THE WORLD IN ECONOMIC INDICES DEPENDING ON A COUNTRY'S SIZE. V. THE MILITARY INDEX Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Seidametova Zarema Seidalievna, Temnenko Valerii Anatolievich

The purpose of the study is to introduce, on the basis of The Global Firepower ranking [1], a normalized Military Index MI, which measures quantitatively the relative military capabilities of each country and, interpreting this Military Index as one of the economic characteristics of the country, create the basis for an annual description of the state of the world in a three-dimensional index space {Military Index MI , Product Index PI, Demographic Index DI}, as well as in other spaces of economic indices, which will allow assessing the measure of compliance / non-compliance of the military potential of each country with its economic and demographic potential. The scientific novelty of the research in the introduction of a new normalized Military Index, which is convenient for comparison with other normalized economic indices of countries. The use of the new military index makes it possible, as a result, to identify groups of countries with similar combinations of military, economic, and demographic potential.

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Основными средствами стимулирования сбыта могут стать (рис. 8, см. выше):

1) Участие s выставках-ярмарках сельскохозяйственной продукции

2) Акции поставок продукции в определенный отрезок времени по цене со скидкой.


Товарная пропаганда, особенно в части популяризации продукции местных товаропроизводителей, будет заключаться в установлении деловых контактов индивидуально с каждым покупателем: например, участие в совместных проектах [9, 10]. По результатам исследования сформулированы следующие выводы и выявлены направления развития рынка:

1. Создание здоровой конкурентной среды среди оптовых и розничных продавцов овощей на столичном рынке (в зимний период -недоступностью товара для ввоза).

2. Создание налогооблагаемой базы.

3. Организация современного тепличного хозяйства позволит обеспечить потребителей нашего региона качественной сельскохозяйственной продукцией в любое время года, тем самым значительно улучшив качество и уровень жизни потенциальных потребителей.


1. KoTJiep Ф. Маркетинг от А до Я: 80 концепций, которые должен знать каждый менеджер : учебное пособие / Ф. Котлер [и др.]. - 10-е изд. - М,; Альпина Паблишер» 2021. - 211 с. - ISBN 978-5-9614-67451. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https:// znanium.com/cataiog/product/1 838940

2. Котлер Ф. Латеральный маркетинг: Технология поиска революционных идей: учебное пособие / Котлер Ф,, Бес Ф.Т., Виноградов А.П. - М.: Альпина Пабл., 2016, - 206 с ISBN 978-5-9614-5420-8. - Текст

: электронный. - URL: https://zn3nium.com/catalog/ product/739521

3. Середа О.В. Интеграция участников в ы ста во ч-но-ярмарочного процесса на основе маркетин-га партнерских отношений / О.В. Середа, И.Н. Кра-сюк// Науковедение. - 2014. -■ №2 (21). - UHL https:/ /znanium.com/catalog/prociuct/483956

4. Казаков СП, Рыночная ориентация как объективная основа современного российского маркетинга // Znantum.com.: сб. статей научных трудов Вольного экономического общества. - 2017.

- !\Р1 12. - URL https://znanium.com/catalog/ product/563041

5. Чеглов В.П. Технология промо акции в круп ной розничной торговой сети: цели применения и организация / В.П. Чеглов // Торговое дело. Торговое право. - 2011. - №4. - URL: https:// znanium.com/catalog/product/397695

6. Башкатова Ю.И. Разработка конкурентной стра тегии развития на основе сбалансированной системы показателей и классических моделей стратегического менеджмента предприятия / Ю.И. Башкатова, Н.И. Решетько// Науковедение. - 2014.

