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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Sun Xiaoli

The article is devoted to the identification and analysis of ways of translating pragmatic marker ETO SAMOE from Russian into Chinese based on literary texts. The source of the material is a user's subcorpus, which includes 40 contexts of 20 Russian literary works in the main subcorpus of the Russian National Corpus and their Chinese translations. In Russian colloquialism pragmatic markers (PM) are those units of Russian speech that have undergone the process of pragmaticization and as a result have virtually lost their original lexical and/or grammatical meaning and have acquired pragmatic, that is, perform only certain functions in the discourse: fill in the pauses of hesitation, mark the beginning or end replica or monologic text, change the theme or communicative strategies, point to someone else's speech (citation, including self-citations), the self-correction, metacommentaries of speech, etc. According to the analysis, the pragmatic marker ETO SAMOE is able to perform two different functions in oral speech: hesitative marker (first of all) and (rarely) ‘xeno’-marker. Native speakers easily and unconsciously (automatically) use this unit in their speech, it does not prevent them from correctly perceiving the speech addressed to them without hindrances, and in oral simultaneous translations it is simply omitted as a “parasite word”, a kind of verbal garbage. In literary works, writers quite actively use such a marker, creating with its help a speech portrait of a particular character. Ignoring it in a literary translation (or incorrect translation) can significantly distort this portrait, so translators are forced to look for analogues of this unit in another language, which is not always easy, since there are not only bilingual dictionaries for this part of the lexicon, but even a complete set of PM in a particular language. The analysis of the material from the user's subcorpus in this article allowed us to determine that in Chinese translations of Russian literary works were used four ways of translating this marker: (1) omission of the PM; (2) omission of the PM, but its meaning (function) was conveyed in other words; (3) PM → significant units; (4) Russian PM → Chinese PM. Taking into account the pragmatic factor plays an important role in analyzing the functions of the PM and reproducing the pragmatic potential in translation.

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UDC 81 '25

DOI 10.24147/2413-6182.2021.8(2).323-332

ISSN 2413-6182 eISSN 2658-4867


Sun Xiaoli

St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Abstract: The article is devoted to the identification and analysis of ways of translating pragmatic marker ETO SAMOE from Russian into Chinese based on literary texts. The source of the material is a user's subcorpus, which includes 40 contexts of 20 Russian literary works in the main subcorpus of the Russian National Corpus and their Chinese translations. In Russian colloquialism pragmatic markers (PM) are those units of Russian speech that have undergone the process of pragmaticization and as a result have virtually lost their original lexical and/or grammatical meaning and have acquired pragmatic, that is, perform only certain functions in the discourse: fill in the pauses of hesitation, mark the beginning or end replica or monologic text, change the theme or communicative strategies, point to someone else's speech (citation, including self-citations), the self-correction, metacommentaries of speech, etc. According to the analysis, the pragmatic marker ETO SAMOE is able to perform two different functions in oral speech: hesitative marker (first of all) and (rarely) 'xeno'-marker. Native speakers easily and unconsciously (automatically) use this unit in their speech, it does not prevent them from correctly perceiving the speech addressed to them without hindrances, and in oral simultaneous translations it is simply omitted as a "parasite word", a kind of verbal garbage. In literary works, writers quite actively use such a marker, creating with its help a speech portrait of a particular character. Ignoring it in a literary translation (or incorrect translation) can significantly distort this portrait, so translators are forced to look for analogues of this unit in another language, which is not always easy, since there are not only bilingual dictionaries for this part of the lexicon, but even a complete set of PM in a particular language. The analysis of the material from the user's subcorpus in this article allowed us to determine that in Chinese translations of Russian literary works were used four ways of translating this marker: (1) omission of the PM; (2) omission of the PM, but its meaning (function) was conveyed in other words; (3) PM ^ significant units; (4) Russian PM ^ Chinese PM. Taking into account the pragmatic factor plays an important role in analyzing the functions of the PM and reproducing the pragmatic potential in translation.

Key words: pragmatic marker, literary translation, discursive analysis, contextual factor, reconstruction of pragmatic potential.

