About authors:
Petrosyan Meline Arturovna, Assistant of the Department of Faculty Pediatrics, neonatologist; tel.: +79682667639; e-mail: [email protected]; ORCID: 0000-0001-9906-7501
Verisokina Natalya Evgenievna, PhD, Assistant of the Department of Faculty Pediatrics, anesthesiologist-resuscitator, neonatologist;
tel.: +79624542117; e-mail: [email protected]; ORCID: 0000-0001-5444-8351
Klimov Leonid Yakovlevich, MD, PhD, Professor, Head of the Department of Faculty Pediatrics; tel.: +78652352339; e-mail: [email protected]; ORCID: 0000-0001-7248-1614
Kuryaninova Viktoriya Aleksandrovna, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Propaedeutic of Childhood Diseases, doctor-gastroenterologist;
tel.: +78652232107, 89282938069; e-mail: [email protected]; ORCID: 0000-0002-0731-7153
Atanesyan Roza Arturovna, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Endocrinology and Pediatric Endocrinology, endocrinologist;
tel.: +79283770998; e-mail: [email protected]; ORCID: 0000-0001-5811-0024
Kirienko Olga Sergeevna, PhD, Assistant of the Department of Faculty Pediatrics, anesthesiologist-resuscitator, neonatologist, Head of the Department of Resuscitation and Intensive Care for Newborns № 1;
tel.: +79624390404; e-mail: [email protected]; ORCID: 0000-0002-7904-0755
© Group of authors, 2023
UDC 61(091):364-12(470.62)
DOI - https://doi.org/10.14300/mnnc.2023.18054
ISSN - 2073-8137
Redko A. N., Veselova D. V., Romantsov V. V., Bedoeva K. O., Ionov A. Yu. Kuban State Medical University, Krasnodar, Russian Federation
А. Н. Редько, Д. В. Веселова, В. В. Романцов, К. О. Бедоева, А. Ю. Ионов
Кубанский государственный медицинский университет, Краснодар, Российская Федерация
The article deals with the formation of therapeutic scientific directions and the further development of scientific schools in the Kuban Region in the first half of the 20th century. Historiographic, biographical, problem-chronological, descriptive, and comparative methods are applied within the framework of social and cultural, and axiological approaches. The contribution of professors N. N. Nizhibitsky, K. M. Rutkevich, E. M. Zhadkevich, P. I. Budarina, V. L. Einis, K. A. Patsevich, and others is considered in the implementation of scientific research on a wide range of nosologies related to the clinical course of internal diseases that were widespread among the population at that time. It is revealed that the first half of the 20th century in the Kuban Region was a period of formation of specific areas of research activities in internal diseases. These areas were the forerunners of the building and development of scientific therapeutic schools of the Kuban, as well as the allocation of other independent scientific areas in the framework of introducing new medical specialties.
Keywords: history of Kuban medicine, therapeutic research areas, scientific medical schools, Kuban State Medical University, socio-cultural environment
Рассмотрен процесс формирования терапевтических научных направлений и развития научных школ на Кубани в первой половине XX столетия. Применены историографический, биографический, проблемно-хронологический, описательный и сравнительный методы в рамках социокультурного и аксиологического подходов. Установлен вклад профессоров Н. Н. Нижибицкого, К. М. Руткевича, Е. М. Жадкевича, П. И. Бударина, В. Л. Эйниса, К. А. Пацевича и других в реализацию научных исследований по большому спектру нозологий, относимых к клинике внутренних болезней и широко распространенных среди населения в это время. Установлено, что первая половина XX столетия на Кубани стала периодом формирования в регионе конкретных направлений научно-исследовательской деятельности в области внутренних болезней. Данные направления выступили предшественниками процесса становления и развития научных терапевтических школ Кубани, а также выделения других самостоятельных научных направлений в рамках появления новых медицинских специальностей.