- N-2 (21). - URL: https://znanium.com/cataiog/ product/483797

7. Казаков С.П. Рыночная ориентация как эффективный подход к организации маркетинга на предприятиях сферы услуг // Маркетинг и маркетинговые исследования / С.И. Казаков // 2nanium.com. - 2017. - №1-12. - URL: https:// znanium.com/cataiog/product/561277

8. Казаков СП. проблемы измерения эффективности мероприятий маркетинга / С.П. Казаков // Znanium.com. - 2017. - N»112. - URL: https:// znanium.com/catalog/product/563334

9. Дейиеким Т.В. Понятие и организация партнерского онлайн-маркетинга / Т.В. Дейнекин // Hay коведение. - 2014. - №2 (21). - URL: https:// znanium.com/cataiog/product/485488

10. Тультаев У.А. Воздействие инструментов маркетинга на восприятие услуг потребителями: психологический аспект / Т.А, Тультаев, Т.Л. Шкляр // Науковедение. - 2014. - №2 (21). - URL: https:// znanium.com/cataiog/product/482220


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МИР В ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИХ ИНДЕКСАХ, ЗАВИСЯЩИХ ОТ РАЗМЕРА СТРАНЫ. V. МИЛИТАРНЫЙ ИНДЕКС Сейдаметова Зарема Сейдалиевна, доктор педагогических тук, профессор Темненко Валерий Анатольевич, кандидат физико-математических наук, доцент

Крымский инженерно-педагогический университет имени Февзи Якубова, Симферополь, Республика Крым

Цель исследования - на основании The Global Firepower ranking [i] ввести нормированный Милитарный Индекс Ml, измеряющий количественно относительные милитарные возможности каждой страны и, трактуя этот Милитарный Индекс как одну из экономических характеристик страны, создать основу для ежегодного описания состояния мира в трехмерном индексном пространстве I,Милитарный Индекс Mi, Продуктовый Индекс PI, Демографический Индекс D!}, а также в других пространствах экономических индексов, что позволит оценить меру соответствия/несоответствия милитарного потенциала каждой страны её экономическому и демографическому потенциалу. Научная новизна заключается во введении нового нормированного Мили тарного Индекса, удобного для сопоставления с другими нормированными экономическими индексами стран. Использование нового милитарного индекса позволит в результате выявить группы стран со сходными комбинациями милитарного, экономического и демографического потенциала.

Ключевые слова: мировая экономика; экономические индексы; милитарный индекс; продуктовый индекс; демографический индекс.

DO I 10.24923/2222-243X.2022-45.17



& Seidametova Z.S., 2022 The purpose of the study is to introduce, on the basis of The Global Firepower

& Temnenko V.A., 2022 ranking [1], a normalized Military Index Mi, which measures quantitatively the

relative military capabilities of each country and, interpreting this Military Index as one of the economic charac teristics of the country, create the basis for an annual description of the state of the world in a three-dimensional index space (.Military Index Ml, Product Index PI, Demographic index Oil as well as in other spaces of economic indices, which will allow assessing the measure of compliance / noncompliance of the military potential of each country with its economic and demographic potential. The scientific novelty of the research in the introduction of a new normalized Military index, which is convenient for comparison with other normalized economic indices of countries. The use of the new military index makes it possible, as a result, to identify groups of countries with similar combinations of military, economic, and demographic potential

Keywords: world economy; economic indices; the military index; the product index; the demographic index.


О x


SEIDAMETOVA Zarema SeidaNevna, DSc of Pedagogical sciences, Professor

TEMNENKO Va/erii Anatolievich, PhD of Physics and Mathematical sciences, Associate Professor

Fevzi Yakubov Crimean Engineering-Pedagogical University, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea


The military potential of any country has many dimensions, consists of many components. An annual assessment of global military capabilities, taking into account the complexity of these capabilities, can be found in the publications of the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), see, for example, [2]. One-dimensional financial assessment of military potentials, based on the analysis of countries' military spending, can be found in the database of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) [3].

The authors of the article are not specialists in military science. The authors do not seek to study military problems as such. Our intention is to study the military potential as some kind of the economic index that: characterizes each country along with its other economic characteristics (GDP, population, etc.). Our goal is to identify and describe the links that exist between military potential and economic potential, or military potential and demographic potential. The study of such relationships can be considered part of economic science, it is obvious that the identification and description of such links that exist in peacetime does not allow us to confidently predict the results of possible future military conflicts. These results are influenced by belonging to military science "intangible factors as fighting morale and leadership ... and political power" [4].