© CyHb CnoAU, 2021

For citation:

Sun, Xiaoli (2021), The ways of translating pragmatic marker eto samoe (based on the material of parallel Russian and Chinese literary texts). Communication Studies (Russia), Vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 323-332. DOI: 10.24147/2413-6182.2021.8(2).323-332.

About the author:

Sun Xiaoli, Graduate student of the Faculty of Philology

Corresponding author:

Postal address: 11, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russia

E-mail: Sunxiaoli_smile@163.com

Received: March 1, 2021

Revised: March 5, 2021

Accepted: April 21, 2021

1. Introduction

In recent years, the research interest in pragmatic markers (PM] has increased dramatically in both Russian and foreign linguistics. PM has a high frequency of occurrence in oral spontaneous speech, used by speakers unconsciously and reflexively, at the level of speech automatism [Bogdanova-Beglarian 2021]. The original language units, from which markers are actually born, undergo an active process of pragmaticalization, as a result of which "the significance of the denotative and significative elements" decreases [Bogdanova-Beglarian 2014: 10] (see also: [Gunthner, Mutz 2004; Graf 2011]], the lexical meaning of the unit is virtually lost or considerably weakened, which transforms it into a pragmatic unit. This is the way that the Russian speech goes and the phrase eto samoe.

In real speech usage, the word samyi is simultaneously subjected to many active processes: grammaticalization, resemantization, idiomatization, and pragmaticalization, which can be clearly demonstrated on the fan scale of transitivity [Sun Xiaoli 2021]. On one of the vectors of this scale the word samyi falls under the action of pragmaticalization and "gives birth" to the PM eto samoe (later - ES], which functions in Russian speech are performed by various grammatical forms.

Most of the studies devoted to the functioning of ES considers it exclusively in the context of Russian spontaneous speech (see, for example: [Bogda-nova-Beglaryan 2015, 2021; Gorbunova 2017]] and is practically unrelated to the texts of literary works1. In such texts colloquial speech needs special means of

1 Although the conclusion about the significance of the description of pragmatic markers in oral speech for the practice of translation (as well as for linguodidactics, linguocriminalis-tics, linguistic expertise and colloquialistics in general) is constantly made in these works, see, for example: [Bogdanova-Beglaryan 2021].

imitation, with the help of which the author conveys the individual characteristics of the characters' speech. These features are diligently created (stylized] by the author of the work, and the statements of the characters are clothed in a form familiar to the ear of the speakers of a particular language in their native colloquial speech [Dubinina, Nikitinskaya 2020: 18]. It is from this perspective that the functioning of the pragmatic marker eto samoe is considered in this article.

2. Research material and methodology

20 Russian literary works from the main subcorpus of the the Russian National Corpus (http://www.ruscorpora.ru/] and their Chinese translations became the source of the material for this study. All selected Russian texts are original and contain the pragmatic marker under study. In the Russian part of user's subcorpus includes 40 investigated structures, including 38 in the "classical" form neutr. sing. eto samoe (95%]x, and two in the form plur. eti samye (5%]. Of course, there are many other grammatical forms of ES in Russian texts (etot samyi, etim samym, dlya etogo samogo, etc.], but they are not included in the user's subcorpus due to their absence in those works for which parallel Chinese translations have been found.

3. The results of the study

All the uses of the marker ES in the Russian texts under consideration can be divided into two types, based on the differences between their functions: 39 hesitative markers (97.5%] and 1 'xeno'-marker (2.5%]. The following is a syntactic, discursive, and functional analysis of uses of the marker eto samoe in the Russian originals, on the one hand, and its Chinese translations, on the other hand.

3.1. ES-hesitation

The function of hesitation is the most typical for PM (see, for example: [Bogdanova-Beglaryan 2021]]. Such examples make up the vast majority of units of the user's subcorpus.

1] Poterpi malost'. V bol'nitsu, bog dast, priedem i migom u tebya, eto samoe... Dast tebe Pavel Ivanych kapelek, ili krov' pustit' prikazhet, ili, mozhet, milosti ego ugodno budet spirtikom kakim tebya rasteret', ono i tovo... ottyanet

ot boka / - шллфй, шм-тт!ж±ф1ж, т^мшт-


[A.P. Chekhov. Gore (1885-1886]].

