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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Payzullaev M.A.

The article discusses the formation and development of cities and urban agglomerations, as well as current problems in this regard. In particular, the cities of the Fergana Valley, their regional distribution and their characteristics have been scientifically analyzed.

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Payzullaev M.A. doctoral student Andijan State University Uzbekistan, Andijan



Annotation: The article discusses the formation and development of cities and urban agglomerations, as well as current problems in this regard. In particular, the cities of the Fergana Valley, their regional distribution and their characteristics have been scientifically analyzed.

Keywords: city, agglomeration, growth, spread, region, urban function, poles of development, configuration, satellite cities.

INTRODUCTION. Opinions about cities and the process of urbanization in the context of the globalization of the world economy, many studies indicate that the world is becoming more urbanized day by day. It is known that urbanization first of all means the increase in the number of cities, especially large and large cities, the share of urban residents, and the spread of urban lifestyle. Words such as "growth", "spread" together with the process of urbanization go back to the concept of "city". In this regard, the question of what features the city differs from other settlements is also important.

The main issue in the concept of "city" is which of its characteristic features - size, structural structure or functions are considered the most important. As the number of cities increases and the process of urbanization deepens, the concept of "city" and its functions change. Nowadays, it is difficult to find a city that performs only economic, social or administrative-political functions.

From an economic point of view, a city is a settlement that is not primarily related to agricultural production 26. It is the most important of these signs in Russia.

Types of activities and their analysis between and within cities make it possible to distinguish one or more important functions in a settlement and thus to develop a functional classification of cities. In this way, it is possible to solve the issue of the distribution of tasks between the parts of the cities in the city system or agglomeration.


J.Kabo, a famous geographer and regional scientist, stated that "People form urban settlements in order to better fulfill certain tasks assigned to them"

26Khorev B.S. Problemy gorodov. - Moscow,: Mysl, 1975. s. 49.

27. He defined the concept of "city function" as "the essence of city activity". Therefore, the concept of "city function" is directly related to the relations of the city with the territory within the sphere of influence and with the participation of other cities. This relationship is related to the concept of a network of cities.

The functions of cities are formed in relation to the surrounding space, first of all, to the natural environment. Such cities include mining cities, port cities, resort cities or "crossroads cities", "bridge cities" and others.

The city performs one or more functions. There are usually processing industry centers, mining industry centers or trade, transport centers or centers performing administrative, political, military functions, recreation (tourism, wellness, recreation) centers, cultural, scientific, innovative, religious centers. In regional economics and economic geography, great attention is paid to both the functions of cities and their economic base. The economic base of the city is the activity that represents its external economic activity.

So, the city consists of basic (city-forming or external) and secondary (city-serving or internal) sectors.

The issue of classification of cities according to their functions was first discussed by the American scientist Chancy D. It was developed by Harris in 1943 on the example of 377 cities with a population of more than 25,000 28.

The essence of Harris's approach was to analyze the composition of the employed population in each city and to determine the leading function. This approach allowed Harris to distinguish 9 categories of the city:

- purely industrial cities (in which at least 45% of the employed population belongs to industry);

- cities whose industry is lower than the previous group (not less than 30 percent of the high rate).

- mining cities (the above figure is at least 15 percent in the mining industry);

- cities with developed retail trade (at least 50% of the population employed in this sector);

- cities with developed warehousing (wholesale trade) (not less than 20 percent of the population is engaged in wholesale trade);

- cities are communication centers and more than 15 percent of the population is engaged in communication;

- university towns (at least 15% of the population is employed in universities).

- resort towns;

- multifunctional cities.

27Chabot G. - In: Tralte de geographieurbaine . Op. cit.

28 Harris (chancy) D. A functional classification of cities. -York, 1943, P. 86-99.

In: The United States. Geographical Review. New

In later periods, such scientists as G. Aleksandrsson from Sweden, N.N. Baransky from Russia, and J.M. Griffin from France dealt with the problems of classification of cities 29.