The purpose of this study is to construct a normalized Military Index Ml based on the military rating [1 ], which takes into account more than fifty factors. This purpose structures the following tasks: 1} propose and perform some mathematical transformation of Powerlndex [1 ], in order to obtain a normalized Military Index, convenient for comparison with other dimensionless normalized economic indices, primarily with the Product Index Pf (it characterizes the country's GDP) and Demographic Index Dl (it is determined by the size of the country's population). The economic indices PI and Dl were introduced by us earlier [5], [6]; 2) rationale for the relevance of studying the picture of the world in the {Dl, PI, Ml}-space based on the statistical data of 2021 as a certain picture of the initial conditions before the global economic transformation unfolding from 2022; 3) presentation of a complete list of countries that have, according to the data of 2021, the indices calculated by us (Military Index Ml, Product Index PI, Demographic Index Dl) and the ratio of these

indices (MI/PI and Ml/DI).The theoretical basis of this study was the publications [1]. [5], [6]. The practical significance of this study is to prepare the possibility of creating a discrete interval classification of the countries of the world according to the levels of military potential and comparing this classification with a two-dimensional interval classification according to the levels of economic and demographic potential [6].

Main part

From Powerindex [1] to the Military Index Ml. An acceptable basis for constructing the Military Index is the rating of countries by military capabilities The Global Firepower ranking [1]. in this ranking, each country is assigned a number of Powerindex, based on an undisclosed formula that takes into account dozens of factors. These factors include, but are not limited to, geography, logistical capabilities, the structure of the armed forces, etc. Powerindex, for which we will use the single-letter designation f, is an expert assessment determined by an undisclosed formula. According to the developers of the rating [1], this formula is designed in such a way that allows small technologically advanced nations to compete with large, but less developed nations. The estimate of /'for nuclear powers is based on conventional weapons only, without taking into account the capabilities generated by nuclear weapons.

We will use the /Values given in [11 to construct some Military Index Ml using the following procedure.

The formula for determining /"(unknown to us} is designed so that the value of /"is inversely related to the theoretical military capabilities of the country: the smaller f, the greater these capabilities. The ideal level £=0 is considered unattainable; for all countries f>0, For our purpose of constructing the Military Index Ml, we will assume that for some arbitrary country /(let, for example, /be the number of the country in a list of countries with a known value of f, sorted in ascending order of f), the value Mf. is the estimate of the military threat, that this country creates for other countries. Accordingly, the number £(l //) (where 5is the sum of such threats across all countries: 5=^(1//) estimates the

mifitary threat posed by the rest of the world to that country. The estimate of the real relative military threat that we propose is the ratio of one's own military threat (Mf) posed by a given country to the military threat posed to this country by the rest of the world (5-(l//)).

Denoting this relative military threat Ff we can write according to this definition that:

r 'i./;.M'.y


F=\/(ffS-\). (1)

We will introduce the Military index Ml as expressed as a percentage the ratio of F, to the maximum value max{f)} that some country has in the same year:

MI,- =


■ 100 (%).


The normalized Military Index is expressed as a percentage, but we will usually omit the percent symbol (%) when writing Ml.

It is easy to prove that if f<f:(k.J), then F>F and Mf/>ML Consequently, the non-linear mathematical transformation /'-^Mi proposed by us (formulas (1} and (2}} is monotonic, it does not change the position of the country in the "military rating" [11.

The purpose of our study is to calculate the Military index according to the formulas (1) and (2) proposed by us according to the data on the values of f from [1] and then compare it with the Product Index Pi and the Demographic Index Dl for all those countries in which the three indices Dl, PI, Ml are known for 2021.

Economic indices PI and Dl were introduced in articles [5], [61 as follows:

Pf =


max {GDP}

Dl =


max [POP}


100 (%).



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In formula (3) GDP is the Gross Domestic Product of some country in the current year, expressed in current US dollars, and max[GDP} is the maximum value of GDP achieved in the same year in some country in the world, also expressed in current US dollars.

In formula (4) POP is the population of a given country in the current year, and max{POPl is the population of the country with the largest population on Earth in the same year.

The indices Pi and Dl are expressed as percentages, but we will usually omit the percent symbol (%) when writing these indices.

The economic index PI is a dimensionlessand normalized assessment of a country's economic opportunities. The index Dl is a dimensionless and normalized assessment of a country's demographic resource.





To calculate the trio of indices {Dl, PS, Ml}, we use statistics reflecting the state of the world at the end of 2021.

