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Аннотация научной статьи по политологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Moros Elena

The article substantiates the necessity of developing a unique socio-philosophical concept of national security as one of the important components of social philosophy in the context of increasing global contradictions. The purpose of the research is to formulate a general definition of the socio-philosophical concept of national security. In this concept, the education system occupies an important position, since it ensures the quality of human preparation for a decent life in a healthy society, and also forms the intellectual and practical potential of the country’s population, which can ensure all aspects of the national security of our society. The development of this concept will allow us to form a complete picture of the country’s national security by creatively integrating the achievements of specific national security Sciences - military, state-political, economic, legal, as well as education security that has not yet been specifically identified.

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DOI: 10.24234/wisdom. v16i3.379 Elena MOROS



The article substantiates the necessity of developing a unique socio-philosophical concept of national security as one of the important components of social philosophy in the context of increasing global contradictions. The purpose of the research is to formulate a general definition of the socio-philosophical concept of national security. In this concept, the education system occupies an important position, since it ensures the quality of human preparation for a decent life in a healthy society, and also forms the intellectual and practical potential of the country's population, which can ensure all aspects of the national security of our society. The development of this concept will allow us to form a complete picture of the country's national security by creatively integrating the achievements of specific national security Sciences - military, state-political, economic, legal, as well as education security that has not yet been specifically identified.

Keywords: socio-philosophical concept of national security, education system, educational security, national security.


It should be noted that the understanding of the role of the national education system in ensuring national security is observed today in the works of many scientists, in particular, S. N. Bolshakov (2007), S. V. Demchenko (2008), N. I. Zinchenko (2015), E. F. Moros, V. V. Goncha-rov (2020), O. N. Smolin (2011), A. G. Savelev, S. K. Oznobishchev, S. V. Tselitsky (2008), N. M. Churinov (2007), A. S. Fedin (2011), and others. However, despite a large number of studies, there is no unified conceptual socio-philoso-phical understanding of national security, which would help to more clearly define the role and place of the education system in the field of na-

tional security. In addition, national security, acting as an integrative basis for life support and sustainable existence of the country in the conditions of increasing international tension, requires a broader socio-philosophical understanding, which in the future will lead to the formation of theoretical and methodological foundations contained in the philosophical concept of national security of Russia. We believe that the socio-philosophical concept of national security will allow us to integrate the most important theoretical and applied scientific areas of national security as organically interrelated and complementary parts of a holistic philosophical understanding of the problems of protecting and strengthening the Fatherland. In other words, the development of a

socio-philosophical concept of ensuring national security and determining the role and place of the Russian education system in it is a necessary condition for the full development of the individual, society and the state in the conditions of constant competition in the international arena in the context of globalization of the XXI century.


This article in the process of cognition of state-legal phenomena was used: a) general scientific methods (formal-logical, systemic, structural-functional, concrete-historical); b) general logical methods of theoretical analysis (analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, abstraction, analogy, modelling, etc.); c) private scientific methods (technical analysis, specification, interpretation, etc.) (Zalesny & Goncharov,

2019, pp. 129-142; Zalesny, Goncharov, & Sav-chenko, 2019, pp. 51-61; Zalesny & Goncharov,

2020, pp. 1-6).

Research Results and Discussions

Currently, the problems of national security are actively studied by various Sciences, and both state structures and public associations are involved in the work. This can be explained by the fact that the future of the state largely depends on solving these problems. According to the Federal law "on security" of 2010, the elements of national security are:

• state security (level of protection from external and internal threats);

• public security (the level of protection of the individual and society from internal threats that are generally dangerous);

• technogenic security (the level of protection against threats of a technogenic nature);

• environmental safety and protection from natural disaster threats;

• economic security;

• energy security;

• information security;

• personal security (Bochkarev, 2015, p. 58). In the context of our research, we note that

at the level of official documents, education is not listed as an element of national security. Ensuring national security is a system of political, legal, socio-economic, health, military and other measures aimed at ensuring the full functioning of the nation and eliminating potential and real threats (Anishchenko, 2013, pp. 72-75). A special danger is a group of aggressive external influences aimed directly at our state and constituting the main threat to Russia's national security. If in the past the highest level of danger was a direct military invasion, then in today's complex society with its huge number of external social relations and connections, the highest level of danger for the country can already be a number of factors - financial, trade and economic, material and production, environmental, political and legal, national-cultural, demographic and, of course, educational. In the scientific areas of national security, individual risk factors, threats and dangers for our country in the complex of external and internal interactions are comprehensively studied. The following branches of national security are considered and developed separately: military, information, scientific and technical, economic, political, etc.