1 See: "The 'classical' type of ES is the form neutr. sing. (eto samoe], although other forms of this construction are often found, sometimes motivated grammatically by the form of the word whose search marker is ES. In the absence of such motivation, the 'classical' form is more often used, and it primarily serves as an expression of 'pure' hesitation" [Bogdanova-Beglaryan 2015: 285].

ES is followed by an ellipsis to indicate a pause and incomplete statement, but the search word has not been found. ES ^ jiu hui hao le 'will recover', that is, the marker is translated by significant words.

2] Mitya Gorelov vdrug pomanil rebyat k sebe i vpolgolosa skazal, chto neplokho by obyavit' Fisu eto samoe... On dolgo stuchal sebe po lbu, zabyv nuzhnoe slovo / WSI^BMM , , SffM^tf,

f^MXM^......, M^M^mMitt^mo [A.I. Musa-

tov. Bol'shaya vesna (1957]].

This is a hesitative-search marker, but the word/expression is not found as a result of the search. The character's intention to remember the forgotten word is simply described by the author (underlined]. The translator ignored the hesitation and did not translate the marker.

3] Verno slovo... vot kak pered bogom... plyun'te togda v glaza, ezheli obmanu: kak tol'ko moya Matrena, eto samoe, vyzdoroveet. stanet na svoyu nastoyashchuyu tochku, to vsyo, chto soizvolite prikazat', vsyo dlya vashei milosti sdelayu! / MUttMM^i..........,

ifrmmBmmn/Ko pgrnmrnrnrn, 007, w

, Mgrn^fi-A, m^WmSM^Amifr! [A.P. Chekhov. Gore (1885-1886]].

Here ES is a typical hesitative-search marker. A successful search result is a predicate (vyzdoroveet]. ES ^ e jiu shi zhe ge lao tai po

'that is, this old woman'.

4] A vot u menya eto samoe... est' takie v gubnarobraze, kotorye znayut...

/ WM^MttS^......, 0WA&M..... [A.S. Makarenko.

Pedagogicheskaya poema. Part 1 (1933]].

In this example there is a circumstance u menya, and the fact of the search is supported by ES and the ellipsis. They are immediately followed by the found predicate (underlined in the example]. ES ^ S^ zhe ge 'this'.

5] A chertovski khorosh plombir... I eto samoe... "Kliko", "Kliko".

/ &jL$mmmMMm^m......mwm^......'mm, ■mmwrnE..

... [V.Ya. Shishkov. Ugryum-reka. Parts 5-8 (1913-1932]].

In the context of (5] there is a harmony of the forms of the marker and the found noun Kliko by gender, number and case. ES ^ na ge 'that'.

6] A khorosho by nynche eto samoe - otorvat'sya... /

[Yu.V. Trifonov. Dolgoe proshchanie (1971]].

The found verb otorvat'sya follows immediately after the ES. The translator ignored the hesitation and did not translate the marker.

7] Prosto ikh uveli eti samye... strekulisty. to est'. t'fu!.. vetrogony, a

ne strekulisty / PM&MM—......fE^A7......SMM......MM! M§—,

......M^M^M—o [N. Nosov. Neznaika v Solnechnom gorode (1958]].

Here there is a grammatical harmony (in number and case] between the forms of the marker and the found noun vetrogony. ES ^ S® zhe xie 'these'.

In examples (1]-(7], there are two forms of ES: eto samoe and eti samye, and they all belong to the hesitative-search markers. However, the search results are different. So, in examples (1]-(2], suitable units were not found, although the search was clearly carried out. In addition, the author described the recall process in detail (in example (2] underlined], which indirectly proves the search failure. In example (1], the PM was translated as the predicate jiu hui hao le 'will recover', not an adequate marker in Chinese. And in example (2], instead of translating the PM, only a ellipsis is used, marking the incompleteness of the statement and the pause.

In examples (3]-(7] the objects of successful search are a predicate, a verb (in the infinitive form] and different nouns (underlined in the examples]. As can be seen from examples (5] and (7], the found words and ES are in grammatical harmony. But in the context (7], there is a relatively large distance between the found word vetrogony and the marker due to the first erroneous search attempt.

