Научная статья на тему 'Three state line of membrane-redox potentials and abstractly coded terminology as rlung, mkhis, badgan'

Three state line of membrane-redox potentials and abstractly coded terminology as rlung, mkhis, badgan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Narantsetseg B., Ambaga M., Sarantsetseg B., Khishigjargal S.O.

Owing to ascertaining the scientific essence of the theories such as Chinese-Korean en-yan, rlung-mkhis-badgan or Lung-Ti-badgan of Tibetan-Mongolian traditional medicine and vatta-pitta-kappa of Indian-Ayurved, the bases for administration and treatment of the Oriental medicine tendency toexplain some unclear issues that cannot be solved through the contemporary medicineis expanded. While, professor M. Ambaga has disclosed a pass to “new apperception” related to the theories, diagnoses and therapy of the contemporary medicine, thus he called it “NCM-newly coded medicine”. Thanks to it coherence between the theoretical and methodological approaches of traditional and contemporary medicineshas been elicited. However, no any study on three state line of membrane-potential in link with abstractly coded codifications of rlung, mkhis and badgan has been done. On this reason, study has been done in order to define the relevance of membrane redoxy potential three state lines in link with rlung, mkhis, badgan, the fundamental theory of the traditional medicine.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Three state line of membrane-redox potentials and abstractly coded terminology as rlung, mkhis, badgan»

УДК 615.40:54



© Badarch Narantsetseg

Doctorant of medical sciences, Lecturer, Department of newly coded medicine, "New Medicine" Medical Institute of Traditional Medicine, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia E-mail: [email protected] © Miyegombo Ambaga

General Director of "New Medicine" Medical Institute of Traditional Medicine, State Prize Winner of Mongolia, Honoured Doctor, MD, Professor, Grand Doctor, Full Professor E-mail: [email protected] © Bandi Sarantsetseg

MD, Professor, Director of Scientific and Innovation Center. E-mail: [email protected] © Ser-Od Khishigjargal

PhD in Medicine, Lecturer, Department of traditional medicine, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia E-mail: [email protected]


Owing to ascertaining the scientific essence of the theories such as Chinese-Korean en-yan, rlung-mkhis-badgan or Lung-Ti- badgan of Tibetan-Mongolian traditional medicine and vatta-pitta-kappa of Indian-Ayurved, the bases for administration and treatment of the Oriental medicine tendency toexplain some unclear issues that cannot be solved through the contemporary medicineis expanded. While, professor M.Ambaga has disclosed a pass to "new apperception" related to the theories, diagnoses and therapy of the contemporary medicine, thus he called it "NCM-newly coded medicine". Thanks to it coherence between the theoretical and methodological approaches of traditional and contemporary medicineshas been elicited. However, no any study on three state line of membrane-potential in link with abstractly coded codifications of rlung, mkhis and badgan has been done. On this reason, study has been done in order to define the relevance of membrane redoxy potential three state lines in link with rlung, mkhis, badgan, the fundamental theory of the traditional medicine. Keywords: rlung, mkhris, badgan, membrane redoxy potential, malondialdehyde.

Purpose of the study

Within the new modeling of "human body structure-function" data of 2, 3, 4 compartments will be studied in link with the relevance of membrane redoxy potentiality three state lines and as well codification of rlung, mkhris, badgan through selection of comparatively young people


1. Define indexes of butyric agents in serum fluid or the second compartment;

2. Determine content of saturated and unsaturated butyric agents at the central and acentric locations of body lateral pivot in the 3rd compartment of young people, index difference between height and weight, and muscle index;

3. Find erythrocyte persistence or 4th compartment of healthy young people by membrane resistant capacity and malondialdehyde /MDA/ indexes in membrane;

4. Study the above-mentioned data in consistence with abstractly-presented codification of rlung, mkhris and badgan;

Medhods and materials

The study was conducted at the Research-Innovation Center of the New Medicine University with collaboration of the bio-chemical laboratory, "Khulj Borjigon" hospital by involving 800 comparatively young people with the age of 18-25 through instantaneous analytic screening.

- The indexes of the 2nd compartment were identified in mmol/l through serum cholesterol and the contents of triglyceride, HDL, and LDL by automatic analyzer Screen Master-LIHD116 (Hospitex Diagnostics, Italy).

- The data of the 3rd compartment was rated by the quantity of saturated and unsaturated butyric agents at the central and acentric locations of body lateral pivot, and muscle index and body weight by bio-impedansometer Karada Scan HBF-361 (Omron, Japan).

- The 4th compartment was presented by membrane malondialdehyde and membrane resistant capacity.

- The result of the study was tested through "SPSS 17" programm and average digital true probability by One-way ANONA test.


Membrane betta state, redpotential prevailing group

Membrane alpha state, oxy-potential prevailing group

M emb ran e gamma state, red oxy | potential prevailing group

ITG (nmiol/1) ICHL (mmol, 1) LDL(mmol, 1) I HDL(mmol, 1)

Picture 1. Comparison of three state line of M-RP and the data of the 2n compartment

It is seen that the contents of triglyceride /TG/, cholesterol and LDL have rocketed by 1.08-1.27, by 1.04-1.1 and by 1.1-1.2 times respectively if we compare membrane betta state and red-potential prevailing group with membrane alpha state, oxy-potential, membrane gamma state and redoxyj-potential prevailing group at the three state line of membrane-redoxy potential. It has been noticed that red-potential increases, de-synthesis capacity of bio-molecules improves, highly proton compounds like TG, CHL, LDL easily shift to the 2nd compartment of the so — called membrane-2nd compartment cycle and are accumulated in the form of saturated butyric agents at the central and acentric locations of body lateral pivot that all of them are reflected in badgan codification. In term of HDL membrane alpha state has been 1.09-1.25 times more if we compare oxy-potential prevailing group with membrane gamma and betta state.