However, judging by the content of scientific papers and fundamental legal documents, in particular, the "national security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020", a General scientific concept of national security has not yet been developed. Note that the General scientific approach to the study of this problem is based on

the principle of consistency. The methodology of this research is based on system analysis and synthesis of specific mechanisms of theoretical and empirical levels of analysis, their General integration in a holistic concept. Moreover, there is currently no socio-philosophical concept of national security that could ensure the integration of the achievements of domestic science and philosophy in the field of ensuring such a common life potential of the country that can protect it from dangerous external attacks and internal threats. In this concept, it is necessary to develop a methodological basis for the philosophical understanding of national security, as well as a special group of categories at the General scientific and socio-philosophical levels of knowledge.

In this regard, we will consider the essence of national security in terms of its system structure, which includes special values and priorities. They are arranged hierarchically within the framework of the relationship of national security with other levels of security. Each security level has its own dominants. For the individual, it is their own rights and freedoms, for society-the preservation and multiplication of spiritual and material values, and the state - territorial integrity, sovereignty, internal stability. Thus, national security synthesizes the fundamental, vital interests of all social actors. However, the subject of special concern in the national security complex is the political and spiritual values that determine the essential aspects of the life of the individual and society.

Different views on the nature and significance of values are common in the scientific community. Most point to the direct dependence of national security on the national idea, which reflects the entire complex of the most important values in society. The national idea, first of all, is based on the spiritual aspirations of people,

which subsequently affect their behaviour and actions. In General, such concepts as "values", "goals" and "meanings" are always historical and human. Value is a form of people's attitude to the existing cultural patterns of a particular society, to the expected future, to the evaluation of everything "other" and to the preservation of the memory of their past that has been formed in the conditions of civilization. The structure of the value relationship "at the entrance" to this system implies the possibility of taking into account a certain benefit, and "at the exit" - a universal mechanism for joining the common good, which in the context we are considering is represented by a safe life.

The social system of the state has a hierarchy of values that perform certain functions. In other words, values are recognized as the main factor of activation, socialization and politiciza-tion. This understanding of the term "value" was the basis for the modern theory of values and had a significant impact on the development of the theory and policy of national security. According to V. A. Vasilenko (1966), "the subject of a value relationship is the side that determines the value of the other side in relation to its existence" (pp. 41-49).

In General, we can agree with the position of A. A. Prokhozhev (1997), who believes that "values are objects, phenomena and their properties that meet the needs of the individual, society and the state for a safe existence and progressive development" (p. 17).

Values can be classified as follows: temporary and eternal, objective and subjective, individual and group, global and national, natural and social, material and spiritual, ethnic, sociopolitical and state. Classification can be continued by other criteria.

Note that national values are the same set of

spiritual and material social values, but limited to the range of subjects who are their bearers. National values have a dual nature: on the one hand, spiritual values consolidate the interests of different social groups, forming a single direction of socialization of the individual in a particular society. The relationship between national values and national interests can be represented as follows.

National interests are a complex of social values of the individual, society and the state, and if they are lost, the nation disappears as an independent subject of international relations (Goncharov, Zalesny, Balashenko, Vasilevich, & Pukhov, 2020, pp. 878-899). According to the liberal doctrine, national security is based on the values and interests of individual citizens, which together create the interests of society and the state. At the same time, the state is considered a necessary tool for ensuring the best conditions for the development of citizens, society and itself. Liberal concepts also describe public interest as an essential aspect of political activity that ensures national security. In political terms, interest is a property of a certain social community that significantly affects its socio-political behaviour.

National interests are a set of vital interests of the individual, society and the state that determine the nation's desire for self-preservation and sustainable development. National interests determine political actions and achievements, being fixed in political, economic and military doctrines, various concepts and programs. However, it should be noted that vital interests are not limited solely to the question of "to be or not to be", they are not stationary and are in constant development, so anything that hinders development is a danger. Environmental changes can be of an aggressive nature that poses a threat to vital

interests. The whole complex of vital interests of the nation can be divided into four main groups -the interests of the survival of the nation, the interests of the development of the nation, important interests, and humanitarian interests. We need this gradation for the further articulation of national priorities that reflect the national security policy.

According to V. N. Davydov (2004), the country's security strategy is recognized to ensure the concentration of the state's political will to defend its own vital interests. It can be convincing and effective only if it organically combines guarantees of the rights won by the people with the protection of the main guarantor of these freedoms-the state (p. 12).

The term "national interest" is closely related to the concept of "national state", which is a form of political organization, on the one hand, and a political ideal, on the other. A nation-state is an Autonomous political community that is United primarily by citizenship and belonging to one nation. It is a political ideal in the sense that no state is culturally homogeneous, since there is always an ethnic and cultural mix. In the liberal doctrine, the nation-state appears as a product of civic commitment and loyalty. Nationalists and conservatives believe that it is based on organic or ethnic solidarity. In General, science considers the "national state" to be the only viable unit of political governance and the main element of international relations. All States of the world strive to be national. This system of organizing the life of the nation allows us to ensure cultural and political unity.