In general, three different ways of translating were used in the considered contexts.

First of all, the ES has been translated as significant units: ES ^ explanatory expression e jiu shi zhe ge lao tai po 'that is, this old woman' in example (3]; ES ^ demonstrative pronounS® zhe xie 'these' in example (7].

Secondly, the ES was not translated at all in the example (6].

Thirdly, the ES was translated into Chinese PM: ES ^ markerS^ zhe ge 'this' in example (4]; ES ^ marker na ge 'that' in example (5]. In the process of communication between native Chinese speakers, when the speaker is faced with choosing the appropriate means of expression to continue his speech, he often uses the discourse markers S^ zhe ge 'this' or na ge 'that' to avoid long pauses in the conversation. It also reminds the other person that the speaker wants to keep talking, but has not yet figured out how or what to say. In this case, S^ zhe ge 'this' is usually pronounced 'zhei ge', and na ge 'that' - 'nei ge', which is often repeated or stretched until an appropriate word or expression is found [Li Heng 2011: 25]. One of the functions of the ellipsis in Chinese is to stretch the sound [Zhong Weiyun 2006: 148], as seen in examples (4]-(5]. It is important to note that Chinese linguistics does not yet have a clear definition of PM and does not explicitly describe the difference between pragmatic and discourse markers, although both terms are often used in Chinese articles on similar topics [Zhang Shuaidan, Lu Jiwei 2020: 61].

3.2. ES as a 'xeno'-marker

8] - Ya zh i govoryu, vam by vsyo chitat', a esli vam zhivogo cheloveka dayut, tak vy, eto samoe, zarezhet menya zhivoi chelovek / MMM&-&M:

sM&rni-^mA, mmsM , mAsm

[A.S. Makarenko. Pedagogicheskaya poema. Part 1 (1933]].

This is the only example of ES in the role of a 'xeno'-marker1 in this study. In this context, it introduces someone else's alleged speech, marks "a statement that summarizes the position of the opposing side and reduces it to the main argument or argument that is subject to refutation" [Arutyunova 1992: 50]2. Translation^m^Si^. ni men jiu yao shuo 'you will speak' supports the function of the marker in the original text. But the PM itself has not been translated. And here it is worth highlighting the 4th way of translating: the marker is omitted, but its meaning (function] is conveyed in other words.

4. Conclusions

Based on the quantitative data obtained during the analysis of the material, it can be concluded that in all analyzed translations four different methods were used: (1] PM ^ significant units (21 cases, 52.5 %]; (2] omission of the PM (10.25 %]; (3] Russian PM ^ Chinese PM (8.20 %]; (4] omission of the PM, but its meaning was conveyed in other words (1. 2.5 %]. It can be seen that most translators simply do not know about the existence of this marker in Russian and its functions in oral speech, and therefore they translate it as significant words or expressions. Some translators feel the existence of ES and realize the loss of its lexical meaning. But often they do not find the corresponding analogs of the PM in the Chinese language and simply omit it in translation. In rare cases, despite the failure to find a Chinese analogue of the PM, the translator uses other lexical means to convey the meaning of the original. Due to the mismatch between the systems and norms of the Russian and Chinese languages, the task of establishing equivalent relations at the lexical-grammatical level is very difficult [Chernyakova 2009: 26]. Few translators are able not only to accurately define the ES function in the original context, but also to use the corresponding Chinese PM in translation - to achieve equivalence at the function level.

1 Following N.D. Arutyunova, we define the term "xeno-indicator" as "signs of another's voice, alienated speech, another's world" whose main function "consists in marking the presence of the Other" [Arutyunova 2000: 437, 448]. At the same time, the term foreign speech is very conditional and refers not only to real foreign speech, but also to one's own speech, previously spoken or planned for the future, as well as one's own or someone else's thoughts and even speech, the "speaking" behavior of another person, his reactions, etc. [Levontina 2010: 284]. In addition to xeno-indicators, there are also citation or reparative markers, indicators of indirect attestation [Plungyan 2011], grammars of occultation [Kibrik 1977], indirectives or mediatives [Plungyan 2003: 323]. This article uses the term "xenon indicator".