The / values in [1] were published in 2022, but they reflect the state for 2021. GDP and POP values for 2021 were taken from the IMF database [7].

From an Age of Peace to Peacetime, We believe that describing the state of the world in 2021 in the three-dimensional space of indices {Di, Pi, Ml} is extremely important. The military events of 2022 probably provoked a gradually unfolding global geopolitical transformation: a significant reorientation of global raw material, commodity and money flows; the restructuring of military-political alliances and the birth of new alliances; reassessment of the importance of military spending; changing ideas about the optimal structure of the armed forces, etc.

For developing countries, this transformation includes a possible change in the countries that supply modem weapons (see, for example, [8]}. However, these changes can take decades [9].

This global transformation is taking place against the backdrop of "an escalation in rhetoric that brought up the unthinkable for the first time in decades: the threat of nuclear war fare, even in the form of small or so-called tactical weapons" [10].

We fix here in this and subsequent articles a certain picture of the world in the three-dimensional space of military, economic and demographic indices before the start of this gigantic transformation.

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It should be noted that not all economists share the key idea for us about the global geopolitical transformation that began in 2022. in the softer language of bankers, the beginning era is described as a "global economic uncertainty" [12].

The picture of the world of 2021, which we consideras the initial condition for transformation, is in itself far from any stationary state. The global economy in 2021 is not yet fully recovered from the pandemic shock of 2020. But the pandemic shock is an exogenous phenomenon for the global economy. Countries could, to some extent, coordinate their efforts to overcome the pandemic crisis. The global geopolitical transformation generated by the military events of 2022 is an endogenous phenomenon for the world economy. Global coordination of efforts in the course of this transformation is fundamentally impossible. Large groups of countries compete in this process to obtain the maximum geopolitical benefits from the transformation process.

In a famous report given in the fall of 1973 at the Royal United Services institute (RUSi) the military historian Michael Howard described the difference between the concepts of an "age of peace" and "peacetime" [13]. According to M. Howard "peacetime suggests an interval between wars when another war is expected and predictable". An age of Peace "is a different phrase to indicate a period when most people do not seriously think that there will ever be a great war again" ([13], p. 3).

It can be assumed that these formulations refer only to a "big" war, or "global" war, in which the great powers take part, since smaller wars never stop.

Within these formulations, three-quarters of a century after the end of WW II was "the age of peace". This era consisted of two parts: the Cold War until 1989 and the following three decades, which were initially erroneously interpreted as "the end of history" [14].

At the beginning of 2022, this long period of the "Age of Peace" ended. Fixing and describing the state of the world in 2021 in the three-dimensional space of indices [Dl, Pi, Mi} describes the initial conditions for the next multi-year period of transformation.

Some signals of the end of this long Age of Peace were visible before 2022. Daniel Yergin in 2020 drew attention to the growing likelihood of the "ThucydidesTraps" in US-China relations [15]. With the expression "Thucydides trap", the author of this term, Graham Allison, described the situation "when one great power threatens to displace another, war is almost always the result" [16]. The ancient historian Thucydides (the participant and witness of the events) described a similar situation using the example of the relationship between Athens and Sparta.

List of countries with the known index ML 1 he electronic appendix to this article (https://bit.ly/ 3SviXZL} contains a table containing a complete list of countries with a known value of the Military Index Mi for 2021, sorted in descending order of the index Ml. In addition to the index Ml, this table shows for each country its economic indices PI, Dl and EPI according to 2021 statistics, indices Pf and Dl are defined above by formulas (3) and (4). The economic productivity index EPI, introduced by us earlier (see, for example, [5]), is defined as follows:



where GDP/PC is Gross Domestic Product per capita expressed in current US dollars and maxE6DP/PC)

is the maximum GDP/PC reached in the same year in some country, also expressed in current US dollars.

The economic index EPI is expressed as a percentage, but we will usually omit the percent symbol (%) in the EPS entry.

The trio of economic indices PI, Dl, EPI contains aggregated information about each country. The Product Index PI characterizes the economic level of the country. The index Di characterizes the demographic resource.The index EPI characterizes the level of development of the country. These three indices are not independent of each other. They are related by some index identity given in [5].