Table 1

Study on comparison of the 3rd compartment data with membrane-redoxy potential three state line


Content of Content of Body weight Difference of RMB

saturated butyric unsaturated index (BMI) body weight and ratio

acid at CLBLP butyric acid at /Kg/M2/

Study group

height (BWHD)


Membrane betta state,

red — potential 6.3±0.029*

prevailing group

Membrane alpha state,

oxy — potential 5.18±0.018

prevailing group

ALBLP(%) 25.74±0.28**








Membrane gamma

state, redoxy! potential 3.63±0.028

prevailing group

23.32±0.29* 20.41±0.532 -5.14±0.14** R|

**p<0.01, *p<0.05 CLBLP — central locations of body lateral pivot, ALBLP — acentric locations of body lateral


By looking at table 1, we can see that content of butyric acid at the central location of body lateral pivot increases by 1.22-1.73 times in the third compartment, also body weight index rises by 1.13-1.26 times and body weight & height ratio by 1.34 times respectively in "membrane-3 compartment cycle" if for our selected people we compare membrane betta state, redoxy [ potential prevailing (6.3±0.029) group with membrane gamma state, redoxyj potential prevailing (3.63±0.028) group and as well membrane alpha state, oxy potential (5.18±0.018). All it shows that cold fatty attribute, water alluvium organism and badgan codification predominate. Whereas, content of butyric acid at the acentric location of body lateral pivot increases by 1.06-1.17 times if we compare membrane alpha state, oxy potential prevailing group (27.374±0.054) with membrane betta state, red-potentail or membrane gamma state and redoxyj potential that in conclusion we can say hot fatty or fire attribute is detected which is in consistence with mkhris codification.

Picture 2. Comparison of three state line of M-RP and the data of the 4 compartment

You can see from picture 2 proton loss scale for the healthy young people at the three state line of membrane redoxy-potential in term of membrane resistant capacity and membrane malondialdehyde. It shows that membrane resistant capacity has increased by 1.05-1.65 whereas membrane malondialdehyde decreased by 1.89-2.96 in case of comparing membrane betta state, red-potential prevailing group with membrane alpha state, oxy-potential prevailing group and membrane gamma state, redoxyj potential state. In all it proves that red-potential increases in membrane three states, bio-molecule re-synthesis capacity improves or in another words, the results of picture 1 and table 1 are in consistence.


Totally new apperception — "Membrane-ROP 3 state line" has been developed in the medical science and its around 70 terminals been disclosed. In this regard, large number of tests and research work have been done and lots of books and hand manuals been written. Over 2004-2008 it was exposed that "Membrane-ROP 3 state line is the fundamental section with about 70 terminals in cell codified by rlung, mkris, badgan, even so, it cannot fully represent cell, there is an another 3 main compartment part existing in parallel and in consequence, a concept of 4th compartment has been propounded [8, 9].

Many foreign researchers are conducting researches on the close collaboration of traditional medicine and modern medicine. Some ideas which were raised by researchers described in the literatures. In our opinion, the present study on the concepts of traditional medicine symbolic codes: mkris, rlung and badgan -membrane redox potentials 3 states in healthy individuals is one of research attempts on traditional medicine theory and education in the 21st century. For example, Denis Noble stated that new progress in the modern biology is able to form close collaboration traditional medicine and modern medicine.

A.Hankey described that Vata, Kapha, Pitta theories of Auyrvedic medicine are able to be described by phase transitions, irreversible thermodynamics of living cell in the modern medicine [11, 12].

A.Hankey described that Vata is connected to membrane substrat donator transitions. Kapha is connected in Krebs cycle oxidation, ATP synthesis. Pitta is connected to cell membrane substrat, donator

accumulation, obesity, carbohydrate resources. Surprisingly, it may be connected to electron proton conductance [11, 12].

Scientists, for example, B. A. Aggarwall considered that "Golden triangle", modern technology are able to treat many severe diseases on the bridges of traditional medicine and modern medicine. New ideas raised by researchers proved by this hypothesis [13].


• Membrane gamma state — weak redoxy potential — low contents of Chl, TG, LDL, HDL, weak content of MRC and MDA, low heating energy both for ATP, NADPH or in consistence with turning round attribute — chimerical element — chimerical abstract codification.

• Membrane alpha state — oxy potential, mid content of Chl, TG, mid LDL, high HDL, mid MRC and MDA content-mid scale of ATP, NADPH — high heating energy — or in consistence with mkhis abstract codification.

• Membrane betta state — red potential — high Chl, TG, LDL, mid scale of HDL, high MRC, MDA — high scale of ATP, NADPH — medium scale of heating energy — or in consistence with heavy, cold attribute — water, alluvium element — badgan abstract codification.


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