Ключевые слова: история медицины Кубани, терапевтические научные направления, научные медицинские школы, Кубанский государственный медицинский университет, социокультурная среда
For citation: Redko A. N., Veselova D. V., Romantsov V. V., Bedoeva K. O., Ionov A. Yu. THERAPEUTIC SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL SCHOOLS OF KUBAN: TO THE QUESTION OF FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE FIRST HALF OF THE XX CENTURY. Medical News of North Caucasus. 2023;18(2):230-233. DOI - https://doi.org/10.14300/mnnc.2023.18054
2023. Vol. 18. Iss. 2
2023. Т. 18. № 2
Для цитирования: Редько А. Н., Веселова Д. В., Романцов В. В., Бедоева К. О., Ионов А. Ю. ТЕРАПЕВТИЧЕСКИЕ НАУЧНЫЕ МЕДИЦИНСКИЕ ШКОЛЫ КУБАНИ: К ВОПРОСУ СТАНОВЛЕНИЯ И РАЗВИТИЯ В ПЕРВОЙ ПОЛОВИНЕ ХХ ВЕКА. Медицинский вестник Северного Кавказа. 2023;18(2):230-233. DOI - https://doi.org/10.14300/mnnc.2023.18054
Indisputable to date is the notion of medicine as a science not only natural but also humanitarian. This is because the process of formation of medical knowledge at all stages of history directly depended on the person's actual needs, including in the field of spiritual activity [1, 2]. This can be seen in the development of therapeutic areas of medicine. The history of the clinic of internal diseases, and especially of the therapeutic scientific medical schools in our country, is inextricably linked with the processes of sociocultural changes affecting the level of health of the population, the system of medical care, as well as research activities of scientific doctors [3]. At the same time, it should be noted that scientific schools themselves are a factor in the formation of the socio-cultural environment, which makes it necessary to study them through the socio-cultural perspective [4, 5].
In various regions of Russia, including Kuban, health problems were closely related to social processes and developed under local conditions. At the beginning of the XX century, the region's population exceeded 3 million. People. Along with the Cossack estate, other residents of Kuban needed medical assistance. The total number of doctors was no more than 230 (together with military doctors), and medical care was mainly provided in urban areas. Mortality was high, mainly due to infectious diseases. Malaria alone affects up to 300,000 people every year. Cholera, typhoid fever, dysentery, trachoma, and endemic goitre were widespread. During the First World War, there was a deterioration in the staffing of doctors due to their conscription. The Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War only exacerbated social and economic problems, including uncontrolled migration processes, as Kuban was one of the centers of the «White Guard movement» [6, 7]. The complicated health situation in the region called for urgent measures. An essential organizational, educational, and scientific-methodical role in improving the situation was played in 1920 by the creation of a medical university in Kuban, a significant part of the founders of which were professors of leading universities in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Kazan, and others. Having found themselves in Kuban due to the tragic events of the Civil War.
In the context of this regional specificity, it is appropriate to consider the historical dynamics of Cuban therapeutic scientific medical trends.
Obtaining such data is relevant in modern education conditions of highly qualified medical personnel. They allow us to visually present local features of socio-cultural relationships within the scientific medical community of the region and during its interaction with society [8]. In turn, this allows to influence the process of patriotic and cultural education, as well as professional self-determination, by forming medical students' decent images of the doctor-scientist on the example of the history of medicine of Kuban [9, 10].
The purpose of this study was to study the continuity of research experience and the development in the region of therapeutic scientific directions, Before the formation of scientific medical schools in Kuban to determine their contribution to the development of the socio-cultural environment of the region.
Material and Methods. A historical study of therapeutic scientific directions and scientific medical schools of Kuban and their representatives was conducted. The time frame of work covers the period from the formation of an academic approach to research in therapy to
the second half of the twentieth century. The study used historical, biographical, problem-chronological, historical-descriptive, and comparative-historical methods within the framework of interdisciplinary consideration of historical data. The methodology is based on socio-cultural and axiological approaches. Materials of the work were data from the Museum of history of the Kuban State Medical University, the State Archive of the Krasnodar Territory, and specialized literature.
