THE WAYS OF TEACHING HOW TO SPEAK AND THE ROLE OF TEACHER IN THAT PROCESS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Rakhmatova M.M., Ziyodullayeva M.E.

The need to integrate into the contemporary world through economic, social, technological domains paved way for ELT in Uzbekistan to face changes. Now necessity to speak fluent English puts some obligations and responsibility in front of ELT specialists in Uzbekistan. The given article describes the ways of involving students in speaking which is the productive skill of learners. Theoretical overview in the article elucidates different ideas of authors and practical part of article shows application of those ideas in Uzbek language teaching context. The strategies outlined below are considered to be pivotal to develop speaking abilities in Uzbek target language classrooms.

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ELTspecialist Rakhmatova M. M., Student of philology faculty Ziyodullayeva M. E.

Uzbekistan, Bukhara State University

Abstract. The need to integrate into the contemporary world through economic, social, technological domains paved way for ELT in Uzbekistan to face changes. Now necessity to speak fluent English puts some obligations and responsibility in front of ELT specialists in Uzbekistan.

The given article describes the ways of involving students in speaking which is the productive skill of learners. Theoretical overview in the article elucidates different ideas of authors and practical part of article shows application of those ideas in Uzbek language teaching context. The strategies outlined below are considered to be pivotal to develop speaking abilities in Uzbek target language classrooms.

Keywords: target language, interaction, production, techniques, production, age, acquisition.

Most learners of a foreign language express the wish to improve their speaking skill above all other skills even though majority of them are proficient grammar learners. Acquiring good writing and reading skills have much more variable techniques compared to be able a good speaker in a target language. Speaking together with listening are the skills that demand to be in the spoken production even if it is sometimes seem to be a hard toil for a non-native speaker. The best way of being a decent speaker in a target language is to practice by not being afraid of making mistakes. Because making mistakes is actually a constructive way of learning. This is a generally accepted rule that is in a great value to enhance one's speaking skill. As a "coin has to sides ", a teacher as well as a student has to make an effort to see his/her apprentice as a competent learner. How could it be achieved? Several teaching methods are analysed and offered below: "Ten Commandments" are offered for teachers in order to make their students linguistically compenent[1. 138]:

1. To lower inhibitions: play guessing games and communication games; do role-plays and skits; sing songs; use plenty of group work; laughter; share their fears. .

2. To encourage risk taking: praise students ; use fluency exercises where errors are not corrected at that time

3. To build students' self-confidence: tell students explicitythat you do indeed believe in them; have them make the list of their strengths.

4. To help them to develop intrinsic motivation: remind them explicity about the rewards for learning English; play down the final examination in favor of helping students to see rewards for themselves beyond the final exam.

5. To promote cooperative learning: direct students to share their knowledge; play down competition among students;

6. To encourage them to use right-brain processing: use movies and tapes in class; have them read passages rapidly; do skimming exercises; do rapid "free writes"; do oral fluency exercises.

7. To promote ambiguity tolerance: encourage students to ask you and each other questions when they don't understand something; keep your theoretical explanations very simple and brief; deal with just a few rules at a time;

8. To help them use their intuition: praise students for good guesses; do not always give explanation of errors; correct only selected errors.

9. To get students to make their mistakes work for them: tape record students' oral production and get them to identify errors; let students catch and correct each other's errors - do not always give them the correct form; encourage students to make lists to their common errors and to work on them on their own .

10. To get students to set their own goals: explicitly encourage or direct students to go beyond the classroom goals; have them make lists of what they will accomplish on their own in a particular week.

The strategies outlined above are considered to be pivotal not only for enhancing reading or writing skills but also speaking abilities. I personally find the technique of lowering inhibitions to be much more overwhelming one. If the teacher feels being among the pupils as a "pupil", he is usually confided by his/her students. They are not afraid of making mistakes and fell free when interacting with their tutor. And

this is a crucial way of making a good, sensitive speech. Otherwise, as known to all, anxiety is likely to lead failure rather than achievement. As inhibitions are lowered, other techniques will follow spontaneously: self-confidence and intrinsic motivation will be developed, students will learn to work cooperatively. And these are also considered to be crucial in order to increase one's speaking ability. However, they all can not be achieved without the ability of making a good conversation. A common problem for a 6-7 year old children who are learning English as a second language is that they are not able to make a sentence using the vocabulary they have just learned. Only learning new words doesn't work. After learning they should be used in a context. One of the most suitable way of solving this problem is to make conversations using new vocabulary. So, what is a conversation itself? The term refers to a spoken interaction between two or more people who do not follow a fixed schedule. However, many tend to assume that conversation in the classroom involves nothing more than putting into practice the grammar rules or vocabulary that are taught during the class. Maybe, therefore, students especially school pupils are likely to make simple, ordinary questions and answers when they are asked to conversate. One of the most common dialogues is:

- What is your name? -My name is Ann.

- How are you getting on? -I am fine thank you.

And now pay attention to another version of the conversation:

- Your name -Ann. -OK. How are you? -Fine, thanks

The first one is grammatically correct and is considered to be a bit more formal one. The second, however, is an example from our everyday speech and is found to be colloquial one. It is easier for children to express their idea by the shorter version although the teacher's aim is to teach the right variant of making questions and giving responses to them. So, what should be done in order to improve teaching the right version of making dialogues?