Attention to the issues of classification of cities increased even more in the period after the 70-80s of the 20th century. During these years, a number of scientists from the USA, France, Germany and other countries have carried out significant researches as urbanists and urbanologists. Since the middle of this period, a number of studies have been published devoted to determining the place of urban agglomerations in the development of society. In them, scientific ideas and thoughts are devoted to the analysis of urban agglomerations, from ordinary cities and economic regions to urban settlements and areas where production, especially industrial production is concentrated. G. M. Lappo's work stands out among such works with its deep content. According to him, urban agglomerations are "a compact set of urban settlements" 30.

The main theories and concepts of the development of cities reflect the fact that the diversity of their specific functions is increasing, the importance of social factors is increasing, the forms of expressing the interrelationship of structural elements from the sphere of space are becoming more complex, and the importance of information is growing in the process of modernization.

Shows that different approaches and methods are not used in the study of cities. In the studies related to Russia, the territory of more urban settlements is being formed, and more attention is being paid to their social and economic development. In the studies of the Western countries, the main attention is directed to such issues as the qualitative change of the living conditions of the population and the social environment, the role of cities in the global system of information and capital exchange is increasing 31. In general, the majority of foreign and Russian researchers are devoted to the study of urban activities (urban environment, planning, urban structure, ecological condition, social relations, etc.).

Researches conducted in recent years show that the city's small size and status are becoming very important 32. The conducted studies show that the socio-economic development of the city largely depends on its size (effect of agglomeration) and its very important status in the conditions of Russia 33. "The

29Alexadersson (Gunnar). The Industrial Structure of American cities. Lincoln, 1956. Griffon (Jean-Marie). Les activites Tertiaries . - In " consumption ", 1963, N3, p. 23-60. Baransky N.N. Economic geography. Economic cartography. - M.:geography, 1956.

30Lappo G.M. Rasska zy o gorodakh. M.: Mysl. 15 s .

31Sidorenko A.A. Autoreferat na soiskanii uchyonii stepi candida geograficheskikh nauk. M., 2010. S.10

32a) Doxiadis . Oecumenapolisvillemondiale de L'avenir . - "Impact", 1969. Vol . 19, No. 2.

b) J. Boje-Garne , J. Cabot . Essay on the geography of the city. M.: Progress , 1967.

c) Gorynsky Yu. The problem of urban planning in the world of modern urbanization. - V sb.; "K voprosu teorii i metodiki issledovaniy territorialno-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya strany". Warsaw, 1967.

g) Axiezer A.S., Kogan L.B., Yanitsky O.N. Urbanization, obshchestvo i nauchno - technical revolution. -"Voprosy filosofii", 1969. N2

33Listengurt F.M., Naimark N.I. Regional y e osobennosti territorial structure and industrial development set of urban population. "Izv. AN SSR".

population of the city not only affects all the analyzed components of development, but also synchronizes informational, political, and economic developments in many ways 34. "

RESEARCH RESULTS. In Uzbekistan, as in most countries of the world, ensuring the sustainable development of the economy is largely related to the rational use of the country's urban potential. In this case, the "poles of development", large and big cities, where a large part of the economy is concentrated, are very important and decisive.

It is known that 4 agglomerations can be distinguished in the Fergana Valley, centered on the main transport hubs - Andijan, Kokan, Namangan, Fergana-Margilon. Streams and rivers flowing from the surrounding mountains play an important role in the location of satellite towns and villages here. Agglomerations are located in an arc along the foothills in their conical spread. The favorable conditions for farming here from time immemorial, the passage of transport routes connecting the settlements, the construction of irrigation facilities and canals became the basis for the formation of agglomerations.