The Military Index Ml can be taken as some measure of a country's military capabilities. The index Ml is to a certain extent predetermined by the trio of economic indices PI, Di, EPI. This predetermination is statistical in nature. In this series of articles, we would like to reveal some aspects of the relationship between the Military Index Mi and the trio of economic indices Pi, Dl, EPI.

In addition to the indices Ml, Pi, Dl, EPI, the appendix (https://bit.ly/3SviXZL) also indicates the abbreviated name of the country according to the three-letter ISO standard 117]. These abbreviated names will appear in some of the figures in this article series.

The electronic appendix (https://b it. ly/3SviXZL) provides information on 137 countries. Five countries from the list [1] with a known Military Index Mi are not in the IMF database [7], from which we borrowed data on GDP and population to calculate the economic indices PI, Dl, EPI. This "lost" five includes North Korea (Ml=9.06), Syria (Ml=6.01), Cuba (Mi=3.40), Lebanon (Ml=1.45) and Afghanistan (Ml=1.23). North Korea and Cuba are pariah countries, in a sense outside the global economy. North Korea poses a serious military threat to surrounding countries by intensifying missile tests [18]. 8ut we do not have data on the economic and demographic potential of this country. Syria and Afghanistan have been areas of armed conflict for many years. Lebanon has long suffered from internal conflicts and bad governance 119], [20]. A combination of these factors leads to the disappearance of these five from world economic statistics.


With the help of a non-linear mathematical transformation of the military rating data the Global Firepower ranking [1], a new normalized Military index Ml has been introduced, which

characterizes the relative military capabilities of countries and is convenient for comparison with other economic indices. The rationale of the relevance of studying the picture of the world in the [Dl, PI, Ml}-space based on the statistical data of 2021 asa certain picture ofthe initial conditions before the global geopolitical transformation is given.

The electronic appendix contains a complete list of countries that have the known Military Index Ml 2021 and other economic indices of this year (PI, Di, EPI, Mi/PI, Ml/DI).


1. The Global Firepower ranking. - URL: https:// www.globalfirepower.com/counTries-listing.php

2. The Military Balance 2022 / International institute for Strategic Studies (Author). - fioutledge; 1st edition (February 15, 2022), - 504 p. - URL: https:// www.iiss.org/publica tions/the-military-ba lance

3. SIPR1 Military Expenditure Database. - URL: https:/ /www.sipri.org/databases/milex

4. Gady, F.-S. Predicting Military Performance can't be perfect, but it can be tetter //World Politics Review, July 18,2022,- URL https://www.woridpoliticsreview.com/

5. Seidametova Z.S, The World in economic indices depending on a country's size. I. The World on the {Population, GDP}-plane / Z.S. Seidametova, V.A. Temnenko // KANT, № 3 (44), 2022. - C. 68-74.

6. Seidametova Z.S, The World in economic indices depending on a country's size. II. Global Scale Matrix / 7... S. Seidametova, V, A.Temnenko// KANT, № 3 (44), 2022. - C. /4-79.

7. The international Monetary Fund [e-resource] / World Economic Outiookdatabase: April 2022, - URL: https://www.imf.Org/-/media/files/Publications/ W EO/W EO- D a ta ba se/2022/WE O A pr2022a 11. a s h x

8. The Indian Express, September 21, 2022. - URL: https://indianexpress.com/articie/opinion/columns/ with-russias-declining -influence-india-needs-a new-strategy-in-eurasia-8160821/

9. CNBC, September 28, 2022. - URL: https:// www.cnbc.com/2022/09/29/indiasmiiitary-tieS'with-russia-will-endure for decades-anaiyst.htm I

10. Ai-Ahram Weekly Editorial, September 20, 2022,-URL: https://engiish.ahram.org.eg/NewsContentP/50/ 476471/Al Ah ram' Weekly/Diplomacy-rather-than-escalatiofv in-Ukraine, aspx

11. Daily Sabah, October 05, 2022. - URL: https:// www.dailysabah.com/business/defense/russia Ukraine-war re veals-how-im porta nt-mi I ita ry-logistics-are

12. The econom ic ti mes, CFO news, October 03,2022. - URL: https;//economictimes,indiatimes.com/ i nd us try/ban king/fi nance/ban kin g/indi a-is-a-shining "Star amid global economic -uncertainty-christian-sewing-ceo-deutsche bank/articleshow/ 94608069,cms

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15. Yergin D. The new map: energy, climate, and the clash of nations. - Penguin Press; illustrated edition (September 15, 2020).- 512 p.