Results and Discussion. The formation of the academic approach to studying internal diseases in Kuban is connected with the building in 1920 in the region of educational and research base: first medical faculty, and subsequently, Kuban Medical Institute (now Kuban State Medical University) [11]. It should be noted that at that time, in the territory of the Kuban and subsequently the Kuban-Black Sea region, separate studies in the field of therapeutic sciences, scientific and practical conferences with the active participation of the local society of doctors have already been conducted. This fragmented research activity did not allow for a systematic academic approach. After the civil war, the region experienced increased infectious diseases, malnutrition, and endemic diseases. The situation required a systematic scientific and organizational process. In many ways, the systematic and scientific organizer of this work became Kuban Medical Institute. Because of this, the scientific topic, including the therapeutic departments of the university, was mainly of an applied nature, and the political mechanism of research was noted [12].
In 1920 (from the first days of work), the first therapeutic department was organized in the university - hospital therapy, which was caused by the need to complete the medical education of a group of former military personnel, medical students of the 4th year - «ordinary doctors» [13]. The department was headed by professor Nikolai Nikonovich Nizhibitsky, a native of the Kuban region, which became one of the first prominent scientists-therapists of Kuban. In the shortest possible time, N. N. Nizhibitsky, together with the first assistants of the department G. S. Demyanov, M. G. Beskorovaev and V. F. Martynov organized the educational process and laid the foundations of one of the leading research centers in the region - therapeutic clinic, established based on Kuban-Black Sea regional hospital. After the release of «mediocre doctors» in 1921, the department temporarily ceased work. N. N. Nizhibitsky in 1922 headed the Department of Diagnostics and Private Pathology, which he directed until 1930. The first assistants were P. I. Budarin, G. S. Demyanov, S. F. Neklyudov and A. P. Patrick [14].
Under the guidance of Nikolai Nikonovich, in the university and clinic work was carried out in studying the features of epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of such an urgent disease for Kuban as an endemic goiter. Since 1928, several expeditions have been conducted to study the diseases in the Adygea and Karachay-Cherkes autonomous regions. The data obtained during these studies became the basis for a prevention strategy and scientific research of this pathology. In addition, the scientific search of the department included diseases of the liver, stomach, and intestine, as well as occupational diseases common among the working population of Kuban [15]. Until 1930, Professor N. N. Nizhibitsky studied the characteristics of the course of malaria and ways of its treatment. Scientific activity in this direction was dictated by social significance and the high prevalence of the disease in the region [16].
The research work was developed in other therapeutic departments of the university. In 1923, a faculty clinic was
opened, which until 1948 was headed by Professor Yevgeny Jadkevich. Together with the staff of the clinic (E. A. Melik-Gulnazaryan, A. F. Chudinova, G. K. Antaki, and A. I. Petro-vs), they studied the problems of rheumatism, gastroenterology (ulcerative disease, gastritis, colitis, etc.), malaria, phthisiatry and oncology [17]. Under the supervision of the assistant of the clinic of faculty therapy, Vladimir Lvovich Einis began the research of pulmonary tuberculosis.
With the direct participation of Vladimir Lvovich on July 6, 1921, the Kuban-Black Sea Clinical Tuberculosis Institute was organized in Krasnodar, which became a significant tuberculosis research base in Kuban. From 1923, Professor V. L. Einis taught at the university a course on tuberculosis and semiotics of internal diseases, later reorganized into pulmonary tuberculosis. In 1926, in connection with the transfer of V. L. Einis to Moscow, the Tuberculosis Institute shouted Aron Lazarevich Samoilovich [12].