1. Videos, consisting movies, cartoons and documentary movies is considered to be vital in order to increase one's speaking ability. Moreover, carefully chosen video make them to feel the action and to be digested in the process. Still, movies are full of syntactic or lexical avoidance [1.128] ( the sentences that aren't correct gramatically but are tend to give the general meaning) which are considered to be distracters. Teacher's comment is required while watching a movie. Otherwise, children find short version of answers and questions preferable.

Such video records can be used in order to help children to compare the colloquial and official speaking.

2. Recordings are the next choice. While listening a certain tape, urge your students to imitate to the speaker, by pausing and commenting after each sentence. It is a good idea to record their own voice after the listening process.

3. Reading a fiction. It can really help to improve their conversation making abilities as well as enlarging their world outlook. As book contain many literary and scientific words, reading can make students' speech more colorful and attractive. Making a roleplay after reading and discussing each chapter is an effective method. Most children learning a foreign language have to overcome psychological threat before speaking. In order to learn speaking one have to speak. Yet they are afraid of speaking, how could they interact with each other? A teacher ought to use some strategies due to teach students to speak without anxiety. Charles Curran in his "Counseling-Learning" model of education believed that interpersonal communication in the classroom is means of providing a safe atmosphere to speak. He said: "The anxiety caused by the educational context is lessened through the supportive community". As the teacher's aim is to reduce psychological boundary, he is not excepted as a threat. Depending on this several warming up activities are recommended. One of them is called Chain names [4. 9]. I personally found the method to be effective in order to improve pupils communicating abilities during the classroom. In uzbek classes the activity goes like this:

Level - any level (including beginners) Time - 5-10 minutes Aim - introducing students to each other Preparation - none


1. Ask the students to sit in a semi-circle and nominate one student to introduce himself

2. The person next to him must then repeat his name and then introduce himself.

3. Ask your students to repeat this process. Ex:

- I'm Anvar -Anvar, I'm Malika -Anvar, Malika, I'm Sevara

More advanced students might tackle the following:

- I'm Azamat. I like drawing; -He's Azamat. He likes drawing. I am Bobur and I like reading; -He is Azamat. He likes drawing. He is Bobur. He likes reading. I am Zebo and I like playing the violin.

44 № 4(4), Vol.3, December 2015


Remarks: 12 represents a maximum number. You should always take a turn to show you are learning too.

Considering all outlined above I can conclude that teacher's role in the class is an important one. While teaching how to speak he/she have to raise pupil's confidence by showing them the ways of overcoming stress and anxiety. 6-7 year old children are people who see the world only in bright colours. That is why, teaching them demands being in a positive mood and feeling like a child.


1. Brown,H. Douglas. Principles of language learning and teaching. NY: Pearson Education, 2000.

2. Skinner B.F. Science and Human Behaviour. New York: Macmillan, 1953

3. Skinner B.F. The Technology of Teaching .New York: Appleton=Century-Crofts, 1968

4. www.finchpark.com>tkt>Unit_8> how to teach speaking.


Викладач Гуменюк I. Л.

Укрална, Суми,

Сумський державний педагогiчний утверситет iM. А. С. Макаренка

Abstract. In the paper the acoustic analysis results of dynamic parameters in prosodic organization of country nature descriptions are presented. The peculiarities of their functioning in static, static-dynamic and dynamic descriptions are characterized. In the process of experiment the variations of intensity maximum and its localization, intensity level, intensity range, and intensity interval were studied.

Key words: English country nature descriptions, intensity, intensity range, intensity maximum and its localization, intensity level, intensity interval.

Bce6i4He вивчення просодично! оргашзаци будь-яких тишв висловлень або фрагмеппв тексту традицшно прийнято здшснювати на шдст^ поетапного виконання !! аудитивного та акустичного аналiзiв, у межах якого, зазвичай, застосовусться використання класично! системи [Калита 2001, с. 94-98] дослщжуваних штонацшних параметрiв. Не менш традицшно виправданим уважаеться також виконання досить трудомютких процедур акустичного анашзу лише за умов реашзацп попереднього аудитивного анашзу, спрямованого на виявлення загальних закономiрноcтей функцюнування елемеппв просодично! системи у певних визначених дослщником за лiнгвicтичними ознаками класах або групах текcтiв або висловлень.

Щодо особливостей просодичного оформлення англомовних сшьських пейзажних опиciв, множина яких складае об'ект нашого доcлiдження, то при достатньо сформованих у фонетицi уявленнях про загальнi закономiрноcтi !хньо! взаемодй та варiювання, на жаль, практично вщсутньою е здобута iнcтрументальним шляхом шформащя про cпецифiку змiн динашчно! складово! штонаци, без з'ясування яко! вивчення просодп дослщжуваних текcтiв неможна вважати вcебiчним.

Тому метою започаткованого нами доcлiдження було експериментальне встановлення особливостей варiювання динамiчно! складово! в англомовних сшьських пейзажних описах шляхом електроакустичного аналiзу.

Вiдповiдно до методики дослщження, покликано! реалiзувати поставлену мету, експериментальний масив англомовних ciльcьких пейзаж!в було подiлено нами за критерiем iнтенcивноcтi розгортання описуваних ними явищ на три класи текстових фрагмеппв: cтатичнi, динамiчнi i статично-динамiчнi. Сформована таким чином вибiрка мовного матерiалу пiдлягала акуcтичнiй обробцi на персональному комп'ютерi з використанням програм WaveLab [11], SpectraLAB [10], Praat [8] та SFS/WASP [9]. Отримаш в результат комп'ютерно! обробки данi у межах лшгвютично! iнтерпретацi!' зicтавлялиcя при необхщност з даними аудитивного анатзу, опублiкованими в працях [1; 2; 3].

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