of their positive therapeutic effects and the use of plants in the manufacture of food has led to the gradual recognition of various types of herbs and finally their essences and essential oils. And consumers are familiar with their characteristics, which are: rosemary sweat (rose) - pussy sweat - Nastaran sweat - Spring orange sweat - Mint sweat - Thyme sweat - Thistle sweat - Rye sweat - Chicory sweat - Boar sweat - Hawthorn sweat or Kialk - Taroone sweat.

The use of medicinal plants has an ancient history. Medicinal plants have a special value and importance in providing health and well-being in terms of prevention and treatment of diseases. Herbs are a medicine that has the following properties:

• In the body of plants, special substances are made and stored as effective substances and secondary metabolites that are used to treat some diseases, which are made during special and complex biochemical processes and in very small quantities (usually less than one percent of the dry weight of the plant).

• Special organs such as roots, leaves, stems, flowers and fruits may often have the most effective substances, so the whole plant cannot always be considered as a special medicinal substance.

• Plant organs are harvested, prepared and processed, ie under the influence of special operations such as separation, crushing, drying and fermentation, and then used.

In this section, a number of medicinal plants, some of which may be used on a daily basis, are discussed as follows:

Thyme: In ancient Rome, thyme was burned and it was believed that the smoke from it caused scorpions to move away. Thyme was used as an antidote to treat our stings and it was used to treat all kinds of headaches. Thyme is a laxative, expectorant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antibacterial, fungal, diuretic, and wound healing. It is also bitter, slightly bitter, hot and dry.

Lavender: One of the most famous herbs used in medicine since ancient times, the Arabs used it as a sputum, while the Europeans traditionally used this plant as a wound healer. Effects such as strengthening blood circulation, antispasmodics, It relieves pain, enhances bile secretion and disinfects. Its temperament is bitter, dry and cold in nature. It should be noted that excessive consumption of this plant during pregnancy stimulates uterine contractions.

Rosemary (rosemary): It is a Mediterranean plant that gradually spread throughout the mystery. This plant was planted in the 14th century by the wife of King Edward III of England in this country. It is effective for strengthening monism, this plant has a bitter, dry, hot temperament.

Echinacea: Native Americans used it to treat snakebite, fever and severe wounds. Immigrants to the United States used the plant to treat colds and flu. It has had fans since the 19th century. It is found and is used today in the treatment of AIDS. This plant strengthens the immune

system, antibiotics, antiallergies, strengthens the body's lymphatic system and has a cool, dry and fast temperament. Also, high consumption of this plant causes dizziness and nausea.

Figs (Pig-Hemorrhoids): This plant was used in both Eastern and Western traditions as a cleansing and purifying plant. Figs were used to treat abscesses and purulent wounds. The root of this plant reduces blood pressure and relaxes the heart and calms the heart. Its temperament is bitter, cold, dry and salty.

Eucalyptus: Indigenous Australians traditionally used eucalyptus to reduce fever. It was introduced to the West Australian and Melbourne Botanical Gardens in the 19th century and was cultivated in southern Europe and the Americas. The oil of this plant is used for infectious diseases such as measles, rubella and typhoid. Eucalyptus lowers blood sugar and removes worms from the body. Its temperament has a bitter, cool, hot and humid nature.

Chamomile: The ancient sailors called it (earthy apple). The Anglo-Saxons considered the chamomile plant to be one of the nine sacred plants. Chamomile plays an important role in the treatment of gynecological diseases. Azulene is dark blue in color. This plant is anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, anti-emetic and sedative and has a bitter, hot and humid temperament.

Orange: The origin of this medicinal plant is China and the Middle Ages had a special popularity among Oriental physicians. In the 16th century, an Italian prince obtained the oil from the flowers of the orange tree, which he used to perfume his gloves. Neroli is available in the market. Orange fruit is a gastrointestinal stimulant and is suitable for constipation, it is suitable for treating insomnia. It is also used to prevent shock. Orange peel is a laxative and is used to treat cough. Its effects are antiflatulence, anti-flatulence, increase blood pressure, anti-depressant, vasospasm, and energizing.

Peppermint: Containing aromatic oil eliminates bloating and digestive problems caused by the accumulation of gas in the intestines. It soothes pain in the abdomen, causes spasms. Peppermint also regulates menstruation in women and strengthens uterine contractions. Stimulates uterine contractions.

Raspberry: It has long been used as a soothing plant, its leaf is used to treat diarrhea and hemorrhoids. Today, raspberry leaf tea is used to prepare pregnant women in late pregnancy for childbirth, and to treat mouth and skin ulcers. In France, raspberry leaves are used for the prostate gland. Raspberry fruit is also used for rheumatism and indigestion. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and nuts, and its temperament is dry, astringent and cool.

Black and white berries: In the 16th century, the fruits, stems, and leaves of blackberries were used medicinally. Colds and high blood pressure are used. The effects of this fruit on the body are general strengthening of the body, laxative, antibacterial, increase of body perspiration, anti-rheumatism and lowering blood pressure, and its cold temper.

Oatmeal: It has a warm and sweet nature and is a good food for cold regions such as northern Europe. New research by scientists has shown that oatmeal can help lower blood fat (cholesterol). It is also used in diseases such as MS, thyroid and estrogen deficiency. It is moist, warm and sweet (effortless).

St. John's wort: It is widely used in traditional medicine in China and most European countries in the treatment of liver and biliary disorders. Marine inhibits the progression of liver and prostate cancer, protects the kidney against poisoning, including cisplatin, and lowers blood sugar in type 2 diabetes /Fallah H., 2004].

Marigold (silymarin): This plant is abundant as a herb in the pastures of South Australia, Europe and North America and the drug made from this plant is a protective liver that is prescribed for people with hepatitis /Fallah H., 2004].

This article discusses the history of herbal infusions and their properties, which have been used since ancient times in the Middle East and in Iran. It is also discussed that medicinal plants are currently used to treat dangerous diseases such as MS, AIDS and hepatitis. But it must be said that in some cases it is true that chemical drugs have an early effect on the body and the disease does not improve, but the harmful effects that it later has on the body over time are more than the

Iranian proverb. It is obtained but it is less harmful than chemical drugs. In this article, we have tried to describe the plants that are used daily and their properties for the body. Let's trust in nature and the things it has produced for it. Remember that there were no chemical drugs in ancient times. It is good that doctors use herbal medicines in addition to chemical medicines when prescribing medicine.

Список литературы

1. Ziaei, S. A. (2002). History of Herbal Medicine.

2. Kordvani, P., Ghaffar, A. (2004) A study of rose water industry and its importance in Ghamsar section of Kashan // Geographical research. № 47. P. 21-42.

3. Fallah H. H., Alavian, S. M. (2002) Control and treatment of hepatitis with complementary and herbal medicines // Quarterly Journal of Medicinal Plants. № 4. URL: www.yjc.ir www.akairan.com.

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