2 It must be said that on the material of oral speech no such function has been found for PM at all. Thus, the Dictionary of Pragmatic Markers of Russian Oral Speech, which is currently being prepared for publication, records ES only in the functions of the hasitative marker, boundary marker of all three types (start, final and navigational] and the self-correction marker [Bogdanova-Beglaryan 2021]. This demonstrates once again that one can never put an end to live speech research: any expansion of the material may reveal something new, which until now has simply not fallen into the sphere of research attention.

"The pragmatic factor is one of the most important 'filters' determining not only how translation processes are implemented, but also the object of the conveyed information" [Shveitser 1973: 178]. And therefore, "taking into account the pragmatic factor is a prerequisite for achieving full translation adequacy" [Barkhudarov 1975: 125]. Understanding the specifics of the PM in the original text requires the translator to apply the method of discourse analysis and take into account contextual factors. There are certain differences in the use of the PM between the Russian and Chinese languages, and the translator should pay attention to these differences, correctly understand the functions of the PM in the original text and recreate the expressive effect in the translation as accurately as possible.


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Сунь Сяоли

Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет (Санкт-Петербург, Россия)

Аннотация: Выявляются и анализируются способы перевода прагматического маркера ЭТО САМОЕ в художественных текстах с русского на китайский язык. Источником материала стал пользовательский корпус, включающий 40 контекстов из 20 русских художественных произведений в основном подкорпусе Национального корпуса русского языка и их китайские переводы. К прагматическим маркерам (ПМ) в российской коллоквиалистике относят те единицы русской речи, которые подверглись процессу прагмати-кализации и в результате практически утратили свое исходное лексическое и/или грамматическое значение и приобрели прагматическое, т. е. выполняют в дискурсе только определенные функции: заполняют паузы хезита-ции, маркируют начало или конец реплики или монологического текста, смену темы или коммуникативной стратегии, указывают на чужую речь (цитирование, в том числе самоцитирование), самокоррекцию, метаком-ментирование речи и т. п. По данным проведенного анализа, прагматический маркер ЭТО САМОЕ способен выполнять в устной речи две разных функции: хезитатива (в первую очередь) и (редко) маркера-ксенопоказа-теля. Носители языка легко и неосознанно (автоматически) употребляют в своей речи эту единицу, она нисколько не мешает им правильно и без помех воспринимать обращенную к ним речь, а в устных синхронных переводах ее попросту опускают - как «слово-паразит», некий словесный мусор. В художественной литературе писатели достаточно активно используют подобный маркер, создавая с его помощью речевой портрет того или иного персонажа. Его игнорирование в художественном переводе (или неверный перевод) может существенно исказить этот портрет, поэтому переводчики вынуждены искать в другом языке аналоги этой единице, что не всегда легко, поскольку для этой части лексикона не существует не только двуязычных словарей, но даже и полного набора ПМ в том или ином языке. Анализ материала пользовательского подкорпуса в настоящей работе позволил установить, что в китайских переводах русских художественных произведений применительно к этому маркеру применялись четыре приема: (1) опущение ПМ; (2) опущение ПМ, но передача его смысла (функции) другими словами; (3) ПМ ^ значимые единицы; (4) русский ПМ ^ китайский ПМ. Учет прагматического фактора играет важную роль в анализе функций ПМ и воспроизведении прагматического потенциала в переводе.

Ключевые слова: прагматический маркер, художественный перевод, дискурсивный анализ, контекстный фактор, воссоздание прагматического потенциала.

Для цитирования:

Сунь Сяоли. Способы перевода прагматического маркера это самое (на материале параллельных русских и китайских текстов художественных про-

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

изведений) // Коммуникативные исследования. 2021. Т. 8. № 2. С. 323-332. DOI: 10.24147/2413-6182.2021.8(2).323-332. (На англ. яз.).

Сведения об авторе:

Сунь Сяоли, аспирант филологического факультета

Контактная информация:

Почтовый адрес: 199034, Россия, Санкт-Петербург, Университетская наб., 11 E-mail: Sunxiaoli_smile@163.com Дата поступления статьи: 01.03.2021 Дата рецензирования: 05.03.2021 Дата принятия в печать: 21.04.2021

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