16. ThucydidesTtap. ■■ URL: https://fofeignpolicy.com/ 201 //06/09/the-thucyd ides-trap/

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18. The New York Times. The Morning, October 09. 2022. ian Prasad Phiibrick. North Korea's Threat. -U RL: h tips://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/09/briefi tig/ nort h-korea- n uc lea r-tests.h Em!

19. World Bank. 2022. Lebanon Public Finance Review: Ponzi Finance? - Washington, DC. - https:/

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20. World Bank. Press release, August 2, 2022. Lebanon's PonvA Finance Scheme Has Caused Unprecedented Social and Economic Pain to the Lebanese People. - https://www.woridbank.org/ en/news/press-re!ease/2022/08/02/!ebanon-s-ponz!- finance-scheme-has-c a used-unprecedented-social-and-economic-pain-to'the-lebanese-people


Сейдаметова Зарема Сейдалиевна, доктор педагогических наук профессор Темненко Валерий Анатольевич, кандидат физико-математических наук, доцент

Крымский инженерно-педагогический университет имени Февзи Якубова, Симферополь, Республика Крым

Цель исследования - учитывая Милитарный Индекс Mi как экономическую переменную, изучить и описать 1D-, 2D- и 3D-распределения стран мира в пространствах экономических индексов. Для достижения этой цели построено одномерное распределение стран по Мил тарному Индексу Ml в виде Парето-диаграммы и гистограммы; построено 3D распределение стран в трехмерном пространстве экономических индексов {Р.% Dt, Ml} (глобальный милитарный рой); построены и детально описаны 20-проекции глобального милитарного роя на плоскости экономических индексов (Pi, М1}и{Р1, Ml}, где Продуктовый индекс PI определяется размером ВВП страны, а Демографический индекс D! определяется численностью населения. Научная новизна заключается в указанных 1D-, 2D- и 3D распределениях стран, впервые построенных в данной статье. Изучение этих распределений выявляет в результате характеристики статистической связи Милитарного индекса с другими экономическими индексами.

Ключевые слова; мировая экономика; экономические индексы; милитарный индекс; продуктовый индекс; демографический индекс.

DO! 1Q.24923/2222-243X.2022-45.18



The purpose of the study is to study and describe the 1D, 2D and 3D distributions of the countries of the world in the spaces of economic Indices taking into account the Military Index Ml as an economic variable. To achieve this purpose, a one-dimensional distribution of countries according to the Military Index Ml was constructed in the form of a Pareto diagram and a histogram; a 3D-distribution of countries was built in the three-dimensional space of economic indices {PI, Di, Ml} (the global military swarm); 2D-projec.tions of the global military swarm on the planes of economic indices (PI, Ml} and {Dl, Mi} are constructed and described in detail, where the Product Index PI is determined by the size of the country's 0DP, and the Demographic Index Dl is determined by the population size. The scientific novelty of the research is in these ID-, 2D- and-3D distributions of countries, that constructed in this paper for the first time. The study of these distributions reveals, as a result, the characteristics of the statistical relationship of the Military Index with other economic indices.

Keywords: world economy; economic indices; the military index; the product index; the demographic index.


In the previous paper the normalized Military Index Mi was introduced. This index describes the military capabilities of the countries. The normalized index Ml was introduced using some monotone nonlinear mathematical transformation of the weü-known scale of assessing the military capabilities of countries "The Global Firepower ranking" [1]. The electronic appendix to the previous paper (https://bit.ly/3SviXZL) provides

ВАК РФ 5.2.5

<0 Seidameto va Z.S., 2022 Ф Temnenko V.A., 2022

SEiDAMETOVA Zarema Seidaiievna, DSc of Pedagogical sciences, Professor

TEMNENKO Vaierii Anatolievich, PhD of Physics and Mathematical sciences, Associate Professor

Fevzi Yakubov Crimean Engineering-Pedagogical University, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea

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