Научная статья на тему 'Modeling of Rlung, mkhris, badgan Coded situation by inducing the inhibition of complex i and uncoupler events in experimental animals'

Modeling of Rlung, mkhris, badgan Coded situation by inducing the inhibition of complex i and uncoupler events in experimental animals Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Modeling of Rlung, mkhris, badgan Coded situation by inducing the inhibition of complex i and uncoupler events in experimental animals»



© Jambalsuren Narantsetseg

Graduate, Curator of Department 'Newly Coded Medicine', "New Medicine" Medical Institute E-mail: [email protected] © Miyegombo Ambaga

MD, Professor, Rector of the Institute of Medicine "New Medicine" E-mail: [email protected]

Nowadays most important demands and requests of the Traditional Medicine field has been relate the achievement of the evidence-based scientific research with Traditional Medicine theory [1-3]. The researchers has been revealed the explanation the pith of obesity, diabetes and aging according to the discovery of unsolved many natural phenomenon of energy-metabolism of living cells. Also those revelations give possibilities to explain many aspects of the Traditional Medicine theory. Mongolian some scientists modified the equation of metabolism into new variation as like "Carbohydrate, amino acids, fatty acids + Three state lines of membrane — redox potential + O2 = Energy (AT® + Heat energy) + H2O + CO2" [4, 5].

In the field of Traditional Medicine had not the study about relationships between the new variation of the metabolic equation and pathogenesis of obesity, diabetes and aging problems with rotenone induced the inhibition of proton model on the I complex of membrane — redox potential three state lines"; dinitrophenol induced proton leak "from intermembrane space — to matrix" model [6]. Theoretically and methodologically important aspects of Traditional Medicine are to research about the relations between the speed of proton, electron release from donators on membrane-redox potential three state lines and 20 external characteristics of "Rlung, mkhris and badgan" theory.

Goal: To determine parameters of new variation of the metabolic equation on rotenone induced the inhibition of proton and dinitrophenol induced proton leak models; to compare those parameters with some metabolic disorders pathogenesis and "Rlung, Mkhris, Badgan — membrane — redox potential three state lines".


1. To determine the activity of oxidase, the content of oxidized substance (malondialdehyde), the capacity of free radical scavenging substances, the speed of consumption and oxidation glucose of erythrocyte in the cycle of membrane-second compartment on dinitrophenol induced proton leak ("from intermembrane space — to matrix") model.

2. To investigate the quantities of cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL and LDL; to correlate an alteration of those highly protonization compounds with body mass and body temperature in the cycle of membrane-second compartment on dinitrophenol induced proton leak model.

3. To determine the activity of oxidase, the content of oxidized substance (malondialdehyde), the capacity of free radical scavenging substances in the cycle of membrane-second compartment on rotenone induced the inhibition of proton on I complex level of the membrane — redox potential three state lines.

4. To study the quantities of cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL and LDL; to correlate an alteration of those highly protonization compounds with body mass and body temperature in the cycle of membrane-second compartment on rotenone induced the inhibition of proton on I complex level of the membrane — redox potential three state lines.

5. To explore and reveal possibilities of the utilization of new experimental animal models (rotenone induced the inhibition of proton on the membrane — redox potential three state lines and on dinitrophenol induced proton leak "from intermembrane space — to matrix") for researches related with Rlung, Mkhris, Badgan theory.

Materials and methods

This research was conducted in 2011-2013, at the research — innovation center of the New medicine institute and Biochemical Laboratory of the Khuljboijigon Clinic in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

The subjects of our experimental works were 18-24 month old, Chinchilla rabbits, weighing between 1.1-1.8 kg. The subjects were obtained from Biocombinat State Owned Enterprise, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Animals were divided into 3 groups (n = 8 for each group): the intact (normal) group; the experimental group — the dinitrophenol administered group; rotenone administered group. In the rabbits, proton leak was


induced by the subcutaneous administration of dinitrophenol (Sigma-Aldrich, USA) with a dose of 3.5 mg/kg, for 4 days; inhibition of proton was induced by the subcutaneous administration of rotenone (Sigma-Aldrich, USA) with a dose of 2.5 mg/kg, for 4 days.

To determine the activity of oxidase in plasma, erythrocyte's membrane suspension and first compartment were estimated with using the oxidase disks and expressed as a minute.

Free radical scavenging substances measured as protonized products in plasma, erythrocyte's membrane suspension and first compartment were determined with method using of the stable free radical 2,2-diphenyl-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH).

Lipid peroxidation in erythrocyte membrane, and plasma were assessed by measuring concentration of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances in spectrophotometry at 535 nm.

The content of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphates (NADPH) in erythrocyte's membrane and first compartment were determined with using a nitroblue tetrazolium test. The membrane resistance of erythrocytes was measured by hemolysis of erythrocytes.

We quantified body mass by electronic weight scale and body temperature (rectal temperature) by the digital thermometer (Citizen, Japan). The quantities of cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL, LDL and the speed of consumption and oxidation glucose of erythrocyte were measured by apparatus (Hospitex Diagnostic, Italy).