Great attention was paid to the issues of the resort. In the 1930s, the potential for the use of pseudo-sulfur sources (baths) in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with cardiovascular disorders was considered in detail. Continuing research in this area, the staff of the Department of Faculty Therapy (N. D. Sabelnikov, E. G. Kameneva, O. I. Orciev, N. A. Severov, F. A. Levitin, and A. I. Petrovs) has been conducting scientific-scientific-time every year since 1936research, and subsequently advisory missions to such resort cities as Anapa, Gelendzhik, Goryachiy Klyuch, and Sochi [18].
In 1924, the Department of Hospital Therapy resumed its work under the supervision of senior resident G. S. De-myanov (later professor, head of the Department of Infectious Diseases). From 1926 to 1945, the department was headed by Konstantin Moiseevich Rutkevich (a graduate of Kharkov University), representative of the Kyiv Therapeutic School V. P. Obraztsova. Well-known doctors B. P. Tsynkalovsky, N. S. Gruzdev, G. M. Generalov, A. A. Samoilovich, and K. A. Pacevich worked as department assistants. Under the guidance of K. M. Rutkevich, research was carried out on features of gastroenterolo-gical diseases, in particular: stomach cancer, chronic cholecystitis and enterocolitis, rheumatism, disorders of vitamin exchange in the body, and blood diseases. During the research by Professor K. M. Rutkevich, a new approach to implementing differentiated percussion of organs of the gastrointestinal tract was developed [14]. Also, based on years of research into inflammatory pleural processes, a method of integrated therapy for serous pleuritis was introduced. Konstantin Moiseevich formulated the basic requirements for observing the disease in the clinic, which became common among Kuban doctors [18].
Malaria research was necessary for the socio-economic development of Kuban. A significant contribution to the fight against this disease was made by a graduate of the Petersburg Military Medical Academy - Professor Pavel Budarin. Working at the Kuban Medical Institute from its foundation, he headed the Department of Propaedeutic of internal diseases from 1934 to 1955. Together with the staff of the department N. S. Mazurenko, A. P. Iva-nov, F. S. Neklyudov, G. E. Ilyenko, and G. S. Buzko, studied the possibilities of acrichino-antimalarial treatment. According to the results of their work in 1940, P. I. Budarin defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of medical sciences on the topic: «Materials to the characteristic of acrichin» [19]. At the same time, starting in 1934, Professor P. I. Budarin studied vascular and heart diseases, as well as their risk factors [14]. Together with the laboratory of the Department of Pharmacology of the Kuban Medical Institute, they considered in detail the effects of components of tobacco and tobacco smoke on the cardiovascular system and the adrenal glands. Together with his pupil Evgeny Multych, the professor considered the
features of the organization of the treatment regime in patients with cardiovascular pathology. The work resulted in the publication of a monograph on the subject. In addition, P. I. Budarin researched the clinical parameters of constitutional differences and peculiarities of the course of heart pathologies. The research activity of the professor was characterized by extraordinary approaches and methods, becoming a solid foundation for developing a therapeutic direction for Kuban. In total, during this period, 70 printed works were published, more than 30 scientific reports were made, more than 120 presentations were made at clinical conferences, and several trips were made to all-Union conferences of doctors. Extensive advisory and methodological assistance was provided to the health authorities of Krasnodar Region. In recognition of his scientific contribution to the development of medicine, Pavel Ivanovich was elected a member of the Board of the All-Union Society of Therapists [20].
Of particular interest are P. I. Budarin's studies in gastroenterology. As early as 1926, as an assistant, he published the results of his research, putting forward the theory that during chronic stomach and duodenal ulcers, the infection of the ulcer itself caused by microorganisms plays a significant role. The hypothesis was quite bold for its time, as the Pavlovskaya theory of nervousness, which explained the pathogenesis of ulcer disease, had the most incredible spread. Given the current etiological role in the development of Helicobacter pylori ulcer, as well as its ability to reverse the transformation from spirilla-like form to cocovid form, it is possible to assume that in 1926 P. I. Budarin meant it. This makes it possible to say that Pavel Ivanovich was able to approach the solution of the actual cause of ulcer disease more than half a century before the official scientific substantiation [21].