In particular, the Ko'kan agglomeration was formed on the basis of the city of Ko'kan, which emerged as an important trade, transport hub, military-strategic and administrative center in the 20 th century. Its convenient economic and transport-geographic location, its central position in relation to the surrounding agricultural land, allowed for rapid development. As a result of the construction of roads connecting Kokan and other cities of the valley, as well as the capital in the 1960 s, it became an important transport node that acts as a link between the center of the republic and the Fergana valley. The main goods transported from the capital to the Ferghana Valley pass through here. The number of satellite cities in the agglomeration is not large (5), because there is a large Fergana-Margilan agglomeration nearby, which competes with it. The configuration of the agglomeration is in the form of a compact circle, with radial roads crossing the center and containing the Kokan oasis. The Fergana-Margilan agglomeration is very densely located in an arc shape along the streams flowing from the mountains in the oval basin. Also, the roads passing through the city and connecting it with other cities of the valley form the basis of the agglomeration. It includes 13 satellite cities with a population of 857,000. The center of the Namangan agglomeration and the North Fergana canal crossing it ensure that the satellite cities of the agglomeration are drawn in this direction. On the banks of streams flowing from the northern part of the region, its large satellite cities - Kosonsoy, Chust, Yangikurgan and others are located. The agglomeration includes 12 satellite cities, a total of 825,500 urban residents live, and in this respect it takes the second place in the republic after the Tashkent agglomeration.

b) Lappo G.M. Problemy razvitiya gorodskih agglomeration - "Izv. An USSR" sir. geogr., 1973, N 5

34Sidorenko A.A. Informational and political aspects of the development of large cities in Russia in 2000. Autoreferat na soiskanii uchyonii stepi candida geograficheskikh nauk. M., 2010. P.11

Andijan is another large city of the Fergana valley, from which rail and road traffic has been established in the direction of Tashkent, Osh, Jalalabad, Uchkurgan, Margilan, Fergana. Due to the small area of the region, the agglomeration formed around the city of Andijan covered almost all its territory. Andijan agglomeration includes a densely populated area with a radius of about 50 km. Population settlements within the agglomeration are mainly arranged along the banks of rivers, streams and canals drawn from them, as well as along highways and railways spreading from large and large cities (cores). In some places, along the foothills of the mountains, it is stretched in a strip or arc shape in the land adjacent to the plain. The cities within the agglomeration are extremely densely located, and in this respect it takes the second place in the republic after the Tashkent agglomeration (3.7 cities per thousand square kilometers). In the east, they are joined by the city systems of Osh and Khojand in the south, forming a single "FANO'X" megalopolis, according to A.S. Soliev.

CONCLUSION. Thus, cities play an important role in the economic and social development of the Fergana region and in the regional politics of the republic. The level of urbanization in the Fergana region has the following characteristics:

- In the Fergana region, Namangan region ranks first (63.4 percent), Fergana region (57.0 percent), and Andijan region (52.5 percent) ranks first in terms of urbanization level;

- The city of Namangan occupies the first place in the region by the number of inhabitants;

- In Andijan and Namangan regions, the number and weight of the population is high in the cities that are the regional centers, but this situation is not observed in the Fergana region. The cities of Fergana, Kagan and Margilan are close to each other in terms of population;

- Andijan and Namangan agglomerations are monocentric, Far-Mar agglomeration is polycentric;

- Far-Mar and Andijan agglomerations are meridional, and Namangan agglomeration extends in the latitude direction;

- Most of the cities in the region are small towns. That is why their economic development is considered the need of the hour.


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2. Lappo G.M. Artist o gorodakh. - M., Mysl. 1972. S. 3.

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5. Khorev B.S. Problemy gorodov. - Moscow,: Mysl, 1975. s. 49.

6. Alexadersson (Gunnar). The Industrial Structure of American cities. Lincoln, 1956.

7. Griffon (Jean-Marie). Les activites Tertiaries. - In "consumption ", 1963, N3, p. 23-60.

8. Chabot G. - In: Tralte de geographieurbaine. Op. cit.

9. Harris (Shancy) D. A functional classification of cities. - In: The United States. Geographical Review. New York, 1943, s. 86-99.

10. Kadyrov R.B. Population and labor resources of Fergana region. - T.: Navroz, 2016.

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