In the theory of national security, another category is essential - "threat". One of the most important components of effective national security is the ability of the state to respond to threats promptly. Despite the high significance of this

definition of the concept of "threat" in the scientific literature, it is, unfortunately, still insufficiently developed. However, many works of scientists indicate the need to reflect the harm of the process of causing harm, damage, encroachments, interference, negative impact, which are the result of potential and real threats.

In Russia, the term "threat" is often identified with the concept of "danger". In our view, "danger" is a broader category, since it does not have a specific object that it affects, while the threat is always personalized. In particular, people are always in a state of danger, but threats do not always surround them. A security threat, in our opinion, is a combination of intentions and capabilities of a social subject that can harm the vital interests of the individual, society and the state. National security subsystems that are vertically arranged by level are subject to threats.

Protection of national interests (national security policy) is a set of measures to neutralize and prevent attacks on the vital interests of the individual, society and the state, potential and real threats and dangers to these interests. Protection is implemented through the integrated application of various methods, measures and means to protect symmetric and asymmetric threats. The choice of such methods, means, measures and their forms takes place within the framework of the concept of national security, which serves as the basis for a specific policy and strategy to ensure the national security of the country.

The study of the content of the concept of national security of the Russian Federation, as well as a wide scientific literature on state and national security of our country, has shown that this is a very broad area of theoretical and especially practical knowledge. It is associated with the identification of dangerous conditions and aspects of the existence of the country, state, ana-

lysis of various risks, threats that occur within a living social organism as a result of inadequate internal processes of transformation, unbalanced development, and especially in connection with complication of external international and global conflict relations.

Thus, the formation of the conceptual apparatus of the theory of national security in the scientific and General scientific context of research is based on the use of such fundamental categories as vital interests, danger, threat; national goals, values and interests; national security policy; internal and external security; areas and types of security, security strategy in specific areas of national security, etc.

Most of these concepts were developed by A. V. Vozzhenikov (2000), in his work "National security: theory, policy, strategy" (p. 234). The conceptual framework discussed above allowed us to present the main subject aspects in scientific and General scientific categories and to define the theoretical and methodological basis of national security.

Our research has shown that the scientific community is currently trying to combine existing approaches to the definition of national security, its structure and mechanisms for ensuring it on a General conceptual level. However, the result of these scientific works is not presented as an official document. Since in current conditions, there is no General scientific concept of ensuring national security, there is no socio-philosophical understanding of it.

The author of the study believes that it is necessary to develop a General socio-philosophi-cal concept of national security, which implements the goal of integrating existing industry and General scientific knowledge in the field of national security into a common worldview reality based on a philosophical methodology.

We believe that a set of concepts as abstractions describing social reality, including national security, human and social security, should be integrated into a General theory or General concept of describing an object or object of knowledge.

In this sense, it is necessary to highlight the most important areas of development of this concept:

1) identification of a complex of internal and external risks, dangers and threats to the national security of Russia as a set of scientific and philosophical knowledge necessary for the formation of an adequate response;

2) development of adequate forces of confrontation - ideological, theoretical and methodological, socio-cultural, political and legal, etc. in response to a set of current and possible threats that generally characterize the state of national security of the state;

3) in the applied aspect, since external threats in the global world are unavoidable, a complex of theoretical and scientific and technical developments is necessary to create a strong power shield (military, economic, informational, etc.), which is constantly being modernized to permanently ensure national security in the face of increasingly aggressive influences;

4) it is necessary to develop a coherent strategy and tactics for the existence of a national state, in which internal threats are minimized, ideally-disappear altogether;

5) concerning all spheres of public life, including education, this means that it is necessary to develop a set of conditions for social activity, strategies and tactics to ensure security in a certain area (including education), in which external and internal risks and threats are minimized, and national security is maximized.


Currently, scientific and general scientific approaches to the study of a national security study the main characteristics of national security in different sectors of public life without the use of an integrative approach.

The integration of individual areas of research is possible within the development of so-cio-philosophical concept of national security of Russia, which according to the author of the dissertation, is a scientific and philosophical approach to the formation of a complete system of national security that includes political, socio-economic, cultural, educational, scientific-technical and other aspects of social activities as interrelated parts of the whole system stability, protection and the possibilities of future development of the nation-state in the face of increasing international conflicts and global tensions in the 21st century.

In this concept, the education system occupies an important position, since it ensures the quality of human preparation for a decent life in a healthy society, and also forms the intellectual and practical potential of the country's population, which can ensure all aspects of its national security of our society. The development of this concept will allow us to form a complete picture of the country's national security by creatively integrating the achievements of specific national security Sciences - military, state-political, economic, legal, as well as education security that has not yet been specifically identified.


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