During the German-Fascist occupation of the Krasnodar Territory, research activity in the region was practically halted and resumed only in 1943. It should be noted, being during the evacuation, the heads and a few employees of the departments of therapeutic profile research work continued, but its results were not comparable with the pre-war level [22].
Immediately after the return of the university from the second evacuation to Tyumen, a new stage of development of the therapeutic scientific directions of Kuban began. Through the efforts of the Department of Faculty Therapy at the university, a course of pulmonary tuberculosis was organized under the guidance of the former chief doctor of the regional hospital A. L. Samoylovich, a course of pulmo-nology under the guidance of N. D. Sabelnikov, as well as a course of physical therapy with resort under the guidance of Associate Professor G. A. Kurashkevich. Their work resulted in the establishment of scientific councils in these areas. In addition, A. A. Goldenstein studied the possibilities of physiotherapy for hypertension. S. L. Barkagan initiated studies of plasma proteins, blood coagulation processes, and morphological changes in myocardial infarction.
In 1945, for the first time, the head of the Department of Therapeutic Profile (first hospital therapy, and from 1958 to 1968 Department of Propaedeutic of internal diseases) was a graduate of the Kuban Medical Institute Kazimir Antonovich Patsevich. After graduating from the Department of Hospital Therapy, under the guidance of Professor K. M. Rutkevich, he defended his thesis, became an assistant and associate professor and in 1941, he defended his Doctoral Thesis of medical sciences, devoted to the absorption and formation of antibodies in various departments of the reticuloendothelial system. Under the direction of K. A. Patsevich, research was carried out in hematology and transfusion, rheumatology, bronchial asthma, and hepatology. With new diagnostic capabilities, the study of pathological changes in
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endemic goiter has resumed. After his mission to China, he introduced acupuncture in the province, providing advanced training for doctors in this specialty [23].
Since then, the Krasnodar Region formed the main scientific areas, which are part of a single unit of internal diseases: cardiology, pulmonology, rheumatology, gastroenterology, hematology, and resort. This has significantly improved the diagnostic capacity, treatment, and quality of life of patients with this profile.
Conclusion. The first half of the 20th century was a period of formation in Kuban of crucial directions in research activities in internal diseases. These directions were caused by the most urgent problems in the field of medicine and health care of the Krasnodar Territory. They
were the forerunners of the development of scientific therapeutic schools of Kuban, as well as independent scientific directions of medicine not therapeutic profile. Thus, it can be said that the scientific schools formed since then have become a product of the joint and continuous research activities of outstanding physician-scientists.
In addition, the active development of scientific therapeutic knowledge in several fields of medicine has allowed the organization of an educational process to train highly qualified medical personnel, including scientists, focused on the most pressing health and social problems in the region.
Financing. The research is carried out with the financial support of the Kuban Science Foundation in the framework of the scientific project № MFI-20.1/69.
Disclosures: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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About authors:
Redko Andrey Nikolayevich, DMSc, Professor, Vice-rector of scientific research, Head of the Department of Public Health, Health and History of Medicine; tel.: +79183778136; e-mail: [email protected]; ORCID: 0000-0002-3454-1599 Veselova Darya Valeryevna, CPhSc, Head of the Innovation Department, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Health, Health and History of Medicine; tel.: +79189570670; e-mail: [email protected]; ORCID: 0000-0002-1199-7550 Romantsov Victor Viktorovich, student, laboratory assistant of the Department of Public Health, Health and History of Medicine; tel.: +79189372981; e-mail: [email protected]; ORCID: 0000-0001-7218-6164
Bedoeva Ksenia Olegovna, student, laboratory assistant of the Department of Public Health, Health and History of Medicine; tel.: +79384787846; e-mail: [email protected]; ORCID: 0000-0002-5715-4305
Ionov Alexey Yurievich, CMSc, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Diseases; tel.: +79184137800; e-mail: [email protected]; ORCID: 0000-0003-0231-9261