Statistical analysis: The collected data was expressed as the mean±standard deviation, and was analyzed by SPSS 17.0 software by a one-way variance (ANOVA) test.


The activity of plasma oxidase of the dinitrophenol administered group was increased by 15.5-49.9 % on the 3—14th days of experimentation; was decreased by 14.5-26.9 % on the 28-56th days of experimentation, compared to the intact group respectively.

The activity of oxidase of the rotenone administered group had a statistically significant increased throughout all days of the experimentation, compared to the intact group respectively.

The capacity of free radical scavenging substances in first compartment of the dinitrophenol administered group had a statistically significant decreased; The capacity of free radical scavenging substances in first compartment of the rotenone administered group had a statistically significant increased throughout all days of the experimentation, compared to the intact group respectively.

Table 1

Parameters of oxidant-antioxidant status in intact and study groups

Parameters Days of observation Intact group n=8 Groups Dinitrophenol administered n=8 Rotenone administered n=8

Oxidase in II compartment (min) Day 3 Day 7 Day 14 Day 28 Day 56 4.25±0.89 4.25±0.89 4±1.07 4.17±0.39 4.75±0.89 2.13±0.23* 3.25±0.89* 3.38±0.44* 4.88±0.58* 6.5±0.53* 5.25±1.16 6.75±1.91* 7.13±0.35* 8.76±0.35* 9.25±0.46*

Free radical scavenging activity in IV compartment (mcg/ml) Day 3 Day 7 Day 14 Day 28 Day 56 87.65±2.02 89.2±1.26 88.55±1.11 85.39±1.25 85.14±1.45 79.95±2.12* 83.33±1.56* 74.82±1.05* 82.78±1.12 83.64±1.52 78.11±2.23 91.67±2.05* 89.98±1.03 90.30±1.04* 88.37±1.78*

MDA in the II compartment (^mol/ml) Day 3 Day 7 Day 14 Day 28 Day 56 0.038±0.005 0.035±0.007 0.031±0.003 0.038±0.002 0.028±0.002 0.043±0.002 0.045±0.003* 0.058±0.002* 0.065±0.003* 0.029±0.003 0.029±0.002 0.024±0.001 0.018±0.002* 0.020±0.006* 0.033±0.004

*p<0.05 As compared with intact group

The content of malondialdehyde (oxidized substance) of the dinitrophenol administered group was increased by 11.6—46.6 % on the 3—28th days of experimentation; The content of malondialdehyde of the rotenone administered group was decreased by 23.7—69.2 % on the 3—28th days of experimentation, compared to the intact group respectively.

The quantities of plasma cholesterol was decreased by 1.2-17.3 % on the 3-56th days; The amounts of plasma triglyceride was decreased by 13-38 % on the 3-56th days; plasma HDL was increased by 1.7-7.8 % on the 3-14th days; plasma LDL was decreased by 1.7-7.8 % on the 3-14th days of experimentation in the dinitrophenol administered group compared to the intact group respectively.

Table 2

Parameters of II compartment status in intact and study groups

Parameters Days of Groups

observation Intact group Dinitrophenol Rotenone

n=8 administered n=8 administered n=8

Cholesterol (mmol/L) Day 3 3.34±0.23 3.30±0.12 3.59±0.36

Day 7 3.61±0.35 3.15±0.11 3.68±0.14

Day 14 3.69±0.24 3.13±0.38* 3.74±0.45

Day 28 3.71±0.31 3.07±0.20* 4.55±0.23*

Day 56 3.61±0.32 3.06±0.24* 4.52±0.36*

Triglyceride Day 3 0.995±0.013 0.866±0.012 0.778±0.025

(mmol/L) Day 7 0.966±0.025 0.820±0.029 0.963±0.024

Day 14 0.965±0.023 0.781±0.015* 1.17±0.08*

Day 28 0.909±0.026 0.603±0.025* 1.25±0.063*

Day 56 0.926±0.031 0.571±0.012* 1.34±0.089*

HDL (mmol/L) Day 3 1.73±0.025 1.76±0.03 1.73±0.02

Day 7 1.73±0.026 1.84±0.014* 1.62±0.025

Day 14 1.78±0.027 1.93±0.03* 1.59±0.026*

Day 28 1.75±0.028 1.53±0.04 1.52±0.036*

Day 56 1.78±0.024 1.53±0.036 1.59±0.025*

LDL (mmol/L) Day 3 2.79±0.02 3.00±0.036 2.98±0.056

Day 7 2.62±0.019 2.997±0.025 3.71±0.014

Day 14 2.72±0.016 3.09±0.017 3.85±0.015

Day 28 2.78±0.015 3.40±0.019 5.17±0.014*

Day 56 2.73±0.02 3.45±0.03* 5.43±0.04*

*p<0.05 As compared with intact group

The quantities of plasma cholesterol was increased by 18.5-20.13 % on the 3-56th days; the rates of plasma triglyceride was increased by 17.5-30.9 % on the 14-56th days; plasma HDL was decreased by 0.6510.7 % on the 3-56th days; plasma LDL was increased by 1.7-7.8 % on the 3-14th days of experimentation in the rotenone administered group compared to the intact group respectively.


Triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol, VLDL, LDL, LDL/HDL ratio was higher in Kapha when compared to Pitta and Vata maes, Kapha had lower levels of HDL when compared to Vata. Individuals who had thin and narrow body frame, weakly developed body build, with irregular appetite, food and bowel habits, difficulty in gaining weight, quick at physical activities, dry skin and hair, and less tolerance for cold temperature were considered as Vata Dosha. Individuals with moderately developed build, high frequency of appetite and thirst, good digestive power, perspiration tendency higher than normal, tolerance for cold weather, moderately mobile with moderate physical strength were identified as Pitta Prakriti. Individuals who had broad body frames with well developed body build, tendency to gain weight, low appetite and digestion, preferred to be less mobile, less forgetful and with good healing power and cool temperament, were selected as kapha individuals [6, 7].

Careful 'Decoding Ayurveda', [8] and elucidating the meaning of its various fundamental concepts, leads to the conclusion that they concern regulation of fundamental systems properties of the organism. Tridosha and the various subdoshas are responsible for all physiological function, starting with the fundamental systems functions, Input/Output, Turnover and Storage, [2] and the major organ subsystems,

respectively. The implications are that they regulate these functions, as can be justified by careful analysis of both texts and functions [8].

In contrast to bioscience, Ayurveda thus sets regulation at the heart of its analysis of life. When it states that health is a state where doshas and dhatus are in balance, it is pointing to states of optimal regulation [8] — the very state of criticality, proposed by modern complexity biology, and exemplified by heart rate variability. Through recent and ongoing developments, modern bioscience has thus come to be far more in tune with Ayurveda, than scientists might have expected. The physics of variability of regulation has brought about a convergence between Ayurveda and modern biology. No longer are the two poles apart. The holistic form of the physics of feedback singularities has brought them into an apparently unanticipated harmony [9].

Attitudes towards oriental medicine are changing for two major reasons. The first is that many patients, even in the West, are choosing to use its practitioners and methods. The second is that the rise of Systems Biology may offer a better basis for dialogue, and even for synthesis, between the oriental and Western traditions [3].

The three doshas of Ayurveda and their five respective subdoshas are related to the modern scientific framework of systems theory, phase transitions, and irreversible thermodynamics. These empirically well-established concepts of Ayurveda then appear to be far more general biologic concepts than the neuroendocrinology of their functioning might imply. They express universal concepts applicable across living organisms-control structures governing living systems [2].

Most complementary medicine is distinguished by not being supported by underlying theory accepted by Western science. However, for those who accept their validity, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) modalities offer clues to understanding physiology and medicine more deeply. Ayurveda and vibrational medicine are stimulating new approaches to biological regulation. The new biophysics can be integrated to yield a single consistent theory, which may well underly much of CAM—a true 'physics of physick'. The resulting theory seems to be a new, fundamental theory of health and etiology. It suggests that many CAM approaches to health care are scientifically in advance of those based on current Western biology. Such theories may well constitute the next steps in our scientific understanding of biology itself. If successfully developed, these ideas could result in a major paradigm shift in both biology and medicine, which will benefit all interested parties—consumers, health professionals, scientists, institutions and governments [10].


1. The activity of oxidase, the content of oxidized substance (malondialdehyde), the speed of consumption and oxidation glucose of erythrocyte increased; the capacity of free radical scavenging substances diminished on dinitrophenol induced proton leak "from intermembrane space — to matrix".

2. Our study showed that the quantities of HDL increased; the amounts of highly protonization compounds such as cholesterol, triglyceride and LDL decreased in the cycle of membrane-second compartment; and revealed "the decrease of body mass — the increase of body temperature" or "the scissor characteristic" on dinitrophenol induced proton leak "from intermembrane space — to matrix".

3. The activity of oxidase was declined; the content of oxidized substance was decreased; the speed of consumption and oxidation glucose of erythrocyte was intensified on the 3th day and was diminished 7th day of experimentation; the capacity of free radical scavenging substances was increased on rotenone induced the inhibition of proton on the I complex of membrane — redox potential three state lines".

4. The quantities of HDL decreased; the amounts of highly protonization compounds such as cholesterol, triglyceride and LDL increased in the cycle of membrane-second compartment; and revealed "the increase of body mass — the decrease of body temperature" or "the scissor characteristic" on rotenone induced the inhibition of proton on the I complex of membrane — redox potential three state lines".

5. This experimental animal model of rotenone induced the inhibition of proton on the I complex of membrane — redox potential three state lines" enable to use the researches related with the badgan abstract symbolic decoding of Traditional medicine; the model of dinitrophenol induced proton leak "from intermembrane space — to matrix" give possibilities the utilization on the studies related with the mkhris abstract symbolic decoding in Traditional